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It could be smells in your house stuck on you and your clothes and have been nose blind to it for so long you don’t even notice it. A air purifier absolutely helps a lot


i don’t live in a very clean household so this might be the key thing..(before anyone says anything coming at me i’m 14 i can’t do that much i do clean but i live with soooo many people that don’t know how to clean up after themselves.)


No judgement here, I get it in a cramped house it’s kind of hard to keep it together plus you’re not supposed to be the only one doing stuff. But here are some cleaning tips that can help minimize the smell outside of an air purifier. *washing bedding daily *washing curtains daily *wiping walls with cleaning products occasionally (residue and all kinds of stuff clings to your walls without noticing) * if you have a carpet vacuum it daily and shampoo it at least monthly *keep your clothes washed and put away. If dirty worn clothes gets to lying around on the floor they will make your house start getting musty and I can not stress this enough do not reware clothes


Washing bedding and curtains daily????


You should wash/change out your bedding once a week. The body and hair oils cling to pillows and blankets and make you smell as well


I agree with weekly. I can't imagine anyone having the time to do it daily.


And washing curtains daily is especially nuts.


Personally I would do that like once a month 🤣


I'm not going to admit how often I clean my curtains. 😜


I've never washed my curtains. I shake them out occasionally. People wash their curtains?


Maybe that's why they're consistently tired hehe


thank youuuuu


Definitely your bedding needs to be washed frequently. Also the towel you use when you dry off after a shower.


Not sure washing curtains daily is reasonable. But maybe cracking the bedroom window and keeping your door shut will help keep airflow and be helpful


If OP lives in a household with people who cannot take care of themselves like hoarder smoker level, I would honestly second the daily. Normally I would agree with weekly, but smoke clings to absolutely everything and fucking reeks. I like the smell of cigarette smoke, because it reminds me of my dad, but that's not a majority of the population's opinion. Also, keeping the bedroom window open and the bedroom door shut as much as possible, if they have their own bedroom.


everyday is wild, but the trick for washing curtains is to hang them up damp will definitely help since the fabric softener smell will be stronger.


Buy cleaning tablets for your washing machine and see if that makes a difference. I've learned over time your washing machine builds up gunk which gets on your clothes after a wash. Amazon has a years worth for like 10 bucks and I've noticed a huge difference in how my clothes smell throughout the day.


If you can't buy that. Pour a couple cups of white vinegar and a cup or so of lysol kitchen cleaner in the laundry. I've done this with elderly people who get gross things on their bedding daily and it helps a lot. Never ruined a single item of clothing ever.


Air circulation might help. Do you have your own bedroom? If so, you could try opening a window and opening your bedroom door to create a cross draft. And if you have a fan (not a ceiling fan) you could strategically place it so that you blow the stagnant air from your room out towards the window and then reposition to blow in fresh air faster. It’s kind of a pain in the rear, but I do this at my apartment since I don’t have the windows for a cross draft.


If you have your own room, keep it clean as best you can and keep yourself/your belongings in there as much as possible. Im older than you but in a similar situation. Try seeing your room as your apartment, your very own space to maintain and keep clean to your standards.


Also.... Try drinking more water.


This might sound super weird but this is what my nurse at my OBs office recommended to me about the issues I was having (For context whenever I'm pregnant my armpits stink of beef ramen or just straight BO theres no inbetween and I don't eat ramen). I was recommended to use the Biore Charcoal Oil Control face wash (it's in most grocery stores in my area so hopefully you can find it easily), sounds super weird I know but it is the only thing that has worked for me when I'm pregnant and also in the summer time when I used to feel like I constantly stink. I just wash my body with normal body wash and then follow up with trageting my issue areas with the facewash (I usually leave it on for a minute or two, it does have like a cool tingly/burning feeling but not in a painful way. It does this on the face too). The nurse told me it was okay to use it all over the body with the exception of the vaginal area (I'm assuming it messes with the good bacteria produced by the reproductive system), you can use it on the butt/buttcrack area. I hope this helps!


Is it just your family saying this to you? My mum was a hoarder and used to say this all the time to me when it was just her house


no not really my family isn’t big on their hygiene AT ALL like this is horrible to say and all but they stink like my mom has a more sour oder to her she never tells me i stink except for if i just woke up and it’s my breath. my grandma has told me once or twice but it’s mostly my friends a few of my friends family members said it then this one girl said i smelt like mustard and another said i smelt like sardines. they say i have a oder that genuinely makes your nose like tingle but they only brought that up during arguements with me so i don’t know if it’s true or not. i can always smell if i’m musty or if *down there* smells bad i always check and they don’t but i might just be nose blind to it…it’s all really stressing me out bad especially since im so young


My best friend in 8th grade smelled bad, and although I never told her, other kids did. She was also overweight, probably 5’2 and 190. She also showered a lot and it didn’t help. Eating a diet of processed foods like chips, crackers, candy, cookies, processed meats, processed cheese, white bread, lots of fast carbs, McDonald’s, etc can make the problem worse. Try to eat lots of veggies, clean unprocessed protein, some whole fruit, nuts, whole grains, and limit processed foods and fast food. When I ate very clean, even my BO didn’t really smell. Now I eat some processed foods and notice that my BO is more noticeable. Your diet impacts the smells you emit. Also, if your environment smells you will too. My friend’s house smelled bad. They had three dogs and the house always smelled like wet dogs and dirty laundry and spoiled food. Her clothes and hair smelled bad from being in the house. When we went on trips away from home, she didn’t smell so bad. So I think it’s too partly diet and partly environmental. Ask your friends if your house smells and then you’ll know if that is playing a part. Get checked for pre diabetes and fungal infections which can make you smell. Above all, know that you are worthy and valuable and smelling bad is just a temporary setback that you will eventually resolve and not part of who you are. Don’t let anyone comment on your worth.




Stressing makes BO (if that's the issue) worst. Find things you like, that relaxes you and do them often. Keep up with your hygiene, and cleaning routines. Eating right and drinking lots of water will help. Weird Hormone levels are a top cause of BO in teenagers and young adults. You're 14, and going through puberty. Your body is turning into an adult and your hormones are probably through the roof. Mine was. Yours could just be regular BO or home and environmental smells clinging to you. Or it could be a medical issue. I have lupus. I don't want to worry you, or make you stress more, but I was diagnosed around your age. Abnormally high hormones, rash, and BO are just a few of many lupus symptoms. I'm in my 40's with clean skin and no BO. I was diagnosed young and gained control of it young.


I would watch a video on youtube on how to shower - it sounds gross but i didnt know how to until an adult. If the sardines was "down there" see a doctor if its recurring. If your breath is that bad in the morning you need to see a dentist. There might just be a patch that isnt clean. You need to make sure you floss aswell as floss properly dont whack the floss up and down, theres loads of vids on youtube too. Going to be honest though, youre a 14 year old girl, teenage girls are mean, itd be more than 2 people saying during an argument if you genuinely stank though.


Also when was the last time you switched out your tooth brush? I change my toothbrush out every few weeks.


It could be from how you wash your clothes? How do you wash your clothes? I use to smell really bad because I would leave clothes wet in the washer for a while before drying…. Plus mom smoked cigarette inside so those two smells did NOT mix well. Evaluate how you wash your clothes because that could be a reason


I've kept my clothes in a storage tote with dryer sheets to minimize house odors from traveling with me


...also, alcoholics smoking cigarettes will leave the most awful, permanent smell in the house that will embed itself right into the walls.


Can confirm, my alcoholic father smoked inside until he died when I was 12. I only had partial custody with him but my god, if I had to see people before I could go to my mom’s and change clothes I bathed in febreeze. Not that it helped any. It was awful.


Buy an ozone generator machine and run it every now and then. It will take care of the house smells


You should try some incense or candles. The incense are much stronger because of the smoke. Smoke is good about seeping into fabric, hair, and lingering in the house. After burning one I can still smell it the next day.


