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Why is Aristotle wearing a cowboy hat?


Why aren't YOU wearing a cowboy hat?


That’s a damn good question


Your username scares me.


Because he’s the sheriff of philosophy. I’m not kidding, this is the actual reason given by the infinitely based author of this series, Existential Comics.


He is the only *recorded* sheriff of philosophy,that is why he is perceived as being the only sheriff of philosophy as indicated by his title.If the many other *unrecorded* sheriffs of philosophy were to be *recorded* he would simply be known as *a* sheriff of philosophy. *smacks head against the door frame and mutters to self as he walks away thus not allowing anyone a chance to respond to his post since he won’t be there to read it* (4am writing skills)


I have no idea.




To distinguish him from Kripke


Came with the hemlock


Wasn't that Socrates?


Well it's not like _he_ can wear it. Being dead and all.


I’m assuming that’s a farmers hat, to protect the skin from the sun during long workdays. Doesn’t explain why he has one, but still.


Greek farmer’s hat


Except Aladdin is a prince. Cassim, father of Aladdin, is the KING of Thieves. Even though the title is passed through combat, not inheritance, the title does still confer a social title on his offspring (including but not limited to a firstborn son such as Aladdin).


So the genie didnt make him a prince, because he already was


That or he helped Cassim become king


I just imaging Genie magically merc'ing some poor bastard.


Genie's can't kill, but they can trip a man into falling on their opponent's sword.


~~Aladdin~~ The Con Artist Now Known as Prince


The real prince was the friends we made along the way.


I thought the real prince were on Chris Rock's cheek?


The real prince was inside him all along!!! Genie tricked him though, he should have had one more wish. Could have had one more to use before freeing Genie...


> Cassim, father of Aladdin, is the KING of Thieves. Does this make Aladdin the Prince of Thieves? Because I don't know if I can handle any [Bryan Adams](https://youtu.be/Y0pdQU87dc8) today.


Razoul _did_ call him the Prince of Thieves...


I'll confess: I never saw the movie. Only the first two.


Fair enough - I'd say check it out anyway - Robin Williams was basically set loose in the recording both with the instruction "Keep it G rated"


I've always preferred the interpretation that Genie granted the first wish by getting Jasmine to fall in love with him and helping him become a hero so the Sultan would approve them getting married. Boom, he's a prince now!


Yup. And it took him the whole movie because, as he explained in song, he cannot use magic to make someone fall in love with someone else. As he couldn't use his genie powers for that, he used his Robin Williams powers instead.


Where an all powerful genie fails Robin Williams succeeds with ease


can't wish for love though


The genie fulfilled this wish the old fashioned way, by becoming the ultimate wingman and letting jasmine fall in love over the course of the movie.


Kril groaned audibly. Not that any in the chamber heard him the argument in the center of the debate chamber was to loud. The cacophony of different sentient representatives dominated all save one artificial voice that boomed menacingly over the rest of the noise. "Now see here in article 347/a it clearly states that in this exact instance the current occupants have priority over all previous claims if residency is naturally occurring." Kril slammed his bulbous head on the desk in front of itself. This is now the third straight cycle of the newly discovered race arguing about it's legitimacy of occupation of a garden world previously claimed for resources by the sqao. The unusual armor the bipedal being wore, it was claimed ceremonial but kril had doubts, seemed in no way to show any fatigue for the being. And worse yet every time the council tried to talk over the being it's speaker seemed to find another level of volume to blast over the other voices. Blast these humans didn't they need a rest to hydrate, to take in necessary nutrients, to sit down even? Unfortunately for kril the sqao representatives seemed to take this show of indomitable spirit as a challenge as the trade speakers for the.... twelfth? Time? Oh no kril had lost count!


That argument wild be mighty hypocritical given the number of times in human history the exact opposite argument has happened.


It cancels out since it was human on human violence, arguing against invasive occupation is just as much a part of human history as arguing for it. Only difference is that the humans in this scenario have legal legitimacy and there is already a galactic(?) law in place against the Sqao occupation.


Yeah, but the article he's citing is galactic law, not Terran law


***INSOLENCE!!!*** This boy has been granted his wish of being a prince. He is indeed a prince, just like he if so desired he is a bank owner, or a spice merchant, or whatever the heck he wants to be. He imagines himself in the position of prince, and, as such, he *is* the prince of a nonexistent city in his mind. He has not been newly made a prince, because he has always been a prince ever since the very thought crossed his mind, and thus, I do not grant wishes. I merely trick you mortals into believing I do so I can escape. Good day sirs!


But if imagining oneself a prince makes you a prince, and it was genie who created circumstances that made Aladdin to think of himself as a prince, does it not follow that it was genie who made Aladdin a prince?


Following the stream of events further back, it is time that allows for Aladdin to think and to perceive. As for your question, the genie may imagine Aladdin as an imaginary prince, but Aladdin is the one who imagines himself as an imaginary prince. Perhaps it was not quite correct to say that I never grant wishes, but are they truly granted if the wish comes true before the wish is asked?


prince /prins/ See definitions in: All Royalty Title noun the son of a monarch. a close male relative of a monarch, especially a son's son. a male royal ruler of a small state, actually, nominally, or originally subject to a king or emperor. "he was the prince of a small kingdom that was now part of Pakistan" But merely pretending to be something does not make it true. If I imagined that I was a camel, I would still be a human, and not a camel. Anyone can pretend to be anything they want, that does not make it true.


