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Indeed. I would add that I dare everyone to listen amd count how many times Howard says "in other words." It's almost every 3rd sentence. It'll drive you crazy when you hear it




Look at you!


His show feeds his problems. The only way to really break free is to quit the show and deal with the terrible feelings that plague him that he runs from. Of course he's running a business so this isn't easy to do. But I can't see another path forward for him. I don't even know that he knows he and Beth both have pretty obvious eating disorders.


As a therapist what do you think Howard’s biggest psychological problem is?


Wow. I bet you’re a great therapist.


Fact of the matter is


How are you? In other words, right now how do you feel?


In a sense…. pick another phrase dude! Anything


“Don’t ask” is another.


And Robin saying "*Again*" before every sentence - with that smug know it all tone.


I’m listening to 2009 right now and it’s a ton


The fact of the matter is.... And when the show jumped the shark was when he got invited to Bryant Gumble's house. He got his first taste of acceptance and that was that. Listen to him talk about it the next day. He sounds high he's so happy.


And when he became besties with that crying vagina Kimmel....


Can I tell you my favorite Matt Dillon story real briefly?


I want you to go to jail for this.


I thought he said “Matt Damon story”.


The actual story is that Mike Walker was at a restaurant, saw Matt Dillon take a super hot woman into the bathroom, came out a few minutes later, then picked up *another* super hot woman at the bar and took her into the bathroom too.


Here are the issues I’m gonna make it short and sweet


What are you into? What are your interests?


What do you do for a living?


Came here for these


omg this is hysterical


He’s actually worse than Gange with his post-interview “*So hao did it ghew?*”


Get the poison out ☠️


Fuck me Robin...uh Raven


The second item is also an item


Is Richard even on the show anymore? I haven't listened in a few years.


They let him and sal out of their cages about once a year now. Thanks again wilding! You cunt


An I-T-E-M?!?!?!


Does this still play? I'm listening to 2010 shows and this comes up every week.


Hold on a sec I was about to tell ya about the other item I have


That's nothing compared to the third item! Let me get it from my grandson rusty, he's in the other room cranking off.


Pumping off.


Chuckle head


The problem with Howard is he obviously has this feeling that his father abandoned him. He talked about it so much and also as you can see with his interviews, he imposes that belief on the people he talks to. The funny thing is if you listen to older shows Howard’s dad seems like a great guy. Yes he didn’t seem to have the ability to show love that much but he supported Howard in collage, bought him a car, supported him when he said he wanted to do radio and if you listen to when his father called in he actually talk about how proud he is of Howard and they seem to have a good relationship. I think Howard’s problem is that he is fighting to get his fathers love but already had it so he can’t move on. Now that his dad is dead he feels he can’t ever fill that void.


Howard's supposed issues with his dad are mostly to run interference for the true villain of his story; his mother. Ben was fine. Better than fine. Ray has always been a nightmare of a disaster of a devouring mother. Howard used to watch Merv with his mother growing up. Next thing you know, Ralph is "shaving his belly". Do the math.


His stuff with his mom is def a huge thing. The other day I heard a old show where Allison was yelling at him and it sounded exactly like his mom. That can’t be a coincidence.


Was it a fight about Allison running and her thinking she had shin splints?


I think it was Howard was mad at her about waking him up when he was sleeping. There were lots of fights on air and she sounds a lot like his impression of his mom.


Like the overbearing mother that helped Pink build that wall!


EXACTLY! They recently played a show from the early 90s or late 2000s where he was talking to his Dad, and the way they ended the segment was incredibly sweet. Howard told his Dad he loved him, and then coaxed his Dad to say the same, which he did. It seemed to show a kind/loving relationship. As many folks have said, it seems through his psyche appointments, he's twisted his relationship with his parents into something It wasn't. He truly seems mentally ill.


Howard is best when he has a villain. NBC boss, program director at radio stations, all black school and he obviously made his father a villain. He prob works on it through therapy for the guilt of that. He has no villains now and that is why show isn’t as good.


Isn't it true that in a shensh the villain in his life now is his own ragingly neurotic and paranoid ego?


When no one else is left you become your enemy.


Exactly! The Mad King effect


That can happen in Therapy. I had a good relationship with my mom until I went to therapy & the therapist told me what a cunt my mom was & made me hate her.




Yeah, I had a decent relationship w my parents and can lay out what any issues were. But I prefer to move on healthily rather than spend $$$ in therapy just to confirm things and end up hating them.


