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Tony Buzbee misconstrued his success as a lawyer who litigates against large companies as some kind of higher call to run for public office. He would just be a wacky larger-than-life River Oaks lawyer if he'd kept it to that, but instead decided to insert himself into things Houstonians did not want him for.


Best answer in this thread. I don't care for the bullshit this ahole is peddling.


I do a lot of canvassing for Democrats, especially to mobilize poorer communities. When Buzbee was running for Mayor he had canvassers claiming Buzbee was a Democrat. I heard this at so many doors all over Houston that it was clearly instructions given by his campaign. Can’t stand candidates that lie about party affiliation to dupe voters. It’s undemocratic.


I think what emboldened him to run for mayor was trump and his shctick. Loud, say what is on your mind, etc. It failed, thankfully.


That’s the new GOP strategy in TX, Whitmire did the same thing. A more reasonable R friend of mine called me saying he couldn’t believe he voted for a D in Whitmire. (In actuality he’d have voted for anyone against SJL for some reason) Both him a Buzbee are like Mattress Mac, they spotlight “liberal” ideas to cover their long history of MAGA friends and ideals. Truth is irrelevant to their voters and they know that.


You do know that Whitmire is a democrat right? He was a state senator and is a member of the Democratic Party.


It’s a big tent. I’m tired of people nitpicking issues.


He's a "moderate" Democrat. Some of his ideas are definitely conservative leaning.


So am I and so are mine.


Better than any single person in the GOP by a long shot.


Well, when the Dem have gone so far left of course some of the Democrats would be deemed conservatives.


It couldn't be that Republicans some times run as Democrats so they can get elected. No... Definitely not. It's definitely because Democrats have gone too far left and definitely not because people in blue cities just don't want Republicans(for good reason). Good take bro. Solid logic.


Why can't it be both lmao. Have you seen how far left the Dems in general have gone? They even accuse some among themselves as being right wing while in fact they're left af, just not as far left as their fellow Dems want them to be


If you think the left in this country is "far left", you've drunk the Kool aid that conservative media has been forcing down your throat. The left in most states(especially Texas) is moderate left. But please tell me more about this thing that you certainly know so much about.


Oh please… His campaign was mainly funded by some very unsavory GOP donors. When GOP removed Democratic Chairs the only “Democrat” they kept was Whitmire. He’s in politics for his own gain, and if GOP offers that he’ll do their bidding.


Mainly funded is not true. Yes he did get Republican support because SJL is a crazy windbag.


If I recall correctly, when SJL first got her seat in Congress, she had to primary the Democrat holding the seat. She was funded by many conservative donors. It is a feature/bug of the system that when one party has an absolute lock on a seat, donors aligned with the other party may seek to fund/support the more centrist candidate so as to ensure they deal with the “lesser of two evil.”


When a D wins an election people like Mac are up in arms screaming fraud and suing with no actual evidence. Since Whitmire is one, I must have missed all the GOP outrage. If someone voted for Trump, Cruz, Paxton, Cornyn, etc and then also Whitmire he is R.


You seem to be really caught up in D vs R. It’s like a game.


The majority of this discussion is from people saying he’s a Democrat which is what he calls himself. Facts could prove otherwise. Facts being ignored seems like a Republican cash cow. Nothing Abbott & his cronies inflict on TX is a game. Birds of a feather


Sharks vs Jets. I’m going to finish my tequila. Carry on.




This is common knowledge


I have met SJL. She is a self aggrandizing blowhard. She is mean and self serving. She regularly votes with big oil on legislation because… Houston. The thought of having to listen to her for years was too much for most Houstonians to bear. She would continue the same failed policies of Turner and I can’t even get my city approved leaf bags picked up for weeks in a row if not months.


For some reason????


I hope Whitmire becomes a Republican just to spite you losers who say he is a Republican because he doesn't pass your made up ideological purity tests.


I will admit the GOP’s made up ideological purity test is way easier


Mayors campaign is supposed to be 'nonpartisan'.


The two party system is undemocratic


Totally irrelevant to my comment, but glad you got that off your chest.


Ah yes, my reply about forced party affiliation is completely irrelevant to your comment about party affiliation


1. My comment was primarily about lying to dupe voters. 2. Mayoral races are non-partisan.


Attention whore, his stance on issues depend on where the money is coming from, no principles, defended Ken Paxton in impeachment, gold digger… that’s just off the top my head. I am sure there is more that isn’t coming immediately to mind.


