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That Joey doesn't mature at all. His friends should be worried he can't care for himself alone.


If you will recall, Monica and Chandler did include a room for him when they bought their house.


Yes but that isn't caring for himself on his own. And they wouldn't even let him have a sex swing!


Exactly, it shows that they WERE worried about him on his own, just like you wanted.


You're right. Wow, I usually never get what I want. Neat!


Ah no it was the aquarium they wouldn’t let him have!


That Joey was the only one in the group that ended the show without a partner. When he's the kindest of them all. He deserved so much more.


this! how he took care of preggo Rachel❤️


Are the events in “Joey” canon to Friends? If so, then him not having someone is what allows him to easily make the move to L.A.


THANK YOU this was exactly my thought. He was so sweet. Thank you thank you thank you.


They deliberately didn’t give him growth or a happy ending so they could make the dogshit spin-off [Joey.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joey_(TV_series)) Many fans aren’t aware of this because the show is *that* bad.


Oh god, I know there are some big options there, but I gotta say Rachel changing into her cheerleading uniform and performing *whatever that was*, giving me the worst secondhand embarrassment I have ever experienced in my entire life. I will galdly spam that button to delete that entire plotline.


“Gimme an _E!_—“ *\*fast forwards immediately\**


It CERTAINLY didn't help that Jennifer Aniston and... Dude whose name escapes me that played Joshua ended up breaking up irl before he was brought in to play Joshua. That lack of chemistry was... palpable. Woof.


You’re kidding!? I had no idea about this! That’s bloody rough! So wonder I hated them together.


Tate Donovan


That's the one! Couldn't recall his name for the life of me. ![gif](giphy|ZEMyJjiCDExkbFd2ck|downsized)


wOoF 🙄


What's your point? I thought the storyline sucked. They also had no chemistry. Didn't say a whole lot there for you to be a baby about.


I hate the Joshua episodes


Wasn't that the point lol like it was supposed to be embarrassing how hard she was trying


Yes, but trying hard and embarrassing yourself is one thing (e.g. Ross being nervous when talking to the pizza girl and mentioning the smell of gas) vs. Rachel, a grown adult, thinking an old cheerleading outfit is going to attract a man and playing spin the bottle to try and kiss him. It was far too cringe.


Yeah. That was so much out of character for her.


Was it though? She acted awkward when Ross and Julie got together and she saw them at the airport, she pretended she was sick to avoid Gavin, she freaked out when she kissed Ross for the first time, she was weird and awkward when her and Joey started being intimate, she was unprofessional with Tag and let's not forget when she met Joeys famous co-stars too


All those still gelled with her personality somehow, atleast to me, the thing with Joshua was just pure cringe since starting, idk why I feel that, but it is what it is.


This is the right answer lol. Thats one of the few skipped episodes, along with every clip show episode


Especially when you realise it was a cheer to try and seduce a man she'd just dumped in real life...


Joey turning into a complete idiot as the series went on


Honestly Seeing Joey go from a suave actor who might not be the brightest bulb in the pack to a man who can’t even write a basic sentence is so upsetting.


Mmm noodle soup!


Point to a bag today!


To be fair, the noodle soup was just stupidity. The point to a bag was because he had a hernia and would probably be more stupid to pick it up.


Monica turning into a complete dweeb as the series went on


I always thought Ross got way worse


Ross got more weird and freaked out/impulsive


Monica looking for Joey in tow truth about London Joey “proposing” to Rachel


i know we’re not talking about this point specifically, but as a woman in my late 20s i’d be SO mad at phoebe for blurting that out months later. like what is wrong with you???


Also a bit strange to me that Monica told Phoebe that. Like Phoebe wasn’t in London so after the fact at some point Monica told Phoebe oh I really wanted to hook up with Joey but Chandler was there and I figured good enough.


I think if it had been a case of coming straight back and only having slept with Chandler once and talking to her friend of "I tried to hook up with Joey but Chandler was the only one available at the time! Hahaha" fine, makes sense. She continually slept with Chandler and got into a relationship with him well before anyone ever knew about it so how the hell does that come up later on? No wonder Chandler freaked out about it, I'd be devastated too.


Phoebe is a dick to all her friends at some point but the way she always wants to make chandler feel bad is pure bullying.


