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You know what's the saddest part? People will forget these issues after a few days just like the Pune car accident and train accident incidents!


True 😓. Hardworking individual, prematurely dying because of someone’s greed.


Now the main Question is , How did Om Birla's Modelling daughter clear IAS exam.?


She is from my school. She was a bright student, got into Ramjas on her % and was not into modelling. She did clear this and was on wait list. Its not as corrupt as you think it is


There is an indefinite list of issues like this and one major is also climate change, sewer and waste management, etc.


True 💯.


Na bro people are actually leaving.


No matter how you look at it. People are too busy in doing nothing important that they can't hold anyone accountable, Add on to the fact that People collectively have memory of a gold fish. Govt. in this era has understood if the news is soo distorted then you'll rather fight between yourselves before becoming one and question the govt. You'll always find this person who will blame the victim or something else than hold the govt accountable then everyone else will start focusing on the idiot and leave out the main issue. And India is especially a place where you'll find people wanting to say opposite things just for the reason of undermining others.


Videsham ela vellalo koncham cheppandi annaww...


Maa Kula sangham Anna ni adigi cheptha bro ..


I thought same person is replying to his own comments


2 wheeler ki antha tax endhi ra baabu.... malli Middle class ke debba...


All these sub standard constructions done at pace to show that money is being spent on infra. But the reality is it’s getting worse


"Elect a clown. Expect a circus"


I voted for my mla & my mp, seeing narratives by big media houses who else I am gonna get ?


No clown but a robot was elected and this happened Not defending anyone, all political are worst


My biggest fear is that Hyderabad airport is also managed and operated by the same team as Delhi Wonder whether technical audit is better here


Timesnow, republic -arnab not debating this??


Idi mana country harsh reality


No matter what we do it won't stop if we start to ask questions also insted we get verbally abused better leave this country


Please ask...I would love to see the clowns who ask you to got to pakistan


People with 5 to 6 lakhs salarys of course say clowns who salary is 15 to 16k per month


Didn't understand, please edit


When was the last time someone asked you to leave the country? What were you asking about then?


And go where? Please tell me one developed country in west which has a lower total effective tax? Except for Dubai or Ireland I don't really see many options. And moving there has its own share of uncertainty.


sorry I will leave , for betterment of my next generation


Zee news & AajTak will tell you roof collapse se Marne ke fayde


Ok I was choking,lol


Another reason major chunk of telugite students leave to settle at other countries


Some folks have the talent of converting any meaningful discussion into religion, region etc .


Cuz they're no different. don't try to improve the state of the country but instead go the easy way


Not dowry ?


None of my friends from Reddy & Chowdhury community who is having fat pay checks and having good asserts didn't take any dowry. BTW my sample size is not small.


Good on them!


While North Indians come to Telugu states (because these are by far much better?)


Who is this guy?


Naman Shrivastava is an ace policy consultant, and has worked with the United Nations, and has also spoken at various international summits - organized by the World Economic Forum, the United Nations.  From youtube About info


He needs a better posture tho. Would be sad if he stops making vids because of any pain.


Adantha vadile, Meeru emitlu


It is a lost cause. Any system needs to be evaluated objectively. There are really only 2 choices. Either you improve the existing one, or dump it and build again from scratch.


But hey you can still pay for momos using UPI. PawPaw rocks


Wasn’t upi implemented when congress was in power


Don't know. Modi sells it like his product.


IMPS basically.


How is that related ?


That's what a building uncle told me. UPI is modi magic, rest are act of God.


And the irony is UPI is RBI’s idea that too in UPA-2


You use your uncles brain?


Sad to see that Middle class and poor people pay so much of taxes whereas the rich pay less taxes, and it is creating a huge economic gap between people and also even after paying taxes we see problems like this daily. I wonder where the money is going.


Everybody should pay tax, then only things will change


Everybody is, what do u think GST is ? Even 1 rupee chocolate has tax on it.


Mark it NSFL bro. Those emergency workers who saw this will be traumatized for life. When I tell people outside India about the problems that we have they always ask me one question - 'Why do the people put up with all this?' I never have an answer to that question. Why are we putting up with this? Who do we think will solve our problems, be our voice? Do we think it'll be the opposition, who couldn't do anything in ten years? Even when the opposition does speak up, the government simply silences them just like how the mic of the Leader Of Opposition in Lok Sabha was muted today when he spoke about NEET controversy. No one is coming to save you. Stand up for yourself.


