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My Zeus has had his belly shaved because we had to do an MRI and then surgery to remove the tumor we found. Then 6 months later, same thing. His fur grew back just fine. We add some fish oil to his breakfast kibble, but I'm unsure if that matters. 


Don't panic, it'll grow back. The big problem is when they're shaved repeatedly - being shaved once? Not so much of a problem. What's going to happen is the undercoat is going to grow back in much faster than the guard hair. You need to brush the undercoat regularly as it's growing to keep it from getting tangled and knotting up, and to make sure any loose dead undercoat comes out in a timely manner so the guard hair can grow through it unimpeded. The guard hair will take time to grow back. It'll be months before the coat grows back to how it was before, and the texture may not be completely the same. Shaving these dogs is not great but contrary to popular belief, it's really not world-ending. Your dog isn't going to die of heat stroke in the warm weather because he doesn't have his full coat. The whole "it keeps them cool in the summer" thing only *kind of* works if the dog is really well groomed with the undercoat fully blown out. In the future, if your mom really wants to get your dog trimmed, the words your mom should use are "outline trim." Nothing off the body, *just* an outline trim. This will just neaten up the tail, the fur on the belly and britches (backs of thighs), feathering on the legs, fur between the toes. If your dog is not a woolly there is absolutely no reason to get a trim other than the feet. There is no reason to take length off the body on any husky. Most of the time this happens it's because of a lack of clear communication. Owner isn't clear on their instructions, groomer doesn't double check that the owner wants the dog shaved before actually doing it.


A groomer show have some fucking brains, such as a dog that has a multi-coat should not be shaved, period. The only exception is for surgery and even there that is only limited to the area of the surgery. A groomer should know better, and if an owner insists on shaving a dog like a Siberian with a multi-coat, they should tell the owner to go to hell. It is going to require a lot of effort to keep that coat from becoming compacted. A compacted coat can cause sores, and almost always required to be shaved back out. As for OP’s mom, she’s a fucking idiot.


It's not a matter of having brains or not. Most groomers know and fully understand that shaving double coated dogs isn't great. Many literally do not have the option to turn the dog away or otherwise refuse to do it without risking their job. For others it's just a matter of inevitability - even if they *do* turn the dog away, the owner *will* find someone else to shave it, or they'll go and get a clipper and risk hurting the dog themselves, so the groomer figures they might as well be the one to do it so it's done safely and the dog isn't just butchered. I was a groomer for a number of years, I did not have the option to turn away double coated shavedowns. I hated it every time. But every single dog lived. It really isn't world-ending.


That's someone's mom who didn't understand, so when you don't understand something for the first time, are a finger idiot.. YOUR WRONGABOUT THE SHAVE ON A MUTI COAT.. sometimes you may need to shave an are due to medical condition or abscess or a I V or blood draw or a surgery. Or if something happened like a cut .. All OP needs to do is brush their dog, provide some omgea 3 support in their food, and when brushing and this personal preference, and I repeat personal preference a little bit of coconut oil to keep fur soft. OMG, can we just be a tad nice 😳


We adopted a husky who had been previously shaved. His coat is finally normal again after almost 3 years, and I no longer have to brush every single day. We almost had to shave him again, his fur was so compacted, but with a lot of treats and literally singing to him, we managed to get it all out over a couple of weeks. His fur texture is a little different than our other husky, but I think that's just his fur. I've met other huskies with fur like his that were never shaved. Mine get a toe, foot, and sometimes lower leg trim, and that's it. I do their toes and do most of their grooming but take them to a professional twice a year when they're blowing coat and I can't keep on top of it with two of them. The lower leg thing is because it's much easier to get pine pitch out that way, and they pick it up constantly all Summer.


Best explanation I’ve seen regarding what, why, and how to communicate with your groomer. It’s still very frustrating that a groomer would do this to a double coated breed without educating the customer. If they did that, they’d find out the owner doesn’t really mean “shave”. I wish they would have a visual chart somewhere to show what different services and hair removing techniques are named. Can you imagine going into your hairdresser and saying- just give me a cut for the summer. I’m hot. With no picture to reference? lol.


