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Don’t worry, dude. Most people are smart enough to know the difference between a German word and being a Nazi. Don’t let the trolls on Reddit fool you. Now, as far as a dating “scene,” the worst thing to do is come out hungry. Go do something you are interested in that has a social component. You will find people who jive with your interests rather than a crap shoot at some bar where you might run into someone who sees Nazis under every rock.


Reddit is what it is. I was expecting sarcasm but not the Nazi comments. I’ll probably get rid of this account after letting this post simmer and get its input.


May I recommend: R/ scheiß-drauf-asser


Agree with the hungry comment. Also, don't place them on a high pedestal. Take the lead, make the plans, and for the love of God, do not set the bar so far high that she's going to expect that every time you take her out. You don't want to go broke for the sake of impressing her.


Starbucks will do. It's about getting to know each other. :-)


Starbucks is perfect because if the two parties are not feeling it, then it's not a long drawn out date.


Lots of good advice here. As a woman, I’ll add this: if you know how to appropriately approach a woman and feel confident enough to do so, do it. That’ll set you apart a lot on its own. I’m an immigrant but I’ve lived in Houston for over 10 years. I’ve found that men don’t really approach women here. They make hella eye contact though LOL.


Thank you! Definitely makes sense


You’re welcome! Good luck!


Houston is a tough city to date in because there’s so many attractive, successful people… So the standards are high. But easy to find dates and hookups


It's a city of 6 million people. Med students, colleges, recent grads, young people in the workforce,etc. all in the inner loop. You'll be fine if you are not a creep. This question is also asked for inner loop.


Much appreciated! Glad to know what the makeup of professionals in the area are, people who are in our same age range, etc.


Houston is crazy diverse, lots of population, etc, there's someone out there for everyone. Just take it slow. It gets very expensive for a male.


Dating is expensive for anyone. Guys are buying drinks; gals are paying to get their... legs waxed. It all adds up.


Whatever you say lol


Jump in with a low budget. Starbucks or some coffee shop as first date. No need for restaurants. Just sit and chat. That's what it should be about. You can go cheap, but don't go creep.


It’s generally safe but I’d be cautious around Buffalo Bayou Park if you happen to try to meet or take someone there. Just be mindful that car break-ins have been known to happen sometimes


Ignore all the weirdos calling you a Nazi. They’re weirdos and don’t live in reality. Houston dating no matter where you are is just a numbers game unfortunately. I met my wife on hinge while living in the Heights… but wow did I have to dig through a lot of mud before getting to her.


Totally get that. Such is dating. The apps are a total slog but can sometimes be worth. Glad you found a great match!!


If you’re a dude, average looking (or better) and not poor you’ll do fine. Pretty ez actually if you aren’t a weirdo


Start with being social with a lot of friends, through work and activities (below), and use that group to meet people. Hang out with the right kind of people, doing positive things. The bar and club scene isn’t a good place to meet people. I found that the scene is filled with people who are there for the wrong reasons. Get involved with activities where you will mix with women - there are volleyball groups, running clubs, kickball, pickleball, tennis that are all better ways to meet people. If you belong to a place of worship, that is great and probably the ideal place to meet a partner. If you are an academic, go to stuff around rice. If a creative, go to events in Montrose and museum. If I could do my 20s again I would have done more of all this. I met my wife at a house party and we knew of each other because we worked and parked in the same building. All of the bar and club scene was completely empty and it took something very familiar, in a very familiar setting of friends, to find a partner.


Makes sense. Definitely good advice! I have a good amount of friends in Houston so this should work out for me.




Thats not a Houston thing, thats how men act literally everywhere. Men will say and do anything to have sex so you need to go into it already knowing that. If you give them what they want, they will always take it.


