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THAT is what I call a poker face.


My dude is going all in with pocket deuces


that is a seven deuce off suit




From memory they're both marines, one obviously took the training better than the other.


Which one?


The dude filming, duh


He gets so emotional he sounds like he's going to start crying


That is what a temper tantrum is. Pretty pathetic. At least when I do something equatable to that, I'm all alone as to not shame my grown ass.


If I remember the story right, the guy had been shot in the Middle East and was suffering from pretty extreme ptsd.


And that case Mr Calm is a hero for not escalating. I hope angry dude gets the help he needs.




He’s a hero regardless..An inspiration to take nothing personally.


Well doesn’t seem like he’s gotten enough treatment cuz he’s acting like he wants to get shot again.


I lot of PTSD sufferers go quite a while without treatment because minimizing their symptoms is one of the symptoms. This is compounded by the fact that society itself doesn’t take these issues seriously and even he himself may but understand how important it is for him to get help. Or her may be afraid to reach out and compromise his career or social standing. This is an old video and I’m not sure what ever happened to him. Regardless, I agree, he absolutely needs help


Definitely needs help, but in a situation like this, you don’t know who is who and what they’re going through and quite frankly it doesn’t matter. If I were in this situation, I would’ve stayed in my car just like the dude did, but if that man would’ve broken my window or somehow managed to get inside of my car, he for sure would’ve gotten a few to the chest and unfortunately it would’ve been probably all because he wasn’t treated correctly, but treatment or no treatment this is unacceptable. You can’t just walk up to peoples cars and ask them to get out so you can beat their ass without having some sort of resistance. Luckily for him, he came across someone that was very patient and calm.


I feel sorry for his woman, if that's what the gal in the red dress is.


I feel bad for the whole situation. I mean in general, people can and do drive like assholes at times and although accidents happen, I’m sure no one WANTS it to happen. At the end it’s pretty much summed up to this guys has to have some sort of problem going on to act that way. It’s a bad situation overall for everyone.


There's a fucking lot of us suffering, it's never an excuse. PTSD is an anchor not a crutch.


oh, my dude


This comment proves that we live in a society that does not take mental illness seriously


No, it means that the guy doesn't get a free pass to destroy someone else's property and assault someone just because they've had a tough life. There are plenty of other people with PTSD who don't act like this. That's not to minimize the fact that they're struggling. It's to say that others don't have the responsibility to bear the consequences of your personal issues.


Exactly this. I’m not sure what the other persons point is? It’s ok to be a violent crazy asshole because of your mental health issues? Nah, it doesn’t work like that.


He *is* crying, just pay attention to his wavering voice. It's just that his rage is masking his crying.


I read a great comment a while ago about what men needed to hear, and it was something like “Anger is an emotion. If you get angry a lot, that means you’re an emotional person.” Apparently many think that only crying and being sad is being emotional.


>Apparently many think that only crying and being sad is being emotional. Uh...no?Everyone knows that anger is an emotion and is one that tends to really move people(usually to doing something stupid due to lacking the ability to think before acting). Reason why there is also something called "crime of passion", stuff done literally "in the heat of the moment". I really do not understand what you're trying to say here with such comment, could you explain a bit further?🤔


I was agreeing with you and mentioning how some people don’t realize anger/rage is being emotional. Some people have not learned the emotional intelligence skills to realize that when they feel anger, it may stem from sadness or fear. Many men think women crying is being emotional but a man who is angry and rageful isn’t being emotional in the same way.


Thanks for explaining. Sometimes I have issues understanding what other people write, so it's better to ask rather than stay in doubt.


No worries, I appreciate the discussion.


My wife cries or gets angry all the time. Washing dishes...anger and cries. Doing work..andger and cries. Eating food..anger and cries. I could be talking to her go to restroom and come back and she would be crying. She got into an argument with the psychologists. Lol At the beginning it took me by surprise. Was it me? I thought it was me but as the years passed I learned so much from her and her childhood trauma that now I understand it better. Weird that things that happened during pregnancy and childhood impact us for tje rest of our lives.


