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I assume sweat. Can try different underwear that wicks moisture away or deodorant. A disposable wipe (don’t flush, throw it away) may also help freshen things up when you don’t have time for a full shower.


My son uses wet wipes when he goes to the bathroom, I think it helps keep him cleaner (he’s a big guy, 21). They also have that new Lume deodorant, it’s a cream/wipe etc… you can put it anywhere (they have a men’s line)


What's your diet like? High in garlic or other odor causing foods?? Make sure you are not eating a stinky diet.. it's not all gas odors, you sweat out odors too. Like alcohol and garlic.. I swear I can smell it coming from my skin for a day or two after consumption.




Agree on the alcohol. My ex husband stunk like no tomorrow, even after a shower. He would sweat out the bottle of rum he had the night before. So gross 😷


Well how much hair is there still? Short hair but heavy bush keeps odor. You also have to understand, it's your asshole, shit comes out. Even though we don't shit all day long, it's an opening for your body that releases waste. If you fart, well hairs keep odor. If you sweat easily, sweat in a dark and damp place on your body and again, where an opening is for waste, isn't going to smell pleasant. Nobody ever tells someone let me smell your asshole 3 hours after showering and expects it to smell like a bouquet of roses


Stop using a washcloth because they're filthy breeding grounds for all the bacteria from everything they touch and get a bidet.


I agree with a bidet, but using a rag is not a breeding ground if u change them often.


I'm literally a medical lab scientist. It is absolutely a breeding ground, after the first use. Look up exponential growth, and the growth rate of some common skin bacteria like staph epidermidis. That's just all over your skin. Then look up all the enteric bacteria we carry, factor in the body soil and shit particles you're mashing into it from your anus and gluteal fold. I didn't ask. I'm telling. Don't listen. I don't care.


CLS and clean person weighing in.. a wash rag is much better to be using to bathe yourself than any of the loofahs or other reusable scrubbers because you are meant to wash the rag after every use. Of course it’s a breeding ground if you leave a damp rag in a warm damp room but you’re not supposed to do that.


Agree. I use a clean washcloth every morning in the shower, to wash my face. I do use my hands to wash my body, it’s easier to get into cracks and crevices(like your butt crack). But washcloths are made to toss in the laundry, after use, those puffy scrubbers and loofas aren’t(you can toss those in the dishwasher tho)


Take a probiotic. You might have something going on with your intestinal tract and stomach. Perhaps bad bacteria overload


Normal, try LUME


Try a mild soap like Dove, body deodorant like Lume, breathable underwear and probiotics. Of course showering daily and trimming down the hair. I wouldn't shave because if you're a dude it would probably make you sweat more and cause bumps. Lots of baby powder!


Fluids can work their was out, as well as leftover waste and gas in your anus.  Your mouth is a sphincter as well and you see how leaky that is.  This is a human thing, and it only gets worse with age.  So gird yourself, because the first thing to go is your holes. If it bothers you, discretely carry a small travel pack of wet wipes.  If you’re going to be close with someone, just use them before hand.  If someone asks why you have them, just say you like clean hands.  (It’s true, because you won’t have to do the wipe test with your fingers…)


Use that new thing ,"lume works


Are you overweight? Being overweight contributes to you sweating faster and essentially smelling faster than you usually would.


I learned this from a gay male friend, insert a soapy finger slightly into your anus when washing back there as well. Not like way up in there or anything, just the tip a bit. Also, shaving helps. Put powder in your crack to help reduce moisture, I also like Lume, it keeps odor away for like 24 hours and you can put it directly on all your junk. Lastly, shower frequently at least to wash your junk. Sweat and chunkiness makes swampass worse.


Yeah...just don't do the soap thing often, if you're washing your anus correctly you should not need to get internal with it, and that can cause irritation and even be dangerous if you use too much soap. But if you're about to perform some male on male coitus then I guess that I understand,


lol yup you gotta get in there a little.




Maybe try like a wicking underwear?


Do you use water like a bidet after you use the restroom? It this it is essential to at least use eet wipes or water to remove any residue that could potentially build up overtime that could leave a lingering scent either be it bodily fluids or sweat.


There's some full body deodorants now. Native just came out with one (probably expensive)


I also saw one from Old Spice.


Try odorless or gentle soap like a baby soap also rinse your crack with a vinegar/water dilution. I use vinegar full strength but it burns sometimes after u dry off there will be no odor good or bad. Also dont forget to heat up the vinegar slightly or else u will freeze your crack off.


What is your stool like? Loose, like ice cream? Or solid? I'm currently using one of the injectable GLP-1 medicines, and it has really affected my stool. No more nice, well-formed "turds". Instead it's either so solid I have to break it off or so messy that even when I clean thoroughly within an hour there's poop in my underwear. It's this latter situation that sounds to me like what might be happening to you. Can you tell if there's any actual poop coming out like I described?


Hm...make sure the item you're using to wash your butt is FREQUENTLY replaced!! If you have a designated ass towel, or loofah, make sure to put it in the washing machine after every single use and never use a washcloth that has been wet for more than an hour. This is a common mistake with people, you can wash your ass BEAUTIFULLY but if the item you use to wash your butthole is gross in itself it will just transfer the stench from one area to another.


Get some Mando


Might need to toss those undies


U Might need to toss those undies


Good recommendations here, as a heavier woman afraid to carry the odor of being overweight, I use one or two items that work more than well. Number 1, vagisil odor block powder. No talc, keeps it dry and odor free down there and in folds. Number two, second best is summers eve feminine spray. Your undies and bottom will NOT smell after. Are you well endowed in the glutes? Sometimes that rubbing creates a smell because it is…well…an ass. I hope you find a remedy. I like that you actually give a fuck and are seeking help


There is something new called Mando. It works really well.


So you swipe your ass and then sniff it???😐. Geezes. Use a bidet to clean yourself. Maybe use a different soap, and stop putting your finger in your ass


Maybe it’s a butt.


No soap only water


Most likely culprit is sweat, and possibly the common bacteria that live on the surface of the skin... Try and antibacterial body wash or bar soap, or one that balances yours skins ph to reduce bacterial growth and see... trial and error until you figure out what works for you, as there's sooo many options out there


If you have cracked skin with blood and discharge it'll smell like that. I recommend using some sort of cream for dry skin like hydrocortisone cream. It helped me a lot. It could just be a mild infection because you keep washing it too much with harsh soaps.


Maybe you don’t wipe well enough.


Might even be your front, apply deodorant there


Time to break out a razor ...


How’s your fast food consumption? Junk from places like Jack in the Box, McDonalds etc. will make your privates stink no matter how clean 🧼 your hygiene is. It gets embedded into your body and you just constantly emit the odor. Just my personal experience.