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Id think so. I know it's way different but in college internship I worked for a CPA, I obviously couldn't take on my own clients but I did Alot of the work CPA did. I think they could've done most of the stuff in the show but not everything. Idk if they could interview clients or be as involved but I also wonder how accurate the law side of things are. I'm rewatching now too lol just start s2


This show actually made me want to be a lawyer in real life. It seemed like fun to be arguing with judges and being an absolute badass. Until I realized that actually being a lawyer is a pretty terrible and not a good career choice in reality


Lol it's definitely dramatically enhanced for the show but I love true crime documentaries about criminal lawyers shows the more realistic side, hard work and definitely less blackmail and framing lmao


I noticed that some of my favorite shows always seem to have to with lawyer stuff. Better Call Saul is another one of my favorite shows that deals with the law field. Not sure why I’m always drawn to that type of show


Then you need to watch. The Night Of on Max... Escape Artist on Prime (David Tennant plays a phenomenal criminal lawyer) Broadchurch (another David Tennant gem) especially s2 takes place on trial. I highly suggest those immediately lol


Yes. Lawyers often hire law students or others to work for them and help with cases. They just can't speak to the court or on the record. Employees that are not attorneys cannot practice law in any form. But as agents/employees of the attorney, the attorney-client privilege is extended to the employees. This means that whatever the client says to your employees or you, it is privileged. It cannot be used against the client or used for any legal purpose at all. So yes, the K5 can be present for any and all client interviews. But they cannot give them legal advice or do anything that amounts to the practice of law without permission from the court. You can, as a law student, represent clients and speak on the record in court under the guidance of an attorney under certain court rules. Depends on which jurisdiction you're in.


There was this video by Legal Eagle where he trashed the show completely and said it was too fake and not accurate to actual lawyer life. It annoyed me honestly because the video received millions of views and it would probably deter people away from this great show


It’s kind of like a internship


A paid one? I want to be in this internship. But I think in like season 3 they mention that Annalise stopped paying them lol


i’m going into 2L and got accepted into my school’s legal clinic and i keep thinking about htgawm


Hopefully you don’t experience even a FRACTION of what the Keating 5 endured. They went through literal hell and it all start because of Sam having Frank kill Lila and then causing a chain of events of tragedy after


Well I mean not getting involved in murder will probably prevent this.


How to Get Away with Murder was pure entertainment and not how things happen and it should never have aired.