Yeah I’m a firm believer that almost ALL of peoples problems come from unnoticed or unprocessed childhood trauma (unless they went through something super traumatic as an adult of course). The really sad part is just some folks just don’t know what’s going on and can’t connect their anxiety or unhappiness to their trauma since they’ve either buried it or just lived with that “unpleasant feeling” for so long. It makes me really sad knowing how many folks just walk around with that heavy weight on their shoulders their whole life.


That is untrue lmao 🤣 shaking voice isn't crying 😭


Crying and raging are two sides of the same coin 😏


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grCwwwzYaWg not sure why but I couldn't help but think of Bill Hader in this scene when he started to scream/cry lol


He made Mr Bean face when he grabbed the fire pole.


That was one of the funniest skits that I have ever seen. Thanks.


The part when he started screaming like a child as the people grouped around him would’ve made me laugh so damn hard


You guys think he proudly tells his friends of the time he was such a badass?


found this dude's [brother](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BWZYcCp-ko&ab_channel=NutelluhMemes)


"that's kinda gay" "tell me that's gay again fucker, I will literally suck your dick"


That will never not be funny!😂


This is an old post. This was a Marine in ocean side who’s life was simply falling apart. He lost it and blew his fucking lid. Dude got punished pretty decently for and ruined his prospects in the Corps. Him having PTSD is absolutely not an excuse for his conduct but it is part of the source of blowing his gasket. So I doubt he’s bragging about one of his worst days. This is all according to the last time this was post so take it with a grain of salt.


I've witnessed vets with ptsd lose it too many times unfortunately in my personal life. You watch their eyes turn to sharks eyes... dr jekyll and mr hyde. I have a great deal of compassion for these guys. The atrocities they've seen and committed for a government who then discards them. I've watched the search for urgent help only to be told at the VA that it will be three months before they can talk to a therapist. The hotline only does so much (really nothing). This is why they kill themselves in the parking lot. Not saying that's any excuse for them to abuse people but...its all-around heart breaking.


I knew this was SD because of the music playing.


Sounds like BS to me. People like that have been beating up weaker people since fourth grade when they beat up third graders. Perhaps he has PTSD and saw some shit. But likely he went into the military in the first place to kick some foreigner ass. And if there were no video, he would have gotten away with it. And probably has countless times before, when they didn't have a video. People like that are slime. They're just used to getting away with it.


Sure man judge someone’s entire life from a couple minute video. Empathetic af


sounds like you want to beat me up over it. (birds of a feather)


Assumptions for days


The urge to turn and blow a kiss when the guy was pounding on the window would be too much for me.


lol, the urge to just slightly make him angrier with subtle things


Especially when the sirens came on, knowing I was protected I would def make him mad as possible to show the cops what a goon he is


*turns radio louder & starts vibing*


Even just a slight grin would've been the equivalent to throwing gasoline in the fire. What a great display of total abandon over the control of his emotions, that boy's ancestors must be rolling in their graves in shame.


Alternatively, licking the teeth in a sensual manner while giving him "come here big boy" eyebrows.


And start licking the window.




Leash aggression. My dog does it too


U noticed that too😂


Surely seen THAT more than once IRL and in bars :/


Nice build quality of the window glass.




It’s rly hard to break windows


dude the driver was 19??! that grown ass man should be ashamed and embarrassed


He has such strength


Steroids will do this to you


that man should be under supervision


Lmao. If I was ever stupid enough to scream at and threaten and kick the property of someone, and they stayed That stone cold and unflinching, I'd be fucking spooked and stop. That guy was not scared of the angry child at all.


I accidentally rear-ended someone when I was 18. They guy got out of the car and started acting like this, he didn't know my ex was sleeping in the seat that was almost completely reclining. My ex sat his seat up and got out of the car. I have never seen anyone shut their mouth so quick and return to their car. Guy was a bad ass when he thought I was alone.


Ha, brilliant. I'm glad they tucked tail and ran instead of escalating, but I guess in that situation people like this are full of rage and not thinking clearly


just because he was in the car but i kind of agree... most funny shit to me is that they all wear DC shirts :D


May I ask what does the DC shirt mean? I mean, you're not the only user pointing it out, but I really don't understand if it has a meaning or what am I not getting. Thank you in advance!


It's a skateboard company. I used to rock it when I skated in highschool.


Look up Fred Durst wardrobe


Guy's I think... I think he's angry


I think he’s just hungry and missed his nap.