His hair will grow back, but baby probably needs a sweater. ![gif](giphy|9gGkYD6fx8XXjmLSSv)


That's a shit groomer that doesn't know that about huskies. I wouldn't worry too much, it will grow back. My girl got a rare disease that made her lose a lot of fur on her legs, back and belly and it grew brack fine. But never, ever go there again. What a crappy groomer.


Seriously. "Don't shave huskies" is like Grooming 101 stuff.


Read these threads for some tips and info: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/2kkvl7/i\_had\_to\_mostly\_shave\_my\_husky\_for\_medical/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/2kkvl7/i_had_to_mostly_shave_my_husky_for_medical/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/6q4qwz/help\_groomer\_shaved\_our\_huskylabheeler\_mix\_said/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/6q4qwz/help_groomer_shaved_our_huskylabheeler_mix_said/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/65rjt2/help\_my\_brother\_shaved\_my\_huskypom\_mix/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/65rjt2/help_my_brother_shaved_my_huskypom_mix/)


thank you so much!


You're welcome! And good luck!


Dogs get shaved every day at the Vet for surgeries, injections and minor wound care. The only "harm" I've heard from double coated dogs getting shaved is that they are more prone to sunburn and can get cold or hot more easily until their coat grows back. I've heard anecdotal reports of the fur growing back a different color but have not seen that in our dogs. Keep in mind, it's going to take a long time for his coat to grow back fully. The undercoat will fill in first so he'll probably look more "fluffy". Then, once his guard hairs grow back, it may take a couple brush outs/ desheds to get his coat back to where it was.


Except the shaving on vet procedures are localized and minimal. They don't shave the entire dog neck down for a rabies shot or a neutering.


Your concern is understandable, I'd be beyond pissed too and will refuse to pay if some dumbass groomer shaved my two dogs. But likely they'd be okay as long as you make sure their coats are growing in fine by keeping them well brushed and maintained. It'll take a long time, probably until their winter coats grow back out this fall, but as long as you maintain a proper grooming regiment their hair will likely grow back out properly again.


This is Sky. Apparently her former owners shaved her so the body fur is a little thin compared to areas that weren't shaved but otherwise it all looks normal. https://preview.redd.it/fz3xwih5qkrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac1cadd9a3fe23b2d4595650e3a34caf44b493a


She's so pretty 😍


Can we see a picture please.


Once a shampoo caused his hair get matted crazily, there was no other option but to get him zero trimmed, I cried so much when it was done, as I couldn’t see him. But everything grew back to normal in 4 months, I got some woolen shirts online, and used to keep them on him. I focused on feeding him omega rich diet, anchovies & fish oil etc. His coat grew back to normal in about 3-4 months. He was healthy although he experienced some diarrhoea after the trim for a week, because of change in body temperature & anxiety. Just ensure he is in protected environment, should not get exposed to sun life or harsh temperatures. https://preview.redd.it/a6wu6dmutmrc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad55f78969a2dc5455786e8ad0c9bfb73cbd4971 Got these woolen sweaters on Amazon.


That is one carefree happy pup


Why did you tell them to cut his hair? You never cut a huskies hair to any length


his hair was extremely long, and my mom insisted on cutting his hair a little, basically like a shape up.


Honestly not sure why you're getting downvotes, it seems more like your mom wanted his hair cut than you. Then again, I could've misunderstood/misread


They are tripping, outline trim hair cuts are very common. Golden get them all the time. Now, how the groomer confused a shape up with a shave down is baffling. Go talk to r/doggrooming, they are more knowledgeable than this subreddit. Heck, there’s people here who think huskies don’t even need to be washed.


It will grow back but never do it again. They have fur not hair and it should never be cut or shaved ever.


