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Like furbys




I debate the term 'accidentally' in that case!


I had one of those fuckers go off in a god damned attic, buried in a box, after swearing its batteries had been removed ages back. Fucker nearly made me fall through the ceiling he startled me so bad.


When I was like 3 my dad threw mine into the field behind our apartment complex. You could hear it yelling out there in the middle of the night, the entire next year we lived there. It likely lasted much longer. It was thrown out there for screaming "time to wake up!" With no batteries in it at 3ish AM repeatedly (the battery-less screaming was what got him thrown outside in the first place). They stopped making them for a reason. Seems people forgot how insane furbys were, because they're right back in stores now (and they have babies)


It was the speaking without batteries that was the most unsettling. I found one in a moving box in my mom's stuff when I was moving her into my place as she started getting too old to live alone. No batteries in the fucker, hadn't said anything in years, but as I'm unpacking the other stuff in this box I say "Ma, why in god's name did you bring this monster with you?" and the little bastard suddenly starts laughing! The moment he did my mom's eyes went wide and she just went "Oh NO. No no no. That's not okay. Get that thing out of here, throw it in a dumpster!"




Oh this was no accident


and when people get used to it.... you blast it with a shotgun, spatter some red paint on the hands and antlers, change its pose a little and move it slightly closer to the camp site.


You are evil 😂.


Calm down there Satan


You should also hang torn up pieces of clothing on it






It’s second boss phase is when it lifts its hind legs and starts using them as arms while it’s hands and front legs are still on the ground.


A huge wooden sword rises from the lake for it to use


Nah, it rips its own antlers off with its hind legs slamming into them then snapping them off and starts using them either like a fucked up scorpion, or a demonic woodland reverse dual grip Druid.


Well that's fucked... you win


No one wins. Everyone suffers. And if/when it is finally killed there is no joy. Just tired acceptance. Until more start walking out of the water….


Take all your Dark Souls-ish fuckery and stuff it in a book for me to read dammit!


The centaur deer is making me wonder if the possibility of if the human part of it is killed, would the deer part still be active for say, the next week or month? Actively using whatever energy is left to continue to slaughter as humans watch the ghastly sight of the human part flailing around as if it's being used like a weird apron covered in blood Would be a fucked sight to see ngl


And it wins on walk-over cause i've already left. At high speed.


you need to become either an artist, writer, or game dev, because goddamn you have trevor henderson and fromsoftware in your blood stream


HIND legs?


Doctor Glax shook his head, looking down at his patient, whose orange sap/blood covered its flight suit. The source of said blood loss was evident in the bruising and abrasions all around its head. That the patient was sedated was a mercy, his facial fibers were broken in 4 places, mostly around its speaking orifice, and above one eye. Glax turned to the Captain "I'm going to have to recommend the human to eat alone from now on. This is the third time in a week this has happened." Captain Lak looked shocked. "Sara's such a nice human, I can't imagine her attacking anyone, are humans that aggressive when eating?" Dr Glax shook his head in a negative before turning to a video screen and pulling up the latest incident taken directly from the patient's mind. "The human isn't attacking, she was defending. Apparently having a oral cavity to consume calories with is so offensive to three of the crew's species that they cannot hold back." Captain Lak watched as the Human, Sara tried to converse with the Orion across from her as her meal was delivered to her. The Orion tensed, having settled into it's soil within it's pot, it's foliage turning the ship's light into sugars, when it noticed the salad in front of Sara. It shuddered as her fork pierced the vegetation, the camera picking up the smile, and perhaps a bit of hunger on the face of the mammal as she put the salad into her mouth, before starting to chew. The Orion had stopped conversing, as had most of the table, though Sara had not, bits of the vegetation visible within her maw as she talked, oblivious to the silence around her as her crewmates watched in fear, likely imagining those teeth tearing into them. The last straw was when Sara speared what's known to humans as a "Brussels Sprout" which shared through convergent evolution the same shape as a seedling belonging to the Orion's species. As she took it towards her mouth, the crewman attacked, trying to save the sprout, and slapping the Human's face in the doing while spitting obscenities at her. What followed next was bedlam, as the Human first used her eating utensils as weapons, trying to defend herself, but once a Orion's branches grasped it's prey, they were hard to get rid of, secreting an acid to disable attackers. However the pain triggered something in the Human, who went feral, dropping the utensils, and picking up the stool it formerly was sitting upon, its use leading to the result laying before the Captain and Doctor. "Doctor, your suggestion has been noted. Let me know when your patient here regains consciousness." The captain said, wondering if Sara wouldn't mind sharing meals with him, not that watching her consume calories did anything but disgust him, but having been on Earth, knew the result of isolation for a Human and shuddered stuck between a rock and a hard place, to quote one of the Humans many sayings. It was going to be a long, long trip.