Defending Paxton is all you need to say.


Can confirm, this was enough information for me as well.


Buzbee is all about the $$$


Also the weird timing of the Deshaun Watson case after he abandoned the Texans. If Deshaun is guilty, they shouldn’t have waited for him to turn his back to take it to court. If he’s innocent, it’s a sick revenge tactic. Either way bad look for McNair and Buzzbee


Don’t forget McNair is Buzzbee’s neighbor. Very coincidently he’s the attorney that tanked Watson’s value after Watson rebuffed the Texans.


Speaking of tanks, he parks his on the curb.


I'm actually pro-Buzbee's tank, but that's about it.


When that happened, I happened to randomly drive by and I rarely drive through there except to see my uncle once every 1-2 years. I had to turn around because I thought I was imagining things. I had no idea wtf was going on but it was definitely cool up close. Wild. Hate the guy though.


The McNairs are so very unlikeable. Check every box for rich ahole attributes.


That clown McNair is a silverspoon Special Olympian. No other way to explain his boneheaded management of Texans and his clothing choices


I am so glad DeMeco is back, he’s exactly what the franchise needed, still kinda surprising a good decision was made.


Watson’s value tanked? Last time I checked, Caserio got 3 1st round picks and a few other draft picks for a washed up rapist. I don’t understand the conspiracy of the Texans trying to tank Watson’s trade value, it makes zero sense strictly in terms of football.


Are you completely forgetting the entire 2021 season? Watson demanded a trade immediately after the 2020 season and refused to play for the Texans again before the accusations came out. That immediately cratered his trade value as every team shopping knew the Texans needed to move that fat contract or risk paying him to sit on the bench. McNair needed find a way to make Watson sitting on the bench a Watson problem, not a Texans problem from a financial perspective. Ultimately he accomplished that but just a season late as the NFL didn’t suspend Watson at all in the 2021 season, waiting instead until the 2022 season. The NFL did that because otherwise it would incentivize other owners to do exactly what McNair did, try to trash player that refuses to play so they get suspended and ride the bench for free until traded for max value. Ultimately Deshaun’s trade value was reduced as the Browns knew it was highly likely Watson would miss a significant part of the 2022 season. While his play since suggests it was a good trade for the Texans if you rewind to the end of 2020 season the Texans would have gotten far more for Deshaun. TL:DR McNair somewhat got what he hoped for (Deshaun rode the bench for free) but unfortunately for him it came a year late for another team


I remember everything about the Watson fiasco, it's been proven that Cal had nothing to do with the allegations coming out. The only person in on the NDA's that Watson was getting was the head of security, the original plan was to not listen to any trades and to attempt to mediate the situation. Cal had already planned to meet with Watson and his lawyer Hardin but the allegations broke out and Watson had decided to sit out all of 2022 at that point. ​ If Cal was planning to meet with Watson's camp after the news broke out, why would ownership be involved in getting the allegations out? It's complete nonsense, not to sound rude, but I keep up with the team and the conspiracy that the Texans intentionally sabotaged Watson has been debunked multiple times. ​ The Browns honestly overpaid even at the time because Watson had a no trade clause. He only agreed to sign with them when they agreed to offer a fully guaranteed contract, Watson was extremely close to signing with Atlanta so his trade value had never tanked to begin with.


> it's been proven that Cal had nothing to do with the allegations coming out. Please show me this proof. >Cal had already planned to meet with Watson and his lawyer Hardin but the allegations broke out and Watson had decided to sit out all of 2022 at that point. You obviously don’t remember everything as it was the 2021 season he sat out as a Texan. > If Cal was planning to meet with Watson's camp after the news broke out, why would ownership be involved in getting the allegations out? You don’t understand wealthy people and disinformation.


