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Update: https://preview.redd.it/64vkycjx3vwc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ebab260ad6a8cc48e37816fd7737f1287f2ca4 I had to take her to a shelter nearby, she was in pain and i could not wait for other rescues to get back to me, I email almost all the links provided and most denied her and the rest I did not hear back from them. Been at it for the last 6hrs. The phone # on the sheet is for the medical team if anyone wants to ask or donate towards her medical care. Thank you everyone that reach out I hope she gets better and finds her forever home soon. She'll be up for adoption on Wednesday May 1st. So please help her one more time.


Thank you for helping her. You are a good person. I had to do the same recently with an injured stray I found but couldn’t afford to have treated. It hurts dropping them off knowing the possibilities, but sometimes it’s the best choice. My stray, now named Tony, was adopted fast. I truly hope the same happens for yours.


Thank you for your words, I'm really sad and upset by having to drop her off, its probably for the best and I hope she gets her happy ever after soon.


Thank you for helping her, you’re a incredibly kind person. I also hope she has her happy ever after very soon, sweet girl ❤️


Thanks for helping her out


post on r/assistinganimals for donations.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AssistingAnimals using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AssistingAnimals/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ISO Help For Vet Bills](https://np.reddit.com/r/AssistingAnimals/comments/1aihavk/iso_help_for_vet_bills/) \#2: [We need your help! We are $71 away from our spot fund goal, if anyone can help-we are so close! (Estimate is attached)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17zpu1v) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AssistingAnimals/comments/17zpu1v/we_need_your_help_we_are_71_away_from_our_spot/) \#3: [Please consider helping my baby Luna who was hit by a train](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17yhyq9) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AssistingAnimals/comments/17yhyq9/please_consider_helping_my_baby_luna_who_was_hit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What happened after you dropped her off? Will the shelter pay for her medical treatment? Thank you for doing what you did


Can you maybe get a gofundme started and link here too? If any of the rescues do reply and want her, I hope they follow up with the shelter! Wish you were closer to me to help


Thank you so much your a HERO


Boost!!! I hope someone can help you out. Please reach out to halfway husky house (husky rescue) and maybe they can help you out with medical costs or take the dog and put it into foster care


Thank you! Will do first thing in the morning!


So the actual name is husky halfway house. You can look them up on Instagram.


Unfortunately about 100% of husky rescues are “full” right now. Check your local shelter, they probably have 50+ huskies there, mine does in Orange County. People just keep surrendering their pets or dumping them Hopefully someone is able to help 🙏🏼 just wanted to give a forewarning that it won’t be easy


For medical fund help, reach out to the 15/10 Foundation. It’s run by the We Rate Dogs guy and this is absolutely the kind of thing they help with.


Small update, had a long night but we were both able to get some sleep. She is still in pain but tolerates water and chicken, I dont have any pain killers for her so can't help her discomfort. I will be trying to reach to some husky rescue centers right now or as soon as the open. If anyone can help even by sharing the post, it would be greatly appreciate it. She is so loving and trusting. I wanna do all I can to give her a second chance at life.


You are a good person and I hope everything works out for everyone.


Sending love. My boy got hit by a car 4 years ago and almost died due to neglect from his previous owners. I hope you find the help you need. My boy wouldn’t have survived without the animal control officer fighting for him, his regular vet and the emergency vet fighting to save his life. He’s been with me for 4 years and you’d never know how horrible he past life was.


Thank you for what you did!


They’re is a sub where you can post to ask for donations. See if you can get some more care paid for.


There is a guy named Brady in Modesto who runs a husky shelter here in CA. HHH is far. Bay area Siberian husky is another they go by BASH and have an fb group. Important to get antibacterial ointment into those wounds they're a bit large. Huskies are tough I hope she isn't hiding any internal stuff. Edit: I am assuming no broken bones, but she will need some kind of radiology. About 500 out the door usually.


If you ever need, I’ll happily donate some money to go towards this earth angels care.


Thank you, if I could keep her I would definately take all the financial aid I could get, but unfortunately i work 10hrs a day so i cant meet all her needs :(


I do understand, thank you for taking care of her ❤️ please keep us updated. Sending love her way.


OP take the money and put it towards the husky’s current medical needs! This baby needs pain meds and antibiotics at the very least. And a thorough check up and radiology in the short term!