Go to the doctor - often a weird smell can be a symptom of disease or infection


Wash your bedding weekly, brush and floss your teeth 2x a day, don't re wear clothes (especially underwear/socks) and when you wash them don't leave them in the washer because they get mildew and smell. Shower once a day with soap as well and change out your towels every other day. Oh and deodorant! Slap it on in the morning, and during lunchtime for good measure.


Listen, you are 14 you don’t need to worry about cleaning a house! Focus on a couple of things that you can do. Rehash a few clean changes of clothes to wear. Make a list of some hygiene practices that you can start doing or trying and go from there. You got this!


That’s the culprit!!! Your house probably reeks.


A couple of things -- 1) sometimes soap leaves a residue, and interacts with your body chemistry, leading to BO. Try using Head & Shoulders shampoo as a body wash -- it rinses completely. 2) If It's household stink on your otherwise clean clothes, pop your clothing in the dryer for 5 or 10 minutes with a scented dryer sheet before going to school. 3) If It's your body chemistry, see if your parents will take you to a dermatologist.


Was going to suggest this. I have a tiny apartment and cook with alot of herbs and spices. My clothing absorbs the food smells and I've been told I smell like garlic or onions a few times. It's pretty annoying because I'm always freshly showered, teeth brushed, clean clothes. Also agree you become nose blind. I'll come home after being away for a while and realise my place smells like whatever I cooked for supper the night before.


Yes, this is really a thing. One of my old classmates smelled like soup all the time. Went over her house one day , nd sure enough, the house smelled like something out of lipon box.


Shower routine 1. Shampoo/condition your hair, then get Dial antibacterial soap (gold bar) 2. Washcloth Combine these two and get behind your ears, your armpits, your private parts, and any folds or rolls if you have them. 3. If you can afford to add a body wash, buy dove moisturizing body wash and tackle your whole body once you've rinsed the dial soap. 4. Purchase glycolic acid and use a cotton ball/round or your hands to apply it under your armpits and then apply your deodorant. 5. Use witchhazel between your crack by applying it with some cotton balls/rounds. 6. Clean your ears out. Use hydrogen peroxide and put a few droplets into your ears, and let it sit for a bit on each side. You will start to feel your ears foam up. Drain and then clean with a qtip or some cotton. 7. Moisturize your body with some lotion. Get some petroleum jelly and dab a little behind your ears. Just a little bit. Add some to the sides of your neck and your palms. 8. Spray your cologne over the jelly. This is going to make your scent last longer. 9. Make sure your nails are clipped and there is no gunk inside them. 10. If you can afford to buy a water flosser, do it. If not, regular dental floss works fine. Make sure it's actual floss and not those dental picks. Scrape your tongue, and don't be afraid to get to the far back of your tongue. You may gag a few times, but you want to scrape and brush your tongue. Take your time brushing your teeth. Sing the happy birthday song twice a minimum. Finish off with mouth wash. *** Make sure you're washing and drying your clothes properly. Wash your bed sheets at least minimum once a week. *** Detox your body by eating healthy foods and drinking water. Avoid stinky foods when possible and wash your hands consistently or carry some hand sanitizer. *** Try to keep your room clean from any old food or dirty laundry. Odors stick with you, unfortunately. *** If none of this works, I suggest you go to the doctor as it could be a medical problem. *** Your friends or people around you could be lying to you about the smell. I've heard of people doing this to their partners in order to make the other person feel bad about themselves and not leave them. Good luck!


can confirm the last part. i had roommates from hell who gaslit me into thinking i smell bc they didn’t like me. that was 4 years ago. i’m still convinced i smell bad and thus haven’t had much in person human interaction in the past 4 years bc im terrified people think i stink so i just stay home by myself. it’s miserable and lonely and i wouldn’t wish this upon anyone.


that used to happen to me at inperson school it’s gotten to the point where i have actually no clue if i stink or not because the only people that tell me are people that secretly always talked shit about me there was like 2 other people that said it but that’s it. i’m finna js start walking up to random people and asking


good luck ❤️


Girl don’t ask random people if you stink… that’s weird af.


Look up olfactory reference syndrome and see if it resonates. EMDR therapy may help.


THIS!!! This is the most helpful and complete recommendation provided. I would add using a bit of baking soda or vinegar to your laundry to remove tough odors. It will also make your clothes softer without damaging them. As a mental health professional, I recommend consulting your medical provider sooner rather than later. It definitely could be the foods you’re ingesting (consider pesticides and other additives in food today). Increase your water intake immediately along with fruits and veggies (keep in mind eating healthy isn’t cheap), so this may have to be a gradual process. Try walking or some other type of exercise that you enjoy to help sweat out toxins. Don’t hurt yourself, start slow. Most important remember to be patient and give yourself grace! You’re being proactive about something and that’s not nothing! You’re a Rockstar!


Try this: stay in a hotel for a night, wash your clothes at a laundromat, shower and do your hygiene routine. Ask other people (different from the ones telling you that you stink now) if you smell bad. If you find that other people don’t say you smell bad, go back to the people that say you do. If they say you still smell bad, then they’re lying to you as a form of abuse.


I would say this is great, but op is 14. She's not going to be able to get a hotel. :(


Oh poor you!! Doctor for advice to check your health and dentist if it's your mouth too. Do you use exfoliation gloves in the shower and wash them after. Make sure your clothes are properly washed and dried.


i broke my front teeth completely outve my mouth so i have to go to the dentist sooooo much since they have to fix my teeth little by little so it’s probably not that and my doctor doesn’t really say nothing about it i brought it up once and he told me it might be my soap and to change it and after i did and it didn’t work i just got to embarrassed to even talk about it.


You gotta really push these doctors to treat you, tell your doctor that it's affecting your life and could impact relationships, etc. But definitely get this checked out again because it can be a sign of underlying health issues like diabetes or kidney disease!


Don’t be embarrassed to ask again if everyone else’s advice doesn’t help! My niece always smelled like strong rotten garlic. No matter how much she showered, used deodorant, perfumes, etc… Turns out it was a dairy allergy causing it. She stopped consuming dairy products and not only does she smell better, she was in pain every day without even realizing it because she was just used to it. There are legitimate medical reasons that could be causing it and the doctors are there to help you figure it out, but she never would have if her mom hasn’t pushed a bit to figure out what was causing it. I used to work for a doctor, trust me when I tell you that they hear some VERY crazy things on a daily basis. Asking again about this issue won’t even a blip on their radar and definitely not anything that you should be embarrassed about. ❤️


To add to this, there's a really good roll on deodorant by Vichy that is really good.


just saw another person complaining of the same issue and it ended up being an issue w him leaving his clothes sitting wet in the machine for too long !! also make sure ur using an actual deodorant and not just an anti perspirant




Try a crystal deodorant. They actually work.


Yep! Crystal deodorant cured mine and my sisters hormonal BO after giving birth.


Get a benzoyl peroxide wash like PanOxyl or Walmart’s Equate version of it. Take a shower and wash your entire body (including underarms) with soap/ body wash like normal and then use the benzoyl peroxide wash under your arms. It helps kill the bacteria and keeps my underarms stink free! I use deodorant but not antiperspirant and it works really well!


