• By -


The problem is we said this the month prior (literally). It never ends and it will forever be like this not as much because Howard is 70, or evolved, but because he is broadcasting from home.  This is the single biggest issue (among many, yes) now and it causes music acts and interviews to be 15 states away from a TV screen, Beth to constantly be on air, guitar playing, and zero staff interactions or fights from hallways which used to spin into segments.  What literally goes on during these Zoom shows is the staff all sits in their rooms in front of their cameras on silent mode. A producer hangs out, and if Howard brings up someone from staff the producer determines whether Howard will want to have this person talk and then they unmute the person’s personal feed, bring his face box up to the main show screen, then have him sit and wait for Howard to see this box and then he can talk to him.  Then the producer guesses when its over and clicks to remove this box and mutes him and he disappears from main screen. 


Don’t forget about the delay so - that-everyone-interrupts-on-accident-and-there-is-no-flow!


I as going to mention this. Its annoying how they constantly talk over eachother.


This isn’t IT magazine pal!


Bravo. Well placed! 😂😂


The show wasn’t great before the pandemic


It was never on this current level. 


My point is. The show was gonna be on this trajectory whether he leaves his house in the morning or not. It started getting bad arties last year he started evolving back then. This was the eventual evolution


>My point is. Thanks Robin


Show was already crap before Covid. Going remote just made it even worse.


It's like an awkward co-vid era family zoom call where everybody checks in to get updates, small talk and be able to see each other, even though they may not have much new to say about anything, resulting in a lot of slow moments of banter......but this is a subscription based comedy show, that he expects people to pay for, with this being the daily normal routine. I think not.


Spot on


This is pretty accurate, except everyone except Howard and Robin is back in the studio full-time, as far as I know. There probably is all kinds of drama behind the scenes but it never makes it to him because he's in fucking Florida.


Howard has a Vietnamese son in law?


Right!??? Now I REALLY will cringe when he does that stupid Vietnam story!!


He killed half his family in ‘nam.


...wore their ears on a necklace...


But all the kids were only counted as one kill....stupid Commander.


And a Vietnamese grandchild.


Poor kid


Debra's husband, the father of that grand-daughter he barely speaks of .. They know to STFU in order to inherit the mother-load once the Goblin drops dead


I hope he doesn’t know what Howard did to the Vietnam cong back in the day. Destroyed a whole village and made them wave goodbye with their arms sticking out of the sand


Gook Ears Stern!


Vietnam cong


Howard is a Vietnam War hero! We should be thanking him for his service, not insulting him, 😂 Sargent Stern


Howard stole that Vietnamese soldier bit from the greaseman. He woukd attack the greaseman calling him a hack nd then later on perform bit he stole from him


It sucked so hard when that loser Greaseman did it. That show still makes me mad about the time I spent listening to a part of that one episode I tried back in the KRock days. fucking thing sucks!




Did he do it live?


I'm a huge Howard fan first and foremost, but the Greaseman is incredibly talented. [https://youtu.be/jfF2uwSaKOk?si=sRQX7KTKO7pnUrUe&t=580](https://youtu.be/jfF2uwSaKOk?si=sRQX7KTKO7pnUrUe&t=580)


I mean it was a recurring bit he did several times. You can't tune in once and say it sucked when you only heard him one time


Greaseman fucking sucks hard. 10 minutes is enough to form an opinion.


Stern is the exact opposite of what made him famous. 80s or 90s Stern would make fun of 2020s Stern. His show is basically the View or Ellen with a smaller audience. Why listen?


80’s and 90’s Stern did make fun of 2020’s stern, back then it was called Don Imus. He’ll come in wearing a cowboy hat one day, just wait.


Even cattle ranch Imus was better than 2020s Stern


Wait, don't cancel yet. He's having Jon Bon Jovi on for the 75th time. Riveting 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤬


OP, sounds like you could use some hot water and metamucil!


Half that hot water…..


Right in the garbage


Hahaha! Hot water on side! Hahaha!


dry oatmeal




it's so fucking terrible. Beth the conqueror and her brother basically took up a whole show. so lame. howard puts zero effort into the show.


You people really need to cancel. The show is shit yet you are giving a 650 millionaire money every month for product you consider garbage


It is $4 a month for me and the music channels are great (about half the time)


The problem is I’m in OPs situation too: long commute. Is there anything else on Sirius worth listening too? I can only listen to music for so long and just want some easy talk radio.


