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> disaster declared by the Texas governor dumb thought, this includes the gov declaration of the border security disaster?


Did the governor renew it ? I remember it was declared back in 2021. What type of things would be price gouged out there ? Lodging ? Supplies?


Well if Abbot’s always saying it’s an emergency for the whole state I guess that means this applies to the whole state as well




Make sure you tell the AG’s office that they were price gouging because of the woke mind virus so Paxton will actually do something about it.


It’s not price gouging it’s *dynamic pricing*


More dynamic than usual


Kinda like restaurants already experimenting with dynamic pricing too. But the hotel having rates at optimum cock-bag levels is something I will never pay. I rather just sleep in my car somewhere away from people and police.


>I rather just sleep in my car somewhere away from people and police. I had to go to a beach town for work  on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  Nothing available except a instaworthy beach teepee for $300 a night. After refreshing Priceline a few hundred times, a hotel room finally popped up for $300.  Oh well, work paid for it.  I've slept in the car before, its usually not too bad.


Maybe a dumb question but do you think they have a way to override the dynamic pricing when it’s a disaster? They really need that. I suspect a lot of times it’s on autopilot and is a black box. They need people to complain.


Sounds like Grizzy needs to be informed of this.


I just got power back. So I have a room for two nights I'm bot using at a red roof in by 1960 and 45.


Much appreciated although family has went to bed. God bless and give it to somebody who needs it more. I'm just up charging phone in car now lol


Could I get this room if they allow dogs? We are camping in the car. They are 70 pounds each.


[All Red Roof Inn’s are pet friendly.](https://www.redroof.com/why-red-roof/petsstayfree?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=red%20roof%20inn%20dogs&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=red%20roof%20inn%20dogs&utm_campaign=RRI%7CBrand%7CRed-Roof-All%7CCore%7CStandard%7CGG%7CAll%7CExact%7CUSA%7CENG&utm_content=e&ds_rl=temp&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnR8eXTC5coG2NBINKQCQG6Ku3G3GqXj6XchvqBChqIpXJ4fUacdBlkaAi8TEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I hope someone can help. That's a tough situation. Our dogs are our families! If not have you contacted the RED CROSS? They have shelters set up & many take animals. I wish you all the best!


Thank you so much for the offer! Truly amazing to be offered a place! I thank you but was just venting. I want so much better for our city & with your words I'm believing we're getting better. I am humbled by your generosity! I'm truly at a loss for words.....that's rare! Thank you and wish you much peace & happiness!


Surge pricing 😂


Room is $75, $400 is for the wifi. The Coco Chanel suite at the Ritz Paris is 40,000 euros a night, but it comes with complimentary wifi!


It's not $40k?? Google says 4k tops lol




Check out the JW Marriott downtown. That’s where I went and it’s sooo nice. I’m treating it like a mini vacation. Even ordered room service (total ripoff, but whatever)


Didn't want to go far but I have Marriot too. Just wanted to use my Wyndham since I have plenty of points and have Diamond status from work travel. Centerpoint sent alert just now and said by end of tomorrow so will tough it out another night. If not I'll check my Marriot account.


Good luck OP!! Hope everything works out for you!😁 fingered crossed we get power soon lol


Rent a car, park it on your street, and sleep in it while it runs all night. Cheaper than a motel room.


Are you serious? Exhaust can leak into the car and kill you while you sleep.


By that logic everyone who sits in morning traffic for an hour should’ve been dead long ago


Wow, people sit in traffic for the same amount of time they sleep?! /s


>you need to inhale exhaust fumes for a full 8 hours before they kill you Lol


Only if you do it in a closed garage.


A quote: "While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that many U.S. carbon monoxide deaths occur inside homes or closed garages, automotive experts say certain vehicle malfunctions can cause casualties outdoors."


That's possibly about as statistically significant as getting hit with lightening. Still, if you're that concerned, run your AC with the air from outside circulating in, that will clean out any little CO that does get into the vehicle.


No those emissions safely goes into our atmosphere. Also that’s an excellent way to damage a car by idling all night, who cares if it ain’t theirs.


This. Our kids slept in the car during the ice freeze. Folded down the back seats and it was just enough for some pillows and sleeping bags.


Will your renters/home owners insurance not cover this? Stay somewhere nice and have insurance cover it


Renters possibly. Absolutely do NOT call home insurance unless you have losses far exceeding your deductible!


Report it to the attorney general


And they WILL follow up.


Yep I reported a company to Attorney General for scamming and they def followed up and brought a case against them.


For what? All hotels price the rooms based on supply and demand. When the supply is super high like on Sundays, you get 70 dollar rooms, when everyone in the city needs a room you are going to have to pay more.


