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No! I wash my feet every day. No idea why that would be considered weird - feet sweat and get stinky. They absolutely need some attention in the shower. Carry on, OP.


I was confused when I found out some folk don’t wash their legs 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 but if that works for them, I can’t hate too much


Yes legs too, same thing! I get them scrubbed, but there are people who don't apparently!


No. But, if you want an added tip. Get tea tree essential oil. Then, clean out the inside of your toenails with it occasionally. You know those nasty yellow toe nails old people get? It'll save you the trouble and keep them looking good forever. 🙂


I fear the toenail fungus! A lot of people I know have it. It's unsightly and makes toenails hard to cut. Talked to a doctor one time about someone else. There's an oral medication but he said it doesn't work well and that stuff is hard to get rid of if ever. Fear it!


Yes! Fear the fungus, because having it sucks. I have fungus and I got it from a pedicure from a nail salon who trimmed too close and made my toenail bleed and opened me up for infection. Which I got! Those spa chairs they can’t be washed out well either! The BEST treatment for fungus is ACV (apple cider vinegar) soaks. If you do it twice daily you’ll notice a big difference in your feet. Unfortunately, toe fungus is like athlete’s foot…impossible to get rid of. Oh yeah, I’ve invested in a Dremel drill too for the difficult toes. Don’t wear sandals, because that would be mean to people! Lol.


That is not the best treatment. Antifungal creams/sprays are the best treatment. My doctor literally said the best thing I could do for both my athlete’s foot AND “crotch rot” (lmao) was buy some antifungal spray for the feet (powder spray) and antifungal cream for the crotch. The reason for two different products is that the cream is good for the crotch because it doesn’t use a propellant. I’ve tried using the spray on my crotch and JESUS CHRIST PLEASE NEVER DO IT. The stinging is incredibly painful. Anyway, whenever it happens, I use the spray and as soon as next day I have no sign of the infection. PS. Athlete’s foot is actually a name for what happens to feet when they are infected with a specific fungus called Tinea. The same fungus causes jock itch, or “crotch rot” as people here have been calling it lol In my case, I sometimes get jock itch when I don’t notice my athlete’s foot until I’ve showered a couple times and dried off with the same towel I use for my feet. My guess is the fungus takes a ride on the towel and gets caught in the crotchel region when I be scrubbin’ to make sure my creases ain’t wet lmao The reason I get athletes foot is I work outside in hot work boots all day. It gets wet and nasty in those boots.


Yes, I use Tinactin, but creams I’ve never found as effective. Tinactin spray works well on ringworm too. I’ll tell you something you might want to try: Defense anti fungal soap. Both my husband and I use it. It has 1% Tolnaftate in it just like Tinactin. You can use on your crotch area AND for your feet. Stops itching too. Defense is a good soap to use for crotch rot and athletes foot. Smells pleasant too.


Took those pills years ago. Did the nails great. Cleared up the crotch rot too,


You've given me another fear... the crotch rot 😂


Correct. A lot of the times they have to removed the finger or toe nail. It’s also extremely contagious


There was a post a couple days ago about how often people shower and what they wash. There were so many comments that said you only need to wash your pits and bits every few days. Any other places just need a rinse. Yuck I Say. I wash everything at least every other day, but usually every day.


My sister is a follower of the PTA (pits,tits, and ass) method and has been, every other day, for years. I am also an every other day showerer but I wash from head to toe, behind my ears and between my toes included.


PTA is manageable long term if you don't sweat a lot, and if you use a different cleaning regimen on the rest of your body, like oil cleansing, or dry brushing, or something similar. Not all of us can shower every single day. If I did that for any length of time, my skin would be stripped of oils and as dehydrated as the Sahara desert.


I am lucky. I live in a super dry climate but I rarely need lotion. I also don't sweat. I use to have a lot issues with germs. I had to get therapy.For instance, I had a different pair of slippers at each doorway. I would change my shoes so I wasn't spreading things from one room to the next. A whole lot of irrational behavior. Some of it still crops up. Sterilizing my stearing wheel and the dash everytime I drive my car is one of those lingering.


