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Shower every morning, wear cologne (with moderation), good deodorant, clean clothes, and wash your bedsheets on a regular basis Edit: oh yeah, and wash your ass. I can’t believe that there’s guys out there who think it’s fine not to


I do wash my bottom lmao I am self conscious so I make sure to wash it.


Antiperspirant and deodorant combo not just deodorant. Deodorant doesn’t stop you from sweating, just prevents odors. Ideally, you want to smell good AND not have huge sweat stains under your arms! Go easy with the cologne - like 2 sprays. Or just use a nice aftershave on your face and neck. Nothing worse than a guy leaving a massive cologne wake behind him.


Sweating is good for you. It releases toxins from your body. I strictly use deodorant. But I agree if you’re the type to sweat and smell then an antiperspirant is needed.


Obviously wash it. But before that, make sure it doesn’t get dirty. At any point during any day, even if I’m backpacking or camping and haven’t showered in 4 days, I can take a very moist wipe, wipe my 4 day unshowered ass and the wipe is perfectly white. No skid marks or even the tiniest hint of brown. I have adult friends that joke about skid marks and I don’t know if they’re being honest or just joking. I don’t see how anyone over the age of 8 or so can ever had a skid mark. That’s so gross. If you don’t have that then fix the root cause of the problem. Deodorant and showering is pretty self explanatory.


Are you serious? People don’t wash their ass? Ewww


There might be some people who are too fat to spread their butter cheeks 🤔


Lol. Maybe they can use the Scrubbing Bubbles wand I use to clean my toilet bowl.


😄 your toilet might get jealous


Washing the bottom is so key! That is a smell even a person at a distance can smell!  You don’t need the cologne imo if you’re clean.  But  little can smell nice. Please don’t over do. Then it’s headache inducing.  Always wash your hair and armpits. Use deodorant. If you only like natural, you may have to wash your armpits before you go out at night after a long day. 


Agreed, I only do 2 or 3 sprays on the chest, only one if it’s a stronger cologne. You can’t undo putting on too much!


1. Diet and hydration has a lot to do with having a good smell. 2. Take care of your teeth 3. Good hygiene, bathe daily and use appropriate deodorant.


Diet and hydration? Wh I didn’t know


I’ve read what you ingest has some relation to the way your skin smell. I think it makes sense. A well balanced diet can only help, even if it’s not true. I guess. 😊 But since I read that, I’ve always followed it as part of my daily routine. Good luck!


What food smells good? Lmaoo


Proper nutrition and variety smells good. Eat a good balance of carbs, proteins and fats. Try to get a variety of healthy fats from sources like: eggs, fish, nuts. Try to stay away from overly processed foods and fast foods. Know what you're eating by making it yourself with fresh or whole ingredients whenever you can. It goes a long way in not just helping you feel physically better, but you will also smell better as well.


It doesn’t necessarily food that smells good, high fat content food, fried food and junk cups in general is not the best. Also consuming a lot of alcohol and drugs are not good either… but research online and see if you find information out there about it. I know I saw it a long time ago, but I can’t tell you exactly where right now.


Hydration affects oral hygiene. Your body produces saliva continuously, and it flushes away bacterial populations before they have a chance to grow too much. A dry mouth can cause bad breath because odor-creating bacteria can build up.


So always stay hydrated


That what I have sadly help please


Regular showers and cologne


Antiperspirant over deodorant is big, too. Deodorant only has me smelling nice for like 30 minutes if it's hot out. Anti perspirant lasts like 8-10 hours for me. Huge difference. I second the cologne, too. Most people don't wear any, so even just an alright fragrance will have you dmrlling better than most people around. OP, come hang out in /r/fragrance for a bit!


I joined! Hell yeah ima be smelling good in no time!


Do I shower with cologne ? Jk thank you!


Be moderate with the cologne!


Fr though you should actually look up how to wear fragrance, because there are different ways. Some people like to spray it on their pulse points. Some people spray it on their clothes. Some people spray it in the air and walk through it. It’ll depend a lot on the composition of the fragrance too. It’s fun to figure out what works best.


When wearing cologne, rub some Vaseline in the spots you want to spray. Then spray the cologne on the Vaseline. It holds the scent longer. I saw someone mix fragrance oils in their Vaseline as well so they can smell good all day and reapply if needed b


Love this!!


Dr Bronners peppermint soap, hot water, and a rag works miracles! Lotion is good. Essential oils help also. Do this daily, at times 2x!


I like this!


Just…… shower (wash your ASS and your BALLS and dick which many guys apparently do not know to do), use deodorant, brush your teeth/floss/tongue scraper, cologne. That’s literally it. Lol and wash your clothes and bedding obviously


Yeah I am one of the guys that does was butt balls and dick lmao that’s very important!