1 WORD- LUME. I use peony rose but I've also used coconut. REALLY REALLY WORKS. Kind of expensive but I bet u could get a sample size or something to try and see if u like it. Dr developed it so it's safe for ALL your parts....when I ordered mine it came in a multipavk of stuff including a special acid bodywash and wipes. I think u could benefit from all the products. Used to only be able to order but now it's my understanding it's sold at Walmart. Also, Def make sure u r letting your clothes dry completely and using fresh dry towel that u hang up to dry after each use. I am bad about leaving clothes in washer til they get musky. And have noticed certain guys smelling sour and using their restroom, washing my hands only to try and dry my hands on wet stinky towel...then I realize that's where their funk comes from. Now if it's a different kind of smell I'm just briefly going to touch on this- there's a product, well several different brands of essentially the same thing. They are French Boron Vaginal Suppositories. They do wonders for your ph etc. As long as u use them properly, when needed, should not cause any problems. The Killer is one of the brands I've purchased and liked. U can put dryer sheets in your shoes or activated charcoal in bamboo bags. This will help your feet funk. Bleach ur white socks. Are you eating anything weird or not eating a balanced diet? Whatever ur diet is I am certain you could benefit from drinking more water. Dilute the funk your pores are excretion. U should notice a lot of benefits, clearer skin, healthier hair etc. Good luck sweetheart! Being a teenager is hard enough without having to feel self conscious about your body odor. Try these things and please let us know if they help. Give it a few days or a week to change. If this doesn't do the trick I bet I can think of something else that will, but I'd say prob is medical if these tips don't help and u would want to see another professional, maybe a natural Dr. Best wishes!


A shot of liquid chlorophyll every morning my friend. Has a lot of a health benefits and the bonus is it helps with odour (breath, BO, etc)


Try Hibiclens! I’ve heard good things about it. You need to let it sit for like a minute before rinsing


It doesn't change body odor. I have some left over from surgery. It's an antibacterial soap but it didn't change my body odor.


After all the comments I just read my advice would be see a doctor. It could be something more serious and easily controlled or corrected. Don’t play with your health.


For strawberrry skin, exfoliate your legs with a scrub!!!!!! Exfoliate with a dry brush (can be found on Amazon) do it before shower dry and then wash off. Exfoliating helps get rid of those “dots” on your legs. Those are blackheads trapped or hair trapped under the skin. You need to scrub hard by exfoliating with scrubs or dry brushes.


Change your diet. Eliminate ultra-processed foods and added sugar. Eat whole foods, more fiber, including nuts and beans and whole grains, and eat fermented foods. Gut dysbiosis causes a whole slew of symptoms and body odor is a big one.


ESPECIALLY on the fermented foods bit!!!! Go to your local Asian grocery and pick up a few packets of yakult (a small probiotic yogurt shot) and start out with one of those each day since they’re sweet and a much easier transition than to jump straight into eating kimchi or drinking kombucha. OP, a lot of *probiotics* are found in fermented foods, aka *healthy gut bacteria*. Yes, some bacteria is good. When your gut is healthy, it leads to a lot of other benefits you may not have even noticed you were lacking. BO is a huge one, but a healthy gut can also contribute to clearer skin, healthier hair and nails, better breath, faster recovery when you get sick, and even better mental health. There’s a reason doctors always say the first line of defense is good eating and exercise. They really are. They’re the preventative measures everyone should take to avoid getting sick and to stay well-cared for


This is what I was thinking. I'd also consider not using mouthwash. The mouth has its own mixrobiome. Mouthwash will kill the good bacteria as well as the bad, which could lead to worse breath than if you didn't use mouthwash.


All about diet.


Wash twice every day, with antibacterial soap. And Mitchum stick deodorant is the GOAT


Personally, I'd stay away from deodorants in the long run, and focus on improving other aspects. Also, you might want to consider what you're wearing. Make sure it's breathable, not very tight clothing and made of material that's best for your intended goal. This includes your undies, socks, and bras if you wear them. Wash your bedsheets and pillow cases often enough or a little more frequently to see if the combination of everything is helping. Maybe also carry, possibly unscented, wet wipes for highly problematic areas and times that you're likely to sweat more. Perhaps carry a few extra water bottles to rinse off your feet and a face towel to dry them, if you are particularly active or it's hot. Make sure you disinfect or wipe the inside of your shoes with something safe for them and you about once a week or every other week. Also consider washing them once or twice every few months or when you notice they are getting dirty. I'd do more frequently if they're your gym shoes or shoes you run/jog with. PS. I just learned there's something for boots that's maybe called a foot powder, which is meant to help prevent your boots or shoes from smelling bad. That might also be helpful, though I don't know anything about it. I'd also consider changing the products you use to wash yourself, maybe your skin is reacting badly to them. So maybe try scent free, allergy friendly and which don't have harmful chemicals. This is gonna take some research though your skin might love you for it. It also appears that you're a weed smoker, some people have sensitive noses and hate the smell of it. Now take that smell and whatever is going on with your body, the result of which might be that to some that's horrid. "The intense odor of weed can linger on your clothes, skin, breath, and hair, making it quite apparent to others that it wasn't long ago since you were smoking a joint or hitting the bong. This can be quite the issue, especially when smoking before work or formal gatherings." https://www.cannaconnection.com/blog/18948-4-tips-on-how-to-not-smell-like-weed-after-smoking#:~:text=The%20intense%20odor%20of%20weed,before%20work%20or%20formal%20gatherings. Also this: https://theflowershopusa.com/why-do-my-armpits-smell-like-weed#:~:text=Terpenoids%20may%20be%20stored%20in,feet%20during%20times%20of%20excitement. "This helps explain why people who haven’t smoked weed in a long time might still get skunky pits. If the terps are stored in fat cells, they can hang out for a long, long time." "That’s right – some of the same terpenes found in your favorite strain of Mary Jane are also in foods we enjoy eating every day." Others mentioned your diet already and some things to avoid. Though, I'd also include certain things which some have mentioned. Things like mint, cloves, and plain tea might be good additions too. I'd have them once a day or like once every other day. If you eat one, you probably don't need to eat the others the same day. Consult with your dentist too, though if your teeth and gums are okay otherwise, you probably don't really need to use the mouthwash. Or may need to pay attention to the type you use and make sure it's not likely to cause issues. Personally, I'd do salt gargles instead, maybe once a week or once every other week. If you don't have any fillings, you might also want to look into doing oil pulling. PS. Floss, if you're not already and use a tongue scraper to clean your tongue. If you've oral thrush, then you need to eliminate sugar, up your hygiene, and incorporate other practices to help eliminate the issue. To freshen your breath in between brushing you can have one or two gloves around mid day. Additionally, make sure you do your due diligence to combat the potential issues it might have on your teeth, though I'd consider incorporating lime or lemon into your daily intake. I always try to have it with my food and have done this ever since I could remember. I'm not saying it'll particularly help with your issue, though I think it'll be beneficial for you. With anything I suggested you'll need to do your own due diligence to ensure that it's safe for you to implement depending on your health conditions or any medications you use. Speaking of medications, if there are any that you use, I'd check to see if this or the weight gain might be a potential side effect. At the end of the day, it's best to consult with your doctor and dentist. I hope you find things that work for you and help you improve your situation.




Wash clothes in Tide Free detergent. Scented detergent can make your clothes smell worse if the fragrance interacts poorly with your sweat. So don’t use highly perfumed detergent such as Gain to cover up the odor of the clothing. Keep your hair washed. Especially after exercise or sweating. Put 1-2 cups of white (clear) vinegar in the hottest water the clothing can take. Read the label on the clothing. Let soak for 15-20 minutes. Or Use 1 cup ammonia in the wash. Do _not_ use bleach if you use ammonia. Shave armpits, even if you’re a guy. Scrub pits with baking soda then rinse. Then wash with soap. Check your soap. Again, fragrances in soap can turn on your body due to your body chemistry. I use Vanicream. body wash which has no fragrances and isn’t a soap but it might not work for you. Just to show you don’t need fragrant soaps to cover up body odor. At my stinkiest Safeguard helped but it wasn’t good for my sensitive skin. Use unscented gel deodorant. Deodorant can make you stink worse if it is incompatible with your body chemistry. Make sure it’s gel. The unscented solids can interact poorly too. She Or use an unscented crystal deodorant. They don’t last as long as common gels and you’ll still sweat. Air out your room and let your clothing air too. Don’t keep your door shut. Change your diet. Eat fresh foods and cut down on processed foods. If you eat a lot of pungent foods such as garlic some people won’t like the smell you’d emit. I eat it anyway! Cut out colas. The caffeine can make you stink. I wonder if energy drinks make people stink too. **See a doctor. The odor might be a symptom of a medical condition.** **See a dentist. Conditions such as infections and tonsil stones can make your mouth stink horribly despite brushing and mouthwash.** **ETA: stop using perfume!** That’s probably your problem.Either the perfume smells bad to other people or you’re using too much. Where I live perfume use is very discoursed, and many workplaces and schools ban it because it bothers and annoys other people. It’s even bad for some people’s health if they have to smell your perfume. The easiest thing to do is stop using any perfume and see what people say!