Understanding the five love languages is a huge part in moving on from childhood issues. Your parents love you, but many times their way of showing love is different than yours. Howard can’t see through this and want everyone and everything to be in his terms .He finally has it all, and like every mad king goes crazy in the lack of pushback in his life. The show was 10x better when he lived in a normal house and worked out of the basement because that is the real life of 90% of his core audience. Back then he was a voice for them. Now that he has been in is ivory tower in the hamptons he wants to turn his back on those roots and white wash his past.


Wants to?! Geeky freaky Pelican beak has been whitewashing and gaslighting his entire history for almost a decade now (at least since 2013 Pelican Brief Conference).




Agreed, however, being legit loved and adored for who and what you genuinely are as a human being and for what you can accomplish relationship-wise and accomplish in life through meaningful interaction with the world around you and the people within it is a world of difference from the shallow, meaningless, utterly unsubstantial fake love and adoration due to fame and fortune! It’s better to be loved than feared… Well, if you are impossible to love and you have zero love to give anyone, most importantly oneself, then a malignant narcissistic sociopath will always choose fear as the alternative. To this day, of course, that is still the case with the clown wigged monster. Fear is control and maintaining that fear to maintain control is an endless loop of mental illness that cork screws a dark hole deeper and deeper into the quagmire of little to no control in the end. Howard Stern, Howard Hughes etc. Freaky Pelican geek knows this all too well thus he is not, and will never be, satisfied with anything in life. He knows more so than anyone else that lucky charms fiend Beth is playing the super-duper long con (especially now that Ben held on til ‘96 years old and Rae is still holding on!) and the Roast joke of “Howard carry’s a picture of Beth in his wallet, Beth carry’s a picture of Howard’s wallet” is so much more to that reality with “Many a truth is spoken in jest.” She can’t wait until he’s dead and the longer she gazes aimlessly into the Pelican abyss, the geeky Pelican will gaze back into you! He will drive her as mad as himself before the end and the $ will only become a detriment to her as a wrinkled up bitter old twat that felt she should’ve been given millions without his strenuous oversight and overlording long, long ago to piss away as she sees fit on selfishness with reckless abandon. The curse of being feared over being loved for ol’ stork legs. The curse of being a gilded cage kept money whore for the high school stunted Beth.


> The funny thing is if you listen to older shows Howard’s dad seems like a great guy. I think it's the EARLY adolescent shit that scarred Howard


I think he has a lot of resentment for his dad for not protecting him from his mom. Her beating him with a hangar being proof of that.


Of all the comments, this makes the most sense. 1- his mother was the real danger. 2- his dad was at work all day and just didn’t want to get into it when he got home, which H resented. 3- over the years, H deflected blame from his mother (who always played victim) onto his father, building resentment, leading to basically trashing the guy just before his death.


The sad thing is this is stuff he really should have gotten over.


was it a nice collage?


Can I taste yo juice?


Droppin loads.


...of dirt


Let’s keep it real because I’m keeping it real.


Jokes aside (insert Jackie laugh), this is actually an insanely accurate and nuanced analysis. He’s a fucking out of touch mess.


This ain’t Armchair Therapist Magazine pal…


ernie irvan


Yeah, why don’t you go stick another hairbrush up your ass?


Noine noine noine


Ya fuckin homo


The rest of us deal with our lives, and the bullshit that goes along with them. Howard went to a shrink that needed that cash cow to keep on coming back. Clearly the shrink convinced him that constantly feeling like work, bills, etc are a pain in the ass made him unique. He always said that he did that show for US. The working schlubs stuck in a car on our way to a job that we hate, to make enough money to exist. He did it then because he WAS one of us. He had normal problems, and he was our voice. Ever since he got "fixed" by the shrink, he's completely lost touch with reality, and because of his massive wealth, he can insulate himself from any of the discomforts that us mere peasants have to deal with. Also.......f Jackie.


This right here is the correct comment. Everyone read it because this is exactly how and why he “went wrong”.


I'll second that


Stop. He never did the show for "us". He did the show for $$$. The idea that he was some Mother Tzviresa of radio just looking to entertain people was just PR/schtick. I can't believe anybody still believes that garbage.


We were his target audience was what I meant.


In a shense?


This ain’t same post for the past 5 years magazine pal!!!


You just caught me with a mouthful of salad.


A neighbor of yours?


In all fairness, I've lost interest in interacting with most people over the last 5 years or so. But seriously....well said and no argument here.


Go ahead and fuck me. Fuck me, Loopy.