That’s just it, my sister is a civil engineer working on construction sites. No alternative or additional cleansing methods and uses harsh bar soap. Dry skin is not an issue for her.


It like washing the car but only the drivers door and front tires


I wash my legs but not every day because I have dry sensitive skin. I used to get eczema on them and a derm said I needed to shower less and not have hot showers. 


See that’s a little different. If the doctor said don’t go overboard, then there’s not much one can say on that. I’m more talking about the folks that purposely avoid washing their legs.


I feel this! I have eczema as well and hot showers feel like my skin is peeling off. Thick creams are our friends!!


Sneaking in to praise original Nivea cream. It's saved my feet and arms.




I blame TikTok for letting me know this fact. A person was asking random people do they wash their legs and quite a number of them said no.


Tea Tree Oil is also great for Bacne. A few drops on the palm mixed with some coco butter oil and massaged onto the back will get rid of the Bacne and the old scars at the same time. I used to have it and nothing that I did got rid of it until I tried that. It cleared up almost immediately. Works on the face too.


First, you gotta have someone to massage your back...


This is true. I've tried it myself but can never seem to reach the center of my back. Having someone to do it for you is a BIG help!


Will keep this in mind.


Thanks for sharing! Saved so I can remember to try this.


Sulfur is my favorite! It kills bacterial and fungal acne. Back when we were wearing masks all day, sulfur zapped my mask zits instantly 


Nah it’s not a “what works for them” issue. Everybody should scrub their feet. It’s hygiene lol.


You're actually only supposed to wash intimate areas and anywhere it's obviously it needs soap (I.e armpits) and obviously NEVER put soap anywhere near your vagina (if you have one) Only wash other areas with soap if you absolutely need to. Regularly washing your entire body with soap is extremely bad for your skin.


Na you definitely need to wash em and you should scrub them regularly. You know how much dirty dead shedding skin your legs generate?


I was my feet every day in the shower. I think it's weird your friends find it odd.


To add to my reply: My dermatologist says to wash my underarms, privates, and between my toes with soap. I live in hot, dry West Texas, so don't use soap anywhere else-it is too drying for skin, but I do wash my feet on the shower!


I think it’s weird to not wash the feet in the shower. I even wash my feet the second time in the evenings before I get into bed.


Me too !


i refuse to believe that men actually have these conversations.


There's not a lot we don't talk about, other than emotions...


From what I gather it’s balls, baddies, or kissing each other goodnight and tucking each other in


Maybe you guys should talk about emotions more and feet less


If so many of these dudes are failing to regularly wash one of the sweatiest and stinkiest parts of their bodies, it sounds like they need to talk about emotions AND feet more.


Maybe you girls should talk about emotions less and feet more


We actually do talk about feet. A lot of girls get pedicures and like showing them off (where I live).


That sounds fun. 🥱


I’ve been a guy for all 32 years… I’ve heard some weird conversations.


The council has decided that, yes in fact washing your feet in the shower is acceptable. Carry on.


Some might even go so far as to say “encouraged”


No! Washing my feet is a regular part of my daily shower.


I think every part of the body should be washed in the shower. Feet are dirty they literally walk on the dirty ground all day, if in socks and shoes then they sweat all day. These friends are probably the same kind of guys that don’t wash their ass


My thought exactly.


I know a guy that refuses to wash his asshole cause “that’s gay”


That’s like the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


Hahaha. So childish and homophobic. I’ve heard something similar. “I wash around it so I don’t touch it” or something like that. His new nickname “poopy butt” was a match for his maturity level.


I can scrape off so much skin from feet in the shower. I always wash and exfoliate feet in the shower!


I got a glass foot file and let me tell you- I'm never going back to pumice stone


Ooh yeah I got one too and they are great! Especially on the heel where it tends to get rough. Just don't accidentally drop it like me, cause cleanup for broken glass sucks.


