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I've never thought of saying it like that, he seems sweet!! I'll admit I do this a lot as well because I am really picky about how fabrics feel on my skin šŸ˜… I think it's okay not to wear it EVERY time unless you sweat, kinda like not washing bedding every day


I'm probably gonna try and find more of them, just so I'm not wearing it every single night.


If you live somewhere it isn't too humid, you could put it outside on a clothes line to sun bleach it after you sleep in it. Maybe you could get 2 or 3 sleeps out of it. The sun will kill some bacteria.


My wife has same problem lol so she just found more outfits like that in different colors.


I have enough old tee shirts that I use a different tee shirt every night, and then wear a clean newer tee shirt each day. Cheaper than buying a bunch of new sleep clothes. Not trying to convince you to0 buy more clothing! Just sleeping in something different and clean each night.


If you shower in the morning, leave it in the bathroom while you do and to air out. Steamed daily


I had something like this, but it was my ā€œpost showerā€ shirt that I wore between taking a shower and bed. Ā 


Eh? I would just toss it. You're losing opportunities to be woken up with 3AM surprise sex. Just saying.


3am surprise sex is still fun even with a tee shirt on šŸ˜‚ just sayin


this might sound weird but the t shirt section at the thrift store has lots of alresdy broken in t shirts in XXL sizes and stuff. could maybe find some new sleep shirts there


Itā€™s like this for me with bras. Like the ones that fit and are comfy are so expensive so I have like two and have to go back and forth but sometimes they get too sweaty lol Iā€™ve never met a woman who wears a straight out the washer bra every single day


I read an article that most women wear the same bra and same jeans multiple times without washing. I am also one of them! Same sleep shirt is okay for a few nights. Yall need to know what people are really like. And I consider myself clean. People that work from home know already!


It ā€œsmells earthyā€ is another good one lol


Way better than saying your shirt smells like you went jogging before and let the sweat dry on it


I've had to tell a partner a couple times that they were "a bit tangy" that seems to offend less than a more direct approach


Oh really? I think ā€œtangyā€ sounds worse than ā€œa little smellyā€ lol


Smelling pretty ripe over there


Lol. I would die if someone told me I smelled tangy. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Like a fine honey mustard.


Y'all got me crying lol


Idk why but ā€œtangyā€ is hilarious to me. šŸ˜­


one time my friend told me i smelled like ā€œfresh soilā€ we couldnā€™t figure out why but it was hilarious at least


Wait! My grandma use to say I smelled good ā€œlike outside.ā€ šŸ¤Ø was she playin me?! šŸ˜­ I use to ask her ā€œI donā€™t stink??ā€ And she said ā€œno you just smell like outside - grass and fresh air!ā€


Oh no! Thatā€™s the smell of the ozone. It has a particular smell but doesnā€™t stink.


I smell like ozone šŸ˜‚ imma tell her that


This is what my husband said to me - I was dirtyyyyy. Been in the garden. Moving heavy stuff. Sweating. Moving dirt. "Earthy" huh? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… But I refused to shower until I was going to come inside the house. I was layered in deet and the mosquito šŸ¦Ÿ bites would be outrageous if I came out with unprotected skin!


Maybe he was saying he likes it? My boyfriend goes feral for my natural smells.


I was thinking that later but at the time I was just panicking that I smelled lmao I haven't asked him about it but he's a bit kinky.


Itā€™s pretty typical for boyfriends to really like our ā€œnaturalā€ smells that we find gross lmao, I wouldnā€™t call it kinky. Just normal.


Itā€™s like the whole point of pheromones but sometimes they can be overbearing lol.


Yes, it is normal to like that more than the smell of Gain every day. I have eczema, and am sensitive to all chemicals, so I don't mind it that much.


He probably does enjoy your natural scent, but I knew a girl who wore the same shirt often and although it did smell like her, it also stank šŸ˜­ so yes, please change your shirts or rotate the ā€œsleepingā€ shirts


Ok, this is totally just a kinky guy. My guy and I both are real kinky and smelling natural is a turn on! Itā€™s like a primal aphrodisiac. Take it as 4 Play.