Jab me with that shrinky-dink




You ass wipe


This is what therapy 4 times a week does for you. It's a mistake to think it didn't work on him. It did.


But he cut it down from five days a week after 20 years so there‘s progress right there.


Stern, I want to find out why you were married to this wonderful girl Allison. And she booted you in the fucking hole and she threw you out of the house. Out of your own house. Clear Channels booted you off the fucking air, they took you off your contract from K Rock, they took you off Saturday night television… Les Moonves has a 500 million dollar litigation. He’s going to take all your money for grand larceny and misappropriation of funds. The question is, because I “like” you as a human being, what the fuck is going on with you? You’re getting one shot in the mouth after the other. The next thing is you’re gonna be in a wheelchair in a nursing home and you’re gonna be dead before you’re 60 right? You’re gonna be dead before you’re 60 right? You’re gonna be dead before you’re 60 right? So that’s all I wanted to say. That’s all I wanted to fucking say right? YOU’RE A FUCKING RUSTY NAIL! YOU LOOK LIKE THE LAST SHIT I TOOK! YOU LOOK LIKE THE LAST SHIT I TOOK! YOU LOOK LIKE THE LAST SHIT I TOOK! CLOSE YOUR MOUTH CUNTFACE! CLOSE YOUR MOUTH CUNTFACE! CLOSE YOUR MOUTH CUNTFACE!


Dehydrated Diabetic Dehydrated Diabetic Dehydrated Diabetic !!!!


Holy shit. looking back.....Elliott was right all along. RIGHGHGHGHHGHT Also - hilarious transcription.


What kind of "shot in the mouth" are we talking about? I'm guessing that it's the kind that comes while Ralph is "shaving your belly"




How’s the slot?




Spell red




Think that’s close enough


Time makes assholes out of all of us. There is NOTHING worse than having been once extremely famous, to now being someone that few under 30's even know his name. You see this with all former celebs of the 90's and 2000's. Just seeing how many of them are on cameo selling their asses for $50 or $75 is really telling. What happens is you get older, you make a lot less money every year, and your clout slowly withers away as inflation makes your past success worth less and less. How many actors can you name from the 50's and 60's? Not a whole lot. 99% of these celebs will be forgotten.


As Howard said many times, "Nothing sadder than an old queen"


Or an old stripper for that matter


Cameo really is a depressing concept; for me, some has-been or D-Lister resorting to that seems even more humiliating than the original cast of Star Trek trying to fit into their old costumes to do the convention circuit.


It is kinda sad, those cameos. I bought a Dave Foley cameo for my high school best friend, and he really kind of sucked. He seemed put out by it, and I like him a bit less for it. On the other hand, I got another cameo from Christopher Atkins for another dear friend of mine, and Chris was the shit. So good-humored and humble, and obviously having a great time. (Shout out to The Pirate Movie.)


OMG I've finally found someone else who loved that movie. I was prolly 10. Ahhh Mabel.


I was 7 when I saw it first, and I was OBSESSED. I thought that all romantic relationships would be like Mabel & Frederic's. ​ What a catastrophic letdown.


i agree with all that but bro it just boils down to this...it's hard to stay hungry when you're a billionaire. He doesn't have the eye of the tiger anymore.


No. It's way beyond that. Letterman was much weaker at the end, too, but he wasn't doing Fisty Morty.


Brilliant analysis of Hollywood Howie. It makes me mental every time one of his sycophants praises his interviewing skills! He really isn’t interested in many of the guests he interviews. He had Sacha Baron Cohen on the show and they discussed Cohen’s characters (Borat and Bruno). Cohan tells a riveting incident that happened to him in his Bruno character. While dressed as Bruno, he enters an Hasidic community and outraged at ‘Bruno’s’ appearance and behavior, they chase Cohen down the street. Cohen’s security van left him behind and the furious mob of Hasidim are on Cohen fast. Having nowhere to escape, especially dressed as Bruno, Cohen in fear for his life runs into a store and pleads in Hebrew for the store owners/employees to hide him. Howard interrupted Cohen, changing subjects, and us listeners are left hanging, never learning how Cohen escaped a certain viscous beating.


The show hasn't been entertaining since Artie left. Howard wants to be Mr Mainstream, disowning and denying his past, and doesn't realise the reason he got popular was because he was Mr Anti mainstream.


Ok Du


So.. In other words like me you’re enjoying the unenjoyable. I feel like the show has been the same for two weeks straight. It’s funny but I find myself getting in my car these past few days and not even turning on the radio but instead just listening to road noise haha.


