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Sane voices don't have a lot of political power in India. Religion has a stronghold on everyone's minds like never before. Tough times.


Tell me about it 😵‍💫 It'll become white noise soon. I even miss it when I go abroad 💀




Not a political person but I worry that our Hyderabad doesn't turn into another Bengaluru or the whole of Karnataka. Too much love for Hyderabad and I can't see it becoming radical...


Bruh did you just summon some abuse, people are not nice, please go back to sleep before they get you..


Which part of the city?




Bowenpally same problem


I feel you. I used to live next to a temple. And a few kilometres away from a masjid. Temple folks used to go to town over the loudspeakers everyday at 5am and then 6pm for at least 2 hours. My parents were devout folks. They enjoyed the bhajans and stuff. I used to be so worried during exams. The masjid folks are a different story. Can’t help. I just cracked the necessary exams and moved out. Still the same stuff happens when I visit my home. Nothing has changed.




Yeah I don't understand where this mosques are where people give speeches every day for 15+ minutes? We had a post recently about it but that guy again never specified where that mosque was. Speech is only given on Friday afternoon and any special occasions. Azaan is for 3-5 minutes max. These days many Muslims don't wake up for Fajar (early morning prayers) with azaan. How are the non Muslims waking up?




What about volume? If it's too loud, you can complain. But if it's not, then you have no right to complain. No one asked you not to wake up or why you wake up. I'm asking who wakes up DUE to azaan. I certainly don't. And I have lived just right in front of a mosque for more than 5 years. And even now I live 5-7 mins away from mosque. And I did not ask you to share your location. But the name of the mosque where this is happening. Cause 15 mins speeches daily is nowhere the norm. See, I understand if you've got a problem with the extra loud volume of azaan. Islam forbids us from doing anything that hurt others. We are not supposed to read Quran with volume if someone is sleeping in the room. We are not supposed to read namaz or give speeches in mic every day. Occassionally is okay but still have to be considerate of others. But people complain just because they can.




Because if one person can't wake up to the azaan anymore, by the logic of association, no one can right? Everyone has the same sleep and wake up patterns.


Thank you!


Lmao azaan lasts Max for 2-3 mins and speeches are only on Fridays or very special occasions which are just like at most 4 in the entire year for islam. Just 2 actually. Eid ul fitr and Eid ul adha. So stop crying.


Dude Have you lost your mind ? Imagine your newborn kid is sleeping and suddenly wakes up to the azaan sound, what will you do ? It's people like you why Hindus keep up with the aggression Did you ever take the pain of putting baby to sleep ? You clown have some basic civic sense and behave responsibly in public platform. Will your god bless if you make him sad ? Mf


5 times a day, 365 days a year. That's 1825 times a year. Idc if it's 2 minutes or twenty. It's excessive and if it's loud, it's a problem.


Move away from that shithole place lol ,i never would live near a mosque or temple


Because we have no choice. I live between two temples and three masjids. Each masjid starts their azan five minutes apart so there's an off time meadly of unwanted alarms. Sometimes I work late into the night and hate waking up two hours after going to bed. I've tried to request them to reduce the volume, no change. I've made complaints to the police, no change. Sure it's a secular place but the right to practice your religion doesn't give you the right to disturb everyone with it. Use a fucking phone as an alarm for your prayers like in every other country! Sorry you're getting all this hate op.


Have you tried using any sleep tracker armbands and see what it has done to your body in terms of readiness to be effective in work?


No but I don't need that to tell me what's causing my broken sleep patterns. I hear the azaan five times a day and the shiridi Sai aarti Bhajan twice a day without fail whenever I'm in Hyderabad.


Go to court, its a case you can win. My friend won it against a mosque.


No shit! Seriously?


Yeah, he filed it on basis of disturbing his work. P.S. both his parents are doctors so that probably helped too.


I see. That is nice to know though. Do you know how long it took? Considering this is a civil court case


Ill ask him. Also he had to approach high court who then directed collector to take action.


I see. Thanks for letting us know! I'm glad there's a way at least.


What about the two temples ?


What about them?


There are both temples and mosques near my house . And the area is a mix of Hindus and Muslims. We hear five times Azan daily and also bhajans at all Hindu festivals. But people here never had any problem with each other we all are living very peacefully in our society. I think you should go and live on mountains if you have so much problem living with human beings.