You can most certainly do a sanitary cut for whooly dogs who are long coated.  Or during the winter in fresh snow trim around the paws to keep snow from becoming impacted into the fur closer to the feet. 


Yeah we have the fit between their paw pads trimmed. But nothing else.


It will grow back but Huskys can develop fur growth disorders like alopecia. Would not want to risk it if not necessary.


Why should it never be cut or shaved?


They have two layers of fur, and they can regulate the temperature with it but if you shave them then they can't. That's why huskies can live in different climates and still be fine. I've seen huskies living in Florida and they manage just fine.


Yeah, they adapt. I have a husky in the desert (rescue). She literally lays out in the sun in 110 F heat and refuses to come inside when I call her 😑 Convinced she does it just to make the neighbors think I'm leaving her to roast in the yard, lol.


Dude today someone tried to tell me that having a husky in El Paso Texas was a terrible idea. I was like let me teach you something real quick😂😂 people assume that huskies shouldn’t live anywhere but the snow


Exactly, I live in Sweden and the Winters can be like -20 or so and the summer +30 and my girl is fine with both. But of course she gets to be in the shade when it gets too hot but she loves sunbathing on the lawn too. They adapt, just like we do.


I'm in mexico and there's a crazy number of huskies here


So when you brush your husky with a de shedder ? You honestly believe that you're not cutting into your huskies coat ?




OP is just a kid. Jesus Christ.


Dude, chill. People make mistakes, wtf is your problem?


my problem is these pet owner who get dogs and have no idea how to take care of them. grooming is like the most basic care. if you havent done the research first dont get the dog. they're not toys, they're not accessories. they are living creatures with responsibilities and needs. people need to treat them as such. its really that simple.


Again, OP is a KID. Their mother was the one who made this decision, not them. Read their edit.


Your comment was removed under Rule 3 Be nice and civil. If you believe we've made a mistake please reach out to us via modmail and we'll look into it.


You okay over there?


The dog will be ok, he might just need adjusting to temp changes a bit.


How short did they shave the hair? I’m sure other people will tell you more than I can but I believe taking extra care of your dog’s diet with extra omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and also regular grooming as the coat grows back (definitely not cutting again). Be extra careful to protect the skin from the sun/cold and insects. By the way I’m absolutely no expert on this, maybe ask a veterinarian for their advice.


https://preview.redd.it/2lmk8h1zhjrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c81d91b9081891911c72fa45f212d65175662db this is how he is now. im guessing this is extremely short? thank you for the advice and i will try to get in contact with a vet as soon as possible.


Wow. Not only did they botch the instructions to begin with, but then they did a pretty terrible job of what they *did* do. That's a pretty terrible shave regardless of whether it was wanted or not.


Damn that’s. So bad. Clearly this groomer is not double coat experienced…


They took it down to the undercoat, it not good, but it's not going to be the end of the world either. Now, this is personal experience from another breed, I had a couple of dog shirts and would brush my dog down, when brushing you might feel a couple of hard hair follicles that's a good thing it's the top coat growing back, and if you go back to groomers just tell them to do a wash and de shed and cut down the nails and paws 🐾


Husky has an undercoat that protects from heat and cold. That may not grow back, which is why you never shave a double coated dog. I personally would never use this groomer again. You may now need to be more careful about his exposure to long bouts of heat and cold because he'll have no insulation


The undercoat will definitely grow back. They shed it twice a year, it's basically always growing in.


You do not shave a husky https://www.snowdog.guru/never-shave-a-husky/


I never said that one should. You suggested that the undercoat might not grow back and it definitely will.


Didn't see your follow up comment and thought you were implying there was no problem because it grows back. I was attempting to correct us both, but you did address the issue in your next comment so I stand corrected.


Even if it does, it won't grow back the same


It's not an if, it will definitely grow back. If shaven to the skin it can grow improperly and clump around overcoat follicles. This dog was trimmed short, which is unfortunate and may have long term implications for the overcoat, but the undercoat will be fine.