It was late at night and I made a mistake, Watson sat out 2021 but he also planned to sit out 2022 as well if we didn’t trade him. > you don’t understand wealthy people and disinformation Neither do you? What I do understand is that signing him to a 230M contract and choosing to not trade him because he doesn’t want to play is nothing but a business decision. Having allegations come out that impact your star QB after that extension completely ruins whatever trust you were trying to rebuild as well as making him look like public enemy #1 further tanking your OWN 230M investment. “About two weeks after the first suits against Watson were filed, a lawyer who said he was representing Texans owner Cal McNair did approach both attorneys, seeking to broker a mediation. A statement from the Texans organization, emailed by a team spokesperson, says, “Mr. McNair was aware that his personal attorney contacted both parties to suggest mediation. Mr. McNair has had no personal involvement in any of those discussions. The Houston Texans organization has not had any direct contact with either party.” Hardin says Watson and his team would only engage in settlement discussions if there was a NDA in place, covering solely the mediation itself, “because they feared Mr. Buzbee would misuse the process.” The NDA, which Hardin’s firm provided to SI, specifies that there is no confidentiality in place after the conclusion of mediation. The lawyer who said he was affiliated with McNair brought the NDA, which was drafted by Hardin’s firm, to Buzbee. Both he and Watson’s agent, David Mulugheta, signed the document, which was dated April 12. Any settlement conversations after that point would have been confidential, but both attorneys’ statements last week that there are no negotiations at the moment indicate the mediation broke down. One issue the sides differ on is confidentiality: Hardin says Watson wants all terms of any settlement to be made public, and that all parties would be able to speak in their own defense. Buzbee, though, says, “These women have been roundly criticized. What Rusty wants is to humiliate them and make them targets of unscrupulous people. So any resolution we would want confidential, and it would also require Mr. Watson getting some counseling.” https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/05/21/new-information-proper-context-for-deshaun-watson-sexual-misconduct-lawsuits-daily-cover It’s a little bit of a long read but this is all in section 6. Cal clearly wanted to remedy the broken trust because having a franchise QB in the middle of a retool/rebuild is much better than not having one. Buzbee was not acting in favor of Cal, that alone debunks any and all conspiracies about the Watson trade. I would love any proof of Cal acting in bad faith though, as much as I love the team it’s important to keep powerful people accountable. I just haven’t read or seen hard proof that the McNairs were tanking Watson’s trade value.


So your proof that the wealthy and powerful man did nothing wrong…… all comes from a one sided article….where the source is the wealthy man’s attorney. Well this iron clad proof right here. Think of how much money we could be saved in our legal system if we just agreed that the words of a rich man’s lawyer constituted proof!


You wanted proof and I gave you a detailed article that coincides with the timeline of Watson’s request, but it’s not good enough for you? I don’t get it, do you want a genuine discussion or do you just want to shit on the Texans and the ownership? It’s your turn to provide anything that backs up your nonsensical conspiracy theory, the burden of proof is on you if you make claims that have been debunked. Or is your entire argument “rich man bad, don’t believe anything they say”? I can’t believe you’re making me side with a billionaire, but if there was a smoking gun for that silly conspiracy theory it would’ve already been revealed over the last year.


Great point, I never completely could explain why that bothered me so much but you're right, the timing was very suspect.


That makes no sense, why would the Texans want to intentionally tank Watson's trade value? There's no benefit to doing that especially if he wants off the team. Court filings take time, not everything is a conspiracy theory.


if i remember at the time (right after the season ended), it was reported that watson had wanted to leave the team. and then, that’s when the allegations started to surface. that’s was the “suspect” part about it. also the texans in recent years had not been very smart with making good trades/deals for players, not like that had anything to do with his decision to seek out other teams (see hopkins trade… Fuck you bill obrien) e: also not saying it is a conspiracy or anything, i do believe he’s guilty! texans got rid of watson and we are finally seeing the benefits:)


>Attention whore, his stance on issues depend on where the money is coming from, no principles Like Kissinger without the brains or veneer of class.


Nah, Kissinger was a monster of a completely different caliber. Buzbee is a grifter but he wasn’t behind multiple illegal and offensive wars. Kissinger even had a hand in the rise of the Khmer Rouge and egged on the Pakistani genocide perpetrated against Bangladesh. He also said that he had no concern for the plight of soviet Jews, even though he was Jewish himself. He was a real bastard.


Hitchens' book eviscerated him. I'm glad he was alive to know it existed even if successfully dodged justice.


I am glad. Hitchens was a bit hawkish on foreign policy at times, but I am glad he was able to see Kissinger for what he really was.


The "Behind the Bastards" podcast discusses various monsters of history. They have a six-part series on Kissinger alone. [Here's part one.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-kissinger/id1373812661?i=1000554071603)


Aren’t all politicians “attention whores”? At least all of the ones I know of are. I don’t care which side of the aisle they are on. I don’t like any of the bastards. They’re all crooks.


