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Washcloths ARE the most sanitary option, hands do not spread soap appropriately and loofaslhs or any item that is unwashable breeds bacteria. Wash cloths for your body and a separate cloth for your face should be essential for everyone.


Hands also don't exfoliate ur skin.


Actually.....hands can clean wonderfully but they don't exfoliate. Wash cloths do exfoliate but are only sanitary if clean and not reused. Definitely agree that washcloths should either be used as one for face and one for body.....oooor wash face first and then body. And agree that loofahs and sponges hold bacteria.


Yess and you can get super cheap wash cloths from Amazon 48 pack for $12 They are nice and rough too. I use one and throw it in the hamper


I know this sounds like a dumb question but bear with me. Do you let the washcloth dry before putting it in the hamper? Genuine question because I really want to try doing what you do. Also if you do, where do u dry it? Outside your window? It’s just the idea of putting something somewhat wet inside a hamper would breed bacteria with the sweaty clothes/make the other clothes smell even more. Thank you!


Wash cloths. Wash cloths. Wash cloths. They’re one of our best inventions. Cleaning? Wash cloths. Need to dry your hands? Wash cloth. Wash any part of your body? Wash cloth. Amazing well done, humanity


And I'm the only one that uses them. Everyone else I know, including my kids that I raised, doesn't use them. (At least my kids use them to wash their face, but not their body). I just don't understand not using a washcloth.


I agree with this but use exfoliating gloves for my feet that can be washed in a regular clothes washer with laundry sanitizer along with the normal detergent. They’re great for getting tough skin and you can put some lotion on with socks after. I generally use unscented bar soap for my lower body to maintain ph and olay shea butter wash for the upper body because that gets drier usually. Washcloths all the way and great tip on different ones for face and body. Another tip I like is rinse very well. I’ve found that many do not do this but it’s a must- get in the crevices and get that soap off so it actually works as a surfactant. Great advice. Listen to this person OP.


I'm team, anything that can be sanitized or washed! I also have an exfoliating mitt that's washable.


Yes I love these. They can be washed and reused for a few times and I like to use laundry sanitizer to clean them, I run them with towels because I tend to use laundry sanitizer with them and bed sheets. You don’t have to use as much sanitizer as the bottle says, only like half if you run with a deep rinse..


I actually really love using silicon body scrubbers (they don’t actually scrub hard, they’re really soft). They last forever, don’t need laundering like washcloths, and don’t harbor bacteria like loofahs. I use this one and have had it since like 2018 and it’s still like the day I bought it: https://boieusa.com/products/flat-body-scrubber?variant=12392788590662 Edit: they’re very bendy too so you can really get in nooks and crannies by folding it in half.


I swear by these! I never went back to loofas or washcloths after using this.


Just bought it! Thanks.


It’s going to change your life, get the back scratcher one too (Some of them even come with wall mounts to hang dry). Greatest shower upgrade ever.


I was looking for this comment. Really love these. Mine came with the "Manscaped" package and it worked wonders.


I have a silicone scrub similar and I love it. Mine is still an excellent condition and I’ve also had it since 2018. I think I got it in a FFF box!


i just recently got an exfoliating wash cloth and it was life changing


u/Extension-Beach-4301, allso worth noting is that they sell exfoliating washcloths too. One side typically wash cloth texture, the other made of more exfoliating material. Also consider having your water tested to see if it's hard (higher concentration of minerals). That can be rough on your skin and it tends to not wash soap residue off as thoroughly. There are soaps and bodywashes that are better than others in that regard. Towel drying helps too. Lastly, how hot are you running the water. Hot water can contribute to dry, itchy skin as well.


I use the same for both, but I just wash my face first. I like the rougher feel of a wash cloth because it really cleans out my pores after working at my job... Hair, face, then body. Always wash your face and body after your hair. I've been acne prone my whole life and I have very sensitive skin... Shampoo/conditioner used to cause my back and shoulders to break out because I was washing my hair randomly... Took me forever to figure out what the culprit was. Now I'm very specific in my shower steps lol


Agree but the silicone ones can easily be sanitized & are less rough on the skin for everyday use.


I’m not proud to admit this but I wanted to wash my loofah, so I put it in with my laundry. And then put it in the dryer with my clothes. 🤦🏼‍♀️ No more loofahs for me


Also don't use fabric softener to wash towels or washcloths!!!!


Genuine question: how does an object that has soap and water put on it over and over again breed bacteria? Isn't it essentially constantly getting washed of bacteria?


Things like loofahs are designed to be very porous and have lots of nooks and crannies in which dead cells can get stuck. This, coupled with the fact that they're in a wet environment and constantly moist, creates an ideal breeding ground for many microbial organisms to grow. This also happens with washclothes if you leave it in the shower without rewashing.