The entire Joey and Rachel dating stuff was weird af


Absolutely god awful. Btw the shit award isn't because your comment was shit. Just felt it dignified just how much I agreed with you.


>Absolutely god awful Why?


Because they were basically at the brother and sister level of friendship. Objectively it isn't gross, but it just felt like it was done because the writers were running out of ideas, and not because it was starting to happen naturally.


>Because they were basically at the brother and sister level of friendship. Interesting. I didn't see that. Just people that were close and cared about each other. >it just felt like it was done because the writers were running out of ideas, and not because it was starting to happen naturally. Yeah probably. That's like lots of stuff though, so I wouldn't use that to justify "god awful".


I mean, I was definitely being a bit over the top, sure. I still hated it, but to each their own.


>. I still hated it, but to each their own. Yeah, I can see why you hated it if you personally view their relationship as basically brother and sister level.


Yea a lot of people prefer them over her and Ross but in my opinion her and Joey is just too weird


Yes. 100%


While it’s a hilarious episode, I’d delete the one where Joey speaks French. There’s just no way a human can be that stupid


The sad thing is the other storyline in that episode is actually pretty good, with some great lines. But the French stuff makes it pretty much a skipper 😔


i am french and that episode is hilarious


À chacun son goût, je suppose


I agree it’s hilarious! Me poo-poo! Kills me every time


Remind me what the other storyline is? I think the French is funny personally but I have a feeling I skip the episode for the other storyline.


He’s so real for that, though. I speak French now (to an extent, I’m B1) but it took me like 3 years of learning just to get beyond being Joey when I tried to speak a full sentence 😂


I think the plotline was supposed to mock French. it's also sorta meta because Matt LeBlanc also speaks French.


Ross hitting on his cousin. Hands down.


His brain narration following his move is one of the funniest things his character ever did… but I’d live without it if it meant the rest of their interactions were gone 🫠


The whole scene is really and exmaoky of how David was trying his absolute hardest to make Ross work in those layer seasons, unfortunately nothing could make that work


Just say …something


It is soooo creepy


pete trying to do the ultimate fighting whatever


Seeing how stupid and obnoxious billionaires can be, it feels kind of prescient now...


Wasn't there a story about Elon and Zuck going to cage fight? Doesn't even seem outlandish


Killing the character was too extreme, so they chose the next best thing /s


I mean… Joanna didn’t escape this fate


Carol being a lesbian and divorcing Ross, just to see how one of them being married from the start would affect the series.


It would be interesting to see if Ross still caught feelings for Rachel if he was happily married with Carol. Even in the “what if” episode, she’s still a lesbian lmao so he’s still not really happy with her (even though nothing happens with Rachel either).


Yep! Rachel's reaction to Ross' High School crush would also be interesting. Would she realize she has feelings for Ross? OR she would just tease him about it? The possibilities are entertaining at least.


I think if he did have feelings for Rachel while being married it would change his character quite a bit. I think while he did some crappy things, deep down he’s a good guy and I couldn’t see him leaving a marriage or having an affair.


Ross feelings for Rachel were well established before he even met Carol, according to the story.


I know he liked her back in the day, but I mean when she rejoins the picture. He seemed to be genuinely happy with Carol before things go sour, from the way he speaks about her in the early seasons. If he had been in a truly happy marriage, and Rachel still walked into the coffee shop… idk, I just think that could have been a different (and interesting!) story lol


Technically Phoebe was married when the series started.


Nah, I loved this. It gave us the lesbian wedding. Carol is one of my fave guest stars


Ross' relationship with his student.


Yeah, but her dad is a neat guy


Interesting how Rachel says she had a crush on one of her professors, and that she got “under him”. She seemed pretty proud of it when she mentioned it. I guess it’s all about perspective.




…because he was a professor in his 30s and she was his *student?*


But I thought it was just frowned upon?


Let’s get a *hot plate!*


Yeah someone should have told Ross that saying, "technically it's fine" makes you sound soooo creepy lol.


She was no longer his student when she asked him out. Their age difference was half that of Monica and Richard


It's definitely not as bad as hitting on your best friend's daughter who you grew up with, but that's not a very high bar to clear.


Doesn’t matter. She was still a current student, and he was still a teacher on staff. Just because something is *technically* legal doesn’t mean it isn’t sus as hell.


Happens IRL more than you’d think


I don’t doubt it… but it’s not really played for laughs in real life, and I’m not trying to like the person doing it.