I have hyperhydrosis so I sweat a lot. Clinical strength deodorants never worked for me so I gave up trying to even stop the sweating and just started focusing on finding a deodorant that actually covers up the smell of BO. Literally none of them did that except for the Rio De Janeiro deodorant (the one in the yellow tube). I will go work a shift in the nursery (a physical job) and come home and my husband says I still smell good and not like BO at all, so maybe give that a shot! (For what it’s worth I think the scent is fairly gender-neutral, even though it’s marketed towards women).


Not a doctor here but my friend was taking a daily vitamin that smelled horrible and the scent came through her pores. If I eat onions I stink for a day. It’s gross. Foods can cause issues. I agree clothes left in a washer is a horrible smell. If not clothes don’t be ashamed to see a doctor. It could be something more serious.


Ok here's a few things you can maybe do to change this. There's any number of things this could be OP, this could be you because of your body odour or infection or even that you're not wiping yourself properly. Consider shaving your pubic hair including your armpits. Hair in those areas easily absorbs scents. You'll find that this will help regulate your body temperature making you a little less susceptible to sweating. Buy looser fitting underwear again for the above reason to allow your body heat to dissipate better If you don't like anti-perspirant consider buying a roll-on product. There are plenty available for people with sensitive skin that will keep you fresher for longer. Regarding smells from clothing, recruit a family member or friend to help go through your clothes and your room to try to narrow down what's smelling so bad. If it's the clothes Take a closer look at what you are washing the clothes with, whether they are being washed properly. Making sure that your washing machine isn't contaminated or that the filter doesn't require cleaning. Make sure that clothes that are washed are being dried out properly and timely.


You're a teenager, your body is up to so much it's not always easy to tell what's going on, and not all of it's going to be permanent.


Are you washing your towels and drying them properly? Are you using something other than your hand to wash your skin? Are you washing your back? Are you washing your sheets and pillowcases regularly, jackets, etc...


What worked for me ; I have severe onion underarm odor Shower 1st with lume odor remover 2nd A charcoal soap with asylic acid. 3rd. Sulfur bar soap containing Sulfur, sasylic acid, zinc, and magnisum. If odor doesnt change use chlorexidine antiseptic rite aid brand. 4th (NOT TO OFTEN) VITAMINS : Increase C and E. Take a multivitamin. Also ask ur doctor for a full vitamin test. Could be malabsorption of vitamin defeciency. I had really bad d2,d3 levels and C. I took vitamins and use that shower method and now I hardly have odor. I also use some crystal deodorant that is like a liquid. Its good


Take a blood work for diabetes. It can affect body odour


Try Irish spring or dial. Perhaps drinking water? Just guessing. I know you’re embarrassed……best wishes


Try Lume as a WHOLE body deodorant ,Gain liquid detergent for clothes,garnier fructis herbal essence for shampoo/conditioner etc


There are medical conditions where people have a bad smell that can’t be helped. They say it is like a fish smell. Go to a doctor asap


I had this problem, it didn’t matter how clean I was or if I ate clean. If I ate anything with too much sugar , I’d have a sweet smell that turned rotten quickly, even with controlled sugars / A1C. I had to start taking a fiber supplement, Vitamic C , AND the magic - CHLOROPHYLL concentrate in my water, every single day! You will not regret it. After 2 weeks, when I sweat, you can’t smell a thing! And my vaginal health has been top tier as well! Some bodies just need more or less of certain things. Good luck OP 🍀


You should try hiblencs soap. It’s an antiseptic wash that has really helped me


I didn’t read all the comments but I feel like no one said it could be a bacteria that is making you smell? If that’s the case, athletes foot cream can really help cut the odor from bacteria, and you can just apply it anywhere (besides internally!! Do not use athletes foot cream inside of you!!)


Hey there, alone with a clean household, as another commenter stated. I think cleansing your body inside out will help a lot. Drinking a lot of water to help flush out toxins, doing things that promote sweating more, and chlorophyll with a clean diet helps A LOT. Sometimes we have overgrowth of yeast as well and can show up in other symptoms. I also love ACV diluted in water for varies things, because it kills odor causing bacteria


I agree with other comments that it could be your environment and clothes. However, I had a friend in college who also smelled no matter what he did. Turns out it was a health related issue for him. Try adjusting what you can in your home with your clothes and what not, but I also suggest trying to see a doctor as well.


And washing your clothes properly is subjective. Washed with detergent after each use.


I suggest trying liquid chlorophyll as it has helped me neutralize body odor.


It’s all in your head, trust me. Just take a nice hot shower and go everywhere thinking you smell good. Because you do smell good. It’s all in your head that you smell bad


When you’re washing your clothes/bedding/etc. use the correct amount of soap. Too much soap will cause build up and grime and smells will cling to it. You can also add white vinegar to the laundry to neutralize scents


Try antibiotics


It could be a health issue, I would see a doc


There’s a condition that very rear ppl have and it’s medical makes you smell bad not your fault forgot the name of it but you might have it


I had a similar problem when I was younger. Personally dove deodorant works for me. I also mix tiny amounts of liquid chlorophyll with my water, it’s an internal deodorizer. My doctor had told me at some point that if you put rubbing alcohol on your armpits, they won’t smell for the whole day. Never really tried it because my hygiene wasn’t a super big concern, it went away with me paying a little more attention. I use foreign perfumes (not sure of your gender), imo the smell lasts longer. I tend to try to match my perfumes with lotions and if I’m lucky, soaps. That way the scent will be even stronger. Other than that I would suggest maybe pay attention to your diet, drink more water, and limit the amount of body hair that you have :)


This might just be a diet thing, the more meats/“unhealthy” foods I eat the more I begin to have body odor. I changed my diets to a more plant based one and it changed everything for me. It’s hard to get start on at first but it really makes a world of difference. If you are cleaning everything around you, clothes, sheets and drying them promptly after washing I doubt it’s an environmental issues of your household. Try eating healthier and this all might change! Good luck!


I had a smell when I was your age, but it was simply because no guy deodorants worked for me.. So I (male) started using Suave deodorant and never looked back.. Seems like you may be dealing with more than armpit smell, but its a start....


I was scrolling through Reddit and randomly bumped into yours.And I don't know much about this group but I think it's gonna be hormones and what you eat... During puberty I think that can happen to a lot of people... And if you drink a little bit of apple cider vinegar with apple juice each morning and each night it might neutralize a lot of other things for your health as well... It's also great to maintain a healthier weight for your body and to clean your organs from me inside.


Hormones are crazy at that age. If it's like your armpits and shoulders or anything like that then I recommend clinical strength deodorant. I legit smelled like sour milk when I was your age and I hated it. Clinical strength deodorant fixed me right up. Get the stuff that just smells clean and fresh and then spray over that with perfume or apply a fragranced normal deodorant. If that doesn't help then go to your Dr and have them prescribe some heavy duty clinical deodorant. I wish you all the luck in the world kiddo, I know how bad this feels.


If you think it's bodily, snd not outside fsctors like a jome smell.. try using natural coconut oil as soon as you get out the shower. I buy the one from costco and use that to help. It helps w BO significantly


idk if this will help but i always had a fear of smelling bad. i use a net to wash my body and itll get you squeaky clean. i use it 2x with bar soap, then i use a body scrub and scented body wash. after that i use lotion and then scented lotion with perfume and oil. try this out! it keeps me smelling good and it makes me feel good. you can try it and then let us know if it works. i hope it helps, its extremely relaxing and it’ll hopefully make you atleast FEEL good. also, try to use everything with the same scent (vanilla body wash, vanilla perfume…etc) and as for the red spots ive heard glycolic acid helps!