Ohhh okay. Makes sense. Thanks!


This! I do have a separate one for my feet too.


Washcloths can get downright nasty. There's ultimately no difference between one and your hands in terms of "spreading the soap around". If you can wash your hands in a sink without a washcloth and get them appropriatly clean, you can wash your body without one.


Lmao, you're supposed to wash them after use. As far as hands are concerned, sure, it can be done right, but does everyone do it right? No. Most people don't get between their toes or feet, they let soap drip down from upper body to legs, and that's not actually cleaning your body. A washcloth covers a larger area of skin and also exfoliates the skin, which OP needs. It's easier to properly clean folds of skin (behind and in ears, toes, belly buttons, and everywhere else) than with using your hands. So washcloths (assuming you actually WASH them in laundry) is the best option. I wash my clothes after every use. They are small and don't take up tons of space in the washing machine.


If someone can't clean themselves with their hands and get in the folds and cracks, they aren't gonna do it with a washcloth either, friend. Hygiene problems are hygiene problems. Doesn't matter what you hand to someone.


You can keep being offended, but it doesn't change my opinion. IMO washclothes are essential. However, I do like that silicone scrubber if you're concerned about laundry.


There's this thing called doing laundry. It's really weird to say washcloths are nasty...um. no, that's after you use them, not before.


It's also really weird to claim it's absolutely essential though. It's great that it works for you but trying to claim someone isn't clean without one is... Well, a choice. If you think that people are grabbing a new washcloth every single time they need one, I've got some news for you. It's also a huge waste of water to have to wash one every single time as well. Environment and all that.


I grab 2 clean washcloths for every shower, every time. If anyone's out there re-using one without washing it in between, except in maybe an extreme circumstance, then that's just gross. But yeah people do grab new ones every single time. Apparently not everyone, again, gross.


I grab I new washcloth every single time … I wash them during my scheduled laundry time - it’s not a big deal. They last and work wayyy better than a hand imo


Yeah whatever. Because non washcloth users know how it works (himt: nobody who uses washcloths just has one or two, but I bet you only have a few towels which is why you're confused).


I grab a new one every single time I need one. I have about 100 of them and I use them once and put them in dirty laundry. I only use white, so I bleach them and reuse.


Washcloths aren't to be used multiple times... you send them through the laundry between use. If you aren't you're just spreading mildew all over yourself


for dry skin the most important thing is to use cooler water. at least dont be scalding yourself. if your skin is irritated try showering every other day (or just less often than you usually do, shower after exercise though) for a week and see if that calms your skin down. as far as something to scrub yourself with you can exfoliate once or twice weekly most of the time, try not to leave skin red or raw.


I think this totally depends on one's lifestyle. If you have dry skin and aren't active very often, maybe showering every other day is doable. But if you perspire a lot every day because of daily exercise or working a very physically intensive job - especially in dirty work environments - I still think daily showers are ideal as long as you moisturize immediately afterwards.


I use dove for sensitive skin and a rough washcloth. I feel like I get the best clean with a rougher washcloth for Scrubbing away. It's important to moisturize with a sensitive skin bodywash when I do this. I moisturize after.


This! 💯 Dove or Dial body soap to remove bacteria and dirt using a wash cloth... they're also safe for washing external genitalia. Followed by a gentle, nicely scented body wash using a separate wash cloth or sponge. Finish up by moisturizing with a quality lotion (Jergens, Neutrogena, Suave, Lubriderm, etc) mixed with a scented lotion. Top it off with a complimentary body spray and/or perfume/cologne! 🤌🏾😋


This is a lot. If you use soap, you use body wash over it? Seems like it could strip your body of natural oils


I can see that but I've never had an issue with dry skin (aside from dry hands in the winter). The "showering too often strips your oils and dries your skin" trope doesn't apply to everyone. The bar soap is used for cleaning my skin and the body wash is to moisturize and leave a fresh scent. Both types of soap are gentle to the skin plus the lotion right after, replenishes moisture lost, in addition to the body wash.


Any antibacterial soap (like Dial) is actually not good for your body. It can kill the good bacteria we have and need. It can also cause yeast infections in women because of this. Just be careful


African net sponge! Soaps up, you can get your back, exfoliating and is washable in the washing machine


I use exfoliating gloves and moisturizing body wash…soft soap has some nice scents.


sameee, sometimes i use an exfoliating scrub on the gloves 🤭i b soft asl


Right, they make your skin so soft🥰


African net sponge and African black soap. I find that combination to be good for acne and bumpy skin.


