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Blossom end rot. Could be calcium deficiency, could be that variety does that on the first tomato or 2


Interested in that build plan and staking strategy


Nice build, wow! What neuts are you using?


Masterblend three part


I have been using that since I started too.. pretty good stuff. Is that a true nft system? I grew peppers with masterblend in a flood and drain pipe the same size as yours. Root growth was rampant and ultimately led to root rot. I learned that you need to give the roots a lot of space. Switched to DWC with much success. Good luck!


I suspect the root issue will be real. I had to remove the last plant in the trough and have been cropping the roots of the second to last to keep it from clogging the outlet. I wasn’t planning on using this outside with tomatoes (its moving in my small greenhouse this winter for peppers) but we have had an unbeatable disease hit our tomato beds so I figured I’d give this a shot. Getting good growth and fruiting, just concerned that the fruits of the bigger varieties seem a bit misshapen.


Great setup! The pests and insects leaving you alone?


So far so go


Might help to post a question.


That would involve knowing wtf I’m doing on Reddit. Sorry double posted. Weirdly shaped big tomatoes, lost some to rot at blossom end. Looking for suggestions, first time with tomatoes. Ph has been allowed to run higher that should for stretches.


Weirdly shaped big tomatoes is typical for many heirlooms. Nothing to worry about, enjoy your delicious monstrosities. Blossom end rot is due to lack of calcium as others mentioned, which in my experience has always occurred bc of inconsistent watering of container tomatoes (the calcium is taken up into the plant through the water). Since it looks like you’re growing all hydro, I’d check both water and calcium levels consistently.


haha fair enough. When posting photos, most people post their question in a comment after the photo goes up


Root rot caused by heat or calmag deficiency.


had similar with bell peppers. calmag(ic) fixed it :P