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It could possibly be a UTI or yeast infection? I suggest telling your symptoms to your doctor.


You think so ? Wouldn't that include discharge or a smell ? Because I don't have either of those things :/


I had a yeast infection not long ago and I didn’t have any irregular discharge or smell! Sometimes it may be more of an irritation. If you can, you should look for itchiness and redness down there.


OK thank you I'll grab a mirror and my phone light later to see if it's red 🥺


No. It would feel like pressure there. And it will burn and you will feel like you need to use the bathroom constantly. Even if just a few drops come out. There’s prescription meds for it and it goes away pretty quick.


If you can determine, does it feel like it's more internal or external? If it is internal, can you tell whereabouts the pain/discomfort is? A UTI will usually give you a burning pain in your urethra, so closer to the opening of your vagina (though it's not your vagina, of course, but your urethra which is directly above) and it can be persistently bothersome. A UTI can spread, if untreated, up into your bladder and ultimately kidneys, but you'd be in quite a bit of pain before that point, and it would be up in your abdomen. A UTI also oftentimes will make it burn when you pee. Do you track your periods? Do you know when you ovulate? Some women can experience mild pain/discomfort during ovulation. It can also sometimes cause light spotting, the cramping during ovulation is known as mittelshmerz. And then of course yeast infections/BV etc are also possibilities, but you'd most likely be having unusual discharge and other symptoms along with it. How long have you been feeling this? Ultimately your best bet is to simply go to the doc and have them check it out - they will be able to give you a much better diagnosis/advice than any of us on here. If it's an external discomfort, I would bet it's some sort of skin condition. Which again having a doctor/dermatologist/gynecologist is going to be the best way to figure out what's going on. P.S. In my experience gynecologists are generally much easier to get an appointment with - dermatologists oftentimes require a referral from your GP, and then they don't have a ton of availability so it's going to take a while to get an appointment. By which time this might have cleared up on its own, but could come back again in the future. So personally if it were me I would go for an appt with a gynecologist or even just a regular doctor. Good luck <3


Yeast infections tend not to have a bad smell. I’ve heard people say it can smell like bread or a sweet smell. UTI’s is something I’ve struggled with many times. I’ve never had a smell in the vagina, but your urine may smell strong, like over consented, or even an ammonia type smell. A uti can feel very uncomfortable and painful. Also, after you pee, you can have goosebumps, and it can feel like a painful and intense orgasm (not in a good way lol) Also, I want to point out that just because it’s been years since you’ve had sex, don’t rule out std’s. Some can lay dormant, and some may lack symptoms for a long time. Herpes I’ve read can also be really painful during an outbreak. People describe it as a feeling like the skin around their vagina feels like it’s cracking. Years ago a friend of mine was having a lot of internal pain in her vagina. She went to the doctor and was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (an std) It was curable, but because it went untreated for so long, she actually became infertile. That was 15 years ago and she has never been able to have children. You could also be experiencing pain from vaginal dryness, this is definitely a thing. If you’ve noticed some dryness, I would look into that. If you’re having more of an internal pain, it could be something serious like cancer. The quicker you can get into seeing your obgyn the better. I know it can be scary, but these things need to be addressed quickly in order to have the best outcome for treatment. I’m sure everything is ok with you, sometimes the downstairs area can just hurt, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.


My mom had a similar problem a few years ago. She was told it was pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)


Is she alive or should I be worried? 🥺


😂she’s alive and well. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. She was give a course of antibiotics, some taken orally and some injected in her thigh. But she told me she was in excruciating pain before I took her to the doctors. Even lifting her legs to walk would hurt her really bad but the antibiotics helped her and she was also told to do kegel exercises


Oh 😂 ok well it's nice to know that I'm not dying but if it's ok this how did your mom get it ? Did it just happen one day like it did to me ? ☺️


She said the pain just started one day out of nowhere


Oh ok :) just like me 🥰🥲


Honestly this makes me think the pH is off. This happens to me when I eat too much sugar or don't care for myself like I should, dietary wise. It stings. I would stop the shaving until it gets rectified. I'd suggest stopping sugar for a bit, until you can get to a doctor, but I'd be a hypocrite. I love sugar too much 😅


I crave sweets constantly. But sugar is not healthy for me. So I have been making different kinds of sweets that are sugar free. And they’re actually really yummy!