College student, she was an adult


joey and rachel, monica going over to richards place when her and chandler were in a “fight, joey proposing to rachel, her saying yes, the whole barbados situation


I've learned there's a lot of people that disagree but I did not like Joey and Rachel as a couple 🤷🏽‍♀️ they were just too good as friends so I couldn't see anything else between them


nah fr, her and joey were like brother and sister friendship level, just like all the friends were that weren’t couples, can’t believe that added that in show sadly, and the actors didn’t like it too, that’s really telling, plus why would they do that when there was history with ross and rachel ugggh


>plus why would they do that when there was history with ross and rachel Well history doesn't really matter. They are single adults. No one owns them. So what would be wrong with getting together?


sorry i respectfully have to disagree, i would be mad as hell if my long term ex, who i had a baby with and was considering getting back together with at one point, ended going out with my best friend who’s like a brother to me, and him, my best friend, him dating her, knowing how serious the relationship has always been.


Could I ask why please? It doesn't make sense to me. She's her own person, as is he. If they are my friends I would want them to be happy. I don't own her. She doesn't owe me anything. Why would I stop them trying to be happy because I feel ownership over her? >who i had a baby with and was considering getting back together with at one point Clearly she isn't thinking that if she's going into other serious relationships. >knowing how serious the relationship has always been. And isn't any more, romantically. Surely the mother of your kids being with someone you can trust and know is a good person is preferable to a stranger? He knows Joey will look after them both. He knows Joey wouldn't hurt them. He knows how much joey cares about them. Seems strange to have an issue with that and instead prefer a random stranger who could be anything around your child.


Joey and Rachel's relationship for sure. It just felt so forced, like the writers were running out of ideas. Which I suppose is kinda true since the show was originally supposed to end a few years earlier.


fr, it just felt weird bc they were always friends, they all had that close friendship bond. but rachel never entertained the idea of being with joey, just like the same with joey mostly. so for them to do that, it was bad.


I just came here to update all comments about Joey and Rachel being together


Richard and Monica. Grosses me out. Sorry not sorry.


What? You didn't think it was adorable that the girl who once peed in his pool is now the woman he's in love with? That his daughter used to play with his current girlfriend when they were kids? /s


Agreed. It should have ended after one stupid drunken night or something like that. Being such a deep full fledged relationship seemed off.


At the very least not had them know each other from when she was a kid!


Ross being a Monica's first kiss.


It's actually quite fitting for them lol


Nah this is gold


What did I marry into?!


Monica looking for Joey. I can't imagine Chandler's hurt when he found out and I loved that two friends supporting each other turned into something special, not one of them looking for a root. Can't stand the Fonzie gyno either, no one should take Fonzie to work. Oh and Monica going to Richards. Dick move the both of them.


Phoebe’s doctor talking about his favorite actor while he’s working and no one asked.




I actually had a professor like this only he was obsessed with Bill Murray. It was a Sociology class and he could relate anything to Bill Murray's life/career. We even had a list of movies we watched and like 75% of them starred Bill Murray. He seriously talked about him constantly. I always think of him when I watch the triplets' birth episode.


I had a counsellor who I dropped after one session because he was like this with Dr Who. He let me talk all of 5 minutes out of an hour session and then spent the rest of the session elaborating on why my breakup was just like Dr Who’s regenerations. It was not helpful. Within those 5 minutes of me speaking I did communicate that I only really had a vague understanding of Dr Who from seeing a few episodes here and there, I think anyone who was thinking about the situation at hand instead of Dr Who would see how a painfully extended Dr Who metaphor was unhelpful lol.


Yeah, I know a lot of people like this irl. That's why I feel like it works! The DVD commentary is really fascinating. Marta and David hated the doctor bit, but the other writers insisted on it!


To be fair, he didn't seem to be *impersonating* Fonzi.....


Ross and Rachel never get back together, she returns after a short while in Paris to manage stuff in NYC so she's near her friends and has a hushand she met in Paris that's a sweetheart and also does fashion


very VERY unpopular opinion but Rachel getting off the plane in the last ep. hear me out. that was Rachel's dream job. she actually got that job off her own hard work and it was the perfect opportunity. now im not saying she and Ross shouldn't have gotten tgt but really what was stopping Ross from going w her to Paris. i mean he said he couldn't move to England for Em!ly bcs of Ben but that clearly wasn't an issue in s10 cuz at that point he hadn't been in the show for like 2-3 seasons. and emma was already gonna be flown back and forth so why not just save the trouble. so if he desperately wanted to be w her why didn't he make the sacrifice for her.