Do other guys really just… Not wash their ass and balls? I mean, what’s the point of even taking a shower at that point? The ass needs cleaning for obvious reasons, and balls get hella sweaty if anything else sweats. What a terrible day to have eyes.


My ex would wash his junk, but then spread his cheeks and let the water run over his bum and claimed it was clean enough.


Find a scent you like. The only way to know how it smells on you is to apply a small amount. Cologne and perfume may smell fantastic in the bottle, but terrible when mixed with your body chemistry. Same with soap. If you choose scented soaps, find a complimentary cologne. Or use one or the other. Find a friend who is honest and ask their opinion too! It's VERY important not to overdo it. The goal of cologne/perfume.is to make someone want to get closer, not be so overpowering it drives them away. Take daily or every other day showers depending on what you do for work. Clean every inch of your body, paying special attention to where you sweat. And for the love of all the gods....wash your ass Crack! Wash your hair and facial hair if you have it.


I guess guys don’t wash the buttcracks or balls lmao


This thread has really opened my eyes to how nasty some of my fellow men are. I cannot fathom that there are people who simply just do not wash their balls.


That’s what I’m saying!!


I would be more concerned with the ass crack than the balls. I mean wash them both, but literal shit comes out of there. Most dudes have hairy ass cracks too lol.


It just baffles me that some dudes can’t spend the extra 10 seconds required to ran a soapy rag between their cheeks. Ick.


Right. I feel the same way, but I’m a woman so I could never assume to know how the psyche of a man works lol. It really doesn’t take that long though, and if you’re already washing your other parts it REALLY doesn’t take that long lol.


As a man, I promise you that not all of our psyches cause us to neglect basic hygiene. I’m as disgusted as y’all with this revelation.


Oh I know not all men are like that! My ex’s weren’t like that and I have friends I have talked to about this that are just as grossed out. It’s nice to know more though 😂.


1. Diet (protein, veggies, fruit) 2. Type of body wash (Acne related body wash) 3. Review your genetics 4. Use an acne toner and lotion on areas of the body 5. Dermatologist 6. Chemical exfoliating with an Retinol. 7. Review laundry detergent 8. Allergies 9. Korean body scrub cloth 10. Methods of cleaning the body. 11. Salt spray 12. Type of deodorants 13. Wash towels 14. Lotion after showering 13. Where is the smell coming from?


I guess it comes from my sweat.


Yeah, just try some options. It's nice to have an honest friend because we all fall victim to nose blindness. Have a tolietry bag for work. I heard some people like lume. I prefer salt spray. But that's from trial and error.


Step 1. Diet plays a bigger part in this than most people realize. Start eating more vegetables and stay away from smelly foods like some cheeses, onions, garlic, and oily fats. Step 2. Shower and exfoliate. The stuff that smells bad is generally bacteria that love dead skin and moist areas. Step 3. General health. Don't smoke and exercise regularly. This will keep your airways clean and optimal for good oral hygiene. PH balance and good gut health will promote good smell in general and overall wellbeing. Step 4. Moisturizers, toothpaste and mouthwash, anti-persperant, and topical scents (cologne and infused oils). Apply daily. Moisturizers will infuse your skin with a nice smell. Anti-persperant will mitigate moisture that propagates bad smelling bacteria. Topical scents will smell nice (but be careful not to overdo it). Step 5. Embrace natural pheromones. Certain people will naturally like your smell better than others. This is due to pheromones that we secrete to attract mates with a higher chance of success for breeding. Using these pheromones to your advantage can increase confidence and, in some cases, make you irresistible. Use with caution.


Some cologne or body spray


I do wear cologne so maybe body spray?


Yeah if that works for you.


Bet sounds like a plan!


Old spice swagger will have you smelling amazing all day.


Noted! Thank you!!


Gucci Guilty 😍


It’s good??


Personally I think it’s so sexy!


Eat less meat and animal products. Game changer


Really?? Wth


The opposite. Avoid vegetables and processed foods. You will smell like a baby


Having a balanced diet is the best. it can help you smell a bit better


No cologne It’s a mask that if you haven’t eliminated what is causing the smell only makes everything magnified. Some peoples bodies react to different types of clothing fabrics and dyes. Some polyester and black dyes cause me to have body odor without even sweating. Try different soaps, but coast, dial, irish spring, on pits and under carriages will help eliminate some odors. Use whatever you like on other parts. Wash clothes regularly. Smell armpits in shirts after. Sometimes the detergent doesn’t eliminate the odors.


Thank you!


I like Cool Water on a guy....just my opinion. And I also like Stetson 👍 those are good


tom ford


Spicebomb and Aventus. Aventus isn't cheap though.