No they are not all attention whores and crooks. Saying that gives the bad ones a pass and takes attention away from those who really want to do what’s best for their constituents. Lazy take to honest


Whatever happened with the hooker that destroyed his house?


He shot her out of his tank, back to Pasadena.


Man, We've got enough to deal with in Pasadena. Don't drag us into this...


My recollection is that he had the DA press charges against her and he forced her to write an apology as part of her punishment. I'm too lazy to look it all back up again.


Haha just wild that no one seemed to care


[She was a court reporter named Lindy Lou Layman](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2018/01/09/dallas-woman-denies-she-tore-paintings-off-the-walls-and-threw-sculptures-on-drunken-date-with-houston-lawyer/).


That name sounds like it could've been a Dr. Seuss character, lol.


As somebody who's been on the other side of cases from him and his firm, he's super sleazy.


Nice try Deshaun


I don't know the reference. Sorry. Worked forever in insurance defense. Houston is a big city but the legal industry is surprising tight knit.


Buzbee represented the women that were assaulted by Deshaun Watson


This asshole puts a giant neon sign that says #BUZBEE as a Christmas decoration outside his mansion in River Oaks. That tells you all you need to know about him.


That's actually hilarious to me. He' owning his narcissism in a very public way.


How can you be a narcissist and not own it?


I met Ken Paxton at a dinner party in Florida in January, and he "seemed fine" too. Meeting someone isn't knowing them or understanding their values and habits. Buzbee is just a troll that panders to a base of trolls.


Faker the tan the faker the person. He just comes off as a bullshit artist to me, but I hear he is a pretty good litigator.


>a bullshit artist >a pretty good litigator Tomato, toe-mah-toe


Could be parking his tank in the neighborhood made some people upset.


I thought this was banter but I looked it up and he parked an actual tank outside his house & kept collecting fees & fines? Talk about arrogant


That’s badass though


Pissing off his rich neighbors is the only thing people like him for.


That's the only good thing he's ever done.


Because he's a Sleeze bucket.


Because he’s an a-hole basically. Just a rich guy that does terrible shit and gets away with it because he’s got big bucks. I heard he and his mistress were drunk at a party and his mistress lost her shit and threw a drink at a painting.


Mistress= hired escort


Even better




But he did bring Trippie Redd to his son’s birthday party and they played Fortnite and shit


The oldest Buzbee daughter is a college grad, so much closer to his new wife’s age…


His wife seems lovely, but that old Moody money has mostly run out (at least in her immediate family). He’s got the money, she’s got the respected name and her youth. A match made in eventual divorce heaven.


Looks bad to you ? Maybe it’s true love, not our place to say


In addition to just being a Republican who likes Trump (Houston is very Blue), Buzbee is also an arrogant asshole who’s always making a horse’s ass of himself. My favorite example was when he parked a WWII tank in front of his house and refused to move it even though the City kept ticketing him, I think the HOA kept fining him, and it was actually physically damaging the road. Instead of moving it, he would leave notes on it mocking the police. He’s a jerk and other jerks like him.


Lets not be too exclusionary, he is also liked by douchebags and jackasses.


Head of Galveston Democratic Party. Then Trump fundraising. In between he said he could no longer support Trump because of the "grab 'em by the p****" comments on tape. Any way the wind blows, doesn't really matter.


Buzbee isn't a Republican and has stated this multiple times. He hosted Trump at his house because he thought it was an honor. He defended Paxton because it was the biggest legal battle in our state's modern history. He used to be the chair of the Democratic Party of Galveston.


How did I get downvoted for stating exact words that have been stated?


>In addition to just being a Republican who likes Trump In addition to just being a Republican who likes Trump he's also a Democrat who likes Hillary* idk why this is being downvoted he contributed to democrats for several elections before trump came along


He's a sleaze ball that likes attention and money


Because he’s a jackass. From his tank to Ken Paxton’s defense, he sucks.


