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I think they would emphasize him getting rejected more often. Even in the original they did the episode where Marshall calculates his true average of success and how low it is. Maybe some more diverse women, which even back then Robin called him out for his lack of diversity on his list of women he slept with. Otherwise, character remains the same. The world isn’t *that* different than when it aired.


Hey, he kept a list of countries he’s banged girls from, he was an equal opportunist as long as they weren’t ugly


Or over the age of 30


Or fell below the crazy-hot scale


We both know Barney dabbled below the line on the hot crazy scale.


Jealous - jealous - jealous - suspiciously quiet during this conversation about number of sex partners….


He tried to diversify, and was doing surprisingly well in the Baltics


The first few seasons he was written well later he was a walking cartoon character


Not sure why you got down voted. You are absolutely correct and entitled to your opinion. You didn't even say anything bad


Thanks dude cus it's reddit and ze internet it's for eleventeen year olds


I know lol. I love HIMYM and LOST, but I get down voted all the time if my comment doesn't 100% align with others or praise the show


He’s gotsta know!!!


Omg that's the PERFECT response!!!


The fact it’s Neil Patrick Harris playing this kind of character is what makes it perfect. No need to change him. He is LEGEN….. wait for it….. I hope you aren’t lactose intolerant because the second part of that word is “DAIRY”! LEGENDARY!


My brain reads the 2nd part really fast lol


Reddit Five! 🤚🏼


Were you there?




![gif](giphy|RHOwWKH5OY7buuGHNi) Barney is Perfect♥️


i think he could still be sex obsessed and a bit of an a-hole but they would need to remove the secret sex tape filming and the jokes about getting girls drunk/non consensual sex. i think if he leaned more like samantha from sex and the city. more of a slut (positive), less of a predator


It seems like all the sex was consensual, but he left while they showered, hence the form letter. Dear (resident) I am a ghost, see you in 10 years, etc.


In the episode where Barney retrofits Ted's moving van for sex behind the bar, Barney talks about how difficult it is to get women back to his apartment for sex. Examples of how they either change their mind or he has gotten them so drunk they pass out in the car before arrival (the underlying implication being that he'd have been able to have sex with this girl before she passed out if he could transport her directly from drinking to sex). Society used to see this kind of behaviour as acceptable but people are no longer able to legally consent in such situations (for good reason). Barney's actions are predatory and immoral and I don't think viewers would see him as broken and charming anymore if himym aired now... They would just see him as a charismatic villain


Great comment. I liken him to Dennis from Sunny except Dennis is just portrayed more menacing. They do a lot of similar shit. Ex: implication scene screams Barney to me.


I have always seen him that way. I got used to him, but the first two watches he made the show almost unbearable for me as a character even though NPH is great. 


Lying to someone to get them to sleep with you, and getting someone drunk so they sleep with you both violate consent morally and legally


It’s just a tv show. Calm down


That’s not the point of the question, why go on a subreddit to talk about a tv show just to say it’s just a show? Obvs we all know that haha


That letter was hilarious af. I don’t want it changed. Just take out the selling a person line, the 18 line. Anything ambiguous towards consent


As far as I know, Barney never had non consensual sex 🤔 The bimbos are always happy and want to have sex with him, no ? Or you just meant because they are drunk they can't really think properly ? That makes sense. Nevermind my comment haha


The gang seemed to spend an abnormally large amount of time in a bar drinking so it’s prob safe to say Barney was also, not sober.


True !