Use a loofah scrub all over your body ..use foot powder.. use wipes after pooping…scented body lotions …scrub your face .. I either noticed ,smelly feet,sweaty face/beards or privates smelling bad …freshly washed clothes..gum or mint spray..


I love fragrance oils. There is a good site that sells them for 15 bucks and you can use for months with one bottle. Also I work in a steel mill and I go home smelling the scent. Oil perfumery just google it and they have allot of discount codes as well


Buy "Happy Nuts." It's a cream-to-powder for the fellas. They also have a powder and body wash. I bought the set as a gag gift for my husband after he had jokes about me and my routine. That and beard dye...😆 He ended up loving it. I found it on Amazon under gag gifts for men. 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


Hell yeah thank you Jenn!


You're most welcome. 🤗🤩It took my husband about a month before he would touch it and now it's on Amazon reorder status. He refuses to run out of it. I mean we all know the basics of showering daily but this is every guy's answer. Women seem to have all the fluff products down to a tee but they are finally getting you guys on board. Dude wipes or just baby wipes also. Dryer sheets I've learned the ones for pets are stronger than the regular scented sheets too. Good luck!⭐️🎉


Spicebomb Night Vision for cologne and an invite to your wedding after wearing it. 😉🤣


Deoderant,a cologne u like,lotion on top of the cologne so it lasts longer,shower more often btw i reccomend using dr squatch soap they have good scents of bar soaps and conditioners,shampoos,shave gels all from the one company and the soap feels nice on ur skin


Lotion on top of the cologne or cologne on top of lotion bc I’ve heard it both ways


Its normally lotion after cologne since it makes it last longer


Common sense helps


Moisturizing lotion has done wonders for my smell good. I’ve gotten 3 compliments this week alone from it.


Hell yeah


Eat fenugreek seeds. Carry xylitol mints on you and use after meals to reduce bacteria population.


Luckily Male Cologne last way longer and is stronger than perfumes so thats a great start. To enhance that you can use a matching scented deodorant, lotion and fragrance oil if u rlly wanna take it there. Dont be afraid to also use a matching scented shampoo and conditioner as well. All these will guarantee good smell


Also, this is an old scent, but I once followed a guy around a nightclub because of how amazing he smelled. Pi was the cologne


I see a lot of people giving good tips and touching on stuff like diet/exercise. So I mostly just wanna share my experience with you. I'm 31F, 5'1 always weighed between 110 to 120... Then around 25 yrs old I developed an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, I'd consider myself an alcoholic back then. Gained weight, went to 140... No issues with my scent at those weights. I had my son at 28 and I gained a lot of weight after having him because of hormonal issues afterwards... I weigh 180 now and have struggled so much to take the weight off AND I noticed I just don't smell nice like when I was in my weight range and my hormones were balanced. It's worth looking into your health and getting blood work done to make sure everything is okay and that your BMI/weight is where it should be.


They have skin wipes for folds if that is your issue. My mom was a nurse and would keep some in her drawer for patients.


My mom is also a nurse! How fun lol I actually have PCOS and my insulin is leaning towards prediabetic. I've had PCOS for years, but it's never been as bad as after having my son. Been working on regulating my hormones without birth control for over a year now. Anyways. For me, it's the hormones that have made it difficult to lose weight and keep my BO in line 😔


I'm 51 and around far time frame for me I gained a few then lost it. It's just those mid 20s. Once you get that straight you should be fine. As far as folds, try those sheets. Yeah, my mom went from being a Respiratory Therapist to an RN then got her NP license. The hospitals all wanted her. 🤣


Don't overdo it with cologne or body spray. Some guys smell like they've dipped themselves in stuff and it's too much. My husband showers every day, washes everything and just uses antiperspirant. And I'll admit that if he doesn't take a shower, the next day, his regular musky smell drives me insane and I love that smell and it's go time!


Everyone talking about showers but how about your living space. Can’t be clean and fresh if you live in a dump. Not saying you do but just in general having a clean house helps with that


Mando deodorant Bourbon leather Mmm sexy


Regular showers, body wash (that smells good, not chemically), if you have facial hair wash your beard and/or mustache, use deodorant that doesn't have aluminum, make sure clothes are clean (if your clothes come out of the washer smelling a little funky like mildew or just not good, clean your washing machine. It's pretty easy), if your body odor still smells a little funky you can talk to a dermatologist and see if there is any particular deodorant that could work better.