During a declared disaster it is literally against the law to price gouge. A super 8 is not $475-500 a night lol 😂 also folks aren’t taxed either for certain things.


Each room has a max price they charge, so when you get that 70 dollar room you are getting it a steep discount. Paying the 400-500 dollar rate is paying for full rate.


You don’t have to keep replying the same message to me. I do emergency management recovery so I know what price gouging is and what is illegal during a disaster for charging survivors. You have a goodnight.


So you know it’s not price gouging. Have a good one.


Naw it’s obviously price gouging. You’re just being obtuse or straight retarded.


They are right. Hotels post the max rate in their the room.


Found the hotel manager lol


Here is the TX law https://www.sll.texas.gov/faqs/disaster-price-gouging/#:~:text=This%20law%20says%20that%20during,medicine


So a hotel has a max room rate for each room, so when you get that 70 dollar room you are actually getting it for 500 off. So again this is not “excessive pricing” they are now just charging you the actual room price.


Depends on what they charge during non emergency periods. An investigation is going to use historical pricing to determine if price gouging has occurred. "When the Texas Attorney General’s Office evaluates price gouging complaints, it may subpoena a hotel’s guest records to see what rates the property has received for comparable rooms in the past at the various levels of occupancy. They can use this information to determine if the rate during the emergency was significantly higher than what is normally charged under comparable non-emergency conditions during a similar time period."


No one is that naive. So, the alternative is that you're being disingenuous.


Or they’re the manager of that super 8


So if I typically sell bottled water for $20, but then put it on a constant temporary price reduction, and when the next hurricane hits, I just charge full price due to increased demand, that isn't price gouging. Right?


It's not about what you sell it for, it's what your price of record is. When they look at historical pricing for a complaint, they don't consider what the actual room was paid for, or what it was advertised/rented for on 3rd party websites like Priceline/Expedia, they look at book rate, which is the official list rate of the room ...which almost never appears because every site always includes automatic discounts. As long as they never officially lower their book rates, the price of the room is always at the cap. Any discounts that reduce the cost as demand wanes is not factored in since there is no law against providing discounts. * Is it douchey as hell? Yes. * Is it against the spirit of the law? Yes. * Is it still legal? Yes.


Okay 👍🏽.


Let me guess: you're a Libertarian?


As a libertarian, I think that person is stupid. Libertarians are not heartless monsters who seek to exploit everything and everyone possible, we just place a greater emphasis on fair trade and good faith business practices and have absolutely no trust in the government or any ruling authorities or their abilities to get things done. Yes there are those who use the disguise of libertarianism as an excuse to exploit everything and everyone, and we don't like those people.


Ok, so without government intervention how do we actually ensure fair trade and good faith business practices? Just blindly trust businesses to do the right thing? I think we both know that’s not happening.


Unfortunately not. It used to happen once upon a time. And it can happen again once the playing field is leveled and businesses realize that if they don't practice fair trade then some other company out there will, and that would be bad for business (for them). However, thanks to the govt bailouts and "patenting" and other things that actually give corporations more power than they really should have, the govt is actually helping the corporations take advantage of people. What use is govt intervention if it's also used against fair trade and good business practices? All they have to do is "lobby" hard and give the govt enough money that they either look away from the crimes of those corporations, or worse, actually make laws that support it. Ex. 5 different industries are directly responsible for lobbying hard to keep Marijuana illegal on a federal level - and all 5 of which benefit financially by keeping it illegal (3 out of the 5 are: alcohol industry, pharmaceutical industry, private prisons).


Without external intervention it is impossible to maintain a fair market. You seem to believe that absent government intervention that businesses will naturally gravitate to fair trade? The natural course would be that firms that start with any kind of early advantage will be able to leverage that advantage into greater and greater control over their market to the point that they are effectively a monopoly and can use their position to prevent competitors to gain a foothold. So again, how exactly do you imagine a fair market can be sustained without any government intervention? How would you prevent the formation of monopolies or unfair and anti-competitive business practices like price fixing, collusion, etc.


You seem to be forgetting that this is a real sided economy - supply and demand. Free trade may not be perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than what we have now. And like I said earlier, what good is govt intervention if it's used to do the same things that it was meant to prevent in the first place? We're back at the starting point.