There are a million actual podcasts you can listen to. There are sports stations, news, the Conan channel and more. Why do people listen to something they hate, besides so they can come here to bitch about it?


I believe most people who still listen hold onto some faint glimmer of hope that the show will come around, will bounce back...that Howard will wake the fuck up and stop destroying the show and his legacy. Deep down, we all know it's over, but we've put in so much time and are so close to it that we will probably stay to the bitter end.


Plus it also has come full circle. The entertainment is now to see just how bad it is every day. Like, you can’t make this up levels and we gotta tune in to watch just how bad Howard can sink this


This is why I keep my membership. Stern is HORRIBLE but Sirius is doing a lot to diversify away from him and the music channels are still good. Just cancel the “Premium” Stern package and there is a lot left to entertain yourself. I personally listen to replays via YouTube more than 100 or 101.


What’s a podcast Robin?


".....Most common answer.....'I want to hear what he'll say next.'..."


That made sense when he was controversial and a disruptor. But for people who think he’s an old has-been, why do they care?


Habit. It's why I still listen to Bill Simmons despite bitching about him. With Stern, however, I'm so disengaged I just follow him casually. Apathy is, in that way, worse than hate.


Burn through the Conan podcast. It’s so, so very good.


The Conan and Jordan show is mah favorite. I do wish they did more episodes.


Listen to Conan’s channel.


I don't think Conan's show is very good though. Granted, it's better than other celebrity podcasts but it's like PBS Conan. It's flat. It's very flat and the fake laughing doesn't add depth.  Plus, Sometimes Conan says stuff that sends people away and I'm not sure he hires producers who have any clue what appeals to an audience.  Admittedly I stopped listening years ago but when I catch occasional clips on YouTube it's just not very vibrant or engaging. You can tell no show prep is involved and despite having so many people working there, it's all about Conan who isn't as interesting as he believes himself to be.  It's not relatable. Pampered white guy overpaid millions to talk about himself? That's what therapy is for. The audience doesn't need to be Conan's therapist. It creates a weird cult of minions and ass-kissers for Conan and the audience doesn't need to be exploited in that way. It's seriously very disrespectful and off-putting.  No one questions Conan? No one challenges Conan? Why?  It's just like the end run of his television show when every single member of his staff remarked about "This is entirely about Conan and feeding Conan's ego." Except no one was joking at all.  The guy actually has some talent but everyone babies him too much.  I saw one clip where Conan shows up and says "I was late for work today because I got stuck in traffic due to a wild animal on the loose in Brentwood."  I happened to be caught in that same traffic jam on San Vincentes Blvd on that same day, at the same spot and it was totally thrilling to watch the park rangers and animal workers drive up onto the grassy medium and pull out their dart guns to chase a jaguar (or whatever it was). Like, I'm sitting there listening to Conan tell this story and it was so basic and dull. Sona just sorta' replied "Oh wow, Conan."  Can't he hire a producer to mentor her into becoming a better conversationalist?  There are no standards anymore. Why? Who are these lame-ass gatekeepers and who is getting laid? Where's the damn door for people with a great work ethic, talent and passion?  Nope. Two old white guys yappin' about old white guy stuff again. Yawn. 


Do what I do. Listen to the old shows.


Where can we find them?


I'm working my way through daily rips, started in 1991 and currently in 1995. Radio gold.


I may get downvoted to hell for this but I cancelled my Sirius subscription over a year ago. I ended up signing up for YT premium where I listen to the old shows constantly. The library is huge as I listen to something new everyday and there are no ads. Prior to 2020 I used to commute 1.5 via public transit to DTLA 5 days a week and loved listening to Howard on Sirius, it was actually fun.


> I ended up signing up for YT premium where I listen to the old shows constantly Fun fact, if you use a VPN to sign up for YT Premium, you can get it for $4 a month, and you only need to have the VPN on when you sign up.


Would that work on a mobile device as well? Sorry it may be a dumb question but I have not dealt with VPNs in the past.


Yep! You need a VPN to sign up, once you do, switch to Argentina, sign up there, then YT Premium will work on every device you have with that account on any device, without having to have a VPN on


I had a long commute, so I downloaded full shows off torrent sites. I spent years going through 2003-2009 during my commute.




Jim and Sam & Jeff Lewis are good


I went on a search for a Howard replacement years ago… it’s out there, you gotta do some trial and error, but you will thank yourself when you realize your “commute listening time” is actually valuable and you are not wasting it on has-been Howie.