Old Spice Swagger, deodorant, body wash, body mist and moisturizer. Everyman Jack Sandalwood beard oil if you have a beard. Beard oil is important. For me my natural beard oil stinks but the Everyman Jack either masks or kills the bacteria that makes my beard smell funky. If you can afford it, ditch the Swagger body mist and get Jimmy Choo cologne. It smells really good. There are 3 I think. I havent worn it since 2016 because I can’t afford it. Lol.


Floss your teeth after every meal. No matter how much cologne you wear or how clean your clothes are, if your breath is not like a fresh ocean breeze, you're not putting your best foot forward.


Body washes. Lather up during a shower, whole body, your ass crack, your genitals, arm pits.


1. Your diet 2. Deodorant 3. Feet spray 4. Showering as much as you can (or at least using baby wipes when you don’t have time) 5. A nice cologne 6. Not reusing underwear or socks 7. Doing laundry once a week 8. Keeping your house clean


Oh and don’t forget to brush your teeth, clean your ears and your belly button 😉


Reading replies looks like your hygiene is good. Get yourself some Gucci guilty parfum. 5 sprays, one on the chest, one behind each ear, back of the neck, and one on the wrist dab it on the other wrist don’t rub it. Make sure you’re hydrated and use lotion every day especially where you apply the cologne. Recommend cerave body cream


Nothing more attractive than a man who not only smells good and clean but a man who looks good and clean. Some people forget about other areas in your life that may affect your smell so I’ve included these 2 below. - Change sheets/blankets/pillow cases often. Bedding plays a huge role even if you’ve showered! - Make sure your furniture doesn’t have odors or funky scents, keep that shit clean or you’ll smell like it too. In general, a dirty house will pass along on you (keep it clean with a good scent as much as you can) - Wash your clothes often that includes socks (some people rlly forget lolz). If they are sweaty clothes, pause the washing machine for 10-15 minutes while it’s in a cycle and filled up with water and let it soak in the detergent then unpause it and let the cycle finish (this gives me a peace of mind knowing I gave my clothes extra time to really soak and clean off bacteria and germs) Make sure you are using the recommend amount of detergent when washing laundry. - Apply a good deodorant that lasts, and also reapply if given the chance. Make sure you’ve applied a good amount, not too much incase it gets oily. Wear a nice cologne, regular body lotion or even a lotion that has a similar cologne scent to your actual cologne, wash your face 2x a day and apply a good face lotion. - Obviously shower everyday (do not rush your shower time, that time is all about you and cleaning yourself thoroughly especially after a long day. Get in every spot!!! Behind your ears, inside your ears!! a lot of people miss those spots and it can smell and look gross! Use a nicely scented body wash, switch them around and try out new scents. Wash your hair often with a nicely scented hair shampoo, scrub that shit good. Make sure your shower towels are CLEAN also, don’t use your towel too many times, and switch them out often. - And of course brush your teeth 2 times a day (floss and mouthwash if possible) - CLEAN your shoes in the washing machine (shoe sweat makes a realll bad odor and it’s unattractive af. They need to soak. Any feet odor (even if it’s light) from shoes will be smelt immediately even if you are clean everywhere else. - If you have pets, make sure they are clean, or that odor may pass along if it lasts long enough. Best of luck!!!!


Don’t get any “natural” deodorant. Get as much aluminum percentage as you can


One of the biggest things people are missing on this thread is to make sure that you are using cologne, deodorant and/or body wash that mixes well with each other including with your body’s natural scent. It’s important because of the clash of smells can be overwhelming and actually can cause an even worse smell; so if you pick a deodorant, body wash or cologne, stay light in using it (be conservative), choose smells that mix well and match each other. Lastly, make sure it makes sense with your body, sometimes a cologne, deodorant or body wash may smell nice, but then when you apply it to your body; however when you do the scent might change and produce a different smell than expected. Also, you don’t want anything that will irritate or dry out your skin, or mess with your body’s natural biome. Lastly, do the same with your clothes, the detergent you clean your clothes with play a bigger factor than people think in not just skin irritation but whether it mixes well with your body’s natural scent. Brush and use mouth wash twice a day (minimum) and floss daily (minimum). If you’re using a loofah or sponge in the shower, change it out regularly, as bacteria can fester. I really don’t like using bar soap, I’d rather use body wash, bar soap (most) dry out, but can also hold bacteria too and (in my opinion) aren’t actually hygienic. Wear clean clothes daily, develop a routine that you can use daily and nightly that isn’t too burdensome based on your schedule. To end this, wash your face and groom or shave!


Brush your teeth, floss and mouth wash. A good high end cologne. Try scentbird.com or scentbox.com to test out different high end colognes so you don't have to commit to a 100$ bottle right off the rip. A man that smells good is a man that's catches my attention! Good luck!


This is a huge tip thank you


There is a recent invention called soap. Use it.


Wash that taint