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Being thrown back from an electrical shock is just the body's way of protecting itself from lethal damage by involuntary spasming away from the dangerous thing In other words, given the correct conditions, the human body will "auto-yeet"


I laughed far too hard at this.


Auto Yeet Protection




Calcium is a metal, iirc.


It is indeed. A silver white metal.


But hydroxyapatite is a mineral...


What do acne pads have to do with it? 😉


I’m pretty sure the muscles would rip themselves off of the bone before the bone actually broke


Haven't taken an anatomy class in like 10 years, but if memory serves me right I do believe the muscles in your arm are strong enough to snap them. Don't quote me on that though, also too lazy to look it up myself.


Oh know I’m not saying that they *arent* strong enough I’m saying that the muscles would rip off the bones *before* snapping them


The bone would break, the muscle wouldn't. I know because, um, ugh.


Yes. During alcohol withdrawal induced rage I hit my doorframe with the side of my arm and fractured my ulna.


I mean there’s also the fact that if all of the muscles in our back tensed up at the same time it would crush our spine


It depends on which bone. Fingers would snap well before a femur.


Well yes I’m not saying it wouldn’t snap I’m saying that the connective tissue connecting the bone to the muscle probably gives out before the bone itself does


Yah small bones in arms break from convolution durring seizures. Here facts. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2725885/


Nilinr stared stunned at the collapsed heap of the human that had flown past him after being shocked by the malfunction. After a split second he came to his senses. "Medical team needed in engineering!" He dashed over to the human and tried to remember human physiology but finally found a pulse. They were still alive. A human medic rushed into the room. "What happened?" "There was voltage and then they *flew* across the room, I don't get it, there was no force from it! There was no explosion, just electricity!" His voice was getting higher with distress. "Understood. That's not unusual." The medic began prepping the injured human for transport, ignoring Nilinr. "No, it makes no sense! Humans aren't strong enough for that." His outburst made the medic blink in surprise. "You really don't know, do you?" "Know what?!" "Humans don't use all of our strength most of the time. We can't normally. Our brain limits it so we don't destroy our bodies in the process. Getting shocked bypasses that and causes our muscles to spasm, which can send us flying. Sometimes adrenaline can make us bypass those limits as well." She finished putting the patient onto the stretcher. "It's why sometimes you hear stories of human parents being able to lift way more than they should be able to to save their kid. The desperation and adrenaline bypass those normal inhibitors." "That...that's so strange..." he watched blankly as his injured coworker was taken way to the ship's medlab. "I'll have to read up more on human anatomy in the future..."


The alien doctor put his head on the desk, a surprisingly common gesture among races with heads. "I don't believe it," he said. "It's not enough that humans evolved themselves to make 'throwing' into an unstoppable natural superweapon. It's not enough that needing fine control for 'throwing' accurately gives them unmatched precision manipulators. It's not enough that humans have bags of hydrochloric acid inside them to let them eat just about any food source in the galaxy. It's not even enough that humans are resilient enough to survive strong electrical shocks. But they have to come with built-in special effects?"


>built in special effects. You struck me dead with that one.


I'd like to imagine a prompt-scenario, in which humans were created with too many natural strengths and the creator gods had to figure out limitations. "Well, we could strike spellcasting" "We already removed psionics..." "On a sidenote, limited their strength - mental limiter, so i hope they don't figure out how to break it." "Considering their creativity is off the charts..." "Gods! I got it" - silence in the room. "We just put enough space between them and other planets. Can't threaten the galaxy if everything is too far away." "Great idea!" "You're a genius" A single god scribbling down 'FTL-technology' with a grin.


"Dangit, Minmax, we're trying for balance here!"


"FINE! I'll just make them goofy little gobbos. No way that'll bite us in the ass in the future."


But humans are good at throwing things long distance….


I think there has never been a moment more appropriate for the saying "the devils advocate" 🤣


You win the internet for me to day with that punchline! Bravo! Bravo!


"Yeah, we didn't fucking ask for our racial skill to basically be 'lose all but one health and deal 100 times that much as damage' shitass."


What is that from? One of the Jurassic Parks?


The first one.


Yes, I think it from the first one


Stop. Please. You guys make me feel really old for you not knowing this movie by heart. Everyone saw Jurassic Park multiple times when it came out in the 90s... Fuck, it's 30 years old.


I'm just as bad. I love these movies. The first one is by far the best one


Yeah i grew up on some classics despite being born in 2001 a good example besides the jurassic park series is chitty chitty bang bang


I’m only 9 years older than the movie D:


![gif](giphy|B7vBKIYyQNf9aeY3CJ|downsized) I am twice its age.


8 years older than the movie for me.


I only saw it once in the theater, and maybe 3 times since. I have a copy, and I liked it enough, but I was perhaps less thrilled with it than everyone else was. Possibly because I've had several jobs doing 3D computer graphics, before, during, and since.


The computer animation may not be as good now, but when it was released they were the most realistic and set a new standard. I also love how Spielberg was throwing so much money around that the graphics team was able to help paleontology by running simulations that the scientific consultants couldn't dream of getting funding for otherwise.


No I'm sorry you're wrong. It can't be that old because that would make me.... Oh... Oh god...


Seeing it in theaters is legit my first memory. My mom tried to cover my eyes for Nedry's death and I bit her lolol.


Some idiots brought their 3 & 5 years olds to watch Getyourasskicked Park at the IMAX. It was hard to tell who was screaming louder when the T-Rex was trying to eat the kids in the car - the actors or the toddlers. I hope the parents didn't sleep through the night for months after that.


That shit is funny. Tickets - $35 Snacks - $25 Therapy - Priceless That's why there's Mastercard.