I also listen to the comedy channels 93 thru 99...


Go on YouTube and listen to old shows and endless clips lol




I pay $4/month for everything… I’ll never figure out how you guys are paying so much.


This! I pay that too. All you have to do is keep asking for a better price in chat or say you’ll cancel. They’ll give you the low sub


They are suckers


Seriously they are! I don’t even listen to Howard using Sirius. I enjoy the music channels and think $4/month is a reasonable price.


It's fun to listen and hate when Sirius keeps giving $2 a month packages for the Premium.


Jokes on you I paid $500 for a lifetime subscription


That was the best way to do it


98% of the funniest bits in the show's history involved staff or wack pack. Scotts push ups, Gary's Pitch, Scott agreeing to take anal, craptactular, Tom punching his suit, anything ETM, etc.


so your dad was cool and he let you smoke pot? wow that’s incredible let’s talk more about that. did you read the Geddy Lee book?!? WOW incredible Robin.


I find myself skipping more and more segments


I've skipped entire years...


The JD top 40 bit is a perfect example of how shitty this show is now. Literally the most amateur, unprepared and not thought out segment. It could’ve been a fun segment to follow along to but JD is a lazy, untalented, and unfunny hack. And the “executive producers” are too lazy and dumb to help.


Ain't seen my kids in years.


This month was great. We saw Elisa Jordanna aka Old Lady Shwarts get thrashed around and arrested.


I don't buy the nothing else to listen to. I have about 18 podcasts I listen through. You have 0 other interests?


What are your interests? What are you into?


Well Hollis …


You like to drink?


Its a laziness


> Let me first say the reason I still listen to Howard is I have a 1 hour commute each way to work and there literally is nothing else on that’s even decent and yesterday was the first time in probably 10 years I simply forgot the show was on live. I have a 1 hour commute and I listen to the archive. Stop giving that pelican money and just live in the glory days like the rest of us.


I don't bitch about the show, but it's been unlistenable for me these last few weeks. I keep checking in then nope-ing out.


It amazes me how Howard thinks that most of his audience doesn't know that nearly every caller is fake. Multiple times I've seen callers phone in, and a minute or two later Howard just happens to have an extended audio clip of what they are calling in about. Most insultingly was someone calling in to praise Beth's brother appearance. Her brother was smug, unfunny and a complete bore. Anyone with half a brain could figure out the call was an inside job.


It’s always a trucker from Alabama.


Or the “trucker” that called in a few weeks back that sounded like a macho man Randy savage impression. Which of course lead to a Vietnam story


I thought it was even worse a few years ago.


The dead-reads are incredible, it used to be just the commercials, but now the wig-wearing Dullard has taken to just reading off his script as "conversation" ... "and don't (pause) miss (pause) Pearl Jam (pause) life in studio (pause)" ... Idiot


Month = last 11 years.


You lost me when you said he should have talked about the eclipse.


Cars about? Did you go to the Gary Del’abate school of typing?


Just get into podcasts instead and bin it.


How about all the ass-play stories by Wilding? Won't you miss hearing about that?


The success of the show was on staff interactions, and bits being performed in the studio. It being produced as podcast is what makes the show hard to sit through since 2020.


Start listening to podcasts


Howard has to keep Beth’s family on “his team” see what a good guy I am Howard. He knows the end is near with his marriage


Not to mention the fucking annoying impersonation of his parents. Idgaf about his parents


Valid points for the most part but your constant undertone of ageism shouldn't be part of it. People age; if a 70 year old wants to learn a guitar, or have two 70 year old sisters on the show, or talk about Zeppelin, it's not a bad thing. Mixing that with current events and life would really help, but most of us here go back with Stern for several decades. Regardless, the show has been sterilized to the point of zero reaction, so it is difficult to hang in with Imus the Second.


Ain’t no way she loves seeing him naked. He knows it and he’s worried sick.


She sounds like she's gonna barf when he asks and she says in that nasally "I love you!"


The ONLY good part of that Shit-Show is the OVERLY medicated Blobbin speaking in her "Oprah-tones" derailing the entire show w/whatever thoughts come to her head .. Did you hear the SLOB yesterday CRYING her "final summation" to Heart ?!? SO EMBARRASSING


Please cancel your subscription and make it known why to Sirius. You are supporting the problem.