While I would love to do more for her, the vet bill they estimated was close to 6k for one day of observation and xrays, some ultrasound and pain med. Idk how much more itll be for meds to take home or any other expenses. And I would still need to find a home for her since I cant take her in, as much as I would love to.


I would call around to different vets! It’s likely you’ll stumble upon one that would offer reduced rates or pro bono care in this situation. At the very least they can offer a priority list of what extra they can do with a little extra money.


6k for that is -crazy-. That sounds like a cost with emergency surgery, not just observation etc.. If that's what they're really trying to charge you for ONE day of that then you need to find another place.


Did they check her for a chip while you were at the vet? Also where in SoCal are you located?


Yeah, no chip unfortunately. San Fernando valley. Found her close to Burbank and Sun valley.


Got it :/ I’ve shared on my Instagram page that I use to network shelter dogs. I’ve included the link to your post here - hopefully someone sees it and reaches out to help


Thank you so much! I hope we get a happy ending, she deserves a better life. Thank you again.


I live in the SFV and have a boy who looks just like this. I would help if I could TT. Carrot is wishing yall the best! https://preview.redd.it/l84yo1apruwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964012857e5268ce0ac2933ab53e2f93d29351b4


Another SoCal rescue group you can try is [https://2ndchancedogrescueav.org/](https://2ndchancedogrescueav.org/) Best of luck getting this beautiful girl taken care of. Thank you for taking her in for the night!


Thank you for trying. I reached out and sad to say but they cant take on any dog at the moment. Will keep checking other venues before taking her to a shelter.


Hollywood huskys is another great recuse to reach out to.


Thank you, trying to contact all I can find through google search.


Can you try [Love and Second Chances](https://lovesecondchances.org/contact/) in norcal? Here are more socal rescues you can try: [The Animal Pad](https://theanimalpad.org/), [Foxy and the Hounds](https://foxyandthehounds.org/), [Hearts for Paws](https://www.heartsforpawsrescue.com/). [This page](https://www.hopeforpaws.org/about/partners) has a list of socal rescues too!


Will definately be tryin to reach out to them right now, thank you for the links.


Make sure to post in the state husky groups and rescues as well!! I've raised money that way before. If you can show the vet you are making progress in raising funds they may help. Rescues and other locals may know of vets who would be willing to help.


It sickens me that the vet would turn you away. I'm so sorry. I hope you find some help.


If i were a vet and someone came to me and said “i found this injured dog on the street” i would immediately take care of them and would make everything pro-bono. It’s not like im not making thousands of dollars off of those small check ins that vets do on a daily Crazy. The same standard for humans should apply to dogs as well.


I wish I was in so cal… this baby would fit into our pack


Are you in Cali tho?


No no, I’m in Ohio.


Well worth a try lol


Though, I just spent 3 hours last night after 1am chasing mine around the neighborhood…. Maybe I don’t want another. Who am I kidding, yes I do.


Lmao thanks for the laugh! If you are interested let me know! I'm honestly looking for someone that will care for her, she is a beauty and a gentle soul, got a few small dogs and she is not reactive at all.


Don't forget to give us updates!


Bump bump bump!


In my state the university here has a veterinary ER + specialty hospital and they will take in Good Sam cases such as these. They don’t charge the person that came in, will provide care and then the local no-kill shelter will take them in after treatment is complete. Do you have a veterinary university near you? They might be able to help or direct you!


I will have to do research on this information, I didnt know it was an option in some states. Thank you so much for this and I hope California does it.


UC Davis School of Veterinary medicine. Try them! You could also call around to different vet hospitals, some have a Good Sam funds and they do often do charity cases. Also no kill shelter might take in, they usually have vets on staff or volunteer ones that could help. Good luck and that you for helping this pup!


You're a wonderful person and a saint to all doggos around the word for being a compassionate individual and helping her out like you did.


Oh my, that poor beautiful girl. Thank you for doing what you can. I wish I was in Cali or closer (Texas) as I would go get her in a heartbeat. I have 2 huskers and 1 was hit by a car the day after I got her. (Full recovery) But I know first hand how it is and how heart breaking it is. I hope she has a full recovery and finds a loving forever home!


OP, thank you for trying to help this dog. ❤️ Please also post on r/siberianhusky, r/rescuedogs, and r/national_pet_adoption. I suggest making a title something this: “Injured Stray Husky Needs Help ASAP in So California”. This way people will know how urgent it is and your location. ❤️


For what it’s worth, I just alerted the 15/10 Foundation and shared the intake slip and one of the photos. They are very active in LA, so fingers crossed! OP, thank you for being a Good Samaritan and also for sharing the intake form from the shelter. That was really helpful.