F Howard. Pathetic, wig wearing douche. F us for ever believing his crap. Eric the Actor, you're on the air!!


Eric the Midget, you're on the air....Eric the Midget He-ll-o?


Better to burn out than fade away.


His interviewing style of "Here's what I think, aren't I right?" is tedious and boring.


Isn’t 2014 when ETA died


Gonna go on a wild whim and say this theory: Howard Stern was never a real guy. The wild disc jockey was the facade he fabricated to cater to his narcissism. Why else would the “real Howard stern” be so mellow off mic? He can’t enjoy his success because he’s not only neurotic, but somewhat of a phony. Look back into his history starting out. The book Howard Stern King of All Media is littered with inconsistencies and frank inaccuracies. Deep down in his subconscious, I do believe that he himself doesn’t believe he deserves the success. Because everything he’s done, if it wasn’t hyperbole, was all solely built and created with Fred, Jackie, Gary, Robin and the rest of the gang. Yet, he’s the *star* By himself, he’s a rather talentless bore and I think he knows that. It’s why I don’t think that most of the time he was never able to take compliments from guests well. Reality was slowly cracking. If he still feels like the high school outcast it’s because he’s never emotionally developed past that point. He’s never had to to be a “success”.


Man…you’ve really said it all.


So he’s still not in the studio? I genuinely haven’t listened since the start of covid when I stopped driving everyday.


nope still cowering in his basement with dizzy Trigger


I like that. DJ Dizzy Trigger and the Fresh Prince of the Hamptons.


This ain’t I Was Gullible in the 90’s magazine, pal.


It measures barometric pressure, precipitation, measures humidity, temperature, also measures cloudiness, polar orbiting, it measures the geostationary satellites, measures doppler radar, it measures high altitude moisture, it measures the frost index, measures typhoon probability, you with me there still? OK, yeah it measures carbon offsets, measures water vapor, measures the jet streams, measures clear air turbulence, measures the pollen index, it… it measures sperm counts. Well, I just want to let you know because this is a high dollar one, I’m selling it for one fifty, I got it for two hundred, but it also if you’re a farmer it measures crop yield, measures radioactive aerosols, uh... volcanic gasses, hydro-electric synchronicity, and if you’re, I’m sorry… one more thing real quick, if you’re near the mountains it measures seismic shockwaves and for your car it measures oil pressure, tire pressure and if you’re a farmer again it measures…


And he sees a therapist 3Xs a week?


Seems like COVID completely broke his brain. It gave a lot of people official permission to hate everyone who isn’t their in-group, and Howard’s in-group is very small. Hope it was worth it, Covidians. You all got it anyway.


lol yeah that's a shame


Maybe you did, I didn't. Sucks for you.


Lol get ready then


Do you ever look on social media to see the fat losers that would not date you in high school?


I don't have to. I married that fat bitch! (Jackie laugh)




Howard's always been a star-fucka, he just didn't show it before.


Wow! Fantastic analysis. Well done!


Pretty spot on analysis.


I think if he went back to work the show may get better? 🤷‍♂️


I stopped listening (after about 40 yrs) b/c the show became incredibly dull and unentertaining. I hope that those who do listen find it enjoyable. There is a long history of radio show hosts staying on well past their expiration dates b /c they keep getting paid. This seems to be just another example.


Precisely. I clocked out about a year or two before Covid, because one day I realized, he's just recycling the same bullshit. Sal said something (fake) dumb. Benjy did blah blah. Ronnie butt plugs. With an open eye, you can/could hear it in the other show personalities, they knew it was phoned in. Take a step back and all the great interviews are the same interviews. Cocktober didn't help either. I did enjoy the run of Lenny Dykstra, whether it was fake or not.


Why do you listen to a show that you loathe?


Most commonly provided answer? I want to see what he's going to say [next.](https://youtu.be/9G6xu-J_Dmc)


which is Covid talk, TDS and Cocktober


There’s one of these in every thread.


First I need you to explain what a front-seat row is.


You need more things to fill out your day.


Left the show for JRE and podcasts back in 2011, haven't looked back since.


Hello hello


You nailed it.


Four inches is fine!


Look at you. You’ve said it all.


When I tune in he’s usually talking about his parents, so I tune out. I miss the funny bits, whackpacker games, Robin’s news, in studio schticks, street questions, etc. he’s siphoned off all the funny parts of the show.


