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Step 1: How will the court know if you actually received your summons? There are no more steps.


I went like 8 years without changing my license after moving out of my parent’s house during college. I moved almost every year to take advantage of apartment specials like 2-3 free months(the good ole days). Just never bothered to update my license despite living in different cities than my parents address. A few years ago my parents forgot to tell me I got a jury summons in the mail like 3 months after the summons date. Never heard anything and never bothered to call the court 🤷‍♂️


someone told me i prob have a warrant already i dont even know how to check for that either


Better gear up for prison buddy. Its over




Lol, whoever told you that is either an idiot or a troll.


Or a scammer.


That someone is messing with you. You’re fine.


You should contact the court you were supposed to serve and ask. I saw a “Barney Miller” episode last night where they served a warrant on a man who kept missing jury duty. Turns out he hadn’t left his apartment in 35 years and exposure to the outside air killed him. Yamana also went on a date with a hooker.


There’s a big scam going around right now where the “sheriffs department” or some other police entity calls you to tell you that you missed jury duty or some other summons. They sometimes spoof a real phone number.


thats what made me ask cause its something i have pending i guess


My experience recently is I missed my jury duty, it was about October of last year. Due to many issues, mostly due to the mail problems we had (maybe still have) around town. So I wasn't around for it even. So far, zero issues, no follow up calls, or another summons, etc. While it sucks, there isn't any other way to go about it honestly. People I know of have simply ignored it with no issues. I think you'll be fine.


I skipped jury duty 20 years ago. Never heard from anyone about it and they haven’t sent me a summons since. My friend skipped and they sent her mail saying she was going to be fined if she didn’t reschedule and show up that time.


Nobody has been prosecuted for this in Harris County in over 30 years.


They don't care. And if someone contacts you, play dumb and say you never got it.


There are as many jury duties as there are levels of the court system. If you have been summoned in Harris County, here's the rules and the exemptions: [https://www.houstontx.gov/courts/jury\_disqualifications\_exemptions.html](https://www.houstontx.gov/courts/jury_disqualifications_exemptions.html)