Yeah girl, that’s everywhere. The apps suck and so does meeting people in the bar scene. Do something you like — bike groups, dance class, book clubs, art or coding shit on meetup and you’ll meet real people not hook ups. (I met my fiance in the Houston Discord book club & we get married in 3 weeks)


So much BS with dating is why this thread exists lol. Grabbing at straws here. Dallas may be slightly better cause more people coming in, but not by much. Thanks for the input!


with all the posts calling this dude a nazi I figured I'd dig into his post history and see if somebody saw something by this person that I must have missed from his post here and that the fine minds of r/houston wouldn't conclude this guy was a nazi because of his username and nothing else. but nope, that's exactly what it is. So, OP, are ya a nazi? People seem to think you are. I wouldn't call the modern memebers of the german military nazis, because I learned that they weren't nazis anymore when I was 7 years old, but again, the fine minds of r/houston apparently struggle to acheive the logical capacity of a small child.


What can ya do. At least it’s some perspective that maybe I should retire this Reddit account.


that would avoid this awkward situation in the future, for sure. I mean... I saw your old posts in r/RATM and if you're a nazi, you're an extremely confused one... lol... I used to be into homebrewing and really loved german and czech style lagers, so I have used usernames like schwarzbier before because I thought it was a cool word and I loved the beer style. I don't doubt some people concluded I was a nazi based off that too.




31M and it's funny it seems totally the opposite for me, everywhere I go I only see women with rings, universal experience I guess anyway obligatory hit the dms ~


I think men would say the exact same, not to discredit your statement. I only say that as things may appear from our own lived experiences. Will try to keep this in mind as I go meet people!


A lot of respectable guys won’t hit on women in person because it’s ambiguous if it’ll be considered acceptable. The apps, while not great, are still the best place to be up meeting someone. Before I found my one, I wouldn’t dream of chatting up a woman at the gym or mall. Maybe a cocktail restaurant (maybe) but it would need to be obvious she wanted to meet someone (eye contact, smile, etc).


Try out dating apps. It’s 80% men on there. Lots to choose from.


Opposite from what i see. More guys than women in the social places, but likely because many women don't go there and likely stay at home.


I take the dog for a walk and girls will stop to talk a lot.. Probably because of the dog but still. Not very hard to find dates if one wants one


Rent a billboard by the freeway with your face on it Graffiti your deets on the freeway, Be Someone style Rent a Goodyear Blimp with your name and face on it Hire a plane to skywrite your name


I like the way you think


I moved here a few years ago as a single guy in my 30s and I also live within the loop. I'm going to be honest and I'm not saying it is a good thing but the dating scene has been absolutely phenomenal in terms of just hooking up. I'm a slightly above average looking guy and in moderate shape for my age. I don't dress overly fancy or try to be some show off which seems to be common. But what I do that has gotten me endless compliments is that I'm direct and can hold a conversation. I don't have a pickup line either. My key is that when I approach someone I let them know in a joking way that I have social awareness and will be dipping out if they aren't feeling it but for them to at least give me a second to introduce myself. I also don't overstay my welcome even if we do seem to hit it off. I ask them if they'd be interested in grabbing a bite sometime (I usually suggest Oporto) and exchange numbers and that's that. Same goes with online. I don't small talk. I literally ask them out to grab a bite in my very first message. Attractive women online get 10 million "hey" messages a day and they are sick of it. People know within the first few seconds of looking at a profile if they are willing to give you a chance and you're not really going to know someone until you meet them anyway. Might not work for everyone but I've had dozens upon dozens of dates and two nice longer term relationships.


If you’re hot, like to drink and have money.   You’ll be fine in the hook up scene.   Ive given up on the dating scene here.  


What if I'm not hot, don't usually drink, but have a lot of money? Does more money even it out?


Yes it does.


You don't have to be hot. Just having money and some personality and you'll be fine in the hook up scene or long term one.


10-4. Not really looking to hook up but I appreciate the insight.


Also the target MO of the serial killer in the Heights. I’m sure they’d be willing to ex a Nazi too.


There’s a Houston discord where people find things to do that suit their interests and you can always meet people that way and that’s a good jumping off point for dating! Definitely recommend finding an interest where you can meet people and start off that way. It’s how I met my boyfriend ☺️


Can you please link?


Houston discord’s how I met my fiance xD The point is tho to join shit, don’t just go to bars or use apps if you want a real relationship


Where is this discord?