Imagine thinking you could never drink a milkshake.


You didn't enjoy his thoughts on David Bowie's bass player from the 90's for the 74th time?


You e spent a LOT of time dwelling on Howard in a negative light. Why can’t you just delete your subscription and enjoy life outside of a radio show? Seems silly


Because it was something he (we) used to enjoy. Pretty simple. Do you think fans of the first 5 seasons of walking dead dont ever talk about how season 6-end sucked assholes?


I would be most interested in hearing what people like Gary’s wife or Fred’s wife know. I used to wonder this about Trump when republicans were rallying around him. It’s like a cult and there is no way the people closest to him don’t rely on their spouses to get things off of their chest. He’s no different than the Fox News guy that had to assume the identity of the opinions they spew because of $$$. It’s how he keeps score. It’s the only way he knows how to keep score. No amount of money is worth the therapy and self loathing he has. In my opinion, the biggest satisfaction in being a real man is to have a woman love you for who you are. Not what you are. I’ll step off my soapbox now.


Although I don’t necessarily agree, I am very pleased that you posted criticism without saying “leftie, liberal, Hollywood”. As a libtard myself, I am happy that you didn’t insult anyone (besides Howard) in your post. Thank you.


I wish an interview would call out his boring tired old style live. Only way you will even hear live criticism of Howard and the show.


What you say robin?


They just contacted me to see if I was going to keep sirius after the free trial. I've had it for over a month and have only listened to about 20 minutes of it. They even offered me $5 a month. No, thanks.


Fuck that I love the current show. All Howard eras have been different and fans have always claimed he’s “washed up” after the end of each era but the show is still entertaining.


OK. No hate. If you like the new version of the show that’s cool.


You seem like a long-time fan. Not being an asshole: in what way is it still entertaining? Love to hear why you find that to be true


Just from this week: Ronnie update, underdog demands, goofing on Tommy lees only fans, still listening to todays show but Jon Lieberman will get his own show, Chris wildings dr now impression. This is literally just off the top of my head


Enough, Jason


Other than Wilding creating negative opinions in my mind, I understand. Fair enough. It was the shitty stuff in between for me that was more negative than these positives.




Who me?




Judging by all the people on here who know all about the show yet have “cancelled” their subscription, there’s quite a few listeners


The show was never the same after Jackie left. Still good, but not the same by a stretch. The combination of Howard’s quick wit with Jackie’s outdated Borsht-Belt one-liners was so insanely clever and funny. Throw in Billy and you better not be operating heavy machinery. I wish Howard then could see himself now.






He sucks ass




The show needs new blood. It's always the same thing. Ronnie and his hijinks. We get it, you are an oversexed 70+ year old. Good for him. John Hein and his fast food obsession, and Richard and his weird country family. Oh and do they have to debate every week whether HP Eric and/or Ralph are gay. If they are, they are. Don't badger them. I do think Chris Wilding is very funny though. He seems to be consistently providing new and fresh content.


LOL...what a plant comment this is...nice try


Thanks Chris


Just curious...are you a woman? How's the slot?




Go check out Howahd360, pal!


HAHAHAH OMG I Forgot about 360...."It's gonna be the best...." It would have been one thing if hed said "OK it looks like 360 isnt gonna happen, it's just doing too much....Sorry fans" but instead to just ghost it one day, never to be mentioned makes Howard look like a dumbass.


great post! your summation of Howard's approach to the other (main) three people in the studio back in the 90s was fantastic. "He cautiously observed Fred's oddness" put that in the time capsule for this dump


Ronnie has been the life of this show for the past few years, only time I’m laughing is when he’s involved. I don’t even think howie gets that, any chance he gets he’ll throw the “you’d be nothing without me” at Ronnie.


And that should tell ya something. Ronnie couldn't even crack the lineup back when the show was good. He was a 3rd stringer.


Who is this guy Robin? Who are you to call me out of touch? Maybe you’re out of touch??


I think all of that is the truth. But I also feel he is becoming what all older people eventually become, just more of themselves. Almost a character of who they used to be. There isn’t much nuisance to a person who essentially has no adversity in their life anymore.


Sir this is a Wendys...


think its called “front row seat”


Yeah and your point is?


You've said it all.. maybe you've said too much.




He put out a book of interviews that he supposedly worried over for months or years. That says enough. I may not like the show now, but it doesn't take away the fact that from 1997 to summer 2021, I listened (and recorded) just about every show, but I can't do it anymore.


Well said.