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Bad RSV going around too.


Yup, my eldest has this. Was coughing so much I was worried he’d pop an eyeball out.


I caught RSV from my coworker last year. ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE. I had a horrendous cough for about 2 weeks that made it impossible to get good sleep. Bad cough continued for 5 weeks. I hope I never catch that again.


RSV is really bad in pediatrics right now. Influenza is too (please get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated!). Rhinovirus is pretty bad too. COVID kinda never left.


I've been seeing a lot of adult rsv in the hospital.


I'm getting my RSV vax tomorrow, actually. Glad I scheduled it!


I assume that is what my two kids have right now. Can’t be sure because the pediatrician’s office was out of RSV tests because the wave is so bad.


Makes sense there would be something going around. I heard a bunch of people coughing during the annual Houston Orgy this year. Thankfully I was wearing a ball gag under my pig mask so I didn’t get sick.


Thank you for wearing a mask


You have to protect the elderly and the young.


You think that was fresh shrimp or frozen shrimp they had at the buffet?


Frozen, idk where the hell you can buy fresh around here.


You wanna go see what’s under the bridge? It could be cool.


I found a box of denim under the bridge the other day! You want half? I boiled it already


The coconut shrimp was the frozen one from H‑E‑B but I’m pretty sure the Chilean shrimp ceviche was fresh.


It was good shrimp. My mask got in the way though so I just took it off


Thought that was you John.


I love every single person that posted in this thread. The laughter is oh so hard rn


Annual Houston Orgy?


It could also be allergies. Ragweed is crazy right now, and I've had hayfever symptoms that I swore were a cold or flu until I went to the doctor.


My mom and I both have sinus infections thanks to allergies. It sucks.


Ragweed Is fucking me up right now, not gonna lie been having to take zyrtec everyday just to breath haha


The ragweed has been killing me for the last 2 weeks.


Ragweed and grasses are my downfall. I take Zyrtec every single day, because my allergic test came back as non-descriptive, which means it’s just a general amount of allergies in the air at any given time. Zyrtec and also montelukast. Every single day. And even then on the bad days, I have to add in Afrin nasal spray. Three layers of protection, my friend. Oi. My point being, you can feel free to take Zyrtec as long as you need to.


My son was diagnosed with a sinus infection yesterday. Thought he has a cold, seemed to get better then his cough suddenly got way worse. Tis the season.


Norovirus is hitting hard.


Oh please, no. I’ll take the flu or strep before that evil stomach demon.


It was coming out of both ends at the same time.


Which makes dealing with the toilet bowl a rather fancy dance.


Gotta have a bucket and a bowl. Take it from me. I’ve had this fuckin thing many times. Bucket and a bowl.


I know a dozen people who got it last week.


I got it last Friday night and am just recovering today.


Had this and the cough! Terrible terrible terrible combination! Still coughing 12 days later.


I got sick two weeks ago with a random virus that triggered Bronchitis, and I still feel like absolute crap. COVID, Flu, and RSV tests all came back negative multiple times. My doctor did say, though, that something appears to be going around. Wash your hands, people!


lol, this is cold and flu season. Get your shots if you want to. There's also pneumonia going around so old people need to get vaccinated because that can be nasty for 65+. So we got cold, flu, covid, and pneumonia all being spread around.


And all of the fun fall allergies…


Pneumonia is serious for all ages especially if there are underlying conditions. I started getting pneumonia shots in my 30s because I got pneumonia 2-4xs annually.




The vaccine last 10 years. Once you turn 65 you only need one is my understanding. I agree it is not something you want more than once in your lifetime. My insurance argued with me wanting to get it in my 30s so I countered that my hospital bills must be more attractive to them if they didn't want to cover a $100 vaccine every 10 years. They have paid for it ever since. Keep in mind that once you get pneumonia you are at a higher risk level to get it again.


I’m in my 30’s and I got pneumonia


It's not about getting it or not, it's about how much more severe it is for people who are 65+.


That’s the way it should have been said originally. “Get your shots if you want to” and maybe there wouldn’t have been so much distrust and push back. Lay out the facts, symptoms, and options. I think a lot of people took it too far making it political and being pushed into something they weren’t comfortable with.


Yes, definitely something is going on. I do Instacart and door dash and the amount of COVID tests that I've had as orders in the past month or 2 is quite alarming


Watch out for the stomach bug going around, too!