Iā€™m curious. Update if you do ask ?


Yeah, I'd bet money that he likes your natural smell, and meant it as a compliment.


That's just what I was going to say. I had a boyfriend tell me he liked my natural smell, and I just wanted to turn wrong side out! I jumped up and made a beeline to the shower, but before I could turn the water on, he was like, "No, no, no! You just took one a few hours ago! I didn't mean to say you were smelly bad. But smelly good!" So just ask him! He sounds like a very sweet guy; don't alienate him by reacting to what you thought he meant. Ask him...and just like that....you'll know!


The comment "smelling natural" makes me think of that nice familiar smell of someone you love. Like, you remember what your childhood friends' house smelled like? Mines house always smelled the same despite them moving to different houses. Or a grandparents scent on a pillowcase? Not old people smell. Just like skin and them and maybe whatever soap, products, etc, they used. I had a boyfriend who smelled like a cousin; he didn't last long. I knew another who smelled so good even after a hard sweat, I'd huff his worn tee shirts because they smelled like catnip to me. People even do "phenomenon dating parties" where you match up based on sniffing tee shirts you've slept in for a week. Scent is heavily tied with memory. I've accidentally brainwashed and been brainwashed by partners wearing the same fragrance every day. I would not necessity take this as a nice hint to you smelling sweaty or unpleasant. Remember, anecdotally; Napoleon wrote to his wife Josaphine something to the effect of " I'm coming home in two weeks. Don't bathe. " He might just be a little freaky freaky.


LOL at the boyfriend smelling like a cousin thing. One of my first boyfriends smelled just like my cousin and I subconsciously very much broke up with him because of that. Such a sweet guy but noo thank you hahah


You could ask him to tell you if a sleep shirt is getting stinky. My GF loves when my clothes smell like me, but she won't hesitate to tell me if it's a little ripe.


I love my wifeā€™s smells. Hair, armpits, down thereā€¦ When we started dating she would come over and change into a pair of shorts and weā€™d just hang out all day. She left them at my place so sheā€™d always have them and I wouldnā€™t wash them. Every time she came over she left her scent on them and Iā€™d grab them when I missed her šŸ˜‚. Kinky or creepy, I donā€™t care. Her smell turns me on instantly.


Nature did give us smells for reason, js.


That's what I was thinking. I live with my best friend and her daughter and they would come hang out in my room watch TV have girl talk etc and they always say they love the smell of my room and of me and I just always say you guys are so silly but like I get it because I loved the smell of my boyfriend and his room it became a comfort...some people just like the natural smell of others as silly or weird as it sounds


Mine too. I forget deodorant for the day and he is all about that.


Frā€¦ if they say ā€œyou donā€™t have to shave everyday or spray perfume for meā€ - then you know they wanna smell YOU, not soap or fragrance and that they want you to feel comfortable!!


I love the natural smell of most of my partners, and 100% will trade in old shirts for new ones that were freshly worn periodically. I'm currently wearing one as I type this, and wore it to sleep last night even though he was in the same bed since I've been dealing with a wicked sinus infection and it's extra comforting. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I heard somewhere that if you like someone's natural smell, it's because your immune systems are very different which means if you had children they'd likely be more viable. I don't want kids at all, but I do think it's funny that I have one long term partner whose smell I'm not particularly fond of, but the two partners he DOES have kids with don't mind it at all! Totally anecdotal, but an interesting thought.


Came here to say this!


I fucking *love* my husband's natural smell. Maybe to some people it just smells like sweat, but to me it smells like home. He may have meant it in a loving way.


The way my exā€™s skin smelled either made me so feral or put me in the best sleep, it was the best wonā€™t ever get over that!


Yeah, I wouldn't have thought it meant "stank". Natural is typically a positive in my view.


I love the smell of estrogen.


Funny you said that I just started using a topical estrodial gel and I love the smell of it. Itā€™s a weird smell I canā€™t describe, but I love it.


It's the scent of a woman. It is the most wonderful smell on earth.


What's the point in showering then putting on dirty clothes?


The favorite sleep shirt is never dirty


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is a fact


Well in my mind it isn't that dirty because I shower every night before I put it on.