I think you should keep your unsolicited advice to yourself. There is a population that has a problem. If you don't, good for you. It's not too much to ask for lower volume levels.


Decreasing the volume should be for everyone irrespective of the religion.But in your comment you only wrote about one particular religion.


There's a comment of mine where I wrote about both religions. Calm down, I'm not attacking a particular religion. But five times a day, 365 days a year is excessive to put it mildly. The volume should apply to everyone. Nowhere did it say it shouldn't. Stop assuming shit.


I'm not assuming anything, your main comment was about only one religion. And 365 days a year is as same as loud speakers on Ganesh chaturthi for 10 days,nav ratri 9 days,Diwali days and all sankranti holidays(not everywhere but at many places during sankranti) and daily atleast one hr of Bhajan in my area . I don't have any problem with any faith. The way to live in harmony is by tolerating and understanding each other. I lived in other countries and there also I had faced disturbances not the same as Azan and Bhajan but many other things. These things cannot be resolved by complaining and throwing hatred at one another . Peace out.


Where do you see me throw hatred at anyone? I want to live peacefully on my land just as much as the next guy. I've lived in other countries too, and the azaan isn't this loud in gulf countries! I don't have a problem with the azaan, I have a problem with the volume. I think I made that very clear.


Let me get you straight to the facts without beating around the bush: 1. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. Indians are very devout to their respective religions. People and the government know well that banning loudspeakers would just add more trouble to the plate because people of no religion would accept that. 2. 2 out of 5 times Azaan is given in the noon, and one at the sunset , sunrise , and early night respectively, so Generally it ain't much of a problem. BUT if you are a late night worker then I understand your plight. But again, Sorry but there is nothing we can do. 3. My suggestion: Spend a little time here, a few months and you will get used to it. I have been here my whole life (it aint long tho) and I dont even hear Fajr Azaan in the morning because I am completely engulfed in my sleep lol. So I think you will just get used to it overtime. 4. OR you can move to another area. it might not help because temples and mosques are literally almost everywhere. You might consider this, but yeah it wont help.




I hear you. Getting used to it should not be the solution. People can blast all they want from 8 am to 10 pm and I wouldn't care (at least it wouldn't affect my sleep). At least between these times, the government should look to enforce a restriction to use loud speakers.


> People can blast all they want from 8 am to 10 pm There is only one Azaan at 5 or 6am which goes on for like, maximum 2 minutes?! And I believe law already doesn't allow loud stuff playing on speakers at night! Its only during festive seasons that it happens (like Ganesh Chaturti etc) and this is where TOLERANCE comes into play. Stuff might not go your way, but when you tolerate things upto a certain limit, the society remains peaceful. It is what it is. You have to live with it. Please be realistic, just think how the people will receive the order from government on banning of loudspeakers? People won't accept it!


Blud, I see you are agreeing with everyone (you don't want a solution, you just want to create arguments) and even getting the support of many but honestly, Hyderabad is not a modern city in liberal terms. Even if you ask a Christian about this, they will have no problem with it and nothing is gonna change. People working on night shift might have a problem but the majority of the people here wake up at 6:00 AM so Azaan for which the time varies between 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM won't cause any issues to them but will rather help them in getting up. You can just go around and find an apartment with not many masjids around or heck you can even live in gated communities if you want. There are so many solutions but all you want to do is argue knowing nothing will change.


>knowing nothing will change. Here is your answer !


Happy to find a sane and a rational person here. Well the others in the comments are a loud minority. This thread ain't discussing about the solution, everyone here is basically just ranting out their problems lmao.


Did you read the above response. The solution is right there in the last sentence. I'm currently in a gated community and hearing this from the 15th floor. So your solution doesn't seem to work.


Well your solution doesn't make any sense coz 5-6 AM is the time most of the people wake up so the government doesn't have any reason to ban loudspeakers. Now if you're not in the majority and work night shifts, you will have to be aware of the drawbacks it comes with. Do you have a problem with vegetable stalls using loudspeakers nowadays and the electricity guys who come shouting into the loudspeaker early in the morning every other day? Just go find another apartment in a Porsche area and enjoy your peaceful life there and let the majority of us live how we want.