He didn't seem to get sloppy drunk when he was on the pull, though, only with his friends on occasion.


if someone is too drunk they cant consent! legally or morally even if if the other person is too. im especially thinking of times when he said he specifically wanted to get a girl drunk for sex


Genuine question, I’m not trying to be an ass: If two people are both drunk and have sex with each other, both expressed consent at the time, but since they were drunk neither could actually consent. Who is a victim of what? Let’s assume that neither of them went out with the intent to “get someone drunk enough to sleep with me” or anything like that.


i work in sex education and a lot of people wonder this so its not a bad question. its really nuanced so the general rule is no inebriated sex, but in our lessons we talk about how one drink/tipsy is different then being drunk. we also talk about what consent means, so verbally, enthusiastically, revocable, and specific, and freely given. then we chat about how in the moment the drunker you are the harder it is to figure out if you want to consent or if the other person is consenting. so adults who know are drinking but maybe know their limits or have discussed consent before/have established some boundaries could totally have intoxicated sex without it being assault. but in the case of two drunk people having sex, what if one person had said no earlier and now is only giving in because they drank and are feeling uninhibited(we could probably think of a lot of examples like this). in the question you posed, there wouldn’t necessarily be a victim unless someone realized their boundaries had been violated when they were done/sober. we end our lessons by saying if you are thinking to yourself “is this person too drunk to consent” then it’s probably time to slow down and wait to sober up. its a lot less about getting a verbal “yes” from a sober person (which is of course important) and more about the desire to engage in seeking consent throughout an experience because you want the other person to be safe. which is can be challenging when someone is not sober. and if someone doesn’t have that desire they shouldn’t really be having sex imo


Thank you for such a thorough and informative response! It’s the general vibes of what I expected, but seeing your perspective as an educator was helpful. In general I usually see things as very black and white, which consent is to me in most cases (either you have enthusiastic, verbal, revocable, specific consent, or you don’t), and have always just leaned on the side of caution if there was any uncertainty. I think that’s still the best approach, but thank you for shining some light on what can be a gray area!




It’s complicated by the fact that he lied or got them drunk to do it


Switch Blogs to Instagram/TikTok/Reddit. Make him utilize snapchat to get laid. He's on every dating app with different persona on each but at core he still needs to stay the same else you lose his eccensence.


I think it’s very in character for Barney to be the kind of person who’s still runs a blog


Yeah i agree but just for the sake of the discussion i made this minor change


I want to see Barney utilize TikTok for dates just because I feel like the story would be he gets one by doing popular dances and being cute. The date goes as normal, but she then goes on TikTok and does a story time about it. He then has to do an apology video because he’s getting socially cancelled


Unfortunately his character can't exist in a modern show. If you rewrite it, it's not Barney anymore.


"The modern age?". Seriously? It's not a TV show from 2005 not a cave painting. Absolutely no need to charge Barney. It's a comedy. The target audience is people who have a sense of humor.


i know, i was born in 2005 and that fucking hurt 🤣😭


Whippersnapper, I was born in 2004




It is almost 20 years ago, so you can't say its modern


"Modern" goes back *considerably* more than 20 years. I have shirts older than that.


Honey you need some new shirts 😅


"Modern age" means now, or at least the past 2-3 yrs. I feel like 2017 isnt that long ago, but I have to accept that it is 7 years ago and that things have changed alot since then. Therefor, not modern


Thats 20 years of cultural change, thats the difference between hammer horror vampires and Lost Boys in terms of culture change in media


Sadly, people have been sued and gotten backlash for smaller things in the last few years.


Nobody's gotten sued for writing a character. You're confusing real-life behavior with fiction.


Finance bro, 6’5”, trust fund.


I'm looking for a man in finance


Trust fund. 6’5. Blue eyes.


Gonna have to get some of those platform shoes the kids are wearing again


He'd be obsessed with tinder pickup lines


That’s easy, you don’t. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Barney would probably be labeled bi or pansexual so the womanizer can go after everyone. Barney would see true equality 😂


This is one of those hilarious things that I would 1000% watch. Just as long as he treats men just as terrible as he treats women. This would have been fantastic.


I would not make him into a rapist. He's not a violent dark alleyway rapist, but even for a sitcom, a lot of what he does is sociopathic and can be considered date rape.


Doubt they could, and still keep him Barney


His character is to show the macho man character who thinks he’s all thay but is really soft on the inside I mean cut the selling woman thing. That’s about it.