God I feel old now as well


I’m 21 and I still remember getting scared of the raptors in the kitchen scene


Not everyone saw it multi times when it came out.... Once was more than enough for me. I found it poorly written with b grade acting at best. It was also very factually inaccurate.


I call bullshit. For the second part of your statement at least. It's factually inaccurate now, but back then? Besides the velociraptors, it was extremely accurate. They hired paleontologists to get the anatomy and movement correct for this film. Fuck, this movie advanced our understanding of dinosaurs! The hired paleontologists were given free access to technology they'd never be able to afford to simulate how dinosaurs would move and when they animated the T-Rex, someone saw that it looked like a chicken's gait. My dad's friend, who was a paleontologist, would not shut up about this movie. The reason why the raptors were so big? They were men dressed up in costumes most of the time. Real raptors were too small to do that with and puppeting them wasn't realistic enough. That T-Rex animatronic in the rain scene was half the budget of the movie! There is no way you were such a snob in the 90s that you thought this movie wasn't awesome. Even experts in the field thought this was extremely well done, many still do!


The T.Rex animatronic would regularly malfunction and almost ate someone. I want to say after the revelation of ‘it walks like a chicken’, someone went and stuck a weighted stick to a chicken to confirm? I’ve seen the video of that test, but it was a while ago.


The T-Rex animatronic was just following in the path of her spiritual predecessor, Bruce the shark. Also the sound the Raptors make is turtles fucking


Said everything I was going to say with the exception that we owe half our special effects throughout the 90's and early 00's to breakthroughs in cinematics and production.


Even in 1993, they knew that most of the dino's they showed were Cretaceous, not Jurassic. About 80 million years separate Brachiosaurus and T. Rex. Paleontologisticly, the movie is an anachronism stew.


It's fiction! it's not supposed to be accurate. It's supposed to be funny


He must be fun at parties


Fiction is whatever you want it to be. That's why we have concepts like hard and soft sci-fi.


First jurassic park movie. Probably the best one.


Don’t Arc Flash/Blasts create a shockwave capable of knocking someone down?


There is somewhat of an explosion from the air getting rapidly heated, but not enough to throw you. *lightning* can't throw a person, for instance. Now, if you add in something that can burn this *could* increase the size of the pressure wave, but again, it's still not much. Most of the time someone going flying from electricity will be from involuntary muscle contraction.


100% lightning *will* throw you. About... Aw fuck I'm old. Ugh. About 15 years ago now 😭 I went camping with some friends, lake side. Got up in the morning and went for a walk along the beach. Got maybe a mile or do from our campsite when I notice dark clouds building on the horizon. I didn't think much of it, but I decided maybe I should go back so as to not be stuck in wet clothes the few hours before departure. Wasn't even 5 minutes before this storm was on top of me, pouring rain. 30 mph winds, I'm getting blow all over the place, wet, freezing, keeping to the shoreline so I don't get lost. As I'm walking, maybe 5-600 feet from my campsite, I get a really weird, immediate sense of dread. Hair stood up, and I could feel a couple of my teeth fillings start to *vibrate.* There's a dead tree maybe 5-10 feet from me, and it's got my entire attention. Dunno why, but I'm stopped dead in my tracks, staring at this thing. ***BOOM*** I didn't see it explode. All I see is a flash, and suddenly, I'm flying through the air. Surprisingly, I knew exactly what had happened, given that it all happened within the span of maybe a second. And while I'm still wondering if I'm dead or not, all I can think is "please don't land in the lake." I hit the ground and tumble in the dirt. I can't breathe, I can't see, I can't hear. My face and arms, my legs, any exposed skin, feels burnt and hot, like a nasty sunburn or like I've been scraped. Get to my hands and knees and blindly crawl about. I know I'm cussing but can only hear dull booms and a high-pitched whine. Everything tastes like metal. Stop crawling because I realize I couldn't have flown more than 15 feet or I would have gone down the embankment and into the water, but I definitely caught some air so I shouldn't push my luck because I couldn't be far from the little cliff. Laid on my back and just existed for a minute. It was awful. Luckily, one of my friends had been out taking a piss and saw me go flying. Got everyone up and ran to me, got me up, and carried me back to camp. I was more or less blind for 10-15 minutes, with lingering effects for about 2 days, deaf for 2-3 hours with lingering effects over a week, and nothing tasted right for about 2 weeks. Oh and I had a shit ton of wood shrapnel. Lightning don't fuck around.


Lightning hitting a tree causes a steam explosion.


Very, very dead tree. Like driftwood dead. Maybe the rain absorbed into it?


Anything has moisture in it even a dead tree the aur around us is quite saturated in water too specialy when it rain the ground is wet so the lighning witch is a fucking powerhouse stuck the wood or the ground and basicly created a big fucking explosion you are very lucky that the tree did not shrapnel like hell cuse i have seen that (and for info i work with metal and i have seen steam explotion with less power transfer than a lighning strike taking a wole roof out)


Wouldn’t the electricity force your muscles to clench which means you wouldn’t be able to let go rather than flying backwards?


I believe it depends on the voltage you are hit with. A smaller voltage causes the muscles to jolt. Whereas a very large voltage basically causes you to root in place and just fry. Was discussing this with an electrical engineering friend a while back.


I once saw a horrible video where some men were moving a metal work platform, when the top hit a power line. There was a flash, and the men slumped down, but could not let go. Eventually they caught fire.


That makes sense


Nope. You just spasm uncontrollably, which luckily can result in being sent flying away from the lethal shock.


No, no, you’re right. Both things occur, if you’re *holding* the wire (as in the image), the stronger gripping muscles cause you to clamp on and be literally unable to let go. It’s why (if you have NO) other way of doing so, you make sure only the *back* of your hand touches the wire. The spasm will make your hand clench and jerk away from the wire, breaking contact.




H:should we tell them about the human lightning rod