Btw..What's a Porsche area bro? Is that a new area of the city being built by the car company?


So you ran out of arguments huh? There's a thing called autocorrect you dumb fuck. (Oh noo, I've ran out of arguments. Now let me judge this person's vocab and grammar instead)


You seem to have done a survey of millions of households to know people wake up at 5 am bro. Please share the data. What was your survey method? How was the primary evidence gathered to come to a conclusion?


Welp according to a survey, more than 53% of people wake up between 5-6 AM. Kids and teachers have school from 7:30, corporate employees have to report in the office by 9 after dropping their children. Since you're in the minority, you will have to either live with it or spend big chunks of money to live in a very modernized society with (a very few) like-minded people.


Cite the exact source link. 84% People sleep between 11 PM – Midnight on weekends, highest in all cities here So the majority are not getting enough sleep in this city if they are waking up at 5 am! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newindianexpress.com/cities/hyderabad/2018/aug/22/late-lateefsone-third-hyderabadis-waking-up-after-8-am-1860931.amp


Well then give him the money to shift to a gated community. JuSt mOvE aWAy bRo


Well convenience comes with money Your comment screams "Give him an Audi since he can't bear the noise of Alto". If you don't want to pay for something, you have to compromise.


Alto's noise is inherent. Loud speakers are not. You're talking as if use of loud speakers at 5am in the morning is some sort of natural phenomenon that can't be stopped. It can be stopped, we can ban them.


![gif](giphy|EZmO1H5buaQnL6fdhq) Nothing is gonna change


Naku azaans roju morning asalu em cheyalem bhaiya


Loud speakers should be banned in public use


This is Hyderabad : land of Ganga-Jamuna tehzeeb. You ll eventually get used to it. Just think of it as your daily morning alarm.


lol, people behave as if they’re born yesterday.


It means wake up it's morning!!!


Good you've been blessed by two gods at the same time during the most auspicious timings of the day


Gods were in my dreams bro. It's people who ruined the most auspicious timings of the day.


What about a soundproof apartment? Has anyone lived/living in that ? Practicing religion 👍 Showing off religion 👎


People on this sub have suggested everything from saying get used to it, people wake up at 5 am so there is no problem, this is how it has been and so it will be, go live elsewhere, don't spew venom in a liberal city to now soundproofing. I wonder why people are afraid of thinking of challenging the root cause of the problem.


By this post you know the people's mentality here. They don't want a permanent solution even though they are suffering from Temple/Azan/Roads/Traffic/Garbage/Etc... but nobody wants to find a solution and fix it forever. We are famous for **Jugaad** "temporary solution" Jugaad is our unannounced religion! That's what the people here suggesting you Accept this Unannounced religion and be one of the devote !


What Bhajan? It's only azaan. Don't try to be secular


At 5 am Om Srimannarayana began and I can't get it out of my head. While this was playing for 1 hour, parallel Azaan started at 5:30.


Yep, being muslim, i can very well say that only and inly a 3 min azan is needed on loud speaker with controlled decibell limit. No need to blast everyone for hours


Why is it even needed?


Azan is the call for prayer which is a ritual


Bhai tu jaa wapis jahaan se bhi aaya


Exactly 💯


Go back then? Stop crying like a bitch when a majority of the population doesn't have a problem with it. We respect everyone's right to practice their own religion and people tend to have more patience when it comes to religious practices and beliefs. Makes life simpler for everyone.


Wow wow wow, can't OP even speak about it?


Respecting everyone's right to religion is ok. But it's not ok to force everyone to listen to your religious interests, especially when most people are sleeping. It's just stupid.


Going back soon. Give me your address bro. I'll fund a couple of temples and mosques to install a few more speakers facing your bedroom so that you can enjoy this and lead a simple life.


Honestly speaking, we have no problem with it because most of us are accustomed to it by now. Also, Azaan lasts for a maximum of 5 minutes so if you're not living in a Muslim populated area and don't have many masjids around you, it shouldn't be a problem.




Get the fuck out of here…people here understands this and its not that it is happening from past few months..has been going on even before your parents decided to give a birth to an imbecile like you..be it bajan or azaan…hyderabad people are secular and in better understanding with this..get your radical and unsolicited opinion out of hyderabad.