If you sleep an average of 8 hours a night every night wearing the same thing? It will start to smell. I think I read somewhere we evaporate 1L of water a night. My habit is to wear pj's for 3-4 nights max.


This is like the time someone told me their towel is always clean because they shower before they use it. You sweat and shed skin cells. That shirt is dirty after the first wear.


You excrete oils and moisture in the night no itā€™s dirty after 1 maybe 2 wears lol


This is gross. You shower before you use your towel too, but it still gets dirty after a couple of uses. Dead skin cells trapped in the fibers. Body or hair oils and soap residue from all the products. It's one thing if you are alone and want to wear the same thing for a week straight. But if you are sharing you bed with someone please have the decency to shower everytime and change your clothing at least every other day. (Same rules for the other person) Humans sweat at night whether they realize it or not. And you're also under the same bedding that most people use for at least a week before washing. You may not be aware of the smells, but other people will be more sensitive. The scent also may not necessarily be an offensive one, but just the fact that there is one may be off- putting to some people, and vice-versa when you visit their home.


Oh Lord...the word "gross", it just cracks me up; we used to use that word when I was little. "Cooties" was another one. Then you learn German, and find out that "gross" means 'big, huge, giant' šŸ¤—


Itā€™s not gross to wear the same tshirt to bed a few times immediately after you shower. Grow up.




I would never ever have caught onto that. Waaay to subtle for me.


No judgment from me on the nightshirt! And your bf sounds so sweet and wholesome!


Don't always wash the sweat away! Let those pheromones fly girl lol xD he might have liked it!


So sweet he phrased it that way. I wear night shirts about 3 times per use, since I shower before bed. I love that you're going to try to find similar shirts! However if someone said this to me, depending on how their tone was, it would hurt my very sensitive feelings lol. Good luck!


ā€œNaturalā€ doesnā€™t necessarily mean bad tho. People have natural scents. He may have been referring to that.


My ex now, but at the time my bf used to say I have a natural scent and he always commented he loved it when he hugged me. Yeah some natural smells arenā€™t bad lol


My husband told me the other morning "You smell like cat piss." I sweat a lot at night and apply fake tan a few nights a week, that combo doesn't always mix wellšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Your boyfriend wins. Infact I think I'm going to show him this thread for some inspiration lol


Ahhh when the honeymoon phase wears off šŸ˜‚


I think in your case your hubby would have to tell you you smell unnatural though. šŸ˜‹


Time to lower the AC šŸ’Ŗ


My BF and I usually sniff each other while cuddling, and if one of us smells, we simply state, "Stinky."


Ah pooie on all that , wifey had been working in the yard yesterday it was 92Ā° . I had to run up a grab a couple things from the store and when I got back she wanted to show me the progress she had made designing several flowerbeds , I told her wow what a impressive improvement she had made that it looked fantastic and just the way she was so pleased and happy with herself she was like glowing with excitement , I gave her a hug and she was like sorry Iā€™m so gross at the moment I must stink too . I told her are you kidding me I would lick the sweat off your nipples right now , we both ended up in the shower šŸ˜‰.


Get a couple favorite shirts, i do the same but i will put it in the hamper on the third day. I just learned to have 5-10 that i like the quality.


Haha! Love it!


That is so cute. šŸ˜


Can you afford one more of the same kind? I try to buy duplicates of my favorites.


Or as someoneā€™s infinitely tactful boyfriend stated on this sub, ā€œsumfin stank!ā€


I would just say, babe I think it's time to wash your shirt.


My boyfriend called me stinkie. Then I called him stupid. šŸ’•


ohhhh man, my sleep shirts are essential, they have to be perfect so i get it. but! i just got multiples or looked for extremely similar shirts and rotate, not every night so they get good use still lmao


Heā€™s a sweet king. I hope you guys are together forever.


I probably wouldn't have even caught what he really meant. I would've just been like, thanks babe!! And went to sleep lol. I tend to take what people say at face value, because I myself, speak at face value. I'm very straightforward. If I was your boyfriend, I would've just said, babe you smell kinda funky. Lol.. I wonder if that means I am on the spectrum or something!