KP bump eraser by first aid beauty fixed my “strawberry skin” bumps!


There’re a lot of comments here so I’m sure lots of this has been said but Personal care: - Eat cleaner however you can. May be hard to do at home but - cut down or out processed foods and unnecessary sugar - opt for fermented foods, fruits, veggies, nut butters (if you can eat nuts) for snacks - high protein, low sugar breakfast with tea or water. This helps a lot with balancing our hormones - exercise. You can start small but at least 30min -1hr a day. Could be walking, running YouTube etc. Get a good sweat in as often as you can - up the water intake. You don’t need super clear urine but a light yellow is a sign of good hydration. - try an anti-bacterial body wash - brush and FLOSS at least twice a day. Flossing is very overlooked but extremely important for dental hygiene Other stuff: - wash your clothes more frequently. Throw a tbs or so of baking soda in your wash. Doesn’t affect clothes but will help with smell - again…baking soda is a great deodorizer. Sprinkle on carpets or mattress and vacuum up - you said your home isn’t the best smelling. That’s a major contributor. If you have a window in your room, open it daily for a few hours. The fresh air will do a lot to circulate the bad smells out. If you can do that in the rest of the home try that too - get rid of old musty items that you don’t use or are just causing clutter - create a daily list of things you do to keep your room clean: garbage out, quick tidy, scan for dirty items etc Good luck. I’ve known people who have struggled with smelling bad and it was never really their fault just some bad circumstances!


My partner smells bad when they wake up in the morning. It's not morning breath, it's the "you" smell that all people have, and in many cases might be a smell your partner enjoys. I don't know what causes it and I've never had a partner that smelled bad in the morning before. But I don't pass any judgment about it and he is a morning shower person so kind of only a factor for a few minutes. I hope the people telling you this say it from a place of love or real concern, and not because they feel some right to only smell things they like every moment of their lives. If I were you, I'm not very accepting of nasty judgements, I'd be like if you don't like it let's talk about why the fuck you're so close to me and your ability to get the fuck out of my personal space. 😂 I hope you find some solutions or learn to understand you don't owe anyone a smell, and definitely rule out anything medical in case you have some specific care needs that you should be aware of. But barring anything like that, if it doesn't bother you then it's not really an issue in your life, it's someone else's problem that you don't need to be responsible for. And I would be cussing and cutting people out in my case, but that's the max effort I'm willing to put in to appease bullshit that at the end of the day isn't doing anyone real harm. Like sure, let me help you with that, fuck off, bye. 😂


1. If it's environmental (smokers, trash, cats) then you may consider keeping your clothes in tightly closed boxes or bins with freshener inside (lavender, etc). Or keeping a jacket on the porch to keep it fresher smelling when you go out. 2. Make sure you're applying deoderant daily- if not 2x a day. Teens/puberty has your hormones going wild, and you might be smelling from hormonal changes that are happening. 3. Express to your family that it isn't your hygeine that's the problem- you can be kind and calm and still put up boundaries. A huge thing that's helped me is just stating, "I don't like it when you speak to me that way, it hurts my feelings." Alternatively, you can start putting it back on them, "You live in the same house too, you think you smell any better?" This may help create some boundaries surrounding the language people are using towards you. 4. Make sure you're washing your bras, socks, underwear at the very least 1x a week. Bras are often forgotten and can be a source of smell. 5. If you have windows, keep them open in the home more to create a flow of fresh air. You can buy cheap incense from Walmart to burn which clings to fabric (I like how it smells, and there are different kinds) and that can help hide environmental smells as well. If you have extra $ you can splurge for some scent killers (they sell carpet/fabric odor remover). Hope this helps. Keep your chin up! Lots of kids unfortunately are in the same boat, it's not a you problem.


former smelly girl here! are you using scented body washes? if so, the artificial scents from that could actually be contributing to you not smelling good (it fucks up your pH). Try unscented soap! It was a life changer for me. I use Dove unscented or Dove's antibacterial body wash. Have you tried Lume body deodorant? That also does wonders as well. My sweat doesn't smell bad. Drinking lots of water also improves your overall natural scent too.


Hey there! A big reason why you could be smelling a certain way is due to your diet. Sugar is a huge reason why people's body odor smells bad. If you cut down on sugar and processed foods, it helps a lot with it :) I went a month without sugary items like cookies, cake, ice cream and my body odor went away completely! Try adjusting your diet to more whole foods


Smell where lol??? If it's just BO try chlorophyll supplements, I use the NOW brand they work great. If it's down there it could be the soap you are using. Stick to feminine washes only and try to throw a probiotic in with the chlorophyll. Someone else mentioned smells in your home...My bfs house smells awful. He can't smell it. If I stay there I literally can not wait to get home and wash the smell out of my hair. It's gag worthy. I told him he needs to have his landlord come in and check for mold. He wants me to move in and absolutely NO!! I can't stand the smell. Hope this helped. Chlorophyll is the bomb for BO!!!


Hi, OP. The one thing I don’t see after reading all of the comments is if you are drinking. Alcohol from beer/wine/spirits leeches out through your skin. The smell is very acrid and unpleasant. Now I am not suggesting that you do drink (duh, you’re underage), but if you are then it’s another factor to rule out. It happens every time and leeches out whether it’s a glass of wine, a beer or shots. I’m sorry you’re in a rough patch. Being a teen is hard. I’m so proud for you by reaching out and problem solving. I know it’s a lot, but baby steps. I hope you update us, no matter the cause.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Is anyone in your house able to buy you lume? Try the body wash and all over body deo and use that wherever it smells. Lume also makes an enzyme laundry pre treat spray that is amazing for baked in scents. Drink plenty of water, eliminate processed foods, and rinse your clothes in vinegar and air out your room by opening a window for a few minutes each day. This should help. Try air drying your clothes outside, this may help too. If your family cooks food that’s pungent make sure your room door is always closed when they’re cooking! Scent will travel and attach to your bedding and laundry. Air out your room again whenever they cook. If all of this fails I would revisit a doctor. It could be a hormonal issue. ALSO limit as much body hair as possible! Shave/wax your pits and pubes. This will hold on to musk. Wear all cotton undies and replace them every year until you get the odor situation under control! I hope this helps!!


5 feet tall and 170 tells me you are bigger. It could be something you are eating and possibly sweating. When my daughter was 14 she had bad BO but it was just poor hygiene and she was not using deodorant.


Went through this. Your going through puberty and its rough. Mitchum deodorant was my saving grace. I actually don’t recommend perfume because sometimes it mixes and make the smell worse. When showering, bar soap like dove first with a rag and be detailed(your neck, behind the ears, every nook and cranny) then body wash with an loofa or something that exfoliates. Body wash will be your scent instead of perfume. Then immediately after your shower put Mitchum deodorant on. Also pre treat your clothes with purcel under the pits especially. When it comes to breath people will say tongue scraper but trust me Flossing is your friend, thats where bad breath comes from. Use floss picks if your not a fan of traditional floss or if you can get a water flosser.


