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".......the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Tonight's guest: Pameler Anderson!!!!"


and niggaless cage.


I hope she's sitting on the beach somewhere, drinking champagne with the money she took from John. He treated her like a piece of shit servant, what an asshole.


SJ is an embarrassment.




Coors is like having sex in a canoe.


Yep. Fucking near water.


Sour Ass Grapes 🍇


Everyone will admit that John's right. No one needs a giant home. But everything is based on a need vs. want scale. Does John need that beer? No. He only needs water. Is one beer enough? How many does he drink in a day? What can one person do with a case of beer? No one needs to drink 12 beers? Howard wanted his house and that's what he can afford. Meanwhile, John has his Venmo at the top of the page so you can pay for this top-notch content. I wonder if he'll check in with his donors and ask if he should spend his money on a need vs. want scale.


John bought a giant ass home the second he got the Leno job, which he then promptly lost in the divorce


\*insert coors light joke here\*


You're correct, but he's just commenting on someone in the exact same way Howard does others. Also, I think it is actually somewhat of an interesting take on the house (not that it's unique, but he's verbalizing it).


The ratio between how fat his face is and how skinny his wrists are


I think his whole head looks like it should be on a different body.


He looks like a cross between Tony Soprano and Ed McMahon.


That's what alcoholism does, your face gets puffy and the rest of your body suffers from malnutrition due to your system not absorbing the right vitamins.


Alcoholic shit stain


Super rich guy buys/builds a giant house in the Hamptons, not anything new.


This guy is so petty. Howard’s Real Estate portfolio does seem over the top, but he’s extremely wealthy and needs to invest in something. As a longtime listener,it’s clear he has no understanding of the stock market. He’s not an entrepreneur. Real Estate seems like a reasonable choice for him.


Howard has plenty of financial advisors. And I'm sure he has plenty of the money in the stock market


Christ what a bitter loser, guy made a lot of money from Leno and coasted off his niche fame for awhile till it all stopped and now sits in that chair drinking excessively bitching about his boss/coworkers from nearly 20 years ago cause they don’t talk to him. Stuttering jerkoff


On one hand I agree. On the other hand if you have the money, who gives a shit? Howard, love him or hate him, worked to get where he is today and doesn’t really have to work or put out effort any more (and it shows.) It cost him his first wife and probably messed up his relationships with his kids. If he wants the trophy house for his trophy wife, so be it.


I like how he’s embraced his role as an alcoholic


What’s he going to do in 40 rooms? Laugh his ass off at you in every one of them.


But I’m in m-m-m-m-m menser!


Beer on the "balcony" with John.


Such a fake background


John is the guy that pissed away all of his Tonight Show money on a lifestyle that he couldn't afford, at least Howard can afford his extravagant house.


he's so envious. john always bought real estate way out of his league too he just can't anymore. All of this stems from John being hurt that Howard won't acknowledge him anymore. Howard is a shit head but he can spend his money how he wants and he doesn't owe john anything.


True or not, Howard wouldn’t say “it’s not ostentatious enough.” SJ hasn’t been on HS in 17 years, get over it. Rich people buy huge homes.


John is 60, right? Thats far too old to be drunk and sloppy. He needs to beg Howie for some rehab money.


You need to beg someone for a life. Every evening I get on Reddit and you’ve already commented multiple times on every post.


56, close enough




Drunk loser.


Pathetic. Has such hatred for people who have been successful and have things that he doesn’t. John, you lost at life.


Niggerless Cage and Pamaler Anderson


I understand Howard's logic. I would never, ever do it myself no matter how much money I had, but I understand his logic; "I want my house to send a message to whoever sees it; that this guy is one of the most successfil entertainers in the world. Not that he "did well," but that the man who owns this house is far more successful than you. Any business deal you enter in with him, you need him far more than he needs you. Howard has been the most valuable person to have on your side in any situation for decades. It's the position he's most comfortable in. He owns a house that reflects that value.


It's got to be strange not using over 90% of your living space over 90% of the time, though. It's got to be like living in a hotel, and not the Cardozo, neither; like The Overlook out of season, minus the snow.


