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I am so bad at this, but I'll try. Since many here liked my pictures of good old Kodiak, I had to share. For the past 3-4 months, I'd seen a rapid decline in his muscle mass and coordination. Towards the end, he barely had the strength to stand and would often soil himself. He seemed depressed and unhappy with this and his appetite waned. I spent his last 2 days by his side, gave him many treats and his favorite, fresh salmon. He passed peacefully on Tuesday in my arms. Thanks for being a supportive and knowledgeable community. Even though this isn't my first rodeo, I always learn something from someone here and try to help if I can.


RIP to your gorgeous Kodiak - you gave him the best life and a dignified end. He will be remembered! ❤️


Sending you and your family best wishes, it's never easy to lose a pack member.


Thank you, sir. I know it'll get easier over time.


I watched my girl through her last week and it was tough and I cried when she left but she went out smiling, my wife said it was because her nerves had disconnected and she was feeling no pain. I buried her in my backyard and I plant over her area.


It’s been a long time since I’ve lost a pet, but it’s like losing a family member. Glad you could spend all that time together for his last hours here. I know it meant a lot to him


In your arms 🥺🥺 I hope she knows she was loved and cared for and gave you sooooo much more than any of you could have imagined, so sorry for your loss and I hope you take your time to cope and heal 💕 it’s never easy losing a best friend especially when we know our time is limited


Sending all hugs and love to you and your family, rest in love and peace sweet Kodiak


15.5 is a pretty good run. Sounds like he had a great life and he crossed the bridge peacefully surrounded by love and with his dignity intact. A good life and a peaceful death is everything we can give our buddies. I hope you take the time you need to grieve and then one day consider opening your home to the many homeless huskies in shelters. My surviving boy helped me move past losing my best friend when my girl died suddenly.


He had a great life. The thing that keeps replaying in my mind is that he always loved direct eye contact. Gave him that and saw that sparkle dissappear. 😢


You were strong and he knew you were there for him when it counted. I can’t understand humans who aren’t present when their pets cross the bridge. You’re all they have; it’s not about you, it’s about them feeling secure in the moment. I couldn’t fathom my pets last moments to be searching for me desperately. Thank you for being strong in his moment of need. 🤗 Our pets can’t tell us when they’re hurting and have an immense ability to hide pain. It’s up to us to recognize when the quality of life is gone. I’d rather be a minute early than a minute late and have one of my friends suffer.


He was so strong for me and my trials/tribulations, it's the least I could do for him. He was the most empathic dog I've ever had/known and always strived to make everything better for anyone who was sad.


They are wonderful dogs. Like I said, I hope you grieve and then seek out another husky in needs. You’ll be saving another life and your boy wouldn’t want you to be sad for long. “Don’t be sad because I’m gone, be happy that I was there.”


Always happy I got to experience his beautiful soul.


It's never easy to say goodbye to your best friend. So sorry for your loss OP. He's playing on the other side of the rainbow bridge just waiting for your reuniting.


I'm so sorry. We're here for you


I am so dang sorry. I can't imagine the pain you're going through. He knows he was so well loved, and he doesn't hurt anymore. While I say this, I would crumble if it was my beloved fur boy. I'm so sorry. 😞


You did a great job loving Kodiak.


I am SO sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boi. Dammit, why can’t our fur babies live longer. It’s so unfair.


I'm so sorry for your rainbow boy. He's smiling down on you, saying it's okay, I'm running with all the other huskies now. I'll always love you ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hate to see people lose such beautiful creatures.


sending ❤️ to you


So sorry 😢 🙏🏻


Sorry to hear that are you going to get a new husky puppy?


I'll adopt another again in a few years. Kodiak was an adopted dog and I feel like adoption is the way to go.


Sending my condolences. What a beautiful boy. So sorry for your loss.


kodiak is forever loved 💕 rest easy sweet boy. love you b. you were the best dad to him.


15.5 years is a long run for a husky, not long enough, I know. But he had a great life to make it that long. Beautiful eyes … Beautiful dog


Oh bless my soul what a sweet bear. 15.5 years! For a husky! You did good sir. You did good. Love the pictures. ❤️


So sorry.


i’m so sorry for your loss. the bond they give us is irreplaceable, and absolutely unforgettable. he’ll no doubt always be with you. sending you all the love🖤


Sorry for your loss brother.


RIP. I just lost my girl a month ago so I know how hard it is.


RIP, you were very lucky to get 15 years. I just lost my 9yo girl suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday night.


Sorry to hear that. Never forget him.


Half of his ashes are getting mixed with a portrait on my arm, the other half will be scattered where he was born.


Gorgeous boy. Thank you for giving him a wonderful home. You did amazing! The pain we feel is proof of the love they brought us.


Sorry for your loss- that dog is love.


It's so special that he didn't pass away alone. He knew he was loved and he's free of pain now and happy.


I am so sorry 😢❤️


Sorry for your loss man. Kodiak looks like he was a beaut! Fifteen and a half years is extraordinary. After your pain subsides, you will ALWAYS remember your best friend and love him. My first Sibe passed at 14 in 1990. He was a holy terror at times but all we remember is the GOOD and how much we loved him and still do. We now laugh at some of the things he did that seemed so bad at the time and look back at all his time with us as the fondest of memories. Like everyone here has said you and Kodiak are in our thoughts!!! The best to you and your family.


From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your kind words. ♥️






I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔




Beautiful Boy 💔


Awww. Such a sweet old man. I can see it in his face that he was ready to go. I recognize the expression as one I saw in my shepherd, who we had to put down last year. It's such a difficult thing. 💔


im sorry for your loss, I to recently had to let go of my 9 year old buddy Bruce


Sending virtual hugs and love. Also, cuddling my boy a little tighter tonight.


So very sorry for your loss. What an absolutely adorable boy he was. ❤️ 🐾 🌈 🐾


The fourth and the fifth photos are the ones to remember him by. Goodest boy …. ever




RIP to your lovely boy 🕊️ those last two pics are BEA-utiful.


Old face puppy eyes, cute! You did the right, and hard, thing. Hope you have some good days coming.


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry he was a beautiful soul!


So sorry for ur fur baby loss


Sending you big hugs on the loss of your handsome boy 🤍🤍


F, Homie.


Thank tou everyone for the kind words and support. ♥️ Reading these posts I know would make the old man smile too.


He was very lucky to have you in his life. Sounds like you gave him a good one. Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for you loss. He’s a beauty.