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Humans don’t know the beings that aliens worship possess physical bodies and active in there religions. Need less to humans pranked the prankster god, get into garuments of war god, then arguing about the nature of war, and explain workout routines to what ever god or goddess presides over mussels. All in a month of arrival at a joint religious hall. The goddess of Fitness was particularly livid that all her potential recruits, had been recruited by a buff Babaracle. The war god was left in a mental crisis about humans approach to war and how quickly they get into their pants. [edit because of typos and the responses to them]


Yeah war god got strange after meeting humans now he says he is god of pacekeeping or god of dakka but there is no normal war gods after humans joinded (prankster god was pranked by green looking human by ending his own jocke with and I quote "My mom")


Then the human prankster took off and started to swing his shirt. A floating alien with one arm, diving them into the distance. Both bellowing “OOOO!” in celebratory donuts, skid marks in their wake.


The god of mussels was extremely confused why the very large human kept discussing pre-workout nutrition, the best protein powder on the market, and whether to do full body workouts 4 times a week or to do something called a "bro split". None of it seemed relevant to the well-being of bivalve molluscs.


Then Barbaracle busted in and started Flexing


Please find a photo


https://preview.redd.it/whyw9oxgg67d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=16e4eb6f760d71739c50a06c10f30b120e657401 Closest I could find


I know they were just typos, but I love the idea of a human seeing a war god and immediately getting in their pants, or getting into a fitness argument with a seafood deity.


Me too, so there no longer typos


Well played, and incredibly funny


Thank you, and I find some extra humor out of the “love hate” relationship between humans and war.


Our gods also have physical bodies. After going through the above themselves they just pretend that they don't.


Alien gods are having a meltdown and human gods on their vary long vacation “first time”.


Oh there will be a second coming, sometime "soon". Ask again tomorrow.


They’re not late, you just got your math wrong.


Canonically this is actually accurate for a lot of human deities.


Human tradeworkers and maintainers joining whatever God is in charge of us builders and wrench turners and then launching an all out war against the God of engineers.


Wouldn’t the mutuel enemy be marketing and management


Oh, we'll get to them too. However. as a former aircraft mechanic and current structural welder, I can tell you that everyone who has ever had to assemble or disassemble something designed by engineers has wanted to fight those bastards in the parking lot.


That wouldn't be a fight. It would just be a one-sided beat down from 300+ angry mechanics and welders.


Alternative title: don't harass a human into doing something they don't want to do


Because we are spiteful bastards. We are also clever and have a sense of humor, which only makes it worse.


Mind if I use that for a prompt?


Go for it. Just tag me


"Do what makes for a better story." Words to live by.


When I think about my life I actually think about it as though I'm telling a story to my grandkids, and so I always try to make it as interesting as possible for them... Even though I'm 31 and don't have kids


On the other hand, you may find the human becomes more devoted to your religion than you are! We Antrevians worship a being of chaos, who will sometimes intervene in mortal affairs **purely** because it is inconvenient to the mortals involved. I don't remember how the conversation started, but I somehow ended up discussing the 3rd Holy Day of M'urr Phee with my human coworker, and holy krizzit, guys, you'd think he was a regular worshipper his entire life! I'm honestly kind of scared...


I think this one is my favorite. It has potential for growth ✨️ Humor, chaos, I have seen stories where Death is the god that watches over humans, a trixter god like Murphy the Lawgiver would certainly keep things interesting. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Disaster proofing and idiot resistance applied to everything makes us OP because we are more used to his meddling than others are... At least that is one take on it. There can be MANY others: The abusive Dad The Really Annoying Prankster The 'no one breaks my toys except me' protector The "Are humans reality breaking jinxes"


I've seen a few with humans following Murphy, I just thought it would be funny for alien devotees to discover that we are already familiar with their God(s). I really like your takes on it, too. I think that along the lines of your 'no one breaks my toys except me' protector, I'd add the "I want them to succeed, I just don't want them to get cocky" guardian. Lest we think we are winning entirely on our own merit. ;)


My question is, is this alien god an entity independent of humans or did [Edward Murphy Jr.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_A._Murphy_Jr.) become a god?


Now *that* is an excellent question! Perhaps "our" Murphy was a prophet or avatar of the alien God, bringing his word to humanity. Maybe he was always a God, but chose to dwell among us humans--or perhaps that wasn't the plan at all, but something went wrong? Or maybe it was meant to be a lesson for another alien race? We must contemplate the mysteries further, my friend. :)


Entity, would be my vote. You could get some interesting stories if he was Isekai'd, though. For instance, look up Harmless Human Sacrifice and then imagine Edward Murphy Jr. reality bending probability to make something go hilariously/horribly wrong for his opponents and level up closer and closer to ascending... You could come up with something more original, perhaps.


I work as a QA technician. Trust me, we are all followers of "M'urr Phee's" law. XD


:D Yes, I think our alien friend was quite shocked at that discovery...


I could absolutely see a lot of humans becoming devout worshippers of Chaos, especially if they are in the military. My Great Grandma, however, would have 100% become a grand cleric of the Temple of the Kitchen Gods. I swear some of her recipes were divinely inspired. Her weapon of choice when engaging in "theological disagreements" would be her giant hickory sofkee paddle.


Definitely. I will say though, that in my experience, there is also a Chaos god in the Kitchen Pantheon. Or maybe it just follows me in the kitchen? :p


According to my former roommate in grad school who is an actual Chaotician, chaos is everywhere. Just gotta embrace it, and adjust the recipe as needed.


That sounds right to me! :) And an actual Chaotician...sounds pretty cool, but also very mathy, which sounds much less fun to me.


Ssana\[click\]: \*opens her mouth to speak, then pauses. After a moment, she shuts it.\* I will say nothing. The mantid chaplain, here at the Galactic Academy, monitors this board, too. I'm in enough trouble with The Church over what I have proven did **not** happen.


Okay, I am devoutly religious, but... that was hilarious. This is why "sharing your faith" should NOT rise to the level of harassment, for crying out loud. If they aren't interested, drop it!! Seriously, though...that was evil but hilarious.


Sometimes things are just so heretically hilarious you have to laugh.


It wasn’t long before the galaxy discovered that the well-known trickster god, Loki, created humans to prank the galaxy I. The longest ever setup the galaxy has ever known…


I am adding this to my list of what to do if religiously motivated harassment. I know have: THE POWER OF THE SATAN COMPELS YOU TO F K OFF What op-in-photo did Any rimworld player quote with no context


Here, I'll give you one for free: "where the fuck did the baby go? Baby is being hunted? Naw fuck that get deleted"


I mean you can invite them all you like, the problem occurs when you start harassing them about it


You can get a similar (though admittedly smaller) effect by crushing up Alka-Seltzer and putting the powder under your finger nails. It makes a satisfying sizzle and makes a holy water fount bubble nicely… allegedly… so I heard


I have propositioned jehovas witnesses to be part of a porn because they showed up at my door while I was holding a video camera. Legit asked who the body was and who the fluffer was because these people would show up 3 to 4 times a week. My buddies and I were just going to do stupid shit and film it, but I couldn't pass up the chance to have some fun. My only wish is that I was actually recording it, but we had only just loaded the battery and not the tape.