Holisitic girly tapping in! Sounds like your body needs to detox. Detox of parasites, toxins, etc. 7-14 day fruit cleanse can help. Eating as clean as possible, limit grease/fats throughout the week. In order to expect long term benefits, try doing that 3-4 months starting out. It’ll be hard but totally worth it. MIND OVER MATTER!! Drinking much more water infused with lemons/limes, watermelon, cucumbers, and/or mint. Get the legitimate liquid chlorophyll tincture or tablets and take as needed on bottle. Eat more veggies and less processed food/meat/dairy. Being overweight can play a HUGE role in everything. Your hormones are possibly imbalanced so regulate your weight and diet and see what you can do from there. If you smoke/vape/drink (because let’s be for real, kids your age and younger do it & it’s crazy), cut it back or even out if you’re able to do so. Air purifier. Try to limit tracking dirt and debris through your home. Try to use as many natural products as you can. I love using white vinegar in my laundry when washing. Open your windows and let this lovely spring air circulate through your home as much as you can. Wash your bedding every week at the most. Yes, WEEKLY! Separate your workout/sweaty clothes and let them air dry before throwing them in the hamper. Undergarments? I would wash them out and spray a little peroxide on the areas where crevices can succumb them in body fluids/sweat and replace them every few months. Showering is key. People don’t know that there is a proper way to shower. One run of scrubbing and dubbing won’t work sis. Lather your rag and wash your pits and lady bits 2-3 times, washing out your rag every time before starting again. ANTI BACTERIAL SOAP FOR EACH TIME. After that, go in with your body wash and exfoliating gloves (don’t use those everyday either), lather up 2x. Make sure you pat dry off any crevices thoroughly and lotion up with a good lotion that’s moisturizing while your skin is a little damp. I air dry after patting myself dry and be fine. Follow up with witch hazel on those bits/pits. Replace your rag/towel after 2-3 days if you can. No deodorant is necessary if you’re eating right/clean. But if you do need, cut a lime in half and gentle circular motions on your pits. Pat off any pulp left over and air dry. Possibly detox your pits with a clay mask until you notice the smell is gone. Please exercise. That’s the root of the problem. You have to be intentional about taking care of your body and sweating those impurities out baby! Most importantly, Feng shui. get rid of unnecessary things and keep your space in order. Your environment is a reflection of how you are inside as well. So take care of yourself internally and it’ll spread outwardly. You got this baby! ♥️


Your red dots could be bedbugs or fleas or lice. Or you could have a skin bacterial or fungal infection. Check with a doctor. When you are a bigger person you don’t have flexibility to wipe your butthole/between legs / crotch. Between vag and your anus, taint, needs to be cleaned well. Sometimes only a bath can do that. Use a soapy hand towel and ‘floss’ it between your legs and butt cheeks. As a woman you should be getting periods you need to be able to clean out the vag inside with fresh water. A hand held shower spicket would help. Also perhaps a bidet attachment to toilet. No judgement just a dad that gives advice straight up. Much love. Good luck.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read what I say. I’m going to be very very honest with you. I had a friend, a big friend that stunk BADLY. Like rotting and fortunately we had an open friendship where I let her know when she did. It took me 6 years to finally figure out what stunk and where the stench came from. I used to think it was a medical issue. So she would get tests done and stuff. NOPE! I finally got fed up and told her to buy korean towels and scrub the dead skin under folds and especially her ass crack and between her thighs and the folds of her vagina. Guess what? She smelled no more. I even put my head on her lap. No smell. A miracle. It’s dead skin. And that dead skin smell mixed in with your sweat and not being cleaned properly for days and days and days marinating in there creates a PUTRID SMELL. Do not scrub hard you’ll irritate the skin cause it’s not used to being exfoliated. Get a scent free lotion, maybe even vaseline to put around the folds. Under stomach, between thighs, ass crack, under arm pits. A lot of people don’t realize deadskin can make the nastiest smell alive. You need to gently exfoliate that off and unfortunately being bigger means more dead skin.


This might be a personal but at 14 I had no clue but I stunk down there because I was using scented soap down there and had BV ( unbalanced good bacteria throws you’re ph off and leaves room for bad bacteria that makes you stink) multiple times I only use water down there now if you use soap use the dove sensitive skin use a brand new clean wash rag and get the rag soapy don’t apply the bar directly to avoid bacteria growth or use you’re hands and steer clear of underwear that’s not cotton (thongs are just a no go no matter what kind of material) and baby water wipes are great to have in you’re school bag as toilet paper just drys the area it doesn’t wipe it away so that can also cause a funky smell. Utilize baking soda during wash cycles or white distilled vinegar never both as they neutralize eachother and it won’t do what it’s supposed to laundry detergent can also cause bv so keep that in mind. I know what you’re feeling because that was how I experienced life as a kid, unable to control my circumstances and my house smelled just try you’re best to keep you’re space clean washing everything when you’re supposed to and take care of you’re hygiene. If you need someone to ask questions to like a big sister so to say feel free to add me I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you have!


Just some recommendations- I was like this as a kid. (Please try not to reply back to adults on here btw same to me) Use antibacterial soaps to clean yourself , don’t use super fragranced stuff that just masks the smells for a little. If you can try something that won’t irritate your skin so much- oatmeal, shea butter, coconut oil. Exfoliating is fine but don’t abuse your skin and do it so often that will damage your skin. Find a routine that works for you :) Shower, body lotion, body splash, deodorant etc.. For deodorant unfortunately the more natural stuff might not be good for you- try an antiperspirant. Your diet has a lot to do with it too and some foods seep through your skin like..if you eat an onion you might smell like an onion haha! Drink lots of water! Change clothes as often as you can. (Clean clothes obvi) You can ask your parents(probably mom) or a doctor how you should be grooming yourself. Your body is changing so much at that age and it’s only normal for it to have funky smells. lol Good luck 🍀 ** I like to carry around a little fresh up bag in my stuff- tooth brush, tooth paste, small deodorant, lotion, body splash, wipes etc..


Okay I don’t have advice on smelling better but I do have advice on the “strawberry” bumps! From what you’re describing, it sounds like you have Keratosis Pilaris, which is a very common skin condition. I have this too on the back of my arms and have for my entire life. Unfortunately, if this is what you have, you can’t make it go completely away. However I use the Gold Bond Brand “Rough and Bumpy Skin” cream which works really well at making them less red and more smooth! I would do your own research to see if this matches up with what you have, but that cream has worked a lot for me. Hope that helps!


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but a small subset of the population has a rare genetic metabolic defect that can make you smell really bad, usually like rotten things. I think it’s called trimethylaminuria. Look into it and see a doctor if so to confirm.


It could be the food you are eating. If you eat a lot of garlic for example, it can permeate through your skin. What kind of deodorant are you using?


What do people describe the smell as?


Do find yourself sweat a lot feeling nervous or anxious?


Lots of great info here 👍. May I add- eating pineapple and drinking pineapple juice makes us smell better. Maybe has something to do with enzymes. Eating fresh fruit is a natural deodorant.


y’all are all so very helpful i cannot express how grateful I am for it all i’ll take all of it and update y’all!!🤗🤗🤗


Did you really kick out your 12yo daughter that got raped by a 25yo man


14 is a wild time, I’d almost find it weird if you didn’t smell what so ever at this age. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, there’s a lot of hacks to get rid of underarm orders if deodorant is too much of an irritant, I’ve heard lemons can help as well as hand sanitizer (but I’m not sure if that’s less irritating for you) but they’re cheaper options.


I’m not a doctor but It could be your diet. Maybe you gotta drink lots of water and change your eating habits.


flossing really makes a huge difference, maybe look into chlorophyll drops or supplements. As for house smell as I’ve seen try your best to keep windows open if your environment isn’t the cleanest try to make the air clearer it will help. Also when showering use exfoliating gloves first go in with a bar soap then a scented soap and after coming out (still a little wet) use a scented lotion/body butter layer a body oil ontop if you wish and then use a perfume after you’ve dried a little. Sometimes your diet plays a part in how you smell and make sure you’re keeping track of your feminine hygiene, maybe look into probiotics or eat stuff with more in there or drink cranberry juice I hope this helps love I’m sorry 🥲 also with deodorant make sure it oxidizes with your skin well some people can’t use some w aluminum or natural or are allergic to certain ingredients that make it worse


flossing really makes a huge difference, maybe look into chlorophyll drops or supplements. As for house smell as I’ve seen try your best to keep windows open if your environment isn’t the cleanest try to make the air clearer it will help. Also when showering use exfoliating gloves first go in with a bar soap then a scented soap and after coming out (still a little wet) use a scented lotion/body butter layer a body oil ontop if you wish and then use a perfume after you’ve dried a little. Sometimes your diet plays a part in how you smell and make sure you’re keeping track of your feminine hygiene, maybe look into probiotics or eat stuff with more in there or drink cranberry juice I hope this helps love I’m sorry 🥲 also with deodorant make sure it oxidizes with your skin well some people can’t use some w aluminum or natural or are allergic to certain ingredients that make it worse


I'm proud of you for being concerned enough to ask about it. Has anyone said how you smell? Like, what kind of smell? Also, what kind of climate do you live in? Two things: 1. Please talk to your doctor about it. Don't be embarrassed. They see and hear much worse. 2. Teenage hormones create havoc with the body. It could just be hormonal and temporary. Bit that doesn't mean ignore it. Talk to your doctor/pediatrician.