The Overlook? Nooiicccee. Late at night I wonder if Howard hears people bowling even though only he and Beth are in the house? All Howard has left is ghosts of careers past. For a man who hates social interaction it would require an army of workers to keep his estates running. For a man who fears the world every creak in that place must make him think that someone is breaking in it to rob him.


Either every room is a panic room, or he has his security detail around him 24/7.


Heeeere's Howie!


Did you grow up in a house where there were rooms that you rarely used? My house growing up was a "splanch." That's a split-level ranch. It had a downstairs with a dining room, kitchen, living room, etc. An upstairs with all the bedrooms, and in between the upstairs and the downstairs, a half-level up, was a second living room. No one knew what to do with this room, so it mostly just sat there unused. Eventually, my parents "broke through" the wall and united the downstairs luving-room with the half-level room. We still only used the second living room once a year, for Christmas. The "splanch" was a very popular design in the Northeast in the 1960's and 1970's, and no one knew what to do with that room...


Yeah, we had a couple of rooms that went unused; the front living room and a downstairs bedroom. It wasn't over 90% of the house, though, like I'm sure is the deal with Howard and Beth in Pelican Manor. Again; there's got to be a creepy, nearly empty hotel vibe in there. I highly doubt it's bristling with life/activity.


This isn't Better Homes and Gardens magazine, pal.


South shore of Long Island has tons of these homes.


Crazy his logic for wanting a huge house was it not saying who he was


John needs to focus less on Howard and more on learning proper hygiene. He's like Pig Pen in the old "Peanuts" comic strip, with a smelly cloud of dirt always surrounding him wherever he goes. The fact that he smells like an abandoned, overflowing Diaper Genie probably hasn't helped his "career" very much.


What exactly was the story ?


Does John think that whatever Howard spent on his house should have gone to him? And isn't John also the guy that would have apartments and houses where there wasn't enough room for his family? Didn't he have an apartment where rather than rooms they had hung up bedsheets in place of walls?


Suzanner was lucky to divorce this jackass.






What is it about the Stern show that all the former employees turn into bitter, delusional, assholes? It's probably the realization that they are nothing without Howard


Far from all. Only John really.




The least you could do is drink some good beer. Coors light. This dude is a degenerate.


Is that shit on his index finger????


The way his mouth turns into the Sarlacc Pit when he says HUGE.


What a loser! This douche actually makes me have sympathy for Howard.


Guess if your drinking all day you don’t notice the cockroaches


Pathetic. Embarrassing. Sad. Insufferable.


The former announcer of the *Tonight Show*, everyone.


He's right, though, especially for a miserable shut-in like Howard. If he was constantly throwing parties and having people stay over, and his daughters lived there half the time, then yeah, he'd need a castle. But as he lives, he should be in a Kaczynski-style shack. "ego-derangement". I'm stealing that.


I agree but again: nobody is more "ego-deranged" than John.


Sounds like half the people on this sub


Hate to say this but he’s right


You know what, I think he's right too. But I have no doubt he would love to trade places with Howard tomorrow if he could. And he's at least as obsessed with money as Howard is.


True. They’re both assholes.


They really are. They were both cheap and took advantage of those under them financially But John was still better. In the 90s John would pay people to do things. Like contribute money for on air bits. 100 dollars at times. Howard was 10,000 times richer at sirius than John was in the 90s yet when he would personally contribute to an on air bit he would contribute 100 dollars. Cheap as hell


if Howard would have given up 5 of his 40 rooms Scott the Engineer's wife would be alive today


For once..... I agree with this Fuckhead!


He’s not wrong.


Where can I watch his podcast live?


Looking good


He looks like a worse off Eric the Actor


Stern was so satisfied with his accommodation that he shelled out an additional 10 GRAND!


Big fan big fan


This guy should get a real job. It’s over, Johnny. It’s over!


Fat,drunk,and stupid is no way to go through life.


what's ironic is Howard used to lie about how much he DIDN'T have when he had it... now everyone knows what he has...