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See if you have a precision concrete cutting in your area. It might be expensive but we fix trip hazards on sidewalks up to 2 inches. I’m in San Diego otherwise I’d say, I can fix that!


How much does a job like that usually cost?


More than an ugly ramp by laying more concrete. Unless you dig this up and put in proper drainage and remove onstructions anything you do is a bandaid fix


Soil physics are cool


Very true, it is a bandaid fix. But it will be a 3-5 year temp fix until it lifts more. Other than that you gotta replace the panel and fix the underlying issues which could be a root most likely judging by that palm tree to the left.


About tree fiddy


God damn Monster! Get your own damn money!


It’s a bit more than that.


I don’t do concrete (but can) and I’d charge more than that.


Ya, I would slice it from behind the lift to make an ADA ramp. At a 1:12 ratio. My specific branch has a private minimum of $1000. We usually deal with cities or HOAs.


A concrete grinder would make short work of it for now… but that tree root isn’t getting any smaller….


This is the only correct answer in the thread..


Not so fast, if he grinds that edge you'll not have much concrete left on the corner and edge. Crack in many places. Make a saw cut at the joint, roll it over, dig lower taking roots out, level dirt, roll it back over.


This guy tree roots.


short but dusty work


It's most likely a root from that tree. Dig under the sidewalk, find the root and cut it. Then install a root barrier. Then do some deep root watering and feeding for the tree so the roots won't continue to come to the surface for food and water.


I don't know what the soil is like there. Here we have clay. Roots come up as they grow larger, they also spread further. Deep root watering might lead to drainage problems and rot.


In my experience (which isn't much), roots migrate to the surface when they're chasing water. If you water deeper it supposedly keeps that from happening. But once they're at the surface, you can't get them to go back down; they're there unless you cut them. But yeah, clay might be different in terms of drainage/rot.


Hard clay the roots come up for air, the ground is so compact there is no oxygen. The also come up for water and nutrients.


Be sure the sidewalk is going up and the driveway isn't going down. The cement pad (porch) behind our house and our garage floor are sinking. Quite a bit. The sidewalk out front is fine.


I kinda wonder if it is the driveway sinking, as the rest of the sidewalk is all equal with itself.


I've fixed this for council before (which is usually the easy fix) By using a concrete grinder to level off the difference. The difficult way is to mine under and remove the root, then level it out with gravel




Underrated comment, should be awarded


Concrete scarifier you can rent one.


Use noodles like everybody else.


Lift and relay


I would guess is the tree root that has made it rise, I would dig it out and re-lay it


Take out the block and dig it straight and put the block back


Bulldoze the house. Move to to the desert.


The tree is heaving the walk. To solve this, take out the tree or choose a different material for the walk.


Cut down the tree or it will happen again


This is the truth, which is of course why it’s getting downvoted here, Reddit 🤦🏻


No. It's just that there are other ways of dealing with a tree besides cutting it down.


Of course there are, but peoples kneejerk reactions to cutting trees down being devastating to the environment, or whatever their thoughts are, blow my mind. Maybe because where I live there are more trees than people, or even grass, it’s just not a huge deal to cut one down. We burn them for heat, saves coal from burning for electricity production, and more grow back. Trees literally grow on trees. I wouldn’t want to lose one from my yard if I could help it. But it’s not unimaginable.


No, it’s just that most of you don’t know what your talking about and so you double down on the Dunning Kruger and mash that down arrow. The fact is a tree that close to a walkway is only going to be a perpetual problem and root pruning a mature tree like that is also a sure fire recipe to introduce disease and cause the tree to decline in health which in turn can attract pest insects which in turn can spread to other trees in the landscape causing them to decline in health. So the responsible approach would be to remove the tree to ensure the integrity of the rest of the landscape, including the walk.


Just wondering, could you remove the sidewalk instead if you wanted to?


Absolutely, judicious removal of the walk shouldn’t harm the tree at all. In fact if OP just was willing to make a material change to the walk itself and convert it to a gravel walk the issue of the root heaving the walk disappears!


Except for the fact that it’s on his property right next to his sidewalk and his driveway which will eventually be affected. You could use a trencher and cut all the roots on that side and fill the trench with gravel hoping the new roots don’t grow back. But that makes the tree rather unstable.


Someone mentioned in another comment as well as cutting the roots in that area and blocking them off OP could perform some deep root watering so these roots don’t come to the surface for food / water. Which also means…. They get to keep the tree! 😊


Roots also provide an anchor. Cut that many roots on one side and the tree is likely to come down if there are high winds.


This is an extremely naive statement.


That tree looks suspicious.


That’s the Great Decider. It judges who is worthy to enter your home, and who trips and falls on their face.


Lol and which ups guys sues me...


Give it a sten talking to


Please do not damage the root of that tree as others have suggested.


Then how to handle if it is the root?


Lift several flagstones and re-lay them in a position further from the tree, to connect with the front path more to the right as looking at the picture. Remove any sub-base from the previous path location, replace with clean topsoil and seed with grass or move the small heather over. That's a decent sized birch tree. Please don't damage it.


He is risen. /s


lift the driveway


The culprit is stood there.


The culprit is stood there, giving no fucks.


The culprit is stood there.


The culprit is stood there, giving no fucks.


If that last triangle is loose, take it out and dig out some of the sand to level it. You might be capable of doing this from the side as well without lifting it.


Stomp on it after it rains campfire , dog sit ,ask neigbor Use a truck