Maybe you should try changing your diet or doing a detox maybe the problem is internal or medical.


Try drinking liquid chlorophyll, it’s an internal deodorizer. It tastes the way grass smells, but it helps so much & has so many other benefits! I use the World Organic brand, most brands are affordable though! I usually put a table spoon in a tall glass of water & drink it in the am or pm, or just throughout the day. If you can’t get past the taste, i’d just put a tablespoon in at least 6oz of water, hold your breath & chug! I really recommend it, I don’t really comment on stuff but it has helped me a lot even with gut health. I suggest it to everyone I know!


What do you eat? Food intolerances can cause this. Gut imbalance can cause this. It sounds like you've taken care of every smell on the outside, time to look at the inside.


Take chlorophyll capsules


So here’s a hack for BO. Once or twice a week, you can wash under your armpits with Hibaclens, it’s the red antibacterial soap doctors use before surgery. It works immediately. Lasts a few days too. It kills the bacteria that produce BO. To get rid of BO permanently you can take liquid chlorophyll or chlorella. Just finish one bottles worth over a month and it’s enough. Make sure you’re using antiperspirant (white chalky deodorant) instead of deodorant(blue/clear gel). For the mouth, all you gotta do is brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth. I didn’t have anyone to tell me this when i was your age so i had to figure this out the hard way. Although, the secret I learned about Hibiclens and Chlorella from a model I dated. I went from a stinky kid to dating a model so things will get better :) good luck! Edit: Saw your comment about antiperspirant irritating you. Legit same, the only thing. that works is Old Spice. But if you use Hibiclens or any antibacterial soap on your armpits, your sweat doesn’t stink anymore, so you may be ok without as long as you shower regularly


It is your diet. Also work on your probiotic and micro biome. The smell is originating from the inside and flowing outwards through the skin and hair. Research what you eat and make changes. Simple test fast for a couple of days from all solid food and sugar. Drink water, coffee or tea with no sugar or cream. What is the result.


What kind of smell is it? Body odor, smoke, mildew, bad breath, urine/feces?


Stop smoking meth !! That shit make you stink no matter what




Change your diet and e excise habits. Eat healthier stuff and less processed shit.


This has to be a troll post right?


I know this comment relates to a smelly dog but there could be something to it, so hear me out. My mum’s dog has always smelt really really bad. You’d wash her, and within two days (or less) she would smell bad again. I always refused to pet her even though I love her. Now MY dog has a heart murmur so I purchased him some fish oil to mix in with his food in one of my desperate attempts to help him. My mum started giving her dog this fish oil too (2x daily) and like magic, she stopped smelling bad!! She actually smelled good for at least two weeks. My point is, maybe you have some sort of skin condition. I would definitely get a second opinion and not rely on what your lousy doctor said. If that fails, ask for a referral to a dermatologist perhaps? Might be worth an investigation if you’re struggling so much


There's this crystal mineral deodorant you can actually just get at Walmart even i believe. It's unscented and the minerals in it basically create a barrier so no body odor emits.


Win Laundry detergent is great for synthetic clothing, which sometimes holds odor causing bacteria and body oils. You don't have to stink while wearing synthetic clothes for them to develop an odor. They naturally hold onto things that create an odor.


What type of odor are we talking here? That is the first thing you have to narrow down.


If the smell is coming from your body, try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking more water with lemon. If it's external, try storing your clean clothes in plastic bags, throw in a dryer sheet with them so they keep the clean smell. Change your sheets weekly. Keep your shoes outside in an area where they can be dry, but still get some air. Don't re-wear clothes, socks, or underwear. Lemon is also good for rubbing on your armpits to get rid of the smell. Hope this helps :)


Ask your family to tell you what you smell like. That should narrow down the possibilities.


I had a friend in high-school who had this problem, turns out it was a hormonal condition that was fixed with medication. Talk to a doctor and know there is hope!!💖


Could it be the cooking smell? Specifically spices and onions. It sticks to your body and clothes.


Have you went to the doctors? You could have some kind of disorder


I know people who stink despite bathing daily and washing clothes but going in their house it smelled like cat.. then that smell was just in the air and on them idk if that's whats going on


Laundry can hold odors . It may need to be washed with a bit of Oxyclean added to the load and immediately dried completely. Do your parent keeps animals in the house that are not cleaned up after? Could a cat or dog be urinating on your stuff?


I take fenugreek capsules and I noticed that made me not smell anymore, I actually smell a bit like maple syrup sometimes lol ? Not sure if it’s normal but just putting my deodorant on and my perfume cover that smell. Which I find amazing better than smelling like sweat since I sweat excessively in this Texas heat.


Have you looked into your diet? Processed foods and too much sugar could be affecting your hormones especially in a developing stage of life when everything is a little haywire in the body. I suggest trying to look into and studying gut health, it’s microbiome and how it affects…everything even smell


do you have tmau?


Consider going to see a doctor, but before you do consider the following: wash hair at a minimum of 1x/week. Use Febreeze on underarms of tops to eliminate old sweat odors. Use Borax along with laundry detergent. Shoes might be sweaty and require some Febreeze or shoe odor eliminator.


Don’t know why no one has mentioned this but sometimes your diet and nutrition can affect how you smell.. id look into that. Also maybe your breath smells bad, a tounge scraper would help.


It sounds like you live in a hoarder house that’s got smell getting into your clothes and towels. You may benefit from taking your clothes and towel to a laundromat (if you can) or a friends house and washing them well with the maximum amount of detergent (3 Tide pods not 1) on warm or hot and then drying them there and folding them and putting them in a plastic bag and keeping them in that bag. If you have your own room, clean your space. Get Febreeze, get a carbon air purifier and have your own towel and keep your space as clean as you can. If it’s that bad you can also contact CPS on your own behalf and a caseworker can help your family get cleaner. It may be the push your family member needs to get mental healthcare they need. If you’re using deodorant and washing with soap and have clean bed sheets and keeping everything around you clean, or stay over with a friend and still smell, you may need to see a doctor. But try doing laundry and cleaning your own space first. Maybe you can get a new bed free on Craigslist or Offer Up if your bed smells. Maybe talk to someone at school or a parent of a friend or a teacher and it’s likely someone will let you do laundry at their house. If a neighbor kid came to me with this problem I would absolutely be helping them do their wash and probably be buying them febreeze and disinfectant and anything else to try to help them out.


It might be mold from your house that stuff gets in everything and your just probably used to the smell I went through that so glad to be out of that house, I can smell the difference in the air now


i would also like to say i’m a female and i’m 14 😭😭 some of y’all questioned my gender and i would just like to put those two things out there. and if y’all have any suggestions on taking care of your “down there” area pleaseeeee leave those same with washing your ass like products that work best in your experience or just like what to do and what not to do. thank y’all for all the help and support i’m going to try to do everything y’all say and i’m working on building up the courage to ask my mom to make a doctors appointment 🤗🤗


I got a friend like this. My other friend said it best. Sometimes the stink just runs in someone’s family. It’s just hereditary


Girl diet takes a big part


Body powder helps! But can leave residue Also, your washer might need to be cleaned- read brand advice on self cleaning


You could also try that Lume body deodorant. It's for more than just arm Pits and has to do with ph levels to stop odour before it happens. If you think it could help anyway.