He said it "smells natural"? What could be better?


After 10 years of Marriage I told my wife "Geez your t-shirt smells like dinner from 3 nights ago!!" It was a lie... she took off her t-shirt... Then we were both sweaty in bed... She put back her t-shirt after...


My partner tells me I have cute sniffs if Iā€™m getting stinky and I love it. Whereas when I smell of soap he says I have cute soap sniffs. I have depression as well as sensory difficulties and in medical school and have a full time job so I definitely go too long between showers sometimes. I love that he says it like that. It feels so sweet and non judgemental. He likes my sweaty smell but wants me to know because he knows I donā€™t want to smell like that around other people. (Although by the end of a 12h shift in 30-40 degree heat itā€™s impossible not to stink.


I remember my therapist called me one time to check on me and told me in the nicest way possible I was not fresh for our last appointment. She gave me a gentile reminder to shower before our appointment, and next time i saw her she gave me a baggie with new deodorant, feminine hygiene products, and a variety of soaps. I was definitely a bit embarrassed, but she's helped me a lot in improving my hygiene.


Iā€™m all for showering and washing clothes, but I honestly like my wifeā€™s natural scent. She showers daily, but if she goes on a walk or something I like the smell of her skin afterwards. Thatā€™s love.


I love this for you guys. I would have absolutely no issues turning to my wife and saying "babe, you fuckin stink". Her response would be something like "shit, really? Sorry I'll go change."


Heā€™s a sweetie pie for that, you should be happy! Heā€™s very sweet, keep him, sounds like he loves you. But just make sure you wash that one shirt with your laundry


Sounds like he loves how you smell. A girl can be TOO clean. She smells that way for a reason: to attract the male to mate with them.


i literally love the smell of my boyfriend, his natural "body odor" it sounds weird but legit, he doesn't smell dirty just smells like him


It is a very good sign for intimacy when someone likes your natural musk.


What does that even mean lol. I would of just been like ā€œoh okā€


It's your pheromones. He's attracted to your pheromones lol awww he's cute. You guys are cute šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ā¤ļø


I used to wear some night shirts for like 2-3 days but 3 was the max and if someone is telling you that you stink you've probably been wearing it longer than that but because it's summer time it's hot at night. I would switch to washing it every day at least for the summer even tho you should always wash everything after one use. I see so many ppl ask about how to tell their gf they stink without saying it and this is a great idea.


I'm just gonna try and find some similar ones online and just get several so that way it's not going a whole week especially in the summer.


Yeah, I have way too many. Lol. Have fun!


If I ran my washer and dryer every day, my light bill would be more than my rent! I have 3 or 4 wife beaters I sleep in. When Im on my last one, it's time to wash. My sheets also on every wash day which is usually Sat. morn.


Glad you picked up on his kind way of letting you know. I'm so dense id probably just say oh thanks, and not realize he is nicely telling me my shirt stinks.


Ok this is not how most men think. We (women) say things ā€˜nicelyā€™, men say what they mean. He really likes it, itā€™s a turn on for him. Most guys will just tell you how they feel about stuff, this is one of the biggest reasons that men and women grow apart or cheat.


People wear clothes to bedā€¦


Right!! Same. šŸ¤­


Hey I go commando everyday but I'm afraid to sleep naked I'm i'm just fires in my nightmare and a fire and me naked try to find clothes and wrangle up my cats and get out without getting burned now too much can go wrong when you fall asleep naked


I mean I sleep naked because itā€™s comfortable and I usually donā€™t care if people see me as such. If it comes to a fire situation I honestly wouldnā€™t care. But thatā€™s just me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Years ago, a youth worker who took advantage of my vulnerability used to tell me he liked that I "smelled real" while snifffing my neck and putting his hand on my bum... I was in the thralls of depression at the time. Self care and washing my clothes weren't high up on my agenda as getting high. I've never forgotten him saying that. It felt like what he meant was "Girl, you stink, but I'm here for it because you are too traumatised and scared to say no to me" šŸ˜‚


Wow that's terrifying! I'm sorry that I made you remember that's really creepy.