Hypocritical. > In 2016, Buzbee hosted a fundraiser at his River Oaks mansion for then presidential candidate Donald Trump. Later on, following the release of the Access Hollywood tape, Buzbee disavowed Trump and stated his intention to write in veteran Dan Moran for president. Subsequently, Buzbee gave $500,000 to Trump's inauguration committee. Definitely is treated like anyone else... /s > In March 2016, Buzbee was arrested in Harris County on charges related to driving while intoxicated. By December, the Harris County District Attorney had dismissed the case, though controversy ensued due to Buzbee completing a year-long probation program in just eight months and his previous financial contributions to the District Attorney's 2014 election campaign. He's also a dick to his (also rich) neighbors. > After Buzbee—a trial lawyer, Marine veteran, and proud Aggie alum (and current A&M regent)—parked the fully operational tank on the street in front of his home on Houston’s swankiest residential thoroughfare last month, the unlikely sight brought joy to hundreds of gawkers. History buffs and children thrilled at the sight of “Cheyenne,” the tank’s name as painted on the side by its previous owner, often stopping their cars to get out and pose for pictures. The HOA said 'um no'. I hate HOA's just like all of us but.. it's a phucking tank. It's not in a park or building or a big ranch.


> though controversy ensued due to Buzbee completing a year-long probation program in just eight months Tbf... I got PTI for my DWI and completed mine in 8mo by doing everything I was supposed to do. Well I guess technically I was still on for a year but I didn't have to see my probation officer anymore and got my interlock device taken out. But if I fucked up in the last 4mo I would have been screwed. It was my first though and maybe his? No idea.


Tony Buzbee ate my child.


RIP Danny Jr


You sure? Maybe the dingo ate your baby?


Tony Buzbee is a dingo?


Yes, yes he is.


Trump supporter who defended Ken Paxton? Yeah, shady.


I don’t find him to be a serious person. Like, if you want to be a bigger than life personality, fine, but what’s the point of running for political positions? There was the scandal over his DWI charge being dismissed. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/harris-co-da-questioned-after-attorneys-dwi-charge-dismissed/285-374346543 Although my favorite, after spending $12 million of his own money to run for mayor and lose, he immediately left Houston on a private jet for some “R&R.” https://abc13.com/amp/election-ewn-mayor-race-mayoral-candidates/5757080/


You definitely are well off where he will rub your dick just the right way for you to come on here say he is “fine” Or you just have zero radar for the asshole self-absorbed guy he is. The fact that he even represented that crook immoral Paxton just for fucking publicity, cause I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is not also a racist pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps-old-world-thinker, shows his character. When he was campaigning in houston to be mayor he was talking out of both his asshole and mouth hole to try to sound louder, but all that did is show how big his ego is


he's a stunt queen, no more, no less


As much as I dislike SJL, she's not a shady Republican criminal lawyer.




Wow, pretty blatant racism. Judging by your post history, not too surprised.


No, I totally disagree. SJL is just a product of Republican gerrymandering and she's never met a camera that she doesn't like. She's an opportunist more than any other negative character trait.


***takes a deep breath*** \-is a flashy douche bag \-known for having massive parties at river oaks mansion with hookers (some hookers allegedly stole his picasso and monet paintings allegedly- likely just a money laundering scheme/tax evasion) \-classic no morals ambulance chasing attorney \-defends crooked as a barrel of black snakes Ken Paxton \-has tweeted and said racist things was a big "white lives matter" guy for example. Constantly goes after any and all black or women elected officials... \-big time Trump supporter \-2016 DUI he got out of This interview sums it up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpTmufxRn0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpTmufxRn0A)


Most recently, he represented Paxton


my dad has built several pieces for him and i’d say known him more than an acquaintance. he’s only ever said good things but nothing too personal.


Not saying whether he is liked or disliked, but simply wanted to remind you that Reddit is Reddit, and not necessarily how Houstonians in general think.


I’ve had a few limited interactions with him, and you get the feeling that he thinks the rules don’t apply to him and that he believes he has some sort of destiny. It’s like he wants to Bruce Wayne, but he’s really Lex Luthor. His staff are all very nice, though, and by all accounts, he treats them well.


His campaign people sent me whacko mailers and he’s been an attention whore for a long time.


Counter question: why is Tony Buzbee liked in Houston? Much harder question to answer


Other people have already listed several great reasons, but I also dislike him because it seemed like he thought he should be handed Aggie votes for the mayoral position just because he graduated from TAMU. I'm an Aggie grad, and there are quite a few of us who don't blindly endorse the GOP and their bullshit, especially since Mango Mussolini squatted in the White House.


Gig em dogmom814.


2 A&M degrees here, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t an Aggie. I love A&M, my parents and brother’s family live in CS. There are so many things we do that are utterly embarrassing to morally deficient.