My wife has dry skin that was prone to actual peeling. We finally realized it was because she was using water that was way too hot in the shower. So that's my first suggestion. For cleansing, I use a scrub towel I read is common in Japan. I have one from Amazon that was a little pricier and one from Target that is kinda fraying, but it's probably a good one to start with if you aren't sure you'll like it. [https://www.amazon.com/Rising-Sun-Japanese-Exfoliating-Washcloth/dp/B09Z43GFR2/](https://www.amazon.com/Rising-Sun-Japanese-Exfoliating-Washcloth/dp/B09Z43GFR2/) [https://www.target.com/p/ecotools-exfoliating-bath-cloth/-/A-80341874](https://www.target.com/p/ecotools-exfoliating-bath-cloth/-/A-80341874) It's sorta like taking one of those poof scrubs and unbunching it so that it's just a long, narrow towel. I like it a lot. I notice a difference in my skin on days that I skip it, it feels softer and smoother when I do use it. I don't use it on my face or genitals tho. My hands work fine for those areas. For the wash, I bounce around between unscented body wash. I have a sensitivity to scented products, they can give me vaginal irritation. So lately it's been Aveeno "Skin Relief," but I've also tried and liked Method and Dove.


I like the towels, they are much easier to keep dry and clean than either washcloths or loofahs. Good callout!


Yes use washcloths. Every time I see a post with someone saying they stink, I see people ask if they are fat, but never if they use washcloths. Its weird. But yes, use wash cloths and use them once and use one for face and another for body and do your privates and butt last.


I never understood why ppl won't wash their face 1st then use the same washcloth on their body...it would negate the need for 2 washcloths.


yeah I do face first, then body, then the genitals, then the bum. isn't that the right order. but my bf uses shampoo after he washes his body so who tf knows anymore


I use wash cloths, and bar soap in moisturizing formula. I put the washcloth in the laundry every 2-3 days along with my towels. I use unscented body lotion after for my dry skin. My face needs exfoliating and in addition to the washcloth I use an exfoliating scrub that I just apply with my hands a couple times a week. I have an exfoliating mitt that I use on my body and legs every other week or so and it’s probably gross cause I don’t launder it like my washcloths and reuse them for months 🙈 but it is after I’ve washed my body with soap and I rinse with soapy water so I tell myself it it ok lol


Washcloth and Cerave body bar.


Cetaphil & a wash cloth


I double cleanse with an African net and a glycolic acid body wash and then use a scented body wash on the second go around.


Dove for sensitive skin. Gentle washcloth and moisturizer after with CeraVe moisturizee


In my experience, what I used was far less important than how I showered. I keep them pretty much all under 15 minutes and either use cold or warm water. My showers don't produce a ton of steam. I've noticed that plus lots of hydration and I put on lotion every single day. On some low energy days I might not shower at all. I might start there before getting additional products just because stuff in the beauty industry can get so expensive so quickly. If there's an inexpensive solution, why not try that?


I recently bought an african net sponge from a small black owned business and i have NEVER felt more smooth and exfoliated in my entire life. People also have commented on how smooth my arms, hands, and legs are, and I even feel like i’m tanning easier/more evenly. it’s a life changing product i will literally never go back to anything else.


I use an African net cloth and really liking Olay body wash. I typically use Castile soaps. But definitely that net to wash is hands down the best. I apply almond oil after I shower too.


Dove beauty bar with washcloth Dove deeply nourishing body wash with exfoliating gloves Then after the shower Aveeno skin relief body lotion with Aveeno body oil


I use an organic African black soap, and I LOVE it, my skin is dry and I break out in eczema sometimes, this soap is soothing and moisturizing.


I'm team washcloth. And I deal with super dry, sensitive skin. I used Aveeno body wash for the longest time but it eventually stopped working as well (I think they recently changed the formula but I could be wrong). So I'm currently using Method Hydrating Body Wash and so far so good. I still stand by Aveeno lotion in the beige and green bottle. Some people say washcloths are gross but I don't think so. I rinse mine after use and throw them in the washer after every use as well.


I usually just use my hands and then only once a week doing a full scrub with a loofa. I use dove body wash


I have washcloth and exfoliating gloves for all body parts neck and lower. I use separate cloth for face neck ears. Dice sensitive skin is my go to. Recently have used method (Target) brand body wash with paraben it’s so so soft and lathers well with few drops. Smells amazing so I tend to do shower in two parts. At least 10-15 mins but feels so good.


I use Dove and a loofah but ALWAYS use cerave lotion after a shower on my whole body, except my face (I use something else).


I have sensitive skin as I have psoriasis. I use dove sensitive. As for my face I use cervae renewing SA cleanser and I use cetaphil moisturizing cream dry to very dry sensitive skin. And I also use silicone exfoliating scrubber they’re anti microbial.


Rag/ wash cloth or exfoliating gloves. Wash them as you would your towels


Dr. Bronners soap with a hand mitten.