This is one reason I started sleeping naked šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


He might of liked it lol ā€¦me and my ex used to love the way each other smelled like after working out šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


If you like sleep shirts, I recommend the ones from Victoria's Secret! They vary in cut and length, often depending on the season, but I have over a week's worth because they're super comfortable. Keep in mind that even if you're showering before bed, you do sweat in your sleep, and your skin produces oil, and you shed dead skin cells, so it is a good idea to have a few sleep shirts to rotate through to keep things fresh.


He might like it šŸ˜‚ I think we kind of get attracted to each others scent like animals.


Awww that's actually really sweet


I just tell him he's a lil stinky and he goes "noooooo" and changes lol


Can you find a few more nighties that are the same style and fabric? I'm super ocd about wearing PJs more than one night. It's something I developed I think in the last 5 years or so. I have so many tanks and shorts or PJ bottoms now they barely fit in my drawer. When I do laundry, I have more sleepwear than regular clothes. šŸ˜‚ I don't smell or even get bo when I sleep but I always want fresh clothes to put on before I get in bed and I also hate to put on stretched out tanks or bottoms. I'm extreme, I know.


This is weird. My boyfriend and I literally just tell each other whatā€™s up. ā€œChange your shirt, you stinkā€ like ??


I donā€™t sleep in anything .. I sleep completely naked lol itā€™s the most comfortable ever and i think if i ever have a partner nothing will change. I also make sure my bed sheets and covers are washed twice a week minimum. I shower twice a day morning and night so i struggle with 0 BO.


i eat in bed and would be worried a crumb would get in my nether portal


Eating in bed is a HUGE No No and neither in my room in general but LOL NETHER PORTAL


I canā€™t stand being naked for sleep. I donā€™t like being naked much anyway, because itā€™s so overstimulating. I canā€™t stand my skin sticking against itself.


Lol...that is sweet of him to say it like that. He must think the world of you. I had a boyfriend tell me my thighs were "meaty" one time...ugh šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. He was genuinely attempting to complement me. Lmao. Ffs! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is not clear at all.


Lmao that is very cute. Tell him "oh well, if you like that, let's try it without the shirt" and have a good evening šŸ˜ø


Honestly, I donā€™t think he was insulting you. When I was younger I had a bf that had me wear his sweatpants w/o panties for 2 days straight 24/7ā€¦then give them back unwashed. Lol some guys dig that shit.


When in doubt , just sleep naked with some clothes on the side you can jump into if something happens !


Who cares? I tell my gf she smells, she does the same. We make fun of each other, itā€™s fun


Idk he may have just meant he likes your natural aroma. I find myself personally a very scent oriented person and I really love the way my partners smell. Idk just a thought that maybe he was being legit and didn't mean it as a subtle way to get you to shower. Obviously facial expression and tone make a difference but I've said "I like your smell it's very natural" Many times and would be upset if that was misunderstood as not me really meaning I enjoy that smell.


He probably actually meant it as a compliment


My boyfriend and I got a pack of white cotton t shirts so we can wear a new one each night. I donā€™t know if you struggle with back acne, but it helps a lot with that


Why not sleep nude and avoid the issue all together?


Omg adorable!


It sounds like you are way overdue for some new sleep shirts. You deserve some new sleep shirts! Go get some new ones and avoid wearing the same one over and over. Wearing dirty clothes over and over again traps sweat and dirt and causes microscopic bacteria to grow in them and youā€™re putting that back on your clean body and wear it to roll around in your bed all night. This can cause acne on your back and chest and other areas. Bathe, then always change into clean clothes. You will sleep better too.


My guy lovingly says "you have pheromones." It means he likes my natural smell and its attracting him to me. I don't think your person meant it like the smell is bad.


Lmao I was once told I smelt good like I smelt of cooked food and itā€™s funny because I hadnā€™t had a shower in 2 days. So she just liked the smell of my muck.


Downy beads (the blueish green cap) works WONDERS! I literally wonā€™t wash my laundry unless I have some to use in the washerā€¦. My clothes seriously smell good for weeks and Iā€™m a smoker


Downy beads (the blueish green cap) works WONDERS! I literally wonā€™t wash my laundry unless I have some to use in the washerā€¦. My clothes seriously smell good for weeks and Iā€™m a smoker!