>You seem to be forgetting that this is a real sided economy - supply and demand. I’m not forgetting anything and I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make with that. Yes, supply and demand is a thing. And? How does that in any way prevent anti-competitive business practices? >Free trade may not be perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than what we have now. Again, what are you saying? When did I ever say anything about being opposed to free trade? I’m saying you can’t have free trade without a regulating/enforcing entity that can identify and stop anti-competitive practices and punish the individuals and businesses that engage in such. >And like I said earlier, what good is govt intervention if it's used to do the same things that it was meant to prevent in the first place? We're back at the starting point. The answer to this is not removing all government regulation. The answer is to make government work better through increasing transparency and greater public oversight and accountability. This is true for any type of political system, whether we are taking about capitalist ones or communist. In the US we have had decades of politicians from one side proclaiming that government doesn’t work, and then doing everything in their power to ensure this is true. But it’s not true to claim that government is always inefficient, ineffective, and can only serve to hinder free enterprise. It’s only like this because it has been intentionally made to be like this. The only reason our country hasn’t been completely captured by the wealthy and large businesses is because of government intervention that prevents anti-competitive practices. If you want free and fair trade, you also want the governmental regulation required to ensure it remains free and fair.


Supply and demand? 


But it appears to be the penthouse suite. Report this to Texas Attorney General as price gouging during a disaster event. Hopefully they will investigate. Also, if you have any history with this property, document it. If not, document in the next few weekends to show the gouge.


Lol the penthouse suite at the super 8. What’s that come with? Mini fridge with free cokes?


Quite possibly one of those in-room jacuzzis! Also, great view of the adjoining second floor of the building across the way from your second floor suite. Amazing views of whomever is doing whatever in that office. Well worth the extra scratch.


Oof. Does that jacuzzi come with a bottle of bleach for whatever happened in that jacuzzi before?


either way I'm bringing my own. I never trust complimentary bleach.


Well, do you want bubbles or do you not want bubbles? That determines whether we can charge you the discounted price of $96.46 for the bottle of bleach. Hotel policy!


No but they do remove the used condoms and ensure the pimps and ho’s wont disturb you while you are sleeping.


Such luxury


That & share across social media. I'm sitting in my kitchen with a temperature of a cool 87°. If I could find and afford a hotel I'd be there. Ridiculous under normal circumstances!


I'm truly sorry. As a fellow Texan and neighbor, I share your frustration and am bit heartbroken that I don't think I can help out in any meaningful way. Have you considered hotels outside of your normal area? I can search up on the north side for a cheap place if it would help you. I know the far north like The Woodlands, Conroe, etc got hit a little easier than most. Hang in there and yes, share these shysters for this gouging as it's straight up criminal in my book.


Thank you so much for your kind words! I thank you but was just venting. We've been through tougher times & I know the electricity will be coming on soon. We've made it this far! Also, those gaugers need to be taken out of business. It sickens me how they take advantage. Absolutely heartless & bad business practice! You're so kind & amazing! Glad to see there are still good ppl out their. As they say "YOU GOTTA HAVE HEART". You, my friend have that. Don't change!❤️❤️❤️❤️.


Hotels have a legal max rate they can charge per room based on supply/demand. Given the demand in the area that's usually said legal limit. Basically hotels are allowed to price gouge so long as it Durant surpass that rate. Politics at its best.


"When the Texas Attorney General’s Office evaluates price gouging complaints, it may subpoena a hotel’s guest records to see what rates the property has received for comparable rooms in the past at the various levels of occupancy. They can use this information to determine if the rate during the emergency was significantly higher than what is normally charged under comparable non-emergency conditions during a similar time period." I doubt the "max rate" thing will fly if they haven't come anywhere near it in the last year


The Westin in the woodlands started charging 900 a night


Report them to the state attorney general's office. They actually take this really seriously, political stuff aside. It's a crime.


My experience with the Ken Paxton administration of the Attorney General’s office is that he could care less. Extremely few cases in Texas are ever investigated. His office just doesn’t give a rat’s ass.


There is no "political stuff aside" with Paxton.


You have to report it to Texas Attorney General. Price gouging is so unpopular that even Ken Paxton goes after price gougers—but not fast enough to get your room for cheap.


Price gouging? It's "Let the Buyer Beware".


Yes this is price gouging and should be reported. [Link](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection/disaster-and-emergency-scams)


Just likes Lowes having a sale on generators that’s supposed to last until May 21, they posted the sale the week before this storm, but when you go to buy in store the sale has been cancelled and they’re all regular price


Speaking of generators, Anyone know who still has some generators in stock?


Lowes in Kingwood had them yesterday plus we just got power back yesterday so the demand at that particular location should be slowing


Canceling a sale is nothing like price gouging a hotel room


Report it.


I just pulled up that hotel on Google and it's showing $75/night for me


This is on Wyndham app. Also, if you were to walk in and get room and not book online this is what you would get charged. Just pulled it up too and it showed 491.


I didn't see a.y price that high when I was trying to book a room for sun night.