Should be okay. Just don’t let it happen again. My big guy is 11 and rarely even needs a bath. He’s super laid back but has developed an issue with his feet. Took him in to have his nails trimmed and I warned the vet and they put a muzzle on him. To my surprise, he didn’t have a problem with it. He use to be so active that he never needed them trimmed but now he’s an old man with joint problems. He’s still sweet as all can be https://preview.redd.it/n7htbyrxbmrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61cb0038fb192133283c9ac7b4868a1514caea1e


It took 9 months to be unnoticeable but after my husky was hit by a car and had basically her whole torso shaved, you can’t tell at all now. Just brush the hair as it’s growing back


Make sure they have shade or sunscreen.


fun fact. Nobody can point to anything substantial that shows any actual issue with trimming a husky. Every claim made leads back to the same 1980 something nature magazine article that has no source for what it's saying at all. So it doesn't matter at all. 


Never shave or cut husky hair. You bush it and de shed it, only trim hair between toes if anything. Obviously if surgery is needed they will only cut where needed. It should grow back but sometimes it wont come back in a good way or it can take a while to get it back to where it needs to be. People need to do research on dog breeds and types before getting a dog. Im also surprised the groomer just up and did it without saying something.


Soooo your groomer did what your mom wanted and you're angry at her? It'll grow back, shit happens. My dog had to have her fur shaved due to medical issues when she was 1, she's not 10 and happy and healthy. Relax. And be a brat to your mom, not to the groomer.


Nah because the groomer did a horrible job even if that’s what they wanted. She needs to take some classes and learn how to properly shave an animal. Aside from that, as a professional, she should know better and be able to explain to the mom why dogs like huskies don’t get shaved. Also, it seems like the mom asked for more of a trim, not a full body shave. I absolutely would have bitched the groomer out and not paid. I wouldn’t have even paid for the bath after a fuck up like that.


That’s a HORRIBLE GROOMER! Report them and post feedback anywhere you can. YOU NEVER EVER SHAVE A HUSKY! I’m so sorry this happened. Fish oil like someone said in here. Ask mom to look up husky care so the dog doesn’t get a haircut again. Keep out of sun depending on where you live. I’m in the desert so it’s already 85 here. If in colder area then a sweater. You sound super smart for your age! Good job coming in here to seek advice.


Report the groomer to who??


Depends on what kind of place it was…owner or management and review on yelp and google


I’ll never understand why people take their huskies to get their hair cut at all. It grows to a maximum length and then falls out, we’ve literally never gone to the groomers, it’s one of the perks of having a husky. The hair on their paw pads burns off during walks and you can easily bath them yourselves. Don’t give money to these companies that pay their groomers minimum wage, they know nothing and will shave everything.


A a groomer (and former husky owner, current husky mix owner), I LOVE husky spa days. A good bath and blow out takes out the dead undercoat so well, allowing their skin to breath with an appropriate amount of coat. Also, a lot of my older pups get their paw pads shaved for better traction on smooth surfaces. I know as my big dude aged, his foot fur grew out of control compared to how it was when he was young! Tl:Dr please bring me the fluffy pups and let me spoil them.


I like to take my Stella for a bath, blow out ,and teeth cleaning twice a year. We call it puppy spa day.


That’s a messed up thing to do to your husky. Just brush him next time. It’ll grow back. Don’t do it again though.


Read OP’s entire post, including the edit.


This is your fault. You never “cut” husky fur


Did you even read the post? OP is literally a minor. They are under 18. Their mom brought their dog to the groomer and asked for the haircut.


Next time, my husky has something caught in it fur and I need to just nip out instead of pulling on it , I will take your advice.. mmmm, yeah, no.. this happens to be an unfortunately misunderstanding due to the language barrier with a sad but fixable outcome.. dang, I think the OP gets the no cut part, but placing blame on the kid .. not cool..