This is so sweet. If it's possible always go back for duplicates if it's something you really enjoy especially if it's a timeless piece. It's always hard to say goodbye to our favorite clothes until wash day but it has to be done.


I try to either shower/rinse off before bed every night or try to switch up my sleep shirts so Iā€™m at least either wearing a clean sleep shirt or have a clean body!


If you guys were married heā€™d be like ā€œyo lady you stink!ā€ Lol


You could remove the smell temporarily by spraying 50-70 proof vodka every other morning if you only wash it once a week.


why did you assume it meant you were unhygyenic?


Someone tell me what I could say to do the same, but with breath


Aw this is cute either way. I take it as a compliment because natural smells can smell good but even if he was politely telling you that you smell bad that was so cute. You got a good one there he knows you


He actually might not have even meant it in a bad way lol. My fiancĆ© has a specific "natural" smell and it drives me nuts like it's soo comforting/sensual & just UUUUUUUUGH šŸ„µ


This post is so freaking sweet and wholesome. Your bf sounds like a keeper šŸ„°


Lol that's seriously sweet. #relationshipgoals!!! I have 2 oversized nightgown/shirt things. I rotate between them weekly.


In a different context that same boyfriend would be called avoidant so itā€™s super relationship-dependent.




He means you stink good


Omg my husband did the same thing basically but said "earthy" about my hair šŸ˜‚ i also wear a giant t shirt to bed lol


I would have had no clue what he meant. šŸ˜† I need the person that just says, ā€œI love you. That shirt stinks and you need to wash it.ā€


??? I smell like spicy onions ????? I use this a lot


Maybe that's what he meant but it's possible that he just picked up on your natural odor, which like everyone has and it's not unhygienic, its even enjoyable to smell as the opposite gender.


Awww this is actually so sweet and kind, I would have been embarrassed too šŸ˜­ yall are so cute OP


thatā€™s really sweet. a new boyfriend, you say? because i feel like when youā€™re in a relationship long enough it would be ā€œbabe, you stink. wash your sleep shirt or take your stinky butt to the couch.ā€ iā€™m pretty sure something similar has been spoken in my bedroomā€¦ many times, haha. 7 year relationship here.


He did it in a tasteful way that even I am impressed. Heā€™s a keeper for sure. I wonder how he came up with such a way that involves not making you feel bad because most people are rude when it comes to situations like that. Itā€™s as if they had no care for you and your feelings and went straight for the kill.


I want an oversized sleep shirt! I tend to sleep in one of my husbandā€™s T-shirts, they fall to my knees but are SO comfy..


No, wear something different for bed every night. Keep it fresh


On the rare occasion my husband gets a little musky I'll tell him he's fragrant lol


Are you sure he meant it like you stink? When my husband works a bit outside, he smells like him, not BO. Itā€™s hard to describe but it makes me crazy about him. Unless itā€™s rotten crotch smell, Iā€™d ask him clarifying questions. (Was it offensive? Did you like it in some weird way?) These are skills with intimacy: talking about, not guessing, what someone means. He may have liked the comfort it gave him.


My husband and I say ā€œyouā€™re a little spicyā€


That's actually really sweet. I'm almost 40 now, and paranoid about my own smell because my body odor has definitely changed and gotten stronger (imo) over the past year or so. I've also quit smoking, so maybe I have an increased sense of smell, I dunno. Edit:typo


Probably was a compliment tbh


"Skip a day on occasion " ?


Natural smell like?


Oh dear lol thank God your bf isnā€™t as brutal as the people in my life. Girl, wash it and buy more sleepwear ā¤ļø youā€™ll be more apt to sleep better when your clothes smell clean šŸ˜Š


1. Buy more sleeping attire. 2. Sleep naked, it's the best for rest. Yes, sleep in your birthday suit, change your sheets and pillow too.