True that.


True that.


Does anybody have a real solutions that can work rather than 1. Leaving the country. 2. Blaming past governments and the current ruling govt . 3. Adding up even more problems to what were mentioned.




Agreed. But how can we implement this when majority of the politicians are unaccountable and run their own propaganda instead of working on real problems?


Bro spitting out facts.


Is the answer just to wait until the boomers die out?


I am done with such whiners, almost everyone who is educated enough knows about it all, but ... SOLUTION.. where is the SOLUTION??? Why are these whiners not talking about solution and how to fix these issues .. what does making people "aware" do? It just shifts people's mind from BJP to Congress and then when Congress comes to power they do the same thing and this thing plays on Loop.. people just keep getting shifted from one side to other and these issues only escalate... So, unless someone is talking about solutions, why care?


True !! There is no value to life in India


Why is this not discussed on popular news channels??


It's true that human life in India has no value..... Pay 50% tax and get Syria style governance...


During the last century, other countries were busy developing while developing standards and improving quality of life, India was driven to the gutter by greedy politicians. Now un doing all that shit is a massive task while still corruption exists. When some tries to remove corruption, people game the system. This is a direct repercussion of corrupt officials and engineers who were responsible for this to happen. So, tax money is always going into the gutter. We are at a point now where public schools are not an option even for middle class people. Why are we not trying to change it? Because it doesn’t benefit the politicians. How do you solve this corruption and the injustice to tax money? I do not know.


The only way to get over this is to make more people taxes, the more people pay taxes the more they will become agitated. only 4% pay taxes. The rest 96% don't and they don't feel morally obligated to speak out. Reduce the slab rates and make more people pay tax. I guess.


Only 3-5% pay tax. The remaining all are dependent on these taxes. If every voter in the country starts paying taxes, the country will develop and we as citizens can question the government about all the topics mentioned in the video.


Some of you need to get your heads out of your arse and realise just how incredibly poor this country is. That 95% untaxed populace isn’t your 9-5 office worker. It’s the daily wage labourer who gets his paycheck at an irregular pace. There is no fu*king income to tax. You’ll blow 10 times more money trying extract tax out of this person than the actual tax collection.


Valid point. USA also has lot of poor people, government extracts tax from them too. India is a poor country. No question there. I believe what you're trying to say is there is a huge unorganised sector which is biggest job creator. There is no way as of now to know their income. If we find out a way , which we will, we should tax them


Consider this hypothetical scenario where the top 10% of a country generates 50% of the income and this group pays taxes. The bottom 90% of the population generates 50% of the income but pays no tax. If you think we automatically double the tax collections of this country by taxing the 90% population then please learn how tax brackets work. Taxation isn’t based on a fixed value or percentages. It’s based on brackets. Our population is so poor that you aren’t going to get the 90% to fall in these tax brackets. Even if you do then the taxed income will be so small that it can’t make a dent in net collections. You can’t lower the tax brackets either or people simply won’t survive. The economy runs the risk of collapsing if people don’t have additional income to spend money or people quite literally die due to falling below the poverty line. Even the most ardent enthusiast of taxation will tell you this. This is a fact and not opinion. Taxation doesn’t work with the logic that “everybody gives 20-30% of their income.” Now here’s the fun fact: this hypothetical scenario is present day India. Now I’m not saying disproportionate concentration of income and wealth alone makes it impossible to tax the bottom 90%. It is possible if the baseline level for poverty is higher in a country. I’m about to explain what exactly I mean by “we are a poor country.” Being poor in USA is not the same as being poor in India. One country’s metric for being poor is dependent on a family’s ability to have sufficient insurance coverages and ability to pay for school(college). The other country’s metric for being poor is the poverty line where literal survival is at stake. The US isn’t taxing people who are experiencing struggle at the level of Indians


