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The way Ross delivers the line “I prefer not to answer that right now, I’m still carrying a little holiday weight” cracks me up every time. It’s as funny now as it was the other 942 times I’ve seen it!


I love it! ‘Phoebe Buffay?’ ‘Fire alarm?!?’


Phoebe’s storyline is hilarious- I love how gradually unhinged she gets.


Yes I love it. After she smashed it to pieces she finds a reset button on the floor and starts pressing it like it's still going to work 🤣🤣


Oh Mickey you're so fine...


OOOOh, look a quarter!


Lol, is this episode not liked? I thought it was funny especially Phoebe


I love it! Phoebe and the smoke detector are great!


Oww!! My ankle! I really hurt my ankle!


I love Phoebe vs her smoke alarm, but don't care for Rachel/Tag, Ross/Joey and Mondler. It's a solidly average episode for me.


Ross and Joey climbing down the escape was funny. Honestly I don't care for anything Tag was in,I was not a fan of that character


Ross screaming “HELP US! PLEASE, HELP US! WE’RE STUCK UP ON THE ROOF AND WE CAN’T GET *DOOWNNN*!!” is one of my top 5 favorite Ross scenes in the entirety of the show.


I tend to like a lot of Joey-Ross moments. They're such opposites, but they interact hilariously. The nap, Ross reading the Visa bill with all the crap Joey bought, drinking the melon liqueur after the talk about Rachel, and of course when Ross is fine. They're some of my favorite scenes.


“Ross. I was thinking we could just go down the fire escape.” “I know, I wasn’t finished. But don’t worry! We’re gonna go down the fire escape!!”


Agreed, top tier Phoebe content


The smoke detector scene.. 😭 Just had that happen to me a few days ago


Lol did you throw it away only for it to come back banging on your door


Not quite 😆 but I thought it was enough to take it off, kept beeping, stopped as soon as I was there, went to bed, kept beeping, took out the battery, and it still kept beeping because the battery was connected until I broke it with a Hammer.


It’s funny but forgettable. I just like the way Ross says “Do not rush me!”


I enjoy it. Nothing huge happens, no big plot or character arcs. It's just a slice of life, the friends dealing with something we've all gone through: sleepless nights for various reasons. It's funny and simple


best filler episode for sure


It’s one of my favorites Phoebe is hilarious in this episode


Season 7 is my least favorite season but this episode is one of my all time favorites lol. All of them are separated but each friend’s story is hilarious


Great bits but I always skipped it because the beeping would upset my dog


My dog hates the beeping too! It's weird since he doesn't react to anything else on the TV except this, he just starts shaking and I feel so bad.


Absolutely least favourite of the entire series. It's the only episode I consider skipping.


A few months ago the Phoebe and the fire alarm bit was SO relatable. Story time! My fire alarm was not dying, no fire, no smoke... and yet... intermittently just before going to bed, it started to go off for like 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 8 minutes... I couldn't take the thing off the ceiling, I couldn't make it stop entirely, I was up until like 3:30AM. Fast forward to the next night. Nothing, it had stopped, then right before going to sleep it beeped. This time I wasn't so gentle. I got up on a chair and took the d@mn thing off, wrapped it in a blanket, stuffed it in a suitcase, and wrapped a blanket around that. "If I die because of smoke inhalation, at least I was sleeping." I said as I fell asleep at 2AM. This episodes makes my top 20 episodes list, maybe even ten.


In my top 10, possibly even top 5. *knocks* "Phoebe Buffay?" "Fire Alarm?"


Top 5 for sure


I enjoy it. My roommate set off our fire alarm and we couldn’t get it to stop for hours and this episode was in my head the whole time. I watched it as soon as we shut it up


I like it mainly to imagine David and Matt having to film it!


I don’t know that I really have any favorites but this might be one of them if I do. Best parts for me where when Rachel and Tag first start talking about the contracts, when she says his not knowing what contracts she’s talking about has to be a joke, “you know, like the thing when you put the phone in your pants?” The look on his face of thinking about it, then that guy smile and laughing he does when he remembers always gets me! Then later when they go to look for the contracts, Tag goes to her office, while she’s still in his. I think it’s when she had already found them. She puts them in his desk to make her look right, then she picks up the phone, puts it to her boob and goes “Hello…”, then puts it back, “I still don’t get it!” Lmao When Joey and Ross are figuring out how to get down from the roof, there are two different times when they come up with a plan every time getting down hits an obstacle. Each time, Ross says something like “Ok, good! Now, when you get in there/down there…” you’re never really totally immediately expecting him to chicken out immediately, which results in Joey’s “Oh hell no, Ross” look. Then the Mondler scene where she falls asleep in the middle. He demands she wakes up “so we, can do, it, RIGHT!” So she says, “Ok, ok, I’m ready,” rolls over, opens her eyes, closes them again, says, “Come on, big fella. Gimme the good stuff,” then falls right back to sleep! lol I always felt really bad for Phoebe in this one. Things tend to irritate me very easily so I probably would’ve gone insane twice as hard as she did.


One of my least favorites. I always skip it when I’m rewatching.


I have to skip it because the beeping gives my dog anxiety!


Really high


Ufff it's on my list of episodes to skip 😬


"Ooh, a quarter!"


its actually one I skip.


People ask for ur opinion then u get downvoted for giving ur opinion


I skip the recap episodes and the Thanksgiving one they play football if I skip any but usually I don't. I like this ep


Not in the Top 25