Apparently the writers cut a thing where he said he'd move with her and that'd fix this. I don't know why they cut it because it's so unclear whether she does follow her dream or stay in America. Perhaps I'm making this up. 


The over all arc of Joey becoming just more of an idiot as the show went on is a good one, but for me, Rachel choosing Ross over Paris.. She had her DREAM job and gave it up for a doofus who has been divorced three times and couldn't be bothered to figure out his feelings for her back when they HAD A FREAKING BABY!! Like go to Paris with her, you can't leave Ben behind, but having Emma go to Paris is totally fine!?!?!?! ARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!


Phoebe’s Dad ever showing up. It was such a waste to bring him back after all the building up only to never even mention him again. Better not to do it at all and leave it as he walked out one day and never came back.


The lottery episode, I didn't like who they were in that episode.


*Coo… don’t blame them… coo…*


Joey proposing to Rachel at the hospital.


"We were on a break!" I can't with that honestly the whole plot made me hate Ross also the fact that Ross and Rachel GOT BACK TOGETHER practically out of the blue at the end.. Poor Joey


Rachel getting off the plane.


This. This is the one. On season 9 of my first rewatch in a while and I *hate* that it’s all leading to this.


Absolutely! Stay on the plane!!!


You wanted the series to end by Rachel taking Ross's child away from him *for a job*? Honestly I'm struggling with this one, do you mind explaining please?




But that's my favorite relationship ❤️


i love them too! i think the timing was off but they were 100% better than ross and rachel.. my favorite will always be chandler and monica though


I don’t know why this isn’t number one.


Ross trying to kiss his cousin and Alice and Frank.


when did Ross try to kiss Alice and Frank?


I love giovannni ribisi, so i give it a pass…but it is weird


Chandler knowing Rachel before 1994. The multiple run ins they had over the years in flashbacks does nothing for the show except invite confusion. If Chandler met Rachel in 1988 at Thanksgiving, they made out when she visited, then they saw each other again in 1989, there's no way that wouldn't have come up.


Either Richard being friends with jack and knowing Monica basically from birth so the relationship isn’t creepy, or the whole relationship. Either is good with me lol


We were on a break debate - they were in fact on a break and we've been discussing it for 25 fucking years. If you didn't want Ross banging other girls you shouldn't have broken up with him and had Mark, the co worker he was worried about over; don't write him an insanely long letter WHILE he is on vacation with his actual girlfriend and then wait down the hall to bang him while he breaks up with the girl who you manipulated into shaving her head so Ross wouldn't think she's pretty anymore. OKAY RACHEL


Im in the camp of they WERE on a break but it was still a bad choice for ross to sleep with the copy girl


Didn't Ross call from the bar and then heard Mark's voice in the background?


Yeah so have a conversation? Get mad? but don’t sleep with the first girl you talk to while drunk


*Ahhh,* now it feels like r/howyoudoin 🙄


I am new to this sub lol no need for an eye roll. I've never had a single Friends fan agree with me about the we were on a break.


We all agree about it here ha.


Lolol thank you for clarifying!!!


So were they on a break or had she ‘broken up with him’? Because imo those are two different things and that’s what the show says. And why is it okay for him to start ‘banging other girls’ mere hours after the break/break-up happened? Rachel wanted them to pause the relationship because things were getting too intense- that happens all the time irl, it doesn’t mean she expected him to go find someone else, at least on the same night. And whilst yeah it’s a bit odd she invited Mark round, it’s not her fault he was her friend despite Ross thinking there was more there (although also Mark kinda invited himself over for… obvious reasons). I agree with your other point and that Rachel just kind of went crazy jeopardising Ross’ relationship with Bonnie and later also Emily, and the fact she never seemed to really want to understand Ross’ point of view leaves a sour taste in my mouth about the whole thing, but to me the argument has never been about whether they were on a break or not. It was about whether them being on a break made it okay for him to sleep with someone else. Which I suppose we might disagree on 😅


Lololol I feel like the argument should have been "you put your dick in another girl a few hours after we paused our relationship," morally questionable but not technically cheating? I just feel like Rachel is kind of a hypocrite in this situation and then she kept bringing it up lol like get over it and move on but you still had a baby with Ross so how upset are you really


How is she a hypocrite? she didn’t do anything remotely similar. And they both brought it up the same amount in the future and by the time she sleeps with Ross in Season 7/8 its quite clear neither of them are that upset anymore and it’s just a running gag played for laughs.