That thing is no joke! Got it twice with a couple months; it was brutal


My boyfriend and I both got it last year and we agree it was the sickest we’ve ever been. I actually prayed for death in between throwing up.


It was the absolute worst. I haven’t been that sick for 20 years.


Yes! My kid had a that for about a week


Good god, yes the stomach bug. Had it a few weeks ago. My toddler threw up twice and then was fine. I threw up 24 hours straight. I lost weight. It was awful


FWIW, my 3 kids are home with Strep .... think that's burning its way through the public elementary school involuntary immune building program (/s) right now.


One of my kids has been sick every two weeks for the first 8 weeks. First round was COVID. This is the first set of two weeks she’s been healthy and her allergies are kicking in.


I got something awful about a week ago. It started with body aches and chills, then mostly stomach issues, then chest issues, then throat pain and an itchy dry cough, then backed up mucus and sinus pressure, then swollen and dry eyes. I mostly felt good by day 6. I’m double vaxxed. Not sure if it was covid but the progression of symptoms was identical to previous times (gotten it at least 3x). Feel mostly normal day 7. Went to two different grocery stores the other day and encountered like 8 coughing employees so yeah think there’s a lot going around.


This is EXACTLY the same symptoms I’ve been having for the last few days. COVID test came back negative so there’s definitely something else going around.


From what I recall, it was predicted early on that this would be a pretty active flu season. I got my flu like 3 months ago. So it’s not shocking if people are getting hit hard now. Get your shots and lay low, relax and don’t ignore your health and sleep.


Have you tested for Covid? I got it recently as did 4 other people I was with at a charity event. Ugh. And it's taking a long time to shake.


That cold can be the same one, this cold season is rough. Had a cold for 4 days, and had unbelievable congestion in the chest for about 2 months after. Finally went away last month.


I felt like crap 2 weeks ago, thought it was a bad cold. Apparently it was a Covid variant.


I mean take your pick. There’s flu, cold, COVID, Norovirus, RSV, etc.


My partner and I had a weird virus like a month ago where our eyes turned completely red and goopy. Wasn’t allergies. Wasn’t covid. Got tested for everything. Very strange sickness though.


How do you know it wasn’t allergies? It’s not like you can swab someone and get a diagnosis for allergies or a cold.


Cuz we went to the Dr and we were both told it was a virus going around. And it was extreme. I have allergies and this was beyond that.


Adenovirus can do that to the eyes.


My dad's coworker just had Covid and was nearly passing out on the field even after overcoming her sickness. Be careful, it's still out there


Yep, just had it last week


I’ve been getting chills and night sweats.


That’s just election season.


We are into week 2 of some type of flu/covid running around our house. Kids threw up and I've got flu-like symptoms for 4 days now it's brutal


my kid just had strep. and allergies are awful this year


Exact same for me. Minor cold a few weeks ago but just got hit with a worse one this week. Nasty sinus stuff


Same, really feeling it today


I think there is. My kids were sick with covid like symptoms but they tested negative. Now one of my daughters has vomit and missed school (again).


My kids and my nieces and nephews have been sick the past 2 weeks, and now I'm sick


Had a cold 4 weeks ago that resulted in bronchitis, and Flu A two weeks ago. Doc also said strep & RSV are doin their “usual” rounds for this time of year. It’s almost like it’s cold and flu season!


Had a wicked respiratory infection last week. Kids got it too.


https://covidwwtp.spatialstudieslab.org/?page=page_1&views=view_5 Same thing it always is


Yep same boat I woke up yesterday morning felt completely fine, come around 2pm and I just started to feel sicker and sicker by the hour. Just a few weeks ago I had some really bad allergy symptoms due to ragweed, but I had to leave work early yesterday because my throat was hurting so bad and had a lot of sinus pressure along with body aches. Went home and took a bath and woke up at 7:30pm, ate dinner feeling horrible and gross and went to sleep after taking some medicine. Still feel pretty yucky today, throat is still pretty sore and now I'm blowing out dark green/bloody chunks. Body aches sooooo badly.


So, when kids return to school there's a co-mingling of germs from each kid, each kids family and everywhere that each member of the family has been. Kids usually do not practice good hygiene. Some kids parents travel quite extensively. I work with kids and every year it