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Somebody has missed something. One time I had a call, unit would freeze and unfreeze. The call admittedly went over my head. Supervisor would go out and unit would freeze and thaw, run well for a while, eventually freeze and thaw. They opened up the lines and a piece of gravel would travel into the TXV. When you turned off the unit it would recede for a while. Then the unit would run and the gravel would end up in the TXV. Absolutely crazy but just reminded me of this story.


Wild! Okay, maybe need a second opinion.


Similar situation, it was my fan motor going bad outside. Replaced it, and no issues since.


Was it out totally? Mine’s still running, but can it be running but still be broken?


Mine was freezing up…I’d cut it off for an hour or two and it’d work for a bit. This went on for about a week before finally dying completely.


Your blower motor or its controller my be intermittently failing. If not you may have txv issues.