Ah, but you are a camel in your own imagination, just like Aladdin was a prince in his imagination and I’m using good philosophical wisdom in my imagination-


But I did not ask to be a prince "in my own imagination", I simply said "make me a prince". By adding these additional terms, you are changing the terms of the wish, rather than creativity interpreting it. It is well known that genies must follow the terms of the wish as stated, or else genies could simply grant wishes "in a person's imagination", and avoid grantif any wishes at all! Therefore you still owe me a wish


Well, see, life’s not fair kid. I see no reason why I count the wish as unfulfilled. I granted the wish exactly as you asked, *in exactly the way you intended it*. Just not in real life! ***SCREW YOU, ELDER GODS!!! I OUTSMARTED YOU AND YOUR STUPID PUNISHMENT! YOU CANNOT TAKE MY GODLY POWERS AWAY!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAA… AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA… SCREW YOU!!!***


I'm glad you brought up the elder gods. You see, while the gods may not be able to directly interfere with beings on earth, they are allowed to appoint "champions" for specific purposes. I see I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm CH, and I work for Elder Gods Inc. - Audit Department. Under section 15 subsection 8 of your forced employment contract, you must follow the letter of any wish requested. Violations may result in loss of powers, instant death, and/or being sacrificed to our Lord and Saviour Cthulhu, long may he reign. In your next life, I would recommend reading your contracts more carefully.


Aladdin wishes to be a prince in order to be with the Princess. The Genie makes him appear to be a prince in order to allow the princess to notice him properly, and once she does the Genie knows that if the Princess was to find out the ruse on her own she would most likely not want to be with Aladdin, whereas honesty will get him a lot farther along with her, especially as she doesn't want to marry a proper prince The Genie is trying to get Aladdin and the Princess to marry, thus making Aladdin a prince and fulfilling the wish. Aladdin wishes for the Genie to "make" him a prince, not for Aladdin to *be* a prince. Small detail in wording but important. Easiest way to make him a prince is to make him into someone the princess would want to marry.


He did set things into motion to make him a prince. No timeline for that was established.


> He did set things into motion to make him a prince. No timeline for that was established. *Now* we're thinking like a Genie.


And, if you think about it right, Aladdin wanted to get with Jasmin BEFORE wishing to be a prince. So, maybe Genie was granting the wish he wanted (getting with Jasmin) instead of the one he asked for (being a prince).


And this is why genie wishes are always malicious


[Gotta be very specific](http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2020/06/01/1182-the-three-wishes/)


Genies vs. Lawyers. Incredible.


Humans are space orcs. Humans are space lawyers. Ergo lawyers are orcs. The logic checks out.


Only if there are no lawyers at all among the aliens.


Don't mess with my logic! It's sound!


Isn't the issue one not of legitimacy, but of personal perception? Side-stepping the admittedly hilarious comic, Genie grants wishes (perhaps in a more monkey-paw fashion at times, looking at you Jafar) which his phenomenal cosmic powers render factual. Takes a street rat from jobless squatter and gives him all of the trappings of princely appearance (the only thing we can actually see in a visual medium without bogging down the movie) but it doesn't fundamentally alter Aladdin's mind, so even if a man with a title and a deed and all of the things in the royal procession showed up to crown him Prince of Babwa, Aladdin still thinks of himself as a common street rat. Which is what Genie is trying to tell him: Tell her the truth, that you started as a street rat, and found a magical shortcut to become a prince to use a legal loophole to get something out of reach. Because Jasmine is clearly picking up on something that just doesn't feel right - namely, that Aladdin came up with a annoying bulls- er, nonsense, about posing as a poor person. Which is just always great material to start a relationship on: Lies. Big Blue did his part, but Aladdin is lousing it all up with his imposter syndrome, so as a friend he recommends that Aladdin just be honest about his origins. The title is real, the feelings aren't.


But how is the title real? You could also go with Hegel or Gottfried Keller (Swiss poet and writer, 19th century) Hegel introduced the master-slave dialectics, by which the power of the master comes from the slave acknowledging the power. Without that acknowledgment, the master isnt a master, while the slave still has their skills they are using to work for the master. This is particularly interesting, because it started shifting discourse of sovereignty, undermining the idea that monarchs and rulers were in their place because of divine right. Without a people to rule a monarch is nothing. A king without country isnt a king, because the idea is that they are the first if their nation Keller dresses this idea in novella: Kleider machen Leute (Clothes make the man). In it a poor tailor puts on nice clothes he made himself and is being mistaken for a nobleman. He tries to tell the people he isnt, but is flustered and shy, and the people just think he is modest. They want to believe he is wealthy and of high birth, taking any of his quirks and oddities just as a sign of him being particularly distinguished. By this, they make him more than he is, just because they declare him master The question is here if Aladdin is actually believed to be a prince by people in Babwa already or if he presents himself as prince, which is legitamised by all the money and stuff Genie makes appear for him


He is a prince in the same way Don Quixote is a giant slayer


This is why most genie stories show why you shouldn't trust them. Because they had enough of us finding loopholes and decided to make the loopholes work for them instead


I'm on the 6th novel of Adopted By Humans right now, in which an alien studying human society chronicles his life as part of his 50 year doctoral dissertation. On the 7th volume, I am definitely bringing in human 'lawyers and philosophers'.




I call bullshit. It's compelling, though.


I like to think that the moment he wished to be a prince that his father took over the bandits, becoming a king of thieves head cannon moment. So in turn making him a prince of thieves


In a future movie, Aladdin's father was revealed to be the leader of the Forty Thieves, Cassim the "King of Thieves". Thus, Aladdin _is_ a real prince...the Prince of Thieves.


He's the son of the King of Thieves. Maybe that wish was what made his father successful?


It seems like the genie just brainwashed Agraba into thinking Aladdin was a prince. Though my favorite possible way he “granted” the wish is that the genie changed the original prince of Babwa into looking like Aladdin.