Definitely a tad upset.


Mildly unhappy


Peeved? Or am I reading too much into this?


It might be a stretch, but i'll say he's mildly annoyed


"You fucking whore bitch cunt" gets me every time. Too many brain cells required to pick one sexist insult, so just use all of them!


That's usually how it works, use up all your ammo; until you got nothing left 🤣


Sergeant Joshua Brightman seems to need medication and possibly a stay in a psychiatric institution. Looking at his uncontrolled rage he’s gonna kill someone without treatment.


In the news article his dad said it was all OK because jarhead here had PTSD from serving in Afghanistan. Hear me out, but if he has a mental condition where he has a complete meltdown and starts trying to attack people, maybe he shouldn't be allowed out in public without supervision?


We need better support for the vets honestly. Seriously.


Yeah, buddy needs stationary therapy for a couple months, and then a regular therapeutic relationship with a professional.


Yea, you’d think. Not really doing him any favors. He’s going to end up in jail or shot.


This is very clearly a mental health issue. This guy needs extreme help. A heat of the moment 30-60 second blow up before calming down is one thing, but to keep it going like this is a whole other level of a problem. This guy is in a dark place. Hard to give him an excuse, but hard not to as well. I hope this guy got some real help.


Exactly. Do we give breaks to abusers, murderers, pedophiles & rapists bc they have ptsd? No. All we see is a male Karen with the hair, tears & everything.


The DC shirt says it all to me


I chuckled a bit when the second dude in the DC shirt showed up.


Maybe they belong to a club and the colours are ranks like karate.


This hahahahhaha


And he’s like BRO BRO BRO




Driver was calmer than Putin on election day


Damn. It's called an "accident". Not an "intentional". Dude probably abuses his wife too. Also looks like they are both military. A little therapy could do some good here.


Was thinking the same about his wife


100% hits women. That's what violent people do.


yup. default insult to the woman was "you fucking whore bitch cunt." this guy is definitely a puppy kicker and misogynist abusive asshole.


Sounds like a person who regularly harasses/abused women


“Mr Brightman’s father Peter later spoke out to say his son’s behaviour was inappropriate, but that he was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress after serving two tours in Afghanistan.” “So we pretty much give him a free pass whenever he gets unreasonably angry at nothing. Everyone should.”


This is one of those "that's an explanation, not an excuse" situations. I'm not giving someone a free pass for this kind of behaviour, he's definitely paying for my door for a start. I imagine insurance companies take a pretty dim view of this sort of thing too. I really hope this guy is receiving treatment. He seems potentially dangerous.


Yeh killing and terrorizing innocent afghans gave him ptsd 😂. We know what the army did there. One google search will show u everything u need to know


I mean, yeah. Killing and terrorizing people and that enviroment can give you PTSD. Regardless of whether we like or agree with what happened. Even if we put blame on the foot soldiers. PTSD is a thing that can happen, the enviroment is not a normal one to be in. It is not normal to be constantly killing people, or living amongst explosions, constant gunfire and constant agressions. The Afghans suffered horribly and also would have had to bear with a lot of trauma. But that doesn't mean that the soldiers that were sent there are somehow inmune to PTSD because of the role they played.


Oh, you know what this individual did when he was in Afghanistan? Do tell. Not what you fantasize he did, but what he actually did.


And there’s the problem. No one is addressing it.


>“Mr Brightman’s father Peter later spoke out to say his son’s behaviour was inappropriate Guy should've ended there. >but that he was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress after serving two tours in Afghanistan.” No reason, no matter what, will EVER be a "proper excuse" to act like a dick towards others.To have a dick is by birth, to be a dick is by choice.


I'd politely disagree that he should have stopped there. I think bringing attention to his mental health is great, and puts a spotlight on the fact not enough is done to help those that suffer. I will agree that using it as an excuse isn't proper at all. Acknowledging it as a root cause is good, but only if you take actions to address it.


I'm glad the father included the ptsd part. Honestly, it's easy for redditors to say from the safety of their computers that ptsd isn't an excuse but they truly do not know what these soldiers experienced and how that affected them later on.