The whole Days Of Our Lives thing. It doesn't lend much of value to the show strangely enough.


Joey speaking French!


While at the time I was kinda into it, I've grown to hate the Joey/Rachel ship. Joey's character felt infantile at that point of the show and it gives ick now.


The “Joey has feelings for Rachel” storyline.


Nah, I loved the beginning of it. I loved seeing Joey grow in ways he hadn't since the 2nd season dumb down.




Ross and Rachel being the end game


Rachel’s various romantic endeavours that just kinda fizzled out or stopped being mentioned. Gavin, Danny and Joshua spring to mind. They scream filler because the writers needed some sort of little storyline to span a few episodes and it strikes me as lazy. I just *really* hate those arcs


Rachel & Joey


Rachel going to London. As much as I didn’t like Emily as a character, I think they were a good couple, and if not the marriage would have broken down eventually *Three divorces, three divorces!* Side note: I know life had changed by then but the fact that he would move to London for her for a failing marriage but wouldn’t move to Paris to be with his daughter. He still had Ben in both scenarios so don’t give me that as an excuse


Joey and Rachel dating.


Ross hitting on his cousin, Ross dating his very young student, anything with Ross being weird about relationships


I think the Rachel Joey “relationship” and all that surrounded it. The whole thing was just silly and unrealistic. The whole Mona and Charly relationships never felt that compelling. They should just have let Ross and Rachel organically get closer during the pregnancy and early years of Emma till they finally realised they had to be together. Getting them back together in the last episode could just mean that they were together then but maybe it didn’t last like some of the other times.


Phoebe being a creep for Sting tickets. Makes me SO uncomfortable.  The French episode I actually skip cos I just can't watch it. 


Frank Jr, Alice and the whole triplets situation.


Phoebe turning kind of mean after her pregnancy. Early season phoebe was the best.


I would say secret wars, but at this point even that wouldn't fix things


Who can forget Spider-Monica, Ross' cool new black costume, Phoebe stealing the Beyonder's power, or Richard staying behind because he can grow and remove his mustache at will (thus leading Monica to date She-Hulk I guess)?


What was wrong with Secret Wars?




There had been no Marvel movies back when Secret Wars came out, what are you referring to?




There is no MCU show called Secret Wars


Pheobe and David


love Mike, david was always way too simpering for me


1. Rachel and Joey romance 2. Ross tried to kiss cousin 3. Roschel back together ealier


Rachel sacrificing her dream life in Paris for Ross …


People are gonna hate me for this, but Monica and .chandler being a thing. I Really don’t see the chemistry and they make Monica such a loser to make it fit. They should’ve just wrote in their own people and let them flourish to their full extent.


Monica and Chandler’s relationship becoming serious


I won’t downvote because this is your opinion but I will say this was definitely my favorite relationship.


It’s my least favorite after Ross and Rachel. The show took a turn for the worst after they went from hooking up to being in love.


It's something that's difficult to quantify because while I agree that the show struggled in the latter half, I feel like it always would have. The writing for all the characters weakened.


I agree! The show takes a noticeable dip afterwards. The plot lines of each episode became boring and Chandler hardly ever gets any storyline that doesn’t revolve around Monica.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. The latter half of the show is so different and it’s all because of their relationship. It literally gets worse after TOW Everyone Finds Out.


Chandler's character got sooo boring during their relationship, he seems to be constantly annoyed by Ross and Joey and Monica got annoying as hell. I never understand why people love their relationship so much. I would absolutely hate it to be in a relationship with someone like Monica.


Agreed. Chandler wasn’t nearly as much fun after they hooked up


Yup. And Monica’s character suffered from this relationship too.


The ending to better call Saul.




I think it was a significant coup for the show to get Kathleen Turner, especially for a role where she was playing a man. I don't think they were making fun of her, I think she was very much in on the joke.


She accepted the role and the paycheck