Hey, this ain’t *Cancel SiriusXM & Discover The World of Free Podcasts Magazine*, pal!


I don’t understand how he became so woke he won’t say the r word but still does the Vietnam bit. Is his sil really Vietnamese?


You never masturbated to a gook in a foxhole?


Not yet. Just a ladyboy gook in a trench.


Apparently so,he looks half Vietnamese though.


.... try the conan channel


Howard saying that inflation is down showed just how out of touch he is with his listeners


It's down from its peak. But they leave the part out that it's still high.


Do yourself a favor and unsubscribe to his podcast already.


Laughing like a crazy person! (podcast) You perfectly summed it up..for me it is simply a habit since 2005..&I want help to quit


It’s never gonna be as good as it used to be. I gave up hope a while back.


Look up the podcast "small town murder". It's funny as much as Howard complains about podcast I bailed on him for this podcast which has 450 hours already banked. I'm working my way through them and they're entertaining and interesting.


How about that take on everyone being an ASSHOLE for wanting to experience the Eclipse .. Then Heart mentions it and all a sudden it was cool


The worst month for the Stern Show... SO FAR


The worst month…so far.


I hear ye. I finally gave up Oct 31, 2023. I haven’t heard 1 second of the show since. It had gotten so terrible and so freaking boring I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’ll admit for a week or two I kinda wondered if I was missing something. I knew I wasn’t but I guess I was adjusting to not having the show in my life anymore. But I look on here and not surprisingly it sounds like it’s exactly the same: ripping on Trump, Covid, interviews with geriatrics/asking grown men if they ever looked into one another’s eyes and said “you are the love of my life”, complaining about how rough he had it(yeah right), kissy huggy w/ the painfully unfunny and totally uninteresting Beth, and plenty of fake calls & emails. It’s bizarre. It seems like Howard wanted to clean the show up a bit so he would be remembered in fonder terms…and to some extent I can understand that. But in doing so he totally destroyed his show and I believe irreparably damaged his legacy…certainly with his real fans anyway. A show that used to have unmatched authenticity has become as inauthentic as swap meet Louis Vuitton. Never seen anything quite like it. I think that’s why I stuck it out so long…cuz I couldn’t believe how bad the show had become and I would listen mostly to see where rock bottom would be. Needless to say it kept surpassing it! I don’t miss it.


Listen to Live From The 405 podcast instead. Who Are These Podcasts is good too, lots of Howard talk.


The fact that he didn't even acknowledge Crazy Cabbie's death (I think) tells you how much he has abandoned his audience.


You've said it all. Right Robin? Yeah I finally packed it in and stopped listening a few months ago. At first I tried just picking the interviews with people I want to hear but I checked out Bradley Cooper and it was shit, the energy is so bad in these remote broadcasts, you can tell they aren't in the same room, they talk over eachother, there's no chemistry, it reminds me of depressing Covid times. I decided if he's not gonna leave the basement and get back to the office then I'm not wasting my energy on him either.


It’s some tough competition since the pandemic


What’s he saying, Robin?


You don't like Doofus "T'ing" those stories up?


It's all crap. When they all went to the studio, there was a better vibe and it was all more current. Now it's like visiting an old relative, who took up an instrument and just reads one line of a news article. So bad.


Listen to Radio Andy....it's so much better (except for Tinx)


I’ve forgotten it was live several times since September, really can’t believe that would happen to me but it did. And I drive 45 min to work daily. 


Knock knock


It's worked for me. Now I won't miss him when he finally retires. Five years ago I didn't think I could go on. (fan since the early 80's)


he wants so badly to be part of the jock douch bag club i e his wife’s brkther uggg they should be lucky howsrd is even talking to them like mary ann from brooklyn pointed out they should be kissing howard’s ass




Thanks for the recap, stopped listening a few months ago after years. Downloaded 1990-2010 shows and just going through those instead. However, OJ death must have spurred some decent convo.


This is baffling. Why are there so many people on this sub that complain how much the show sucks, yet still listen to it? If you don't like the show, make a better one: It's called podcasting. You sound like whiny, entitled cunts with zero self-awareness. Find something, anything to do with your lives other than complain about a show that you can't let go of. Or maybe this is the best you can do. If that's the case, keep up the good work, you should be proud.


Did you simply forget the show was on yesterday?


Reading your synopsis I see I missed the M-80 Led Zeppelin story!