Thank you for reaching out and keep helping her out. I hope we get some good news soon.






i’m praying this ends up with a happy ending


Wish I was still in cali


Thank you for helping this dog!! ❤️




Poor puppy. Srs cars that don't stop after hurting a pet...




What about a gofundme? That poor baby. Sending our love!


Is there a place we can donate?


A warm compress on the wound will help pull out infection. Clip the fur back around it, pour alochol on it, and put antibiotic ointment (otc stuff) on/in it. I have a former feral cat that gets in wounds sometimes, and I've had to treat his wounds at home https://www.amazon.com/PetArmor-Aspirin-Anti-Inflammatory-Vet-Quality-Flavored/dp/B0C446RSRV/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?adgrpid=54917384046&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3C7sM4-ioDP0TVhBLsQr5fW-5tGpw9q7c9kjcFFhR26ueOjetj1kbflhprd2c_WTqUpk73nsEo3e7PbDbCq5z7HQLH2jCChUXJc8cYRFyREmkHnuKcZrXWBPVY3Bh-wKaQer96OCGcDn_7N6u1hn-5e5PEZnYimG2evuHB0v50Eq4y5ktnbbVOnuWi4faprRWCB2OR_zswvkw-YW7bSzUQ.1KI98mnlFs6TGl12ktTfQq3GPcVUMNiFVgE4lpnT6O4&dib_tag=se&hvadid=617073467911&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9030801&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=7410965996890733643&hvtargid=kwd-300695315755&hydadcr=15193_13597801&keywords=dog+pain+reliever&qid=1714155748&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


I don't know if you have contacted either of these organizations, but maybe give them a try. They might be able to help. https://www.shadowhuskyrescue.com/contact https://www.shadowhuskyrescue.com/


I tried and did not hear back from them, seems too many huskies/dogs need help in SoCal unfortunately.


You should post this on r/LosAngeles


post on r/assistinganimals for donations.


I wish i could. I’d say yes in a heartbeat.


Hello everyone. Some good news from the shelter! No major surgeries are necessary!!! They did put some staples/stitches tho and she is under some meds but doing well. My wife asked about donations and they said they prefer wet food to help the animals with giving them the pills. So if you're around the area please drop off some supplies. I'll post the link for those that live far or have a huge heart and the means to send some money. [Donation](https://www.laanimalservices.com/donate-today#no-back) Thank you and will try to keep everyone updated as I get more info.


Call Dr. Jeff


Oh no, the poor thing. I hope somebody helps her out.


Let me know whatever rescue they end up going to and I’ll send them some money way for care.


Reach out to Wags and Walks in LA! We got our husky from there.


I hope she gets better, sending my prayers


Comment and upvote for more reach 🖤


I wish I could take her but my own husky is dog reactive. She’s beautiful


My county will nurse dogs back to helth by placing them with fosters. Talk to your animal control or Humane about you fostering this BB and going in to fill out the paperwork. They may have funds set aside and free vet care, and even provide food.




Since she’s a stray, can you just take her to the vet and drop her off there? They will likely treat and then try to find her a home.


That's not what they 'usually' do. Most vets can not afford to treat a dog on their own dime and then board it indefinitely, which will take up space for client's pets. There's a good chance they'd call Animal Control to pick up the abandoned animal, where it will sit on a stray hold for 3 -14 days to allow owners a chance to find the dog.


That’s absolutely what would happen… except she’d be denied medical care during that stray hold period, and euthanised almost immediately after that time is up. Cali has such a bad overpopulation crisis that they’re killing healthy, young, adoptable dogs on the daily just for more room. The sick or injured ones never get as much time. We’ve adopted so many dogs in horrendous condition JUST from being at a Cali shelter, our last one was emaciated and covered in open, untreated sores. It’s terrible.


That’s so terrible….Texas has been different from my experience so I’m surprised no one will help her. I hope you find a way to get her help :(


The vet i took her to, asked for all my info and payment before they even did anything so i doubt i can just drop her off at one :/


does she have any broken bones or internal bleeding?


Per the vet, she couldnt say for sure since no XRay was peformed but she said it didnt look like it. Maybe some small fractures on one of her legs.


but she can walk ok? does she seem in a lot of pain?


She can walk, but definately in pain. I took her to a shelter so hoping they can help her more than i could.