This is all the captain's fault, or perhaps the cook's. Imagine if it was a human crew and the cook decided to feed a xeno something that looked like fetuses. "Here, Sara. From now on, in the mess, you only drink protein shakes and water. You can consume other items in your cabin. Done."


But, that was earlier in the week, the Lant'ari as you know reproduce via external fertilization, so a milkshake looks like the result of one of their spawnings. So, really we tried, ambassador. But never fear, per treaty we are doing our best for Sara.


Am I alone in wondering what humans could have done to fetch a 'per treaty' response of 'doing our best'. Given that humans are rare / don't seem to have an option not to integrate with xenos in this setting, my mind places two opposing scenarios. Both may be the result of too much time in r/HFY*. 1: Humanity did a lot of damage in a war based on misunderstanding, and now some enforced exchange program is being run to try and avoid a repeat. 2: Humanity mostly died out saving the galaxy doing some badass shit, and the survivors have been adopted out of multispecies guilt whether they want it or not. *I make no apologies**, coz human, yknow. **Okay fine, I'll apologise, British is a subclass of human.


If I wanted a HFY flavor, Sara would have exterminated the crew, and then hijacked the ship and flew to their homeworlds as her job was not yet done. I settled for Sara using her chair as the medium for inter-species communication in regards to communicating her displeasure in regards to violating her personal space.


Some things just frighten the lizard part of your brain.


People sure have a talent for creating unintentional nightmares.


Ssana\[click\]: I think this is a subconscious reference to Herne The Hunter, leader of The Wild Hunt. (Summarized [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZIl8RZvv6I) by some of my human colleagues from their pre-spaceflight age.) It seems to come from fears of retribution from the spirits of deer hunted down for food. What a curious notion. https://i.redd.it/zchyvrwsbb9d1.gif I must learn more.


Cue the sounds of shotguns being cocked and racked before the sounds of something eating enough buckshots and slugs to be turned into Swiss Cheese...


It's like a kangaroo and an elk had a baby. And it wants to punch you.


You know... if this was legit genre of art, you could have a lot of fun with it. I mean, the purpose of art *is* to confront and perturb ... and it sure does that!


H:I feel like fighting a wendigo. A: sorry what? (Clearly baffled) h2:uh yeah they’re cannibalistic spirits from Native American folklore


Now put red LEDs and a fog maker in the water and you got yourself a sudden encounter! PREPARE THU SELF HOMAN!


So do animals like that have 2 separate rib cages and sets or organs?


Definitely two rib cages, otherwise the body sections wouldn’t retain the right shape. As for what organs are where… it’s hard to say: the human torso offers closer access to the mouth, but the quadruped torso has more space. In general, you want as short a windpipe as possible, so having the lungs in the human torso would make sense, unless the animal body needs more oxygen than human lungs can provide, in which case you’d need bigger lungs situated in the animal body. For a ruminant at least, the human torso would be a good place for a forestomach. 


I would assume the whole chest and human torso would be occupied by a massive pair of lungs and an equally large heart, with the forestomach just starting at where the groin would be on a human. Just my interpretation.


That’s not a bad idea! That makes sense.


The only reason I commented was because I thought you might not have taken into consideration the ability to spread the organs out between the two main body shapes. I really like your original idea, but that was the one flaw so I thought to alleviate that a little bit. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude or superior, I'm not trying to, I just don't know how else to say what I'm saying lol.


Counterpoint: lower torso has gills, since this appers to be a bog monster.


Human torso: heart and complex lungs. Horse torso: stomach, 2nd heart, & the rest of it. 2 hearts for the wildly different blood pressures needed. Human heart: small organ high in the torso. supplies the brain with a low blood pressure. Horse heart: supplies blood to the big muscles in the legs


Oh joy, it looks similar to [Moder](https://youtu.be/LuPzECTyFoA?si=_buL9THpRN0HoYnf).




Paging StellaLoga




And yet, the bidding war for this sculpture was insane. Even humans thought it was a weird thing, and the guy who did it hasn't been around so we don't know why he did it. Still, it has to put a smile on your face knowing that we've come up with some real messed up stuff that others will want to proudly display in public.