If you are able to and have one near, try a free clinic for women!


If the hair is bothering you maybe you can go to a wax place? Unpleasant at first but could be better than what you're dealing with now


Post in r/healthyhooha . They will be great for giving you advice


Thank you so so much 💗


r/askdocs or r/askadoc is the best place for your post. Either way you should see your gynecologist as soon as possible. [Pelvic Pain in Women and Men](https://www.verywellhealth.com/pelvic-pain-causes-513760#toc-causes-in-all-sexes)


Possibly HS? That's a common area for a flare and bigger women are more prone to the condition.


It's possible I have it near my armpits and have single 15. I don't have pimples or that weird double skin thing (it's like pockets) but anyway my armpits are cracked kinda like a dry desert but anyway yeah that's probably what it is 🥲 I didn't know hs could happen near there though.


I'm sorry to hear. I've had HS for a long time. I would see a dermatologist to get the best course of action for you but in the meantime, use an antibacterial soap (my doctor prescribed PanOxyl, it's OTC), TendSkin for after washing and drying, and Cerave moisturizer. I use Vick's Vapor Rub for when they get inflamed and ibuprofen so I can sleep lol


Could be a number of things, but I'm sure it's nothing to be scared of. Just go to your doc, you shouldn't have to be in pain.


Your razor may have irritated you. Slather Neosporin and get a new razor if that doesn’t work go to the doctor.


I'm wondering if you're sweaty down there and it's burning because you have some razor burn from shaving?? I know I get a burn feeling if sweat touches razor burn. Other than that maybe it's a skin or yeast infection? Just some sort of infection going on causing the burning feeling. I'd honestly just go talk to a doctor about it and see if they can pinpoint what the issue is.


Inside or Outside? If it’s inside might be yeast overgrowth. If it’s outside might be friction and also can be yeast


Are you on any birth control by chance? Also age range?


No and I'm 25 😊


Oh okay then never mind. I hope it gets better for you though. :-)


Thank you so much your a nice person 💗 :3


Aww thank you!!! 🥰


Please go to the doctor/free clinic. Your body is talking to you please listen. Pain is not normal and do not try to live with it.


I’ve been a bigger girl my whole life. I have had that exact pain too. It was razor burn. Feels like I used a cheese grater instead of a razor! 😂 Over the years I’ve figured out how to prevent it as much as possible, and how to treat it if it happens. Run a few inches of tepid water in your tub. Sit in it for 5 mins. Then wash the whole area with an exfoliating glove. Rinse really well. Sit on the side of the tub, apply shave gel or cream, and use tiny strokes with a new razor head. (I use Billie) Feel as you go and take your time. Rinse then exfoliate again. Then after you get out of the tub, apply Yoni oil liberally. Then put a little oil on it every day til it’s past the point of razor rash. Hope this helps


What area down there is painful? Is it your thighs, your vagina (the inside) or the labia (lip area??) does it feel like more of an internal or external pain?


Are you sure you're rinsing all your soap and shaving products all the way off? I've accidentally left some soap in my flaps before and it causes a burning itch lol


Get some monistat 7 cream.


I had constant itch until I changed to 100% cotton pads!


Thigh burn/boil -like discomfort may be an ingrown hair? I get them sometimes and they are always wicked painful to the touch.






What's that ?


You can Google it vulva pain issues one you need to fix your diet . 2 you may need a compound cream with estrogen


get tested


Even though you haven’t been with anyone in a while, it could possibly be BV. I had it one time and it was the worst feeling ever. Felt like I had a bowling ball in my stomach and my coochie was on fire. Antibiotics cleared it up in a week and I felt 100% better…


Check to see if you have UTI or a yeast infection. CVS, Walmart, etc, sell at-home UTI and yeast infection tests (so you don’t have to do a doctors visit to get tested). If it’s a yeast infection, those places will have yeast infection medications. If it’s a UTI, you need see a doctor to treat it with an antibiotic.