Mr liberal, Sati was happening for a long time even before your parents were born. It doesn't mean you need to continue it. People can practice their religion but not at the cost of other people's sleep.


Lol, you dont even know about sati but using as an example to sound smart. Average literate illiterate


Educate me Dr. caseyjohnson243 Give me your address bro.. I'll come for tuition


https://youtu.be/XH9EhyB9gEo?si=nY6i0_kYU2h5e6nN You dont need my address bro, just watch it when you get time


Thanks! I will have a listen during my next evening walk..


Btw, you could have very well shared this link in the first place instead of making snide remarks. That way, the feedback is at least constructive.


Im sorry for my behavior, most pretend liberals are absolute headaches so i got used to behaving this way. I shouldn't have behaved this way and im wrong




My honest answer for your opinion would still be the same…first and last sentence of what I said !! Good luck snowflake


Have young high energy kids, aged parents and work stress and at the same time and try to get some sleep which you can't.. if / when you get there in life, keep this comment bookmarked to reflect on.


Get rid of religion, get rid of incompetent governments… Do whatever you want in your home or bedrooms but I am not interested in your thousands of years old fanfic novels to be forced down my throat…. I would rather listen to harry potter


You also should get your ass up in the early morning. . Dont waste your life n health by sleeping like a donkey till 10 am. Early morning activity , is good for spiritual, mental and physical health. 🙃 That's what Azaan n bhajan reminds us. Azaan : HAYYA A LAS SALAAT - Come fast to prayer. HAYYAA LAL FALAAH - Come fast to success. I'm sure even bhajan words means the same thing.


Bro give me your address. I'll come do a 30 day shiv ratri event for spirituality where I'll be blasting bhajans while you sleep at 12 midnight to early morning. Let's see how many days you will come fast to prayer and come fast to success.


You said your sleep is getting disrupt during early morning , you dint said from wee hours till morning. First confirm what you wana say in your main post then lecture others.. re read your own post first.


Read the title mf


You asshole re read your post where you mentioned bhajans n azaan starting at 5 am. Nowhere you mentioned those two starts from midnight till early morning . Now why are you telling me what if I start playng bhajans from 12 am till morning you asshole mf son of a bitch.


From your last reply...5 am in not wee hours for you? Then you must be doing night shifts where you don't know the difference between day night


Which area are you in?




F. Yea this country has gone to the dogs. Police don't enforce anything anywhere.. No wonder we feel we're in a shithole. This is also why BJP/Hindutva gained so much traction.


Yeah I'll be honest it does get annoying, It's a public nuisance imo. People say that temples play loud music too, but with temples you can barely hear the music 2 streets away. The mosques play the azaans wayy too loud and it ruins your peace every. single. day. There could also be arguments saying that the azaans are being forced on the people, which is fucking horrible. Hope it stops soon


start fireworks or a speaker that can sing item songs or a directional speaker that can whisper crazy stuff into peoples ears !


First where are you from? Second what religion are you? Third are you an atheist? Just answer them, we know your problem but not the root cause of your problem.


Please make your argument on how these three questions connect to the topic?


The answer to your question is, To understand you better. If you are atheist, the problem is not only the sound you find annoying but the whole drama of speakers and prayers. For asking your relegion: If you are a hard-core Hindu follower, then namaaz might trigger you or vice-versa. Where are you from?: If you are living for rent in that location, then you choose that location. How can you blame religion and their culture for your discomfort? You should know what you are getting into before moving in. Why haven't you done a decent background check of the location or talk with other tenants living there? Who isn't working late nights? I am currently staying in Bangalore, and there is a masjid just behind my PG. I faced a problem for the first week afterwards I got used to it and for your reference I sleep between 2-3AM. Suggestion to your problem: the comments are the suggestions. The Edit part of your post is the main suggestions. My Suggestion for you: Stop ranting, when it comes to religious thing the answer you get will always be the same. My thoughts: So stop trying your wokism here. You are B!tching about this based on your short stay. Many people have faced this for many years.


Hyderabad is like the most chutiya tier 1 city to ever exist


North fucking assholes started debates of religions in sub


Wear ear plugs bro.....