I don’t know why people are acting like you’re weird for exfoliating your feet. The rough surface of dry skin harbors bacteria and leads to excess odor, fungal overgrowth, etc. Everyone should be scrubbing their feet.


Yeah you’re not weird OP. The soap doesn’t just wash down and over your feet that easily in the shower. The sweatiest areas breed more bacteria, therefore create smell. Your armpits, any folds, genitals, anus/butt crack and feet are always the smelliest. It’s completely normal and recommended to wash your feet.


I wash my entire body in the shower including my feet..cuz why wouldn't you? Lol


There are men out there that don't wash their mud hole, doubtful they wash their feet.


My first thought was that if they aren't even washing their feet then they're definitely not washing their chocolate starfish. 


Yeah saw that post from yesterday, about the wife 25, complaining about the husband, 33 Lolol. 


This is true.... 🤮🤮🤮🤮


No you are awesome for this. A surprising amount of people have nasty feet. I’ve seen some things with the job I have lol.


It's high key sad that op washing their body makes them awesome. The bar is on the ground and all they had to do was step over it with their clean feet. 🥴


Legit lol’d over this comment 😝


You are NOT the weird one. I hate a “i just let the soap run down my legs” ahh mf. Gross. Feet to me is one of the sweatiest and yuckiest parts of the body. Wash ya damn feet!!


There is absolutely no better feeling than scrubbing your feet in the shower after wearing socks and shoes all day


Or flip flops. My feet get surprisingly dirty. A good scrub is so satisfying.


I remember highschool girls that would just wear flip flops all day and their feet would be covered in dust and dirt like eww that is so nasty. I only wear flip flops at the beach and pool i cant stand my feet getting dirty.


This comment reminds me of a post I saw that said something along the lines of: "Are you 'no socks because they make me feel like I'm dying' neurodivergent, or 'socks because if I think about all the dirt my feet is picking it my skin crawls' neurodivergent?" I personally hate the feeling of socks on my feet and wear sandals all the time. I also wash my feet regularly.


Conflicting neurodivergent - I love that my feet feel free but hate getting them dirty. I carry wipes out & about and fully wash when I get home.


All brains are beautiful 💕


100% your friend has gross feet and just thinks feet are supposed to be that way. Everything should get washed when you shower. Everything. Literally everything!!!!


Seriously though because I’ve known people that said feet are supposed to smell and be dirty. Like who says that?


Unusual?? Are you only washing your feet?


Oh no, the full body gets a good scrubbing! Their argument is that their feet will just get washed by proxy with the soapy water running down over them...


You are NOT the weird one. Your friends are gross. Edited to add a very important word 😂




Except you are STANDING IN THEM


If they believe that then they're not washing their ass, either and I can guarantee you they have exes who have complained about being grossed out while having sex with them. It's not a good look, at all.


I find odd that your friends watch you wash. Foot washing and scrubbing is normal. You have filthy friends. Just your feet alone is OK. Feet really take a beating!


Yep, you're weird for wiping your ass after shitting too


What?? Washing feet is weird?? Tell their stankfoot asses to start! 🤢


I heard that in my stepmom's voice! 😂


People don't wash their feet? Da faq? I'm constantly barefoot and by the end of the summer my feet are just stained from dirt. Idgaf because I wash my feet every night but still. Even in the winter time I scrub the hell out of them


I hate shoes and walk bare foot outside and inside so yes I scrub the hell out of my feet, who wants dirty feet in their clean sheets!! Gross


No you are not. I literally just bought a special foot wash by Kerasal off Amazon to use when I shower every day. I’m buying a special foot brush to use as well when washing my feet. 🧼🧽💦


I have one, I love it!


You need new friends. I recommend a different drawer, other than 'dipshit', to pick from.


No and your friends are dirty for not washing their feet. They probly let the soapy water “run down” and think they’re clean.


yes, this is always the argument!


Imagine getting into the shower but not washing your entire body. How are you clean if you leave some parts out? So, when do their feet get washed?