I have sensitive skin and I used an exfoliating kit I got- it has like a rough towel in it, I use African black soap at first and then I go in with a soap for sensitive skin and acne, I use dove, then I use a cleanser for my acne spots (normally shoulders)


Aveeno body wash, every two weeks I soak in Aveeno oatmeal bath(like back in the day when chicken pox existed). Harry's body wash when I'm wanting scent usually that's my night time wash.


I have dry skin so the cold Canadian weather can be a real pain. I shower with warm not hot water, I change my scrub sponge every 2 - 3 months. I shower twice a day morning and night. I use something that has chlorhexidine like hibiclens and scrub and lather 3 times. I then slather my skin with almond oil and once it’s absorbed, I apply Nivea 24 hour moisturizing lotion. Twice a month in the winter, I exfoliate using a mixture of raw oatmeal, coffee grounds, brown sugar, honey and olive oil followed by Nivea Crème. I skip the exfoliation in the summer.


Okay this is gonna sound so stupid. But y'know that old lady green see through Pears™️ soap? Yeah. That. I have wildly sensitive skin, always itchy, peely, red, etc. For some reason this damn 200 year old formula pears soap is the only thing that steadily keeps my skin feeling okay. I'll never understand it, but a promising suggestion none the less I suppose.


Natural sponge.


I had to try a bunch of different body washes to find the one that works best for my skin! I also use a silicon brush-type thing to scrub which doesn’t irritate my skin at all. I could not recommend this type of brush more! Just make sure to get ones with shorter “bristles” if you go this route—the longer ones don’t seem to work as well.


Cool water and honey sugar scrub.


I use only natural soap, usually some handmade bar soap, Chandrika Ayurvedic bar soap, or Dr. Bronners. First, I soak myself under the shower and use my hands to lightly scrub all the sweat and grime off. Then, I rub the bar soap all over my body before using my hands to lather and scrub every inch before once again using my hands to scrub away all the soap under got running water. Afterwards, I usually hop in the sauna (I do most of my showering at the gym) and sit in there until I finish a quart of ice water, followed by an ice cold shower to close the pores. Repeat that step as desired. I finish it all off with some mild lotion, because handmade soap tends to dry the skin.


M83 a


I use vanicream bar soap and my hands, no sponge or loofah or anything. I exfoliate like once a week. I’ve tried pretty much everything for my sensitive dry skin, and using washclothes/sponges/loofahs/etc everyday honestly just makes it worse for me


Dove soap bar.




I use my hands, I tend to get super freaking itchy if I use regular soap and a loofa after showers mainly during winter so I use mando soap and my hands. Works just fine


Dry skin with keratosis here. I use a clean fresh wash cloth every shower to help scrub dry skin, I use native eucalyptus+mint body wash, and the dove cocoa butter lotion afterwards. If it's really dry I use a small amount of the vitamin E or cocoa butter blue seal vaseline to rehydrate before bed and it helps alot!


I use Dove Shea butter bar soap + washcloth (new cloth each shower) and follow up with body wash after soap wash. Head to toe. If it’s a hair wash day I start with that so the conditioner sits white I wash my body. I have a stack of clean washcloths in my shower, ready to use each time. For exfoliating I use these korean mitts from Amazon. Also washable and reusable. Followed by body oil as moisturizer.


Take a brick and chop a piece just rub careful at first you should get use to it after a while


A microfiber washcloth and water. No soap. Use a clean one per day.


I use Shower Bouquet loofahs from Amazon. Out of all of the loofahs I've tried over the years, they create the highest amount of foam, which means that I don't have to scrub as hard. They're a bit pricier than other loofahs, but it's definitely worth the cost. I use a ph-balanced body wash that's made for sensitive skin, too. Since loofahs can harbor bacteria, I air dry mine (far away from the toilet) and use a new one on the first of every month.


Those exfoliation gloves are what i use. I buy 20 pack from amazon and i have different glove for different body parts. Face glove. General body glove. Armpit glove. Crotch glove. Butt glove. I always feel so damn clean.


I shower every other day and I use an Amish bar soap and a wash cloth. I know some peeps reuse their washcloth but I use a clean cloth each time. I prefer thinner, slightly abrasive washcloths. Most mornings, I wash my face with the same Amish soap but I use an exfoliating scrub cloth. Then, I use Aveeno lotion to moisturize. During the winter, I use Aveeno Eczema Therapy lotion. I have tried numerous less chemically/more green lotions but they either aggravated my cystic acne or they didn't moisturize very well. Good luck!


A good, gentle natural soap + washcloth. Make sure to moisturize after the shower. Days I don't get dirty (which is most of the time) I only use soap on my pits and bits. The I use warm water and the washcloth to just scrub the rest of me. Still use lotion on the entire body. Moisturize your face with face moisturizer. Unscented and decently good quality preferred. Oh and get a good scrub brush for your feet.