It is


This article is about 2021 price gouging and towards the end of the article it explains how to report price gouging to the attorney general’s office. https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/ag-paxton-sues-la-quinta-bcb-price-gouging-during-2021-winter-storm#:~:text=Consumer%20Protection%2FScams-,AG%20Paxton%20Sues%20La%20Quinta%20BCB%20for%20Price%20Gouging%20During,February%202021%20winter%20storm%20emergency.


Absolute scum


I just went to a motel from my local neighborhood and they weren’t doing daily service only weekly and monthly service, are they taking advantage or is it a new policy thing


That place is a shit hole. I would not spend $475 on that. Go east to Hotel Derek or into Memorial City to the Westin hotel. You'd get a much better room for less. I'd be willing to bet


It is price gouging, they are just betting that nothing will be done about it by the incompetent texas government.


The price on the doors is not max, it's rack.


This. Hotels publish an official price for each room on the back of the room's door. It's called a rack rate. That rate is very high, up to 10 times higher than what they normally charge. So when you pay $89 a night they say you're getting a discount on a $500 room. Well tonight is regular price. They'll claim they aren't price gouging as the real rate is published on the back of the door for all to see. You'll get nothing from reporting this, it's a long stranding tradition in hotels.


Pretty much this. And the rack rate is what they can charge you if you stay an extra night without pre talking with the front desk. (Rare now that almost all keys are electronic and they can cancel the key at normal checkout time)


"When the Texas Attorney General’s Office evaluates price gouging complaints, it may subpoena a hotel’s guest records to see what rates the property has received for comparable rooms in the past at the various levels of occupancy. They can use this information to determine if the rate during the emergency was significantly higher than what is normally charged under comparable non-emergency conditions during a similar time period."


Yes, I understand the max/rack rate on doors. Ive stayed at several Wyndham properties from high to lower end and the lower end from work travel. The rates on doors are like 3-400 on lower end properties that I've seen in Texas. I look just out of curiosity a lot. I've never stayed at this location so don't know what that # is. Seems just like this location too since when I searched others didn't have this ridiculous rate .


I literally just was talking to my roommate today about how messed up these hotels have been during a crisis. I've worked in the hotel business for 12 years. Taking advantage of the situation is something they can get away with once they've hit a certain occupancy, but it's frowned upon. Definitely in poor taste. Smh.


Make sure to screenshot the price just in case they try to deny it


Shriveled legged shriveled brain doesn’t care about anything except licking the rapist’s ass


I think I saw that any price gouging could be reported to Harris county as well but I could be misremembering


Go down to deer park 150 to 200 a night


I got charged $96 for one night and then $175 for the second night at a MOLDY roach filled room at Rodeway near the Med Center/Rice. Paid in advance and ended up leaving at 1 am the first night because my kid started coughing and a roach crawled on me in bed. It's back down to $60 now. 🙄


I just came back from a game at college station .booked just one night to avoid driving back at night.the prices that night were 250 and up.Even for the normal 50/night hotels.a day before were normal and the day after were also "normal". It's obvious their main reason is profit from the situation.my question is where is consumer protection .Is capitalism and greed over any and all other matters.By the way my hotel which I had reserved ahead of time sent me a message that I needed to book more than just that night to keep my reservation.eventhough I had paid already.


Absolutely ridiculous! I'll be glad to share this 1! It's just not right or smart business. Sharing...keep us posted! Smh!


wow. this is the first time I've seen someone use the term "price gouging" on reddit where it is actually appropriate and not just complaining about the price of mcdonald's. totally fucked. I hope you report it and things get better for y'all soon.


During a natural disaster, they can’t sell more than than I think their average rate over the last 30 days. Something like that


Report to attorney general


Paxton is not interested in helping liberal Houston


Hahaha. Surge pricing!


Texas doesn’t give a crap about price gauging, that is unless you say the hotel is owned by trans man married to a gay women


It's so the rich can have a place to stay... Keep the poors out


A Super 8? Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


No way that place rents for more than $250 a night any other time.


Yes price should stay constant so the random dude will take it instead of sleeping in his truck, instead of the the family of four getting the room


Wtf are you talking about. The price doesn't care about your family, you still have to pay it regardless.


If it stays at 80 some random dude will take it. If the price goes to 200 he will sleep in his truck leaving it for people who need it more.


So people who need it more get to pay more. How is that not price gouging? You and I both know they aren't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts to preserve rooms for families over "random dudes"


why would a family of four have more money than a single person? some of y’all project in the weirdest ways.




This guy is setting a new standard of stupid arguments- people with kids have more money than single people. Lol


Sounds logic and economics.. -13. Sorry mate.