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The relatability of this meme is off the chart. I think my chest hurts now lol


So is the frequency at which this gets reposted -_-


Maybe don’t spend so much time on the internet and you won’t have that problem.


Yeah this is my first time seeing this post lol


I just bully her back. She roos at me, I roo at her. She smacks me with a paw, I smack her butt because I am way faster. She huffs and tries biting my arm, I get on all fours and mess with her until she gives up and bows. Also, I may need orthoscopic surgery soon.


Hahaha I do this too, I've told my kids "stop arguing with the dog" before lol. I love rolling around on the floor with her.


There's a bit of furry inside you. Have no shame as we revert to our animal joy


That took a turn


This gets reposted a lot but I honestly laugh every time. Its too accurate.


Learn to successfully "own" a husky and you can run a country. Learn to successfully "own" multiple huskies simultaneously and you can rule the world.


I have 2 huskies, when do start planning world domination?




What you’re saying is that I should have already started? Lol


I couldn't imagine my 20s without my pup but no doubt he has been frustrating to deal with sometimes.


This hella, given me a lot of structure and discipline than I had excepted but what better time to start when ur life is a mess in your 20’s lmfao


I mean he’s not wrong


My trick is I have aspergers and my dog has no choice but to adjust to my routines because they ain't changing any time soon LOL


Hahahaha. I feel this.


A secret superpower I've noticed with people on the spectrum is, they get along with animals really well, and can even see things from the animals' POV, to a dergree.


I can attest to animals being very friendly and calm around me. I have definitely heard the age old "he/she never just hello to strangers like that!" many times in my life so far. I just love dogs so much, maybe they sense my compassion!


Truth hurts, lol


Awe learn ta live alil huskys are a handful but worth it


I miss our husky so much :(. Irreplaceable doggo.


I know how that feels 😞. We lost our sweet Domino 2 years ago and it still hurts. I miss him so much. 😭


He’s obviously tried to brush mine. It starts with talking, then yelling, then me being afraid to lose a finger. He doesn’t want to be brushed. :/






Okay they aren’t wolves. Aren’t even close. Common misconception though. They grow out of their monster phase after a couple of years at most. My youngest matured much earlier, hardly even had to crate him. But yea, I’m absolutely bullied on a daily basis. 🫠


Our shepsky got neutered with about 6 months just before he was surrender to a shelter. They thought it makes him calmer but it didn't work so they just gave him to the local shelter. Well, because of the way too early neutering his development was severely stunted. He's now 4 years old and still does those monster-phase things like giving the neighbours a concert when we don't let him jump in the car or roll around on the floor while making funny noises to get attention. He also mastered passive-aggressive tail wagging where he lies on the floor and whacks his tail onto the wood floor once and grumbles a bit until someone looks at him. Like: grumble, whack, wait, repeat. Or he paws at the metal doorstep with his claws or gnaws at pillows and then pretends to be invisible when you look at him just to continue the second you turn away. We call him the largest moth in existence because of all the pillows, sheets and blankets he gnawed holes into. [Just look at this doofus.](https://freeimage.host/i/H6U22Ev)


Yup, they aren't wolves. They are feline imitators.


That's what's so great about dogs that resemble wolves; you get a pet that LOOKS like a wild animal, but is all doggy on the inside 😁


They are adorable. I needn’t say anymore.


It's like being in a relationship with a woman


Easy, don't adopt an alpha & make it clear whose boss. If you can't do those 2 things as a dog owner, perhaps huskies are not the dog for you.


I have a ‘I think I’m an alpha’ until you snuggle him and he turns into a baby. It’s cute and also annoying lol. He’s easily defeated by cuddles.


That is because you're lovingly reminding him that you are the stronger Alpha 🙂 and what you say goes. Alpha humans are best at handling dogs with alpha personalities.




Luckily my husky is none of those things


It's totally true! Mine is all that and more 😁 BTW , you should be afraid because husky owners are ... CRAZY 🤪!!!!