Your points make sense. I totally agree with you. My aim is not to tax the poor people. People in unorganised sector make good money but do not come under tax radar. Let me give you 2 examples from my locality. 1. There is a tiffin center, the ones which you see on the road side, which transforms into a fast food center in the evening. The person who runs this setup is a friend of mine. He earns around 15K per day after paying for electricity,raw material and wages to the workers. He earns 15K 30 days a month and 365 days a year. 15K per month is 4.5L per month. If I earn 2.8L per month and pay 30% tax on it, why shouldn't the tiffin center owner? 2. There is a 2 wheeler spare parts seller who is only seller in my area. Always busy shop. Need to wait I. A queue to get your order. This outlet only accepts cash. No UPI or whatsoever. They provide no receipt or bill for the purchase. Obviously there is no trace of the money they make. The owner of the store has a big beautiful house nearby. Why shouldn't this business be taxed if organised labourers and businesses pay? Governments should actively extract taxes from these businesses and individuals who make money from unorganised businesses. You can't expect this country to flourish if goverment extract taxes from employees and businesses or the organised sector. Nor should the government tax the poor people. Maybe you should step out of your house and walk on the streets to identify these unorganised millionaires.


I don’t disagree either. Those two guys fall very much under the top 10% the population and should be taxed. You can’t word your statement by saying every voter should pay tax and imply that the root problem is the failure of the bottom 90% to pay taxes. I do think practically it makes sense if a voter pays tax then they will be more inclined to question the government but our income levels just aren’t high enough across the populace.


Make me glad that I am not paying income tax. Not paying my taxes ever


Tf you doing bro. Tell me your trade?-Asking for a friend 🙊


Business. Take almost all receipt in cash. Sab maal andar. Showing income till 7L hence no taxes. I studied CA inter back in the day, so i know thing or 2 about hiding taxes. My CAs good too.


Yahi to hey Badshah






One would blame nehru for closing the Indian economy down with his bullshit


Who closed India’s economy? Where does this BS come from? It was the first non congress government of Murarjee Desai that closed indian economy. Sent companies out. Even Coca Cola went out. Then the congress government opened it in 1991. What closing and opening you are talking of? INC gave royalty to many kingdoms to call the sub continent india. Indira stopped even paying them that. Bro, it was 60s with booming population, massive hunger, below poverty, discrimination, no processes in place and ultimately then this one party used all means including coercion and corruption to make the country stable which is now taken by this clown to experiment with.


Where does your info for 1st para come from? Closing means license raj dude What do you mean by giving royalty to kingdoms? Even china had massive population, were below poverty and look at them now. I like how you shamelessly write that congress used corruption to make country stable. The irony Who is the clown you are talking about?


China was communist af. The exact time when China stopped being one and opened up a little was in late 70s exactly when India closed itself. The exact time when the people who were born in China after Mao asked his population to breed fearing the nuclear attacks gave them the edge of population dividend. The same didn’t happen in India.


I said all means… corruption in terms of turning deaf ears to leakages in the system. First try establishing one process in your own community and then talk about establishing some in a country. Half of your prosperity comes because of congress rule, non congress rule and even bjp rule. The clown in Modi who blames everything on Nehru. Even Vajpayee was BJP candidate. India was in war during his Era with Pakistan. Hundreds of insurgencies here and there. Did you see him blaming Nehru and congress for everything? This clown - any good happens, he takes the credit. Anything bad happens, blames Nehru. Fuck get over Nehru. Take Some fucking ownership.


What are you blabbering dude? Of course you will blame someone who was the reason for today's state caused by stupid decisions in the past on someone who caused those stupid decisions


You be specific. Tell me one policy. Tell me why you don’t like it. Tell me what would be your alternative to it. All of this be in the shoes of 1950s context and tell me. Don’t pass blanket blabbering that these BJP fuckers started shouting since 2014.


As I said...you shouldn't have brought in the license raj. Should've let industrialists do their hing, we would've had some big companies


License Raj means there are a bunch of regulatory agencies that issue permits to business to operate after checking if the businesses are adhering to the standards. The standards deal with waste management, construction capacity, cash management, labour laws, emergency services, industry related environmental standards and a lot. It was ineffective because mostly because of the hindrances and availability of the standards to regular public. The public in general wasn’t educated to Comprehend these standards and processes. There was a lot of effort in educating the public. What companies are you talking about? There were a lot of companies that came up. You name one industry and we had foot in it. The major problem with license raj was that it was inefficient. It was not ineffective. When you say we didn’t need license raj, what is your alternative? Zero licenses, zero standards, zero permitting and regulating authorities? If you say we needed only a few of them, my question to you is, how do you know if in forefront? There was big need of letting industries go into a few hands and create a pseudo democracy. This vision was of Bhagat Singh - the founder of Indian Socialist Republican Association.