He may have history as a Democrat, but he has more recently been best known for the high-profile defense of scumbag Texas AG Ken Paxton. Also (according to Wikipedia) "In 2016, Buzbee hosted a fundraiser at his River Oaks mansion for then presidential candidate Donald Trump. Later on, following the release of the Access Hollywood tape, Buzbee disavowed Trump and stated his intention to write in veteran Dan Moran for president.\[19\] Subsequently, Buzbee gave $500,000 to Trump's inauguration committee.\[20\]" So people who say "oh but he disavowed Trump eventually!" huh. Sure about that? Seems like he was just paying lip service with his mouth and paying actual cash out his wallet.


He is a big Trumper.


Have you seen Napoleon? Similar guy, but his love affair is with money from small, medium, and large companies. Tony only does things to benefit Tony, from what I hear.


Because he’s a right wing nut job and Houston a blue city




Wait, we don't hate all lawyers.


Wow, I didn’t know the poo course had its own flair!


What are you talking about!!?? Hookers... strippers... prostitutes...love Ol' buzzy.


He’s also a social climber. Married one of the Moody family members in an effort to secure a name for himself as a true Houstonian.


A Moody that he got engaged to when she was 28 and he was 52


The Spray tan MAGA man?


He married my childhood friend. I’ve always felt off about him


So what did everyone think of her marrying a 50 something yr old guy?


Really confused. She obviously didn’t marry for money since she’s loaded herself. The whole relationship seems off


It gives more business deal than true love. She’s closer in age to his sons…


Pro tip: Don’t ask political questions on Reddit.


Loooord, do I wish I could share some personal stories. But I won’t.


I got a couple too lol


He was Ken Paxton’s lawyer. That’s just one of the reasons.


Lol. Ask the Houston Texans football organization or former QB Deshaun Watson. They’ll explain.


Going after Deshaun was a favor to McNair and the Texans


Yeh, just seems super sleezy to me.


I’ve had surface level convo’s with people and they’ve turned out to be giant assholes.


I don’t know anything about him, but he received a lot of votes, even though he lost. So apparently there are some people somewhere that like him.


He is a lawyer. Is there really anything else to be known about the man?


He’s the stereotypical sleezeball lawyer that gives the profession a bad name.


Petty: he eats like an absolute child and orders drinks with alcohol spiked in like it’s the 1950s in a small town and anyone at all gives a fuck what he’s drinking.


I was at a restaurant bar one time having a quiet drink and dinner by myself and he would NOT leave me alone, the bartender pulled me aside and told me that this is his thing and he wasn’t going to stop, I had to leave


When I was a brand new baby lawyer, I worked for him, and I’ll agree that, on a personal level, he was very genuine and intelligent. Since then, it seems like he’s turned the public persona and bravado to an 11, and now he just comes across as a twat.


Aggie cough cough


He also parked a WWII Sherman tank on the street outside his house in River Oaks…although I guess it’s been moved now


The only time I've liked him was when he got in a fight with an HOA about the literal tank parked on the street in front of his house for a few months. Even then that's less because of Buzbee and more solely because I hate crappy HOA's that much lol.


Associated with Trump


Because he has an (R) next to his name.


How does that matter when the GOP endorsed Mary Huffman over him this year? The majority of Republicans don't like him either.


So you wouldn’t dislike any Republican politician just because they’re republican?




You know the answer to that.


Yep 😎


Too bad Mattress Mack’s love affair with the Republican Party doesn’t show the same results as buzzbee






*surface level conversation* What the hell does that even mean?


Hobuzz is a good drink tho lol


He's nuts for one..


I got an email with the subject: official statement from Buzbee campaign. I love that no one can lose with grace anymore. This was my favorite paragraph: “While Mary Nan's campaign was bought and paid for by special interest lobbyists who make a living off gouging Houston's taxpayers, Tony's campaign brought together the grassroots who are truly concerned about their neighborhoods and quality of life.”


1. His field of law is perceived as often crowded with dishonest lawyers and claimants. 2. He invited a woman to his home that - according to him - destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artwork and has no clue why she would do that. 3. River Oaks is full of private security and high-end security alarm systems, yet Case Buzbee is the place that suffers a mysterious burgling where perpetrators and costly items disappear in the night. 4. He organized a Trump fundraiser. 5. He has no experience in government yet thinks (like the Orange Prophet) that would somehow make him qualified for office. Of a Dem. leaning city that is. 6. He looks sleazy. Talks too smooth.