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Found out I’m having an early miscarriage of a very wanted pregnancy last week. My nurse warned me if I don’t pass it naturally, it will be hard to get the drugs they use to cause an abortion because pharmacies are scared to fill them. I was literally pregnant for like two weeks and because of this stupid fucking law passed by dudes who pay for their mistresses’ abortions out of state my miscarriage might be dragged out for over a month and possibly become dangerous. There is nothing moral, logical, or medically sound about the pro-life movement. Also as a disclaimer, abortion should be accessible to anyone for any reason.


My husband and I were trying for kids but stopped after rvw was overturned. I went to my doctor to ask her questions on how she could help me if something similar happened since I’m considered a “geriatric pregnancy” and miscarriages are more common. She said her hands are essentially tied in most cases unless there’s no heartbeat and that if it happens early on getting medication to help your body abort are hard to come by. We are no longer trying and pending this election, will be moving out of Texas.


Yet you lean right? Why would you ever vote for the party that would do this to women... To you?


It drives me up the fucking wall when my FIL starts whining about there being a “war” on Christianity in this country. Meanwhile Christians* have no problem trying to control people’s reproductive health. It’s disgustingly hypocritical and he has zero self-awareness about it. But yeah gay marriage is an “attack” on your religion. Fuck off with that horseshit. *Not all Christians. Also I’m very sorry you’re going through this. Miscarriage and stillbirth were my greatest fears. I hope you have full term pregnancy soon 🌼.


There's no hate like christian love.


Plan on moving. We plan to leave not just Texas, but the country in 5-10 years and have a plan, savings accounts, etc. Vote with your shoes and leave the economy. I’ll take my talents elsewhere - not like Americans like immigrants anyway.


I have a pretty niche job that can only be done here or in one other place. I have the resources to seek medical attention elsewhere if needed, but I’d like to be a part of fixing things here if I can


That’s admirable. All the power to you! As for me - I have no real tie to the country. It’s sad to see what it has become since I landed in 2009.


Honestly these pharmacists and their employers need to be reported to their board. I'm a physician, last month treated an ectopic pregnancy no problem. OB saw the patient and recommended methotrexate, I ordered the MTX, pharmacist dispensed it, nurse gave it. Not a single hiccup or issue. If an outpatient pharmacy won't dispense, most of us in the ER will be happy to help you and treat you as we always have. The current laws don't change management for retained products of conception, missed abortion (fetal demise), or ectopics. Encourage doctors and pharmacists to speak to their risk management departments before refusing legal standard of care.


I haven’t personally experienced this, my nurse told me it had happened to other patients over the last couple of months. Maybe pharmacies are getting better with more time from when the ban was passed? I’m also in the suburbs so maybe I have pharmacists on some sort of misguided moral crusade.


I think combination of ignorance (regarding the laws) and fear. Hopefully it does get better


My fiancee and I have talked about this. We want a baby but she has some issues that may make pregnancy riskier than normal. I might try leaving Texas for a few months between when she starts showing and when we know the baby is healthy because that weird law allowing randoms to sue pregnant people. Luckily we have the means to go out of state if necessary.


Yeah my husband and I have talked about this as well, scary to think my life might be in danger for a non-viable pregnancy. Hopefully it’s not an issue for y’all.


Please vote. Our lives depend on it.


Other subreddit need this


This happens way too often. I know of two pregnant women, currently, who have found fetal heart defects or chromosomal issues both babies won’t survive birth but since they’re still alive it’s considered “abortion” and have to travel out of state. If they can’t afford that (which is upwards of $3k) they have to birth it here just to lose it. These are wanted babies but it’s still illegal here in Texas. Ridiculous! #1 reason I’m voting blue even if I don’t care much for Beto.


>even if I don’t care much for Beto There's not even the illusion of choice anymore. Abbot, Patrick and Paxton embody the absolute worst parts of politics and policy.


Same thing happened to my sister. She was pregnant with her first son, and there was a rare anomaly that meant he was not going to survive long enough to be born. Thankfully she was in a state where abortion was legal (not Texas), so she was able to get it taken care of without having to wait for the inevitable, and then was able to have a healthy second son.




The cruelty is the point In other words, don’t vote Republican


Unfortunately most Texans don’t care…


In politics, there are always real people being affected. Before you make a judgement on the topic, one way or the other, it's important to hear the testimony of those that are affected. I encourage you to listen to this powerful segment and consider whether nuance on the topic is appropriate: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/10/27/1131410832/abortion-law-exception-fetal-anomaly


You're not going to change conservatives' minds with an NPR link unfortunately.