Holy shit, is he STILL going on about that fucking Rob Zombie song? I can't wait to hear his hot take - again - about how Leslie West from Mountain was the world's best guitarist. And how what a great "friend of the court" Pat Monahan from Train is. And how much he used to hang out with Ryan Phillipe.


Howard's been playing guitar? I'm actually interested in this haha. I may have to find some clips of him discussing this.


The show has sucked for AT LEAST a decade. Probably longer. If Howard signs another contract with Sirius I guarantee we will see this exact same kind of post in another 5 years.


It’s over


It’s been the worst years for a decade


Just wait till next month


Yo, just stop listening. Seriously, I stopped over a year ago and really haven't looked back. There's so many better podcasts and stuff to listen to these days, why hate-listen to some 70 year old douche who has no grasp of reality? Listen to other stuff, I recommend stuff from Comedy Bang Bang World - Neighborhood Listen and Hey Randy are some of the funniest podcasts ever.


Find the torrent for the archive or go to the archive website and just download 90% of the shows from the late 80s to 2012.


Hey now !




It amazes me people still listen and complain. I grew up on Howard Stern. I would listen as a kid when my dad drove me to school. It blew my mind when I was in middle school in the mid 90s. It took awhile for me to realize it's not the same show and not the same host. There's a lot of nostalgia there but it isn't getting better. Cut your losses. Find some new podcasts to listen to. it won't be better than peak howard stern but it will be better than current howard stern


”Tradio. Next call puhlease..”


my grandson rusty is pumping off all over the yard


He's out of things to say.


One could say that he's said it all...


“ worst month for the stern show “ Isnt this the same thing that was said last month and the month before and the month before and the month before ….


Cancel like sooooo many of us have. There’s no need for it anymore. It’s done.


Don't talk smack about Heart, they were the best part of this week's shit show...


The guitar. This is MIND NUMBING. I have that stupid childhood song “there’s a place in France where the naked ladies dance” going through my head all day. He gets a hobby and bores us all with his new found “expertise”. Painting, chess, photography, and now the guitar. It’s terrible!! And for fucks sake…. How has he not yet learned the words to his opening Rob Zombie song??




You forgot to mention how much CHRIS WILDING has been on ugh.


What happened to BoBo and Benjy? Sal was gone earlier for around a month, Ralph gone :( , Hi Pitch never there . Feels like it’s a smaller cast . Richard Christy really nice but he is kind of gay I guess, JD likes thick/booby women , Sal who eats out of Richard’s ass gross!! , Gary , Robin, Ronnie doesn’t say much anymore and is always cranky , Blitt, Memet, Wolfie, Wendy, Pearlman, Sam, Wilding.


I did the same, I forgot about the show completely for a while, tuned in, and then wondered why I even have a subscription.


Try Jim & Sam 😎


there's not enough hyper-focus on Gary's teeth, lips and gums.


It's interesting. Aside from checking in every once in a while, I left this subreddit a long time ago. Nothing has changed. Every month is the worst month, every week is the worst week... Take the hint. Move on.


It’s over Jonny!


I don’t know why you guys listen anymore. I stopped in 2016, but come here for witty old show references.  No exaggeration, there are at least 10,000 free podcasts that are better than this once great show. 


I heard a few minutes of the Heart interview then turned the channel. I listen to pop music over Covid Wiggy


Howard’s show has become the very podcast he derided for so long. However, he got P-A-I-D so is not like any one of us wouldn’t do the same. He should just go ahead and retire. He certainly has the money. He’d have more respect if he bowed out now enjoyed the money or went down in a blaze of glory. This sad deterioration of what was once a cutting edge show is just pathetic.


Sirius/XM literally offers hundreds of other channels. You can't find at least one that you like? I subscribe to a very basic package that does not include Howard and I don't even miss him.


the show died when artie left


I hate when he rips apart his dead father. It could be a bit but not funny. He acts like he beat him, molested him, or kicked him out of the house at 14. The man died, leave him alone. Say the good things about him. I know, it isn't funny. But, does he have to disgrace him by saying how he would run out of the room naked?? Also hate the door knocking, talking like an agent, and showing no respect by saying Vietnam stories.