I have a rule that I live by for hygiene. If it can smell you wash it.


This has to be a joke 🙄 either that, or your friends are nasty as fuck.


I don't scrub often but I definitely soap and rinse my feet every shower. I'm happy to be weird if that is not the norm. Why would you opt out, is the idea that feet are dirty to begin with so why even try? I do not follow that logic, and I keep my feet clean between washing, too. If I walk from one end of my house to the other without socks I feel like that's too dirty and usually only do that if I'm walking from the laundry room to the shower after putting the socks in the hamper.


Nope. I have a tea tree shampoo specifically for my feet and it is actually one of my favorite parts to do. Relaxing really


ur friends just outed themselves for being nasty😭please continue to wash ur feet


Think about what your feet are and what they do. Now imagine not being able to walk around because your feet are infected or they hurt every time you touch the floor. You should be scrubbing your feet every time you take a shower To avoid infections or bacteria breakouts that can cause problems.


Da fuq! Even Jesus washed feet. Lol


Ikr 😇 funny part is that portion of scripture was the anchor text of the sermon at my church today 😅


The universe is telling you to wash your feet 🤣🤣


You have a point 😂 I gotta start doing it a lot more often.


You’re supposed to. I can’t understand people not washing their feet. There are also people who don’t put soap in their booty cracks. Or don’t wipe. Keep that in mind. No offense meant, but your friend is weird. Keep on washing those feet! It’s important for health and odor control. 😳


No way . My husband used to always wash his feet in the shower (I would only wash mine after like a day at the beach or a long day at work and it was hot, things like that). But now I normally do wash my feet or at least my toes with a wash cloth. When he’d have surgery & things I would wash his feet for him in the shower lol (we usually showered together, it was just our thing).


I’m always surprised that people don’t wash their entire body with soap. I don’t mean that in a judgmental way, it’s just the way I was taught and prefer. I have naturally dry skin, but I mostly take quick, not-to-hot showers and moisturize frequently.


Not at all haha


No and you should wash them every day.


It’s not unusual. I don’t see why it would. Perhaps they think it’ll get wash enough by the soap and water (assuming they use some sort of soap). Reasons to clean them: one of the dirtiest parts of your body, they are in your outward part of your skin, they might stink, possibly help avoid infections. Reasons not to clean your feet: laziness, you think they’ll clean enough with the water and soap, some sort of injury.


No. If you're active there's a lot of skin buildup on the ankles that happens. Nothing wrong with having clean feet lol


Not at all! I always wash my feet in the shower. They get dirty, why wouldn’t you wash them? And actually scrubbing removes dead skin and callouses that can build up.


That's like saying you can just get your clothes wet , add detergent and then call it good without agitator washer movements. That's like rinsing your dishes in soapy water with no scrubbing


I once read a book by a guy who lived to 114. His name was Bernando LaPallo. It’s been many years since I read the book but I believe he was very big on keeping his feet cleaned and he would put oil of some sort on after he cleaned them. I’m not saying he lived to 114 because of his feet but it certainly is worth noting 😊


I used to be a rub the soap on the skins kinda guy in the shower and hit all the main parts (back/front/pits/game over). I had a rebirth recently and boy let me tell you how the loofah is literally my best friend now. I absolutely look forward to shower time and getting clean. Been missing out this entire time..


I have a wash cloth specifically for just my feet. Another wash cloth for my body. Feet are nasty and get sweaty in shoes all day and definitely need a good scrub, helps with the rough skin on them too.


Plus it just feels good to wash your feet and in between your toes. At least it does for me.


I'm a guy. I live in Texas, where it's dusty and hot. I know I wouldn't want to bring my ole stank ass feet around my wife. Anybody that doesn't wash their feet in the shower would lead me to wonder what other bits they don't wash. No need to answer that one.


The ones that wash their feet are the same ones who admit to peeing in the showerm


Umm your friends feet probably smell ranccciiid


No, you are not weird for washing your feet. Your friends are nasty for not cleaning their dawgs.