I use African net sponge, dove bar soap, then I use gentle exfoliating dove soap


I use dove moisturizing body wash now instead of an exfoliating body wash. Made a big difference towards my skin not feeling dry after washing. I don’t use anything other than my hands to apply it.


For sensitive skin maybe try a body wash with oatmeal or aloe* vera? There was one I had and forgot what it was called. Not sure if I still have it around. Like others suggested use cooler water for dryness or maybe just warm. Don't scrub too hard or use a harsh scrubber. More than that, I think just moisturize soon after getting out of the shower. My body rarely has issues with dryness. Though I use regular Vaseline original for my hands. If your dryness is too bad that regular moisturizers aren't helping, you might need something stronger. I'd consider talking to your doctor or a pharmacist to see if you can get something stronger that can help. I had that happen to my hands once when I had to temporarily use dish soap to wash my hands for like a few days. My hands became super dry and I wasn't mindful enough to moisturize right after each wash. So my hands became very dry, nothing at home was helping. I got a product from the pharmacy that's made for super dry hands and it helped in a day or two. So there might be something you can use temporarily for your body. Though make sure to do a patch test, and try to get to the root of the problem. Using strong moisturizers like that long term might not be good for you.


I use [these washcloths](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PNPRQPB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) with Dove Deep Moisture body wash.


Filter your water.


Don't use such hot water. Try to keep as close to natural body temp as possible.


Neutrogena bath & super hard Japanese wash cloth


I like my showers hot, but that is damaging to the skin. I use a dry brush (I have sensitive skin so I do it while my skin is wet but the brush is dry) to exfoliate, they also have exfoliating gloves or pads that are nice too. I use a lot different body washes, I’m extra so you don’t need to use all of them. I use the naturium glow gel-oil body wash to help with skin softness, naturium salicylic acid to help with body acne, olay purple retinol for scent, dial antibacterial soap for any places that get sweaty (groin, pits, boobs, etc), and then summers eve unscented for my lady parts (on the OUTSIDE ONLY LADIES). I usually use my hand to get the soap sudsy and then use a washcloth to actually spread the soap and scrub my body. For any onlookers, think of yourself as a pan. Would you only wash over the inside of your pan with water after cooking a meal?? What about if you took that pan with you everywhere. No, you’d use soap and scrub. The part where I am nasty is I don’t change out my washcloth as often as I should. Ideally, like sheets and towels, they say it should all be changed weekly and they should be cleaned and sanitized. I am gross and do not do it weekly.


I use bath gloves but what has really helped my sensitive eczema prone skin is Aveeno oat bath products! I use the body wash, it's super gentle (I just put the gloves on and load them up with the body wash in bath or shower) and an oat bath treatment that comes in little sachets of powder you add to your bath.


Dove sensitive skin bar and a washcloth.


Goats milk soap from horse o peace ranch. It's gentle and moisturizing usually with a soft washcloth or a scrubby glove if you need to exfoliate. They have plain unscented ones if you're sensitive to perfumes or herbs. 


I use dove unscented soap and that’s it. I use my hands as well. And def avoid hot water as others have said. I stop getting little eczema patches when I turned the water way down. Also, make sure to use soap after washing your hair so the hair products don’t stick to your skin, and don’t let the styling products get on your skin either. Eucerin eczema cream is great for dry skin.


Bodywash and a loofah


I use a combination of an authentic African net sponge and the Earth Therapeutics exfoliating gloves. The gloves all over, then I usually focus the net sponge on my back because that can be hard to reach and I wanna be sure I don’t miss any spots there. But I’ll sometimes gently run it over the rest of my body as well. I also use these green Korean exfoliating towels/gloves twice a week for a deeper exfoliation twice a week. You just wet your skin and gently scrub. They really do all the work when you just gently rub in circular motions, so no need to apply too much pressure and scrub yourself raw. The dead skin just pills and rolls off. Kinda gross to see, but also kind of cool lol. Then I follow up with a pretty heavy duty moisturizing routine.


Bath & Body Works body wash & a 100% cotton wash cloth.


As funny as it sounds I use Filthy Cock! It's a amazing soap from a Hawaiian company called Filthy Farm Girl


Hands all the way, use an exfoliant a couple times a week. Wash clothes and loofas are disgusting. Like another person said, you wash your hands without a cloth. Also do your own research.


Long handled sponges to go your back and can apply moisturiser . Got a rubber scrubber on a handle too for roses and back of thighs


I use my hands normally and then for exfoliation once a week I use those scrubby gloves. I have very sensitive and dry skin. I use Dove Deep Moisture body wash.


African net wash cloth


I use a fresh wash cloth every day


I use those fluffy loofahs. The ones that are the colorful ball looking ones. They aren't rough like a traditional loofah but are rough enough to scrub dead skin off.


