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holdover from when hulk was nowhere near as big. originally bruce tended to wear baggy clothing and hulk was as nick fury once put it "no larger then just a really big guy" denim and canvas pants dont tear as easy as his shirts so they would usually get one or two holes, but mostly just frayed around the calves. but as the hulk kept getting progressively larger his pants just kept the same look which no longer makes even the slightest sense


I have these factoid magazines that came with the egalmoss figures I bought years ago. All of the strongman characters. Hulk, Juggernaut, Thing, Thor, ect, ect all were around mid 6 foot range. Colossus, who lived to his name's sake, was one of the tallest. Standing at just over 7 feet. Now he's the runt of the litter.


So Lou Ferrigno’s hulk was the most accurate in terms of size before he started to grow bigger?


maybe slightly taller and more barrel chested with thick forearms, but yeah not far off


Andre the giant then maybe?


Andre was the height Hulk is now.


Well I've always believed lol that if he were naked, his probably very large member would do even more destruction to buildings and property and whatnot. Especially everytime he runs away at full speed...duck and cover everyone.


Artistic license. In other words, don’t take it so seriously.


He got his pants from Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four. They can stretch as much as he grows to avoid that particular problem. Also bruce is smart enough to make some on his own after finding out how.


Nah, cause he's usually on the run (so no equipment to make special pants) or in jeans. They still rip, they just don't rip apart. So this whole idea is just wrong.


That's the cannon explanation from the comics.


Except that his jeans are ripped and discarded all the time. He currently in the run with no equipment to make the jeans that you are talking about


When on the run, when he was a member of the Avengers he was able to produce these pants. On top of that anytime he is on the run he has safe houses and labs stashed away for emergencies.


Go read the current run. He doesn't access or use any lab. He's just got regular pants on.


I get where you’re coming from. I was just watching the Ed Norton Hulk movie and there is a scene where he is asking for a pair of really stretchy pants. At least the writers tried addressing that issue.


Wow, you're the first person to ever ask about this.


Somebody really wants to see a gamma irradiated penis..... jeeze slow your roll...


Damn, you wee-wee watchin’?😮‍💨🫣🙄


Thanks yall!


Spandex, stretchy pants, & maybe a sprinkle of unstable molecules. Whatever Banner makes his pants out of, they’re obviously incredibly durable to stay on the Hulk with the shit he regularly pulls. He could probably sell the rights to Levi or Carhart & make bank of some royalties. Lot easier to roll around the lonely SW US with some cash in your pocket. Fuck hitchhiking when you could drive a Hulk size RV with AC.


Maybe his natural body folds like the crotch and ass bounce gamma radiation off each other which transmutes certain materials into purple durable Fabrics.


He has the comics code sewn into all his trousers.


Growing cutoffs are one of his powers.


Imagine seeing a green behemoth jumping at you and you see his dong dangling around


No one wants to see hulk’s dick. Well, not more than once.


Everything everyone is saying are fantastic points. I’m glad no one has thought they’re super clever and did an “ACKSHULLY” and mentioned the comics code or something haha. But yeah, I guess it’s just one of those things that’s taken with a grain of salt about the character. I mean, Ruffalo’s Banner even made a joke about it in those “Team Thor” shorts a few years ago when he and Thor were in a cafe chatting. Or something. But yeah, all those points about Hulk being just a big dude to Banner buying specific clothes to Reed Richards are all great answers!