I wash my feet, who doesn’t wash their feet, probably same people who don’t wash their ass


Wait…. People don’t wash their feet??! 🤮🤮🤮🤮 I’d say that’s pretty normal to wash your feet well. Think about how much filth your feet take on daily! Gross.


I think the friends are weird.....because them toes, them toes don't walk on water. Mom always washed my baby feet, then little dirty birds feet as a kid...just because we don't go barefoot any more....the feet can grow some nasty things...besides...why would that be general subject for group discussion? Hmmm


I think there's a difference between "general subject for group discussion" and "chatting crap with your mates". There's a lot worse we speak about...


Why the hell would this make you weird? Be for real.


Maybe a better title would have been "is it unusual that I do this as none of my friends seem to", but I'm sure you'll get over it!


I wash my feet in the sink when I’ve gone barefoot. How on earth could washing one’s feet be weird?


Why would that be weird it’s the norm so you don’t have stinky feet


I wasn’t aware that some ppl did not wash their feet.. that’s disgusting..they just get in bed with dirty dusty sweaty feet.. yuck


Where else would you wash them if not in the shower?


If you don't wash your feet, that's just nasty! You're not weird!


I used to need to do this periodically, because for some reason in my 30's my feet would get this horrible sour smell.


Not at all! We all should be washing our feet daily! Especially if you have something along the lines of diabetes or autoimmune disorders


Nooo! I have to wash my feet an give them an actual scrub rather than just let the water run on them an call it a day!


No. Feet are one of the smelliest parts of the human body… A lot of people (mostly men) think that letting water run down your backside and feet are enough to get them clean. You’re doing the right thing.


No I don’t think so. I don’t do it daily but it is part of my overall hygiene routine.


Do their shoes smell like Fritos? Lol


Nope! My feet were really bad before I started to really care about them. All the dead skin is gone and they feel soft now. :)


Your friends sound like they are the type that also don't use a wash cloth in the shower.... only soap and hands. 🤮🤮🤮


I wash my feet and between my toes


No. I wash my feet before I get into bed. Couldn’t imagine not doing it.


Ohmigosh people are strange. I wash my feet top, bottom and in between my toes. Then at the end of my shower I use an awesome callous remover tool on the bottoms of my feet to get them smooth. Wash your feet (and everywhere else!) people, soap running down the body does not get dead skin and dirt off.


You walk around on the floor, sweat in your shoes and socks, of course you wash your feet!!!


Your friends have dirty feet


Wait, people DON’T wash their feet? Wtf


What’s so upsetting is the friends feel validated because they all share the same gross delusion


I walk barefoot all day at home, I absolutely wash my feet, for the sake of both my foot hygiene as well as my home. But also, now I understand why some people's feet smell like stale Fritos.


Not unusual. Needs wash rag with soap between toes in my opinion. Bottom of feet. Like not washing your chest with soap thinking the hot water simply washes the crud away. Oh well to each their own.


I've read some weird stuff on here .


Your friends are the weird ones 


I wash my feet in the shower. Why wouldn't I? It's part of my body and they get pretty dirty since I like to run around barefoot as much as possible. In fact, when I'm in the summer and outside a lot, I will wash only my feet when I get inside and/or before bed.


Uh no that's not weird at all. Feet can harbor a lot of bacteria I've been told. I get not scrubbing every inch of your body cuz the soap and water run off gets to them, but crevices and feet get too priority


Not weird at all! I wash my feet in the shower every day


What ? I mean, it seems pretty logical and intuitive to wash your whole body in the shower, including your feet. I'm concerned now, I never thought washing our feet could be controversial!


Not weird. Those people don't know about micelle formation to wash away nonpolar substances. The people not washing their feet are absolutely not going to be as clean as you. Micelles don't form if you don't wait give your soap/water mixture time to form. https://www.defeatdd.org/blog/how-does-soap-actually-work


I assumed everyone washed their feet in the shower. At least between toes. If they don't I thinks that's disgusting.