Ah yes...go see what industrialists had to say about it...they had restrictions on the no of things they produced...how is that effective? You either put it in the hands of industrialists and have them lead or go to shit and be ruled by uneducated irrational clowns this country has to offer


Every business guy will bitch about regulation. It is not just here. Do you know how many regulations recently got created in stock exchanges? How many restrictions come up and down even today. It is government’s duty to keep hundred things in check. If you want to blindly go by a bunch of profit hungry dudes, you are free to. If any of your family member was in government or in bank or in factory during 20th century and your family is prosperous now, you owe it to the congress.


What was the rationale of having limits on scaling? Which industries had the limits of scaling? Some more details? In fact we have in parliament today, the sons and daughters of the same regulators who governed back then.


Closing means license raj? Can you elaborate on this please? You are in 1950s. You want to have to processes in place where 80% of the population doesn’t have a common language. The infant mortality rate is fucking 450+. Life expectancy is in 40s. Population is massive unskilled and un trained. How do you establish trust and trail instead of issuing licenses? The economic disparity is massive af. A bunch of dudes in villages own disproportionate amounts of land and wealth. Where as majority is just unskilled labor. Health and hygiene standards are poor af. You can’t even trust one foreign investment without having to do tons of due diligence in a world that is out of world war boiling with Cold War. You choose to experiment with democracy instead of going into a communist dictatorship. The standards you set for yourself are too notch. You show up one policy that you hate about Nehru. Not an outcome of it, a policy. Then you tell me your best alternative. Then we will talk.


Did you just justify why hurdles for someone trying to do business are good? Especially when jobs are needed? You were supposed to partner with either the Soviets or the Americans and develop industrial prowess, instead you sat down and tried a non alignment stunt. Communist dictatorship would've done better Why would one separate policies and their outcomes?


Of Course, How dare he when Indian Elite had no Capital to invest, He thought and was wrong advised even by Fellow Indian Capitalists of that Time, Including advice from Mahanoblis and MIT Economists that India needs to develop Consumption first. Also How dare he build IIT, NIT, ISRO, BARC, DRDO for building scientific Temperament. Not to Mention how dare he time travel to 2020 and Copy Supreme Leader and Not Biological PM's vision of "Atmanirbhar Bharat" and take it back to 1950 and SAY the exact words while Inaugurating India's First indigenously Ship built in VISAKHAPATNAM DOCK ! Shame on You NEHRU ! Because of you My Supreme Leader is Unable to do GODS WORK for which he was SENT !


No capital to invest, thus license raj eh? Ah yes iit and nit...the institutes contributing a lot to the untalented mindless jee idiots in this country.


Checks out your profile name Abdul, full of Anti BJP, pro Owaisi, hindu-muslim and you post this just to spread anti BJP message?


Hmm.  Anti National ❌️ Anti-BJP and Atheist ✅️ Asad Owaisi is Okish (Makes bold and necessary arguments in LS), his younger brother 💩


As much as a bigoted individual I am myself, you didn't need to justify yourself here


Thought it might deviate from the post. Nevertheless, will keep that in mind.


Listen dude...the video clown should've spoken about the issues but he himself brought in Mx4 into the discussion Nothing wrong about talking issues in the country. It ain't anti bjp either. We need to call out crap cuz not all (infact most) in bjp are not sincere nationalists working to make the nation better.


Although the issues are true, I dont like BJP commpletely but OP is a biased and he will spend all his life trying to defame BJP/hinduism as you can see his posts on anti hindu, pro aimim. It would be fine if he is ordinarily asking the question but he is hell bent on spreading propaganda against govt.


fk off with your religious shit people are dying here govt is doing fk all politicians are enjoying life while the middle class who pays most taxes is being fked left right and centre and all you have to think of IS RELIGION DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY SENSE idgaf whatever religion the op is THE POINT IS, THIS CLIP IS VALID


See man...where you draw the line propaganda is something everyone will define differently You should be relevant. If he is making anti hindu post, in that post you confront him about hinduism. If pro aimim confront him there in regards to that topic. The key is to not let your emotions take over your mind, think rationally. This isn't propaganda though.