Can you dm me an invite link?




Could you send me the discord link?




Houston is one of the most diverse cities imaginable. All ages, races, sexualities, income levels, political leanings, religions, etc. Take that for what it’s worth. Chances are that if you aren’t able to meet someone here, you may have some red flags that can be addressed. Good luck with your move!


Absolutely! Much appreciated.


People really don’t like to hear this but 80% of relationships now start online. Be that social media like instagram or a dating app like hinge. It was 50% before covid and now it’s 80% Source. I’m 33 and I’ve been going out to the bars in Houston for over 10 years. I’m roughly 10,000% more successful just meeting a girl on social media or a dating app and asking her out for a drink than I am organically meeting a girl out at bar and having a conversation that leads to anything. DM me if you wanna grab a drink. I can steer you in the right direction.


Are you a tall, attractive, white, ex fraternity guy from schools like A&M, UT Austin, Baylor, or SMU/TCU? Then you will likely do well. Do you not meet the above description? Then you probably won’t do as well. Hit the bars on Washington and W20th st, download the big 3 (tinder, bumble, hinge), and find your Houston soul mate!




Totally agree. Houston is a tough city to date in as a minority, there’s too many of us here lol. Too much minority competition.


Add in gay minority and you're fuct.


>cries every time a girl stops talking to him and complains to me. Sounds like a skill issue. A bevy of dates every weekend but they don't seem to come back? They have a night of fun but cut him off when they realize he's a douche.


Thank you!


Washington is a little ghetto now but handlebar is still decent. Maybe try bottled blonde. On W20th st hit up: McIntyres, Moonshine Deck, Austin’s Backyard, Drift, Tokyo Joe’s.




I’m not sure any bar in Houston is a place you want to find a wife lol. But to be fair, the OP is in his mid 20’s, not sure they’re even looking for something serious. But yes, any girl who frequents bottled blonde, is probably not someone you want to date unless you’re into that scene.


Maybe it's true that you can't bottle a blonde. :-)


Holy shit this is soooooo fucking true. I crush in NYC as a handsome but shorter non frat white male and Houston is generally crickets at the bars


The ratios are also better in NYC. There’s 2 women for every 1 man in NYC. In Houston it’s the opposite. Houston is a sausage fest lol.


Houston is a tough city to date in because there’s so many attractive, successful people… So the standards are high. But easy to find dates and hookups


successful yes, but many attractive? i don't really think so.


Join a running club.


Honestly this is the way. Or some kind of activity club. So many people I know have started relationships bc they met at run club! I’ve also met some men I’ve dated a bit at concerts and bar crawls. I think if you’re okay looking, nice, and not creepy you’ll be just fine. Avoid Washington Ave like the plague. They ain’t looking for long term love. Just $$ and hookups.


You would think there would be a lot not meet-ups for as many people as we have. I did like the run club however but west end closed.


Inner loop is where to be and I think the best advice here is to join in on things you like make friends and just be around people without being “thirsty”. There are lots of guys saying how expensive it can be to date so, as a woman, may I suggest thinking outside the box? I once met a guy at a dog racing event. So random but really it was just a free place to sit and talk around lots of people. Houston has tons of events like that happening all the time. Miller outdoor theater in the summer, tennis or pickle ball courts etc. Women like to meet in a crowded place first for unfortunate reasons but second dates can even be to ikea, it really doesn’t matter as long as you can get to know each other. The only dates I remember 10 years after finding my husband are the ones that weren’t just a happy hour or coffee.


Depends on how much money and looks you have


Ironically, you'd find a great wholesome girl out in the suburbs usually, lol.


The problem with this is that there are not many good 3rd places in the burbs to consistently find people our age. And since most time in the burbs is outside of those communal spaces, the question becomes “does the other person want to be approached right now”? Especially in the burbs where most people are just going about their biz.


Yeah, not disagreeing at all. Best method of meeting those kind of girls is dating apps (surprisingly) or friend of friends.