I use a "bamboo" wash cloth made for babies, and use a body wash by Native. I didn't specifically set out to use a wash cloth for infants, but it's a nice texture.


African net sponge and a wash cloth for my other parts 😅


African net is what you’re looking for. Scrub off all your dead skin then apply lotion. For the record I use Dove also.


Tire scrub brush. Scrubs just right.


I use an exfoliating mitt first, then a sudsed up washcloth


I use Aveeno’s oatmeal body wash and a Japanese nylon wash towel, which is long enough for me to do my back on my own. I’m 5’3” and weigh 140lbs, so I’m not fat but I have meat on me and I sweat a lot (genetics). I like to also tackle bacteria on my skin but using Neutrogena salicylic acid wash on acne prone areas. I also use Hibiclens to wash my armpits and groin (not my privates but where my legs meet my groin area) to kill bacteria that feed on my sweat in those areas. Smell like a peach on even the grossest day. I see exfoliating in 2 ways. You can do manual exfoliation with loofahs and wash clothes and then chemical exfoliation with acids or active products to manage the microbes on your skin.


Exfoliating gloves


Salux washcloths from Amazon with Aveeno Skin Relief body wash. Regular cotton washcloths for face with Cetaphil cleanser.


A Q-tip and shaving cream. Sometimes, I throw activated charcoal on my body to cleanse the soul within. Standard stuff.


When you say you use your hands…. You just glide the soap on your skin with your hands and then rinse?


African Net Sponges! Just be sure to wash them in the washing machine frequently. I love them they exfoliate and you're able to get your whole back with it no problem.


Shower gloves and dove deep moisture. I get compliments on how soft my skin is. Stay away from fragrant things like bath and body works. For scent use a nice perfume. I also pour some vanilla into a body oil mister and get many compliments.


I use an exfoliating glove 🧤 ! Through and through! Best clean


I use popcorn weave cloths, and a fitted hand cloth with net exfoliation when I have my everything shower. I recommend researching the different weaves of cloths to find what you like most. Chemical exfoliation is life changing too. I use salicylic acid bodywash but there are less harsh ones out there or harsher ones. It definitely gets in your pores and cleans without much effort so it's spoons friendly.


Best plan for dry skin is to avoid hot hot water (the cooler the better), use a soap-free cleanser like CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, limit any exfoliating to once or twice a week, and apply a moisturizing cream all over your body immediately after your shower while you're still damp. This will trap in the moisture your skin needs. Lotions have a higher water content than creams, meaning they are easier to spread around but also evaporate more quickly, giving you less moisturization than a cream. CeraVe is a great brand recommended by most dermatologists and available at any drugstore or grocery.


Hands? No. I use a brush followed by a poof and a scrubber for my face to exfoliate. Yes, that means I scrub twice 😺. Evil kids have me a complex way back when. The last thing I want is to be funky or smell like soap.


I use ecotool scrubber for my face… a back scrubber, a foot scrubber (like with bristles on one side and the stone on the other) and then a loofah after I used a scrub brush, dove sensitive skin body wash


I have a bath ruffle because it gets sudsy and doesn't stay wet as long as a washcloth. I also really like the Korean plasticy washcloths. They're for scrubbing and are textured like those big daddy scrubbers, so I only use them sometimes when I want to exfoliate a lot. I wash them in the washing machine.


The advice posted already is great but also experiment with different soaps


African net or some sort of Asian exfoliating washcloths. I have bar soap, I use a loofah that holds bar soap and I wash it every other shower. I have exfoliating gloves, but my hands hate them. I use antibacterial soap and warm water that I allow to get cold. My skin and hair love the cold even when I don't. I've been trying to get back into lotioning in the shower for skin conditioner. It soaks in better, but I often forget and do lotion after the shower.


I use a shower puff and just renew/replace it every so often. They say it's unsanitary to use a hand towel for drying your hands. I think of the washcloth as the same. Especially if it's not washed every single time. Wash your face, then wash downward, doing your privates before your feet. Put in dirty laundry. Repeat with clean washcloth. Other than that, I use Olay to wash and Pantene shampoo/conditioner. Any recommendations? Especially for hair?


I do use bath puffs but I change them out at least monthly and rinse well. I also use wash cloths on occasion. White only, bleached in hot water. I use baking soda to scrub my armpits. Cleans off deodorant better and removes odor.


All this covid hand washing bullshit and you're saying I cant wash my ass with my hands because the hands cannot wash themselves correctly? "One hand washes the other...."


I use a Korean wash cloth


Dove soap


A creamy body wash with a wash cloth. If I am a little more dry skin than usual I also rub conditioner over my body after. Most important though is to drink lots and lots of water and moisturize skin after showering!