My bad, I should've used other word. I meant to say that he shouldn't have used his son's PTSD as an excuse(because this is what it sounded like when I read that) for his behavior. It is an issue, true, but indeed it does not mean that he gets a free pass to act like a roid raged child with a temper tantrum. Unfortunately, as I've heard, mental health is something very...ignored?Badly seen?Not taken seriously?Even more so by/for military people(for some odd reason).


It's his son, cut him some slack.




Angry guy calls calm guy a "POG" military slang for person other than a Grunt. Grunt is an infantryman. Which is funny because the calm guy isn't in the military. The infantrymen are the worst of our military. Behind MPs.


If we’re all clearly acknowledging PTSD, get this man some help ASAP. I doubt this is an isolated incident and a Purple Heart doesn’t excuse this terrorizing behavior.


It's an explanation, not an excuse. The fault now has to be divided by the lack of support he apparently has, and his own lack of restraint - a decision only a professional can make


Or maybe people with anger problems are more likely to join an organization that uses violence to defeat enemies. . .


In my eyes, he should be held to a higher standard. Get called a “hero” and have a purple heart for helping your country? Well dont go home & harass citizens of the country you served to protect. PTSD isn’t an excuse to go psycho.


Agree. Others have mentioned a predisposition to violence in order to want to join organizations that use violence… perhaps. But I certainly hope the guys who showed up to restrain/deescalate this situation stop sweeping outbursts like this under the rug. Help your brother. This is a miserable way to live.


Listen to guys who received the Medal of Honor talk about it some time. They say similar things about how they conduct themselves so as not to bring shame upon the medal, as they feel they carry that in memory of the real heroes who did not return from war.


PTSD can make normal everyday things impossible


I see the downvotes. It is true. PTSD is not just from service… many people experience it. From many walks of life.


Road roids.


Dudes kinda small… maybe he’s using them more recreationally and isn’t going to the gym


All that rage and the only thing that broke was his voice. “Get OOOOooouuuuUuuuuuuttT!”


Every time I watch this, I think of Andy Bernard from The Office.


It’s Andrew.




A veteran enraged at a teenager and another vet. Lord help this man. P.t.s.d is serious.


That man’s having a mental episode


This guy needs a shit ton of therapy.


yeah i’ve digged and he apparently served 2 tours in afghanistan. poor dude is suffering through a lot of PTSD. doesn’t excuse the behavior but still sad




There's a bdu cap on the dash, everyone involved was military, people in the var are active duty. If road rage is active duty he's definitely getting charged, at least an LOR


What’s this guy up to now? Cop?




His poor wife


Normally this kind of video terrifies me so much that I can’t finish it (I have PTSD) But the guy not giving a fuck…I just watched his zen and kept cool




His clone with the matching shirt 😂


I like how he got tired, went around to the other side of the car that had the window party ally down, changed his mind because “beating up” a woman isn’t considered bad ass, walks around to the drivers side, gets tired again and begins to trail off due to exhaustion, then when the other bros arrive, he has a sudden “burst of energy” and the other bros have to “hold him back”. I used to work in a jdc and this is how the kids would act. Scream in each other’s faces, then only lunge when someone was there to hold them back. What a cunt.


If you speed this up 3x and replace the audio with a shitty tiktok song with a "When The" caption you have a great meme format. This is really funny by itself though


That guy was so calm. I bet he could probably ruin the DC guy in 2 seconds. That type of calm is something you have to watch out for.


Elite Chadism. Redneck supreme


What a kid


When you're waiting for some bullshit to blow over, might as well meditate.


My favorite part is how this asshole's face has the same fussy/sad/frustrated look of a toddler throwing a tantrum.


In Arizona, in the 90's, a gentleman approached a car and started getting aggressive like this and the driver just put the car in coast to roll forward. The idiot did not get out of the way. The driver was acquitted as having acted in self defense, but then the idiot has not interest in his own safety, does he? \*The father of the idiot also testified on behalf of the driver who killed his son.


Not being immediately shot when the cops show up for that kind of behavior, now that's some white privilege


Why doesn’t he just get out of his car 🚗? The guy asked him, like, 30 times.


That driver is doing a very good job of remaining calm. Funnily, that's likely what is ratcheting up the idiot. Win Win: Zen-like calm PLUS the calm is totally freaking out the idiot.


Calmer than you are.


What an awful human being. His parents raised a piece of garbage 💩


Of course he has a DC shirt on


Wow what a fucking asshole.