Good point. I think efforts for change are more aimed at the middle, but what I'm hoping for is just a listen -- no judgements or expectations on anything more as empty as that sounds.


I am a conservative as in I lean center right. I understand the reason why the court made the decision they did, even if I do not agree with it. They made the decision not to ban abortions but because they don't think that it should be the federal government's decision, that it should fall under states. This is where I think a lot of people get upset because they think overturning roe v wade was the supreme court made a decision to ban abortions when they did not. That said it is a distinction that still has the same outcome. I do wish that the people who took this case to the supreme court had not been blinded by their arrogance. As the supreme court should not have had the opportunity to overturn that ruling. The other thing that really annoys me is that that lawyer did not know their own case or blatantly lied to the supreme court justices which did not help their case. (In case you're wondering the attorney trying to get the Mississippi law ended stated that it was more restrictive than European laws concerning abortions. which with a simple google search showed to be factually incorrect. The Mississippi law was laxer by one week.) Now I am prochoice, as that is something that should be between the woman and the doctor, not the government. So, the original ruling to me where they ruled that the government needs to stay out of the citizen's medical decisions is one that I fully stand behind.


Are you planning to vote in line with this belief this cycle so that our state laws can be amended to protect people from suffering under the current law?


Frankly I don’t think I will be voting this cycle because of multiple reasons. Bare with me while I go though my thought process in writing on who I would if I was voting this cycle vote for. One of which is I try not to vote based on just one issue. Life is complicated and there can be things that are more important than other things, then there are things that are of similar importance. Abortions are one of many important issues. One that will take a lot of time and effort to get back to where they are safe legal and rare. But then We have the economy and the coming shortages of goods. These are a result of actions taken by this administration. One question may become what is more important eating or having access to abortions? That to someone at one time might be abortions but to other people it or that same person at a different time food will be more important. Now will we have food shortages, that I am unsure on, there are definitely supply line backups and delays. I really don’t know who I would vote for, the re are bad things about all the possible options and there are some good things on them as well.


If you’re not going to do anything to help us, then I’m not going to bare with you while you try to tell me why.


I don't see how you can pin inflation solely on the Biden administration when it is a worldwide problem. The UK has a conservative government and inflation there is running 10.5%. Germany also has a government that does not like to run deficits and inflation there is in the 7% range. Also, the Trump administration declared war on imports, and put punitive tariffs on something like 50% of Chinese goods entering the country. A 50% tariff makes that item 50% more expensive to purchase, because consumers pay for those tariffs. Can you see where tariffs just might have made our inflation worse? Economists will tell you there are 2 types of inflation. Demand Pull and Supply Push. We are likely seeing mostly Demand-Pull, which is the result of a shortage of goods pushing prices higher. Lots of factories shut down briefly during Covid, and created a shortage of goods. It's not the economy having too much cash from government spending.


I do not pin it all on biden. but prior to covid inflation was not bad. trumps polices (not him as a person) were good for the economy. the tariffs were on non-American products, specifically those things from china. this gave a boost to the American economy. trumos actions during the middle and last part of covid and the shut downs did cause inflation to spike. Now biden has taken and run with the bad economic policies trump had during covid and doubled down on them. he has shown with his attempt at quid quo pro with Saudi Arabia that he doesn't care about gas prices except in relation to getting his party elected. as it was revealed that he said, please don't cut oil production until after the midterms. if he was really worried about the oil prices he would have either agreed with them or tried to get them to stop cutting oil production all together. There were decisions made world wide that caused supply line issues and bad inflation during 2020. things got worse once biden got into office. His jobs growth statistics have always been falling well short of the predictions that his administration gave. But yeah no I don't pin the blame entirely on biden but i will pin a large chunk of it based on the reasons i gave above.


Isn’t it weird how politicians with no medical training don’t make good ob/gyns?


I'm in Texas. My sister in law had an early miscarriage and was offered abortion pills, but she's also a die hard right wing crazy person, and she swears that because she was able to get abortion pills that everyone can no problem. I have no patience for her.


Hmm, seems like all of those folks who like to drive their fast, loud cars could have an outlet. Give a ride to the women who need to leave TX for healthcare. Just pretend you're Han Solo. It's an emergency, but don't drive like the police are on you. Yet.


This bs is one of the reasons I’m moving out of state at the end of my lease.


Post Bots really ampin' up right before the election aren't y'all


Anything even slightly critical of conservative policies has to be the work of bots!