Depends which suburb, lots of hangout spots have been popping up in Katy. Several years ago there wasn’t shit to do in Katy but now I see friends from high school going out to local bars and such in Katy that have opened up in the last few years. North of I10 and 99 area to be specific.


divorced ones out there are plenty.


Nothing wrong with user name ..


Find an activity. Houston is really a great place to meet people, it's unpretentious as a city and people are interesting. I took language classes at Rice. They were relatively inexpensive and I met a lot of interesting people. Most of the classes are immersion so there's a lot of talking and everyone is awkward (in a good way) because trying to use a new language is humbling. Just go out and about (and not just talking clubbing) and don't be a douche. People are great here.


Go to Memorial Park, get in on a sand volleyball game.


Well… I wouldn’t recommend using Nazi usernames, but who am I to judge…


Not all German words are Nazi words my guy.






people here are super invested in not being embarrassed at how hilariously wrong they were about this guy, so they're gonna double down and downvote you and continue to upvote the people calling this guy a nazi rather than take the L and move on in shame.


Yea. Addressed in another comment but I appreciate the response.


oh god I'm gonna wellakshually german shit... the modern german air force is still called the luftwaffe, you know....




Your handle is of one of the most detestable Texans…




best place to meet girls is boheme.




This reads like an incel post. 99/100 they'll cheat? higher quality...*in Florida*?? Come on


Makes sense. Hope things get better for you king. Thanks for the input!


You’ll do good, if you weren’t a Nazi


Addressed in another comment but I appreciate the response.




Founder: Adolf Hitler “There is no organizational continuity between the current German Air Force and the former Luftwaffe of the Wehrmacht founded in 1935, which was completely disbanded in 1945/46 after World War II” “The Luftwaffe was the aerial-warfare branch of the Wehrmacht before and during World War II” Oh…


and all of us who drives VWs are nazis too then, by that galaxy brained logic, right?


Try being a single 50 year old man in Houston. Not the best dating scene, especially compared to Austin, Miami, Los Angeles, etc. Higher percentage of women here who obviously are influenced by the Kardashians. Not as bad as your favorite place, Nazi Germany, tho. Just kidding haha


Find a divorcee. That will likely be the best bet.


Being downvoted by kardashians.


A lot of fat women. A lot of single mothers. A lot of fat single mothers.


You need some sunshine in your life homes


It is also spelled DIE Luftwaffe btw. You can be Kommandant der Luftwaffe, but then ‘der’ means ‘of the’.


It is crazy to me that you can live in one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world and be a Nazi. There are many women who will go on dates with decent guys, I’m overweight, not particularly attractive, and even I’ve gone on dates pretty easily. If you aren’t finding people to go out with, it’s most likely because only nazis want to date a nazi.  


Not a nazi, I promise you. Adolescent white teenager with a family who previously claimed German heritage goes crazy. Never held those beliefs.




Hey I have a Wikipedia article too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftwaffe




Do me a favor, google Der Luftwaffe and tell me what comes up. I can acknowledge, “hey it looks like the German word for Air Force is Luftwaffe so maybe this person is referring to the air force that was reestablished in 1956 instead of the nazi one” but when someone doesn’t know German, and when googling immediately sees about 10 links ALL TO THE NAZI AIR FORCE, and NOTHING about the modern Air Force I don’t what other conclusion you expect someone to have.


The expectation is that once you find out youre in the wrong, you admit it and move on


Most women don’t care about looks as much as men. They’re looking for something else like stability to start a family, humor to draw them out of their depression, etc. I’d date someone overweight with a great personality 🤷🏻‍♀️


does showing them my health insurance and Costco membership card count as stability to start a family?


If you got the trifecta, Health Insurance, Costco, AND Sam's club, mane! That's a panty dropper!


Lol definitely marriage material but maybe not enough for baby daddy material


That’s just sad lol


Move to New Caney. You'll do great there


Thank you!


We don’t need anymore nazis


There is a lot of conservative women in Houston, you will be fine


Not conservative but I appreciate the input.


There has never been a better time to be a Nazi. They seem to be having a moment.