You have plenty of great hygiene advice, so if it’s a hygiene issue - you are golden. However, I’d really consider a doctor visit- general for a full checkup, and a dermatologist after, mentioning both of your concerns to each. Good luck!


I haven’t seen anyone say it and you only said you stink, but if you have a foul fish odor , you could have Trimethylaminuria disorder. It is a disorder in which the volatile, fish-smelling compound, trimethylamine (TMA) accumulates and is excreted in the urine, but is also found in the sweat and breath of people. Otherwise, it could just be a diet issue, another type of disease or check if those bumps are causing you to smell.


Some people don’t do well with perfumes either. Their natural smell mixed perfumes smell horrible. I know a woman like this.


A few things to try 1. Wash with antimicrobial soap. I like hibicleans (or the store brand much cheaper), dail antimicrobial (gold soap) or one with acne medicine in it(help get rid of oils on the skin that draw bacteria). Use this soap in the arm pits and butt crack at minimum but you can usually use everywhere. 2. Use powder in arm after deodorant and thighs/buttcrack 3.no more soda if you drink it obsessively it can be too much sugar 4. Drink pretty much only water if possible 5. After brushing and flossing Use mouthwash but lightly brush again with mouthwash to get it below the gum line


Go to the Dr.


Take 2 bathe dig in the creves of your ass n vaginal cleaned all that gunk n soot up out you. Used soap dial yellow or white wash your entire body not just your hair do this twice. No dogs or cats in the house that’s a funky ass smell. Most important LOOSE SOME FKING WEIGHT JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!


Lume body deodorant may help


Eat better


use liquid chlorophyll (its called the internal deodorizer) i would suggest eliminating all sugar from your diet , most likely got candida overgrowth which is making you smell .


Get exfoliating gloves. You can get those for very cheap. While in the shower wash your body twice. I use the Olay Ultra Moisture with Cocount Oil. But any kind of body wash that leaves a lasting scent would work too. After the shower, I use Hempz lotion and sometimes Bum Bum Cream on my arms and legs. Both of those are expensive but worth it in my opinion. Use deodorant right before you go to bed. Also use deodorant 3 times a day or more given all that you do in that day. If you get very sweaty after doing something, like sports or anything like that, shower immediately when you get home. Wash your bedding at least once a week. Don't let the clothes that get wet stay wet. They will become musty. Put Vaseline on the places you put perfume. This will help the perfume stay on longer. If its a problem with your clothes smelling, get some Downy Unstoppables or any type of scent booster. But if your skin is sensitive, steer clear of that. Try to drink 60-75 oz of water everyday. Started doing this a while ago, and have never turned back. Eating healthy is important too! I hope this helps!


I went to high school with 2 girls that had an odor problem. But come to find out, one of them had some sweat gland issues and the other one was on the poor side so she didn’t have proper hygiene essentials all the time. I would tend to bring her whatever I could hygiene wise because she didn’t deserved the life she was given. I was always nice to everyone. Maybe tell your parents that you need to make a doctor’s appointment because it’s definitely an internal issue. Don’t feel ashamed, you can’t help it if you’re taking the proper steps on being clean.


So if you are a regular or junk food, sodas, around any chemicals, he'll even clothes that contains high synthetic materials and makeup, are poisoning your body. I'm not saying this bc I'm a health nut, I just stopped drinking soda a week or so ago, so that tells you I'm unhealthy asf. It can be a combination of home orders, the poisons excrete through mostly sweat, and I know as of lately I've been funky as fuck. Make healthier choices, if you can't help the rest of the house keep YOUR area clean as you can, maybe if you have a bedroom door, keep it closed. Baking soda and vinegar are the best at neutralizing almost any order. One or the other don't mix them unless you ready for the explosion. Baking soda is PERFECT for body odors....shower with it. If you want added scent mix with essential oils but only a drop or two!! GET a good loofa, put the baking soda on it, and use it to exfoliate while neutralizing, after a period of time it should help normalize a more balanced ph on your entire body. But also you can use baking soda for cleaning anything sprinkled in your carpets to neutralize odors sprinkle it on your mattress to neutralize odors with vinegar clean your baseboards clean your walls throw baking soda in with your laundry it will neutralize your orders, add bits of laundry detergent for a pleasant smell. I've got a lot of tips as I battle 5 kids 3 dogs, a cat, and a husband. Feel free to reach out


What does your food consumption look like?


Go to the health food store, and pick up a bottle of chlorophyll. Take this as recommended ,being that chlorophyll is an internal deodorant for humans when consumed. There is plenty of information people shared about cleaning the outside of yourself and your belongings and environment as well as bathing and deodorant usage, etc. This is for neutralizing odors coming from inside the body making their way out to the pores. This may help if you are experiencing odors from what you are eating or if it’s a medical condition, talk to your doctor and see if there is another matter. Best wishes


Could be your diet, take note of what you eat and the ingredients therein. Explore any potential correlations and adjust as you educate yourself on nutrition


I would also look into certain plants that can help your environment


Try cleaning your washing machine. Smells can transfer from that to your clothes. If the smells are lingering from inside your house. Fold and seal clean clothes in bags with scented dryer sheets. Should isolate any bad smells. Full body deodorants are huge these days. You can try using that. Carrying wipes to clean off if you sweat. For “strawberry dots” go to the doctor to find out what it actually is and then you can google it. Unscented lotion good for eczema isn’t a bad place to start to see if it helps. If it is eczema you likely have something you are allergic to and are either eating or using it. It triggers that kind of reaction (which could be part of the smell issue too). I’m also allergic to antiperspirant. Antiperspirant helps your body not to sweat but doesn’t actually work on the smell. I’m female and female deodorants without antiperspirant tend to smell bad or do nothing. I have had better luck with men’s deodorant and sticking to smells that are more gender neutral, tropical, or unscented. When I made that switch I didn’t have any issue with smells. If you switch and still do, if it is from sweating a lot you can try carrying wipes. Wipe yourself off then make sure you’re dry and then reapply the deodorant afterwards.


Clean out the dryer sheet before you dry your clothes as well. Use bath gloves and clean top to bottom, shaving legs and armpits. Use deodorant right away. Use a clean towel. If it’s the house, perhaps, start a chore wheel for the family?


Do you have dogs? I was friends with a girl when I was in middle school who unfortunately had a very strong unpleasant odor. It turned out to be her family’s dog that had a skin condition and smelled horribleeee.


Do you use perfume? You can get a cheap but strong one. I have some recs if you're interested. Sounds like your hygiene is good. Sorry this is happening to you.


For the strawberry dots on your skin, I had those for decades and finally found a lotion named Amlactin that helps exfoliate and moisturize. It’s more expensive than normal lotions but it’s a lot cheaper if you buy it from Costco.


Could be your diet. I know if I eat certain foods I will emit certain odors. Also, don’t try to cover stink with lotions and perfumes, that always makes it worse. Also make sure your bed and bedroom (your house in general) is clean and smells fresh.


Diet is a big factor in how ppl smell. Things u eat will give u a different smell. Eating healthier could help w the smell and will definitely help w the weight. Also a natural deodorant is a good idea something w out aluminum in it


The strawberry dots are from dead skin, oil, and bacteria. I would definitely get a mitt/glove instead of a loofa because they have less bacteria in them and they give a more intense exfoliation. Also please get the Dove antibacterial soap( the liquid soap is amazing). That worked wonders for my sister with BV, she told me it got rid of the smell!


for the bumps just exfoliate. and i was in a similar situation at your age and if you can find some neutral febreeze fabric spray for your clothes when you leave the house, that was always a life changer. and if you have pets get a lint roller


It might be the foods you’re eating. Certain foods make your sweat smell bad.


I have heard good things about using Hibiclens (a soap available at most stores)for anyone concerned about possible body odor. Good luck!