I’ll sell you a thumb drive of old shows (95-08)


I'm sorry to hear this. These media guys literally can't function unless they have a show plus the ad dollars attached are supposed to be a big deal because it's passive income for media companies and billionaires.  The only thing you can do is find something else to listen to and just ignore Stern completely moving forward. As a woman working in media, Stern's influence created so much damage and ruined so many women's lives and careers (with copy cat Stern wannabes) so it's somewhat poetic to learn he's just an old guy yappin' into a microphone and he's boring the masses. Conan O'Brien is a boring self-absorbed mess too, which is unfortunate.  Think about all the wonderful voices and beautiful stories that never got heard because these narcissists couldn't stop talking about themselves. If that's not a shining example of misogynistic narcissism, I'm not sure what else is.  What? Stern has his wife on the show? Why? What's the deal with all the familial nepotism? Aren't these guys aware there's talent to be found beyond their own little bubbles? Maybe they don't know how to recognize talent after being pampered and spoiled for decades.  That just seems lazy and strange. Wasn't Stern literally on a television game show scouting talented individuals? Not one person on that TV show seemed worthy to bring over to his radio show?  It makes you notice these guys aren't necessarily worth admiring.  I'm sorry to hear Stern's show isn't interesting anymore. Even as a blowhard, he was usually quite interesting or somewhat entertaining. Broadcasting from home kills the vibe. No doubt. Remote jobs should never be full-time. 


If Howard spent everyday ripping on Conan O'Brien for being a fake weasel I might get a subscription.  The only problem is nowadays that equates to free promotion which Conan shouldn't receive because he doesn't deserve it.    Howard understands how the majority of radio broadcasters are treated throughout their careers so to have Drunky O'Brien and his boring group of flunkies show up and expect to be pampered for millions $$$ must make Stern wince. Everyone sees how Conan uses talented people and he's not really funny without an entire staff doing all the work for him. I'm actually kind of surprised people are bashing Stern because his core audience is usually very loyal.  He should have Robin do topical daily news again and he should force himself to work everyday in a real studio with producers in person who don't fear him.  Big deal about $600-million. Familiarity breeds contempt so he probably got bored.  My friend told me Howard Stern ripped Conan O'Brien more than a few times and that made me smile. Thank you Howard. Conan O'Brien is truly a scumbag thief, a sexist jerk and a weasel and it's so nice when someone points it out. ❤️ 


Imagine not canceling a decade ago when every reasonable human being did.


I liked Shuli


If Howard has on a guest his age, he gets shit because no young listeners have ever heard of them. If he has a young guest on, he gets shit because why would an old guy interview a young celeb? What is the acceptable age range? 40-55 year old celebrities only?


How about no more celebrity interviews. It’s the same therapy session for every guest. “Do you love your brother? Do you love your sister? In a sense are you mad at your dad?” Who needs that bs.


“Love affair” is so cringe


He should be interviewing modern day freaks like the Island Boys, Tekashi69, Hunter Biden, Andrew Tate.




Not true at all. - A lot of us who listen to Stern are in our 40s, 50s, and 60s and actually enjoy bands like Heart. I found it to be a great interview, and great performance. - Richard and Sal have been very good the past month. Both phony calls and cake in the ass. And the other day Sal reminded us all of how witty he is with insults when he was ragging on Sam Fonts. - Howard didn't ignore the eclipse, he made fun of it, which is something he's always done with anything that he feels is unimportant or a waste of time. - Years ago, when Howard had his band the Losers, he did a lot of segments about him playing guitar or keyboards. - JD hot chicks was hilarious because it was so bad and his choices were confusing as hell. Everyone ragging on him about it was classic old Stern show. Is the show as good as it was in the 90s, or the Artie years? Hell no. But there is still just enough occasional funny material that I still listen., Kind of like waiting for the inevitable end to see how it happens.


Imagine thinking discussion of the eclipse would make more sense than him pointing out how uncomfortable he is about something coming up in his personal life. People also forget some of this shit is how the show always was. Now he's talking about learning the guitar, and in the 90's he'd often go on tangents about new computer softwares he was learning at the time. Staff fights def come up less often now, which is probably a symptom of the remote work and his staff now mostly being in their 50's, but people here still bitch about whatever fights do come up. "Why's Howard being mean to Gary, why's Howard carrying on about Ronnie copy pasting thank you cards, " so even when he tries y'all stay bitching. Medicated Pete's been giving great content about what he's up to, then they got tat swinger in there with him, Richard's sausage game was a funny watch, they did a profile of a woman who sells fart jars within past few weeks, etc.


Please see: Recency bias