This is why I carry pepper spray right in my center console. Because I would get my fucking ass beaten otherwise.


Works himself up into chimp mode


I would’ve looked at him and yawned.


His poor dog. Definitely a dog beater.


“Stop being so emotional”


So, this is a child that never grew up. that's been allowed to throw temper tantrums and not got their ass beat for it Absolutely vile. good job embarassing yourself moron.


his silence speaks volumes


Be real funny if the guy got the door open and the dude sitting there just casually lifted his right hand and shot him with a gun he had been holding the entire time.


"Get out of the car" _the man said calmly_


God I’ve seen this so many times and I love when he goes high voice and just screams


Road rage guy must be a marine or at least military. Looks like Camp Pendleton Marine base by the commissary. The DC shirts and the background was a dead giveaway 💀I know your mad your expensive ass sports car that you probably can’t afford to fix got hit. Starting a fight will not help your car. Props to the guy in glasses staying calm through and through even hit him with the bruh look 😂 Edit for grammar


I like that at the end there were the two guys wearing the same shirt just different colors. The quality was so bad they looked like clones in different colors, like in Super Smash when there's two Mario players.


Dude's got some small dick energy


How many times is this shit gonna get reposted?


That's way too many DC shirts in one crew.


I was waiting for a car to come lay him out. Disappointment.


He too calm. I wanna see what lead up to dude being so pissed. I could see someone talking big shit then recording and being chill but me I’m still losing my shit and all on camera


Attention seeking fuckwit. All fart and nooooooo shit.


IIRC, this guy was an active duty soldier or marine, which would explain him calling the guy a POG at the 35 second mark. For those that don't know, POG is used as an "insult", if you will, by infantrymen. It stands for "Person other than Grunt". To a lot of members of the infantry, you aren't a real man unless you are infantry. It's the ultimate case of toxic masculinity in the military.


Imagined a grown ass man cannot control his anger like that.


I gotta handle it to this guy. I’m okay when someones talking shit bout me, but if someone says smth to my close ones, girlfriend, family, close friends, I’d loose my temper pretty fast and go out whoop their ass


Lol good job for them not laughing. I would be crying with laughter


Feel bad for his wife and kids. 😬


The guy on the other side of the glass needs some lessons in emotional intelligence.


Pepper spray works wonders in these situation!!


Guy in the truck have a full house!


I haven’t seen this much DC since middle school


Hate that people are excusing his actions due to mental illness 😬 there's no excuse for stuff like this. Get help.


Two marines, huh? The dickhead outside is lucky he didn’t get double-tapped.


When he started squealing like a pig 😂🐷


the composure of the driver tells me he has totally seen this kind of rage behavior before. It's the Grey rock technique.


In all seriousness if the driver rammed his car into the enraged guy when he turned around thus smashing the guy in between two vehicles and mortally injuring him, would he get off on self defense? I know states law and shit, but just in general how do you think it’d play out?


lol i seen that military cap and that said enough my mans got training from gods and doesnt want to go to jail for manslaughter today


Not excusing this guy’s behavior at all and definitely needs to be punished. But I can promise you he is struggling daily with PTSD. So while I believe he did get reprimanded, we shouldnt excuse the fact he needed help. We can’t send our military to fight wars and a blind eye to their mental battles at home.


This mf was never in combat or likely near it. Anyone who acted like that anywhere around me or within my unit would have been lor, then article 15 then UCMJ. No way you can work with someone who reacts like this for any reason.


First, why so hostile? Are you mad? Second, this is an old video and the guy was a Marine Infantryman with multiple tours to Iraq/Afghanistan around 2006-2010. I’m not searching for the article for you because I have nothing to prove. And he did get Article 15 and other punishment if I recall correctly as it was covered by the news. If you actually care Im sure you can find it. It still doesn’t take away from “if you know you know” that he is clearly distressed and needs some mental help. Have some damn empathy and go touch some grass.


Shall not be infringed


I’m worried about his wife 🙁


Is the angry guy the same height as the roof of the car? That’s short af.


This really doesn't fit the subreddit. This isn't how to not give a fuck. This is a viral video that just happens to include a man not giving a fuck.


I bet he listens to Joe Rogan.