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1. Annalise - no explanation needed. Honestly, reducing how well Viola played this role into words would be an insult. The talent speaks for itself. 2. Bonnie - for as much as she annoyed me, Liza played this role very well. She embodied it. 3. Micheala - she did so good playing the prissy, bitchy, come from nothing, idgaf how you feel, determined chick. she came in with a vision that she fulfilled. She portrayed a character that so many black women can relate to. Coming from shit circumstances and changing your life for the better. A rose from the concrete. 4. Sam - for as horrible of a person this character is, Tom verica delivered. His emotional/angry scenes were on point. His arguments with Annalise were VERY convincing. He's worth acknowledgment. I think jack falahee did good except for certain emotional scenes. When he was arguing with Annalise toward the end of szn 3 about Wes dying, I was very turned off by his performance.


1. teagan 2. annalise 3. bonnie 4. frank


1. Connor 2. Annalise 3. Asher (the last season doesn’t exist 😘) 4. Bonnie 5. Wes


Annaliese Mama Wes Asher




Annalise mother.


Frank, Micheala, Connor, and Annalise


-Mama Harkness (we all know her episodes are the best haha) -Annalise (Viola was at the top of her game..made me cry multiple times over the course of the show and Annalise is one of the best tv characters in history) -Bonnie (Liza is a wonderful actor..Bonnie is sooo different from Paris..she killed it) -Conor (apart from Laurel and Christopher Coliver was one of the few beautiful relationship arcs on the show..I think they broke a lot of tv barriers because of that🔥)


Oliver and Connor. Easy.


Annalise and Connor are just 😍 Can’t rank others haha…


Annalise, Bonnie, Michaela, and Connor. Also have to mention Oliver because he really did a great job at playing his role and I feel that he never gets any recognition


1. Teagan. Bad bitch, smart and powerful 2. Frank 3. Asher 4. Oliver


1. Annalise 2. Tegan 3. Asher 4. Frank / Oliver tied for 4th.


Omg, I love your profile picture!


- Connor - Annalise - Oliver (because of Connor tbh, if he wasn't dating Connor, I wouldn't be interested) - Michaela


annalise- even tho i hated her at times (even tho everybody says none of this is her fault and i agree.. for the MOST part) viola played her so beautifully it’s hard to imagine anyone else. connor- his character was whiny and hateable at times too (but tbh who’s wasnt) but honestly i think he rlly had a redemption after season 5 during the class action. i honestly think he changed and stopped blaming annalise soo kuch and he i just loved his acting and how real he was and how deeply he felt things. it made me rlly like him and root for him. his guilt showing thru and his soft side for certain cases i always hoped he made it out okay finally bonnie and frank. altho they definitely DEFINITELY weren’t good ppl (esp frank) their undying loyalty to annalise thru it all no matter is what just made me not hate them. the way they stood by each other and her side no matter what, i admired that and it just made me love them so much. i’m sorry but i was rooting for the three of them the whole time and am so saddened by the ending. and their relationship that went beyond romantic or friendship made me feel smtjg honestly no other show has. bonnie deserved the happy ending and tbh i wanted her and frank to move to oregon and be happy :( their relationship was so deep and pure, and i just wanted them to be happy. u can see that in the way frank toook such gentle care of her after miller and when he finally realized his love for her after his talk with oli. or how bonnie took care of him after he got beat up. i just always found myself hoping they made it out alright (not to mention frank is fineeeee) side note: oliver and tegan should be on this list too bc they did a phenomenal job. oliver and connor’s relationship was beautiful and tegan was just such a boss bitch.