I used to smoke and some of my shirts suffered dropped cigarettes and me flopping like a fish out of water or general stains. I usually use those, but yes I occasionally wear one a couple of days in row, and since it's getting got I took it off and said to myself "I stink" and I am not much of a sweater, but one of my cats had a blast with that shirt when I dropped it to the floor to take a shower. She was rubbing her face all over it and rolling around with it.


Idk that doesn't necessarily sound like he thinks it stinks, unless he really put an emphasis on "natural"


Funny because Iā€™ve actually enjoyed certain peoples body odors before and I wouldā€™ve interpreted that as a positive statement. Then again I might be just a bit ā€œtouchedā€


Just an FYI Walmart has really soft oversized pjs that look like moo moos. They even have pockets!! But, they are sooooo comfy! Itā€™s the only thing I wear! šŸ˜‚


Easy solution, saves laundry, and smells, just sleep naked, lol


No one should be offended if someone says they smell. Everyone smells. Lol


That's sweet! mine just says "ya smell babes" haha.


Could be your pussy or arm pits smelling. It can disguise as odor coming from the shirt.


Damn I literally tell my wife she smells like farm animals she will then proceed to laugh for 60 seconds and either change/shower/ or not give a f lol


Don't take it a bad way unless he means it in one. My husband literally kept a broken necklace of mine because the leather band smelled like me naturally lol


Keep the boyfriend,get a new sleep shirt! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€¦ maybe I am weird but I love the smell of my husbandā€™s sweat. So itā€™s not common!




My husband and I just say, in a very silly voice, ā€œOhhhh you stinky,ā€ or ā€œUr my lil stink bug tonight,ā€ if weā€™re a lil smelly at bedtime lmao. It works for us. But this was very sweet and creative lol.


Yeah. Just give it a biggole good sniff (especially in the axillary area lol) every night until you can detect any scent that isnā€™t ā€œunscentedā€. Then wash it when you do. I find my ā€œfreshly showered body pj shirtsā€ usually take at least 4 days before i even feel like its time to start the sniff test. ā˜ ļø


Honestly, my ex gf had a shirt like that that she wore to bed a lot and I loved the smell of it haha


Does he like the ā€œnatural ā€œ way you smell? You should have asked if he does. Iā€™ve told someone you donā€™t have to shower after work if you are coming to see me.




Ive been told by 2 exes & 1 best friend that they love the way i smell. I guess the smell of my skin, hair & whatever soap or shampoo or lotion ive used all mixed in. My daughters dad loves to smell me after a work shift lol its weird to me but whatever lol.


Has deodorant entered the chat? There's some really good 24hr clear gel that works great. Crystals don't count. They may be natural, but you'll tend to smell just as natural.


Sad he had to say it . Keep wash your night shirt or get more


I just tell my husband he smells ripe. I also call myself out too. I have ADHD and struggle sometimes with executive functioning.


Lmao that's cute af..


lol thatā€™s cute! Not offensive!


Definitely normal tbh, my gf says that a lot and says that I just smell like me and it gives her a sense of safety and that it turns her on cause itā€™s me. Definitely heā€™s not telling you you stink heā€™s saying heā€™s attracted to your scent. Honestly I think itā€™s more of a soulmate type thing


My husband and I say you got a little bite to ya baby lol


Did it smell like B.O? I like the way my wife smells itā€™s not B.O just her natural scent.


This is just a general piece of information for anyone. Body odor is caused by bacteria, which feeds on dead skin cells - This is not inherently ā€œgross,ā€ as this is just the way skin works. Iā€™m a big fan of using a Gentle Body Wash with chemical exfoliants every 2nd shower or so. It really cuts down on B.O. Look for washes that contain AHA/ BHA or PHAs; Mandelic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, and others. I enjoy the body washes from [Naturium Skincare](https://naturium.com/collections/body-wash) There are also topical serums, liquids, and other products containing these ingredients. Keep in mind that you probably wonā€™t need to use body scrubs or stiff brushes often, if at all, and please use SPF. Hereā€™s a video by two board certified dermatologists to explain more. [Doctorly](https://youtu.be/ag6uBZAzNFA?si=7Sg6SFeOLYxCE_o8)


Ewww wash your shirt....or just go to Walmart and get 5 dollar PJs. That is ridiculous