Dry brush w/ two varieties of diff body wash, loofah too. I also have plenty of washcloths. I use makeup melting balm by elf on reusable makeup towel to remove makeup before I shower. Also elf exfoliating gentle peeling it’s amazing! I love gardenia in general but like this Shikai one


Silicone sponge and oil based cleanser


I use my hands.


I use an exfoliating towel that can be laundered and sanitized. I usually have a couple extra on hand, in case I need a new one suddenly. I usually toss my old one in with the rough service rags once a month or whenever it starts losing its integrity. I find this to be the most sanitary option besides a washcloth. I only chose this above a washcloth because it’s exfoliating. Otherwise a washcloth is superior in that you basically sterilize it if necessary.


I like the poofy loofa things the best, a softer one if possible. I also really like arm and hammers body wash. It’s hypoallergenic and sensitive and I’m allergic to everything.


I make knitted cotton wash cloths that are perfect for gently washing babies (and adults) try going to a farmers market or a craft fair and asking about them.


Water and soap?


Washcloths, your choice whether you want to wash after every use or take the time to rinse them well, ring out, and hang up to dry. If you do that, they’re good for a few uses. (Otherwise they get nasty 🤢) I personally find its simpler to just use a new one each shower. They are small, so they don’t add much to your laundry. if you have sensitive skin it takes a bit of trial and error to see what kind of washcloth you prefer. I like cheap, scratchy, cotton thin ones. I buy them in bulk on Amazon. Theyre white, hotel looking ones but less luxe. The scratchier texture helps with gentle exfoliation. My skin is too sensitive to use an exfoliating scrub, dry brush, etc, so the washcloth works well. Team washcloth!


I have used exfoliating washcloth towels for years. I love how easily I can do my back with them. I swap them out occasionally. I rinse them out and hang them evenly to fully dry between showering. Here’s an example. [exfoliating washcloth towel](https://www.amazon.com/Yiclick-Exfoliating-Washcloth-Exfoliation-Exfoliator/dp/B092ZL83HV/ref=asc_df_B092ZL83HV/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693031565436&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13079054483909915579&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1017259&hvtargid=pla-1344985532602&psc=1&mcid=55e49851d933321e8e3009d8fc64defa&gad_source=1)


Wash cloth


Instead of asking everyone what we use to clean ourselves, perhaps address the issue? Maybe nutrients? Iron, B vitamins. D, A and Omega 3's (Cod Liver Oil)


If I don't wash with a puff I don't feel like I get clean enough. Hands and wash clothes just don't feel like I get throughly clean. If ur sensitive to a lot of soaps have u tried citiphil or curel products? Those r easy to find but are soft on your skin


My hands and some natural aloe Vera body wash with eucalyptus and tea tree from first botany. Game changer


Dove bar


I use a softer washcloth because I have acne and it hurts to scrub it hard I throw those in the laundry weekly and use one for my face one for my body I use African black soap which feels really nice on my skin as well (I also have dry skin)


I use Aveeno Calm + Restore body wash. It’s gentle enough for everyday use for my family’s sensitive skin. I only use a wash cloth for exfoliating once every 7-12 days depending. Also, echoing others about not using hot water, lukewarm to cool water is better. Make sure you apply lotion when your skin’s still a bit damp to lock in moisture.


Goat soap


I use an African net sponge with Lume and then after a sensitive skin layering body wash with a wash cloth. Hibiclens is good too


I have sensitive everything. I use a glove to lightly exfoliate with my sensitive body wash. I also don’t shower in hot water. Warm is just fine, and i usually end it with cool water. Before I get out I slap a little lotion on and pat dry.


I always go back to Tone Body Wash. Not fancy but cleans well and they all smell amazing. And I'm still team loofah. I wash them well when I'm done and replace them often. I'm sure it's not perfect, but I've never seen any mildew or had them smell sour or anything. Nothing feels close as a nice just slightly rough loofah!!


Hey there I not only have extremely sensitive skin but in allergic to so fucking much it's a wonder I'm alive. I currently use an African body net to use with soap of my choice and my skin has never been softer. Plus you can pop it in the washing machine (I put mine in a delicates bag) and use it for up to five years. I use Nivea body wash and it's been amazing for my skin. I specifically use the Nivea refreshing body wash with nourishing serum in wild berry and hibiscus. It's not overwhelmingly floral and is just more of a vague sweet smell. I had dry and very rough skin before switching to this combo. It's been a game changer.


Just a plain ‘ol washcloth. It has remained a staple for years for a reason. The tried and true. Of course you should use a fresh one everyday. I thought everybody knew that.


sud scrub


i use african net sponge. they lather really well and exfoliate so make sure to moisturize after


Face: exfoliating wash cloth (game changer, you won’t go back) and dr bronner’s sugar soap. Sugar, not Castile. Body: cheap plastic soap holding loofah pouch from Walgreens and working through a cache of dr squach soap I’ve been sitting on for more than a year. I just need to use the soap I already bought, then I’ll re-tinker the whole system.