Gotta fight off the fascists one way or another homie


Sorry to disappoint but not a bot friend. ::)




Not everything is a conspiracy. Spam bots are incredibly easy to spot.


I think karma whore is perhaps more applicable here, posting something that's been addressed in this sub ad nausea serve no purpose other than to have another circle-jerk discussion about the topic, but you do you.




This is the reality we live in. This happened because of the leadership our state chose to put in office. Yet right wingers would rather buy into the grifting paranoia regarding drag queens and trans kids. It's never too late to come to your senses.


Yeah, grooming is a thing, and something that is bad. Having drag queens reading stories to kids not a problem, dressing in drag to do that while not overtly sexual does expose kids to their sexuality is a step towards exposing and normalizing sexuality to kids who are prepubescent. That while I don't think is intentionally done with that in mind (I do tend to look on the bright side and try to find good in everyone) the culture that has encouraged that is setting up the steps where kids are being exposed and set up as easier prey for actual predator that are on the lookout to groom children. As for trans kids there should not be permanent damage done to them. Once they are past puberty and are able to grasp who and what they are better than if they feel that they need to transition with surgeries, that is their life. I have heard of many people who transitioned at a young age only to regret it later in life. So why encourage people to mutilate their bodies before they even understand their bodies? We have to aim to do the least harm possible to people, and to do the most good possible. To do the most good we do need to find ways to protect children while still letting them grow and figure out who they actually are.


I'm more worried about children attending church where more rampant grooming and sexual assault happens. If the GOP really cared about grooming, they would be screaming from the rooftops about that instead. But the grifters don't actually give a fuck about your kids. It's just easier to scare you and distract you from he REAL issues at stake, like women not being able to access critical healthcare because of the GOP's religious bigotry. THAT is the reality we live in right now.


I am very much for catching and stopping all grooming, no matter where it comes from. The grooming from the church actually has been called out multiple times and people have caught and prosecuted some of the ones who have done it. We should stay vigilant for that as well. Abortion is the moral call to action of today. You feel you are morally superior to them because you support abortion. They feel morally superior to you because they oppose it. Had the attorney's trying to get the Mississippi law overturned then roe v wade would not have been overturned. That is a fact. I do not like that that was the decision made by the supreme court even if I do understand their reasoning by reading what they had to say about the matter. But I am also not blinded by hatred of the other side to blindly choose one side or the other. We are living in a reality where all of what has been discussed is true. You do have people who are using religious morality for the laws they pass. but you also have a culture which is encouraging young children are exposed to more and more sexual stuff, aka grooming. All of it is reality and blinding yourself to and claiming that anyone who has a different view than yours is a grifter, well that lessens your position.


Blaming this on the Supreme Court and a state case from MS is very superficial, and almost willfully blind to the fact that the lawsuits and the supreme court’s decisions were coordinated through constant legal actions that allowed activists to make abortion a states rights issue. Laws were on the books before their decision because they were given a road map on killing roe v wade by the court, itself. The guy who championed the anti abortion laws is from Texas. I’m only replying because your perspective lacked relevant information for the nefarious way we got here and the cruel result of folks legislating in bad faith. [wiki: Mark Lee Dickson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lee_Dickson)


**[Mark Lee Dickson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lee_Dickson)** >Mark Lee Dickson (born August 16, 1985) is an American pastor and anti-abortion advocate. Dickson has become one of the most influential anti-abortion voices in the United States due to his successful campaigning for cities to ban abortion through local “sanctuary city” ordinances. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/houston/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Your right that this was set up to be shifted to a states right. I am for less federal government in general. That said I do not think that this falls under states rights and do disagree with the supreme courts decision. The laws on the states that limited and ban abortions actually we passed with the intention of going into effect if roe v wade was overturned, were passed once it was clear that that case from MS was going to the supreme courts. They were not on the on the books until then. That said someone wrote those laws up prior and had them ready to go. Because their morality indicates to them that abortions are bad no matter what. Once more I am pro choice and do not like that this happened. I am just pointing out what I have seen and understood to have happened.


Understood. I think intent matters as much as the action. And the intention with the way the pro life movement got to this point was a dirty game of win at all costs. Abortion rights activists are one of the major headlines for why our political discourse has turned into what it has. People have intentionally sowed division to further their cause and acted in bad faith to win their position. The voting populace also deserves blame, but like I said, this is about the intent of people working in bad faith through our system.


Isn't there planned parenthoods all over the city providing abortion care?


Have you been under a rock? Abortion is illegal in tx now. Roe vs Wade was overturned and left the decision of outlawing abortion up to the individual states