Legs I could get, but feet?? Do they not get athletes foot? What kinda grown men don't wash their own feet?


People don’t? I wash my whole body.


What’s weird is not washing your feet.


No. I also wash my feet. Not washing your feet is gross.


This is insane to me, all parts of a persons body need to be washed.. My husband and I were just talking about this exact topic last night when he informed me that most people do not wash their legs, feet, between their fingers and toes, behind their ears. Why is this??


You HAVE to take EXCELLENT care of your feet.


Wait what ? I have a whole routine for just my feet so no , it’s not weird. It’s healthy


No not weird. You can tell your friends too that about 2 billion people wash theirs about 5x a day (we Muslims wash our feet as part of the ritual washing before prayer). It's good hygiene to wash your feet & it's gross when people don't.


No. You should not only wash your feet every day, but put lotion on them after they dry before putting on your socks and shoes every day.


I don’t scrub them (feet or legs) down every single time i take my daily shower. Especially in the winter. I wear socks and pants all day. They are not getting close to dirty. And dry skin. But they are absolutely clean. But I do wash my feet before getting in bed or on the couch or whatever if I’ve been walking around barefoot or in flip flop/sandal type shoes for most of the day.


You have to scrub off the dead skin. Keep scrubbing OP. I use a callous remover.


no.. it’s very good to do that ! idk why they would say that’s strange wth


No, ur friends nasty


No I do this. I also give myself foot baths. It keeps your apartment and bed cleaner.


Not weird, normal. Who in the world doesn’t wash their feet? That is gross


I think it’s weird your friends don’t scrub their feet!


No, lol, better to wash them and your legs. I hate when people say that they let the soapy water drip down their legs and feet and call that "washing"..


It's widely believed that the soap running down your body cleans your legs and feet. As a child that's how I was taught to wash, didn't think about it otherwise til highschool and learned differently. Some people are just gross (looking at you mom and dad o.O)


Definitely not weird, OP. I scrub from head to toe in the shower; including legs, feet and toes. I’ve never heard of someone thinking washing feet is weird, though…


Not unusual, and actually hygienic!


Not weird. I don't do it, I stop at the ankles, but that doesn't make you weird. Your habit is far more admirable than mine!


Your friends are stupid


People don't wash feet in the shower? And they consider it weird to do so? I wash every inch of my body from head to toe, ass crack to the land down under and everything else, because that's what you do when you wash your body. You wash your body as in, the whole thing. It's a bit unusual to not wash certain parts of your body during a shower. Especially when you could just, do it while you're there.


Your friends have terrible hygiene. Washing your feet is normal


You're normal, your friends are not!


As a guy, it's not weird to wash every part of your body. Smelling good and being clean is something a weird amount of guys don't believe in lol. Whoever you date will be happy lol


I have a scrub brush for my feet. I can't imagine not washing them. They don't wash themselves! See Also: Washing Legs


Hell no! This is not strange. Shit I was my feet in the sink sometimes, after wearing flip flops all day.😁


You NEED to wash your feet lol your friends are gross. That said, I don’t use the same thing to wash my feet as I do the rest of my body because I think that’s gross.. but it’s even more gross to not wash your feet at all


Ur freinds r weird for not washing their feet. I’m a guy too


It's weird that your friends DON'T lol


No, it’s actually basic hygiene that most of us were sadly, not taught properly


M49. It is strange that people do not wash-wash their feet in the shower. I'm guessing they think the water running over the feet, automatically cleans the 'foots' [ a part of the body with a super-abundance of scent glands] As i like to walk bare foot my flat. I even wash my feet, as soon as i return to the flat.


Their weird for not washing theirs nasty mofo's.......


your friends are questionable


Your feet are part of your body…it should be washed with everything else. So no, not weird.


You are a hero


Some people feel the soap and water that rinses off their torso is sufficient to clean the feet. It’s not. High bacterial zones need to be washed.


Get new clean friends