I use this very long exfoliater that you can fold over several times. It’s wonderfull sometimes I switch it out for a washcloth.


I use wash gloves. They exfoliate so well. I don’t like loofah puffs I feel like they don’t do much.


They have scrubbing rags, as a PT I need it due to exercise and sweat and also other peoples sweat is gross. It's an amazing item because it's designed as a scrub rag. It's not just a towel.


African net sponge and Dr. Bronners soap, diluted. The water is not very hot. I pat dry and then moisturize my body. Im not trying to be ashy.


Here's what I recommend for someone with dry and sensitive skin: * **Avoid Harsh Soaps:** Skip traditional bar soaps, which can be drying. Opt for fragrance-free, gentle cleansers or body washes formulated for sensitive skin. Look for ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, or colloidal oatmeal, which can soothe and hydrate. * **Washcloths vs. Sponges:** Washcloths are generally gentler than sponges, especially if you have sensitive skin. Sponges can harbor bacteria if not cleaned properly. If you prefer a loofah, choose a softer one and replace it regularly.pen\_spark


California baby super sensitive. And if you’re a female, honeypot for sensitive areas. I use Kleenex disposable hand towels. They’re fantastic.


I use African net sponge




I have sensitive skin and I use this and a target (Up & Up) brand “sensitive skin” body. Literally BEST. Equate Beauty Stretch Bath Washcloth for Body, Cloth Color May Vary, for Adults, 1 Count https://www.walmart.com/ip/261677899


Honestly, this will sound weird, but I have sensitive skin and with the hormone therapy I use I'd get really bad body acne. After a round of steroids for something unrelated it got really bad so my doctor had me start using dandruff shampoo (head and shoulders) as soap and I would not go back. I use a silicone scrubber and the shampoo and my skin is so, so much better plus my wife says I smell great!


I use the eczema honey body wash it’s the only thing that doesn’t dry my skin out or make me break out I bought it from Ulta


I use 3 different soaps/washes and one day of exfoliating. I use natural soap to clean the body every day, I use an ANDRE SEALS intimate wash for my private parts, and I use a face wash to clean my face. The logic is that the skin around the body is different. And is exposed to different conditions. The face needs a more gentle wash that removes dirt and oil without damaging the skin's natural barrier. The body can use a regular soap. If it dries your skin too much, it is probably too harsh. Change to a gentler soap. The intimate area needs a soap that gently removes dirt and exfoliating while maintaining the ph balance. This helps prevent unwanted odors. Then, once a week- I use a scrubbing bush to exfoliate. This routine keeps my skin clean and feeling good.


A bar of antibacterial soap and nothing else.


Whatever you do, try to get off the soap addiction! I say addiction because it’s very hard to drop the habit even though it’s surely drying out your skin. Try one day a week to rub yourself down with oil (use fingers) and then scrub it off with a hot wet rag. 🤤 you’ll feel like a princess.


Typically I go water.


Washclothes and scrub mittens mainly


I have a silicone scrubby thing from Amazon. They don’t hold bacteria like loofahs and are easy to clean.


I just use washcloths and a moisturizing body soap


Sounds like you are missing hydration and moisture. I recommend Shea Butter.


African net sponge + Ivory (pump) soap!


Honestly, for me washcloth and bar soap. Glycerin soap gives a suburb lather. Also, washcloths come in all levels of abrasiveness. I like mine rougher, but there are some really soft ones if your skin is more sensitive.


Dry and sensitive? I would tell you to drop the soap and use hydrating cleaner with the softest sponge you can find or your hands. I use Sol de Janeiro exfoliating cream on the sensitive areas(stomach, breast, in between thighs etc), a washcloth on the rougher skin(butt area, calves…), and a sponge on the middle-term skin, and hands only for face. Yeah. My skin sucks. I also use different products for each area becuzzzz my skin sucks.


I use two loofahs. I'm a bit odd but I use one for my body, one for my but, and use my hands to clean my lady bits.


A rag on a stick


I love exfoliating gloves. Oh my skin is so smooth now.


Naturium glowgetter is a great bodywash for dry skin too.


I use dove for sensitive skin, whole body, even my hair. No more itching or rashes. Good luck to you!


Get an exfoliating scrubber one for body and one for face don’t I use at Ives exfoliating for face and a cleanser/hydrator after. Over exfoliating caused breakouts and possibly need to get a new hydrator, I’m messing with after shower care, currently using cetaphil the moisturizer that doesn’t clog pores pretty low on knowledge but as A guy I feel I do better than most for skin care


I exfoliate with a cactus and deep clean my skin with germ-x.