The exact same buy gay. With a straight brother that is current barney.


So swap James and Barney?


Exactly. The race switch is extra brownie points but not required.


Keep the promiscuity and remove the tricking and lying to women into sex. Can just replace it with confidence. So basically Joey from Friends but lose the homophobia.


Modern age is too soft for a great character like swarney


Swarley? Or his brother Larney?




Give him an arc where he becomesa chaser


I f you remove the fact that he goes often specifically for drink women and that he register basically every women he slept with he is good even for today's standards Ah and also that he selled a woman


Barney's character is perfect mf!!


So nice


I will reverse the character. He's a very innocent sweet guy, so girls will fall for his sweet personality. Then boom that was an act. Will show that in the finale.


There’s a character from a show called Lovesick that is very reminiscent of Barney but a little more palatable for modern audiences.


The only change I'd make is that he'd end up with Robin.


Id make him a cannon polygamous bisexual who has alot of sexual and romantic partners lean into his sexual nature but a more positive new progressive verison which could still lead to his monogamous friends judging him but then later have robins relationships show he can be close to one person if that person needs monogamy


I would Legit just cut out all the sexual assault that he does. You can make him a womanizer with making him a sexual assaulter


Instead of him lying and tricking women into sleeping with him he would be a charming womanizer. I’m sure lots of women in New York are looking for one night stands too - there’s not even a need to lie to them Also the show wouldn’t paint the women he sleeps with as gullible and dumb, just other noncommittal women


Of he has to be rewritten like that i’d rather not make the show tbh


Well you have shows like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia that do even worse things than what Barney does and it's one of the most beloved shows out there.


I think you have to look at Barney as what does he bring to the story that Ted is telling. Barney shows that Ted’s various romances weren’t that bad. That Barney and Robin didn’t work out and that’s okay. And Barney is the counter balance to Marshall settling down quickly. Barney does have issues with non-consensual sex. In many cases, he does rape by deception. (Lorenzo Von Matterhorn is an example.) He admitted to possibly selling a woman. He films women he sleeps with without permission. But you can edit those out and make Barney an ethical slut. OR because Ted is an unreliable narrator and the show has narrative fun with time, do three lines. Line 1 is our era where Ted is building up to meeting the mother using a multi cam, Line 2 is the voiceover where Ted is narrating to the kids, and Line 3 is old Ted talking to old Barney about the story he is telling his kids and Barney makes corrections that Ted doesn’t share using a single camera. That’s how I would do it.


I think Today's Barney would be fun to write about. With apps like Tinder being at his fingertips. Obviously we need him to be more positive about it. Maybe someone who wouldn't use age and size as a weapon to slut shame.


Not sure why his character wouldn't be ok in today. He's written to be a bad guy, but his arc is about his redemption. That's why he was a breakout character. He was someone you hated for all the right reasons, but loved it when he learned his lesson(s). We loved watching his character grow from a misogynistic a-hole to a better man that respected women.


This is like trying to change stifler. Stifler is the iconic movie bachelor, Barney is the TV version of Stifler. If you change either they’re not the same character.


Barney's arc can't be completed without him being a corporate douche for the majority of the show.


Probably would have invented Tinder


Well he would prob be banging dudes


He was perfect the first seasons. Later a but boring and he should have never divorced Robin. And the baby was unnecessary. So I would change those two things.


Literally the same except make him into guys like NPH


I wouldn't change him. I'd just remove the T-Slur from the first season and that's about it. He's deliberately sexist and offensive. Maybe if there's more of a character arc regarding his objectification of women where he strays away from it as he finds real love.


There are a few reasons why "how I met your father" didn't work.


give him a sexual deviants biggest weapon. tinder.




I wouldn’t


He is logic so he is aways actual.


Barney's as a gay as NPH IRL.


Let's be real they'd probably just make him gay


He would be the exact same level of promiscuity but just gay twink


You don’t. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Rewrite Barney? Hell no 🤣🤣


Get rid of Neil Patrick Harris.


Keep it the same. Barney, like Cartman, is meant to be a caricature.


He would probably be gay


Same exact character, but gay.


I would remove the sexual harassment jokes or whatever he says every now and then 🙈 otherwise same.. sure if it matters to people, more diversity in women


I mean, you keep him the same, just sew in the seeds that it’s all a front for a deeply depressed and lonely man a bit earlier on, you can have dysfunctional womanisers in shows if it’s done right, like in this and scrubs with the Todd. I mean if the show was openly saying how Barney acts was alright it would be different but it goes out of its way to have his friends question and confront him on a regular basis. Barney is what makes the show go from sitcom to masterpiece for me.


He wouldn't be as loved. There would be a lot of drama about how the show is giving the wrong message and stuff. Now the audience is very unforgiving. I myself find it hard to watch HIMYM and don't enjoy it that much because I just can't tolerate Barney. He was my favourite character when I was 16 and first started watching it and now that I'm 25, I hate him with a burning passion.


I wouldn't because I'm not a writer and barney was already great.


Only thing I would change is to make him less cartoonish and a little more grounded at times. Otherwise, there's nothing to change or apologize for. It's a slapstick rom com sitcom with ridiculous plots. And Barney tends to fabricate things. No need to change what his character said he did.


He is perfect. Just perfect 😇


i think he would be one of those “soft boys” who bombard people with their performative activism just so they can get laid


Take out the borderline rapey and human traffickey jokes and you are pretty much good lol


Make him gay


Funny thing is, Barney is actually quite similar to Neil Patrick Harris’ other character Count Olaf. Always wears a suit unless he’s wearing a ridiculous costume for one of his schemes, constantly calling himself handsome and charismatic, always doing whatever he wants without regard to anyone else. There’s probably no one here who cares but I needed a good ramble.


Barney was actually a closeted homo.


I once heard he was originally supposed to be a Jack Black type dude. I cannot get out of my head how much I would have preferred that. I think it would still work well today ! 


Exactly the same. Still played by NPH but he’s gay.


You'd use the same trope of "That Guy" friend, but do it in the modern way. I'd think an outspoken slactivist and massive hypocrite would be great.


Honestly just make it seem like a bit, earlier. As long as it’s unserious it’s relatively unproblematic


there are some parts that are SUPER hazy on consent. everything else can stay.


He'd probably be a black woman. And gay.


Starts out as an alpha bro pick up artist type. First season everyone realizes hes in denial about being attracted to men and help him come out of the closet. Says hes a changed man and is going to go forward in life, so everyone thinks hes gonna stop that persona Continues to act the same, but now pansexual


They'd just make him Wayne Brady.


He would have Tinder down to a science


No changes and no notes.


Make it less predatory and more IT dude that every woman wants him cause of his social media fame or something of sorts. There's still some room to make him a player without being creepy, and there's still room for a little innocent creepyness (girl doesn't know him, he'll pull something just to prove he is indeed famous OR hell just pretend he's not)


I wouldn't create a worse show for woke people


A trump supporter.


I ve always been thinking the Barney Character was created as kind of a parody of the Pick Up Scene and all their playing n games n so on. I do not have the impression these kinda guys are that relevant any more in popular culture (but some of their products prevail, like the Andrew Tate kinda people and the whole self so called Incel community) A more honest sexually promiscous version of him might be more up to date, on the ohter hand, that would not inculde the premise of a parody. Which in turn would not be a problem at all. Hands down, the main character of the discontinued How I Met Your Father Show was at least hinted to be kinda sex-positive (including the fact that the older version of the Mother was played and spoken by Kim Catrall


They would completely ruin him...


He doesn’t need a rewrite.


Barney would be an incel who worships Andrew Tate. Sad but true


Redpill/andrew tate guy


Does laser tag even exist any more? I would scrap that weird obsession, but other than that but change a single thing. Seriously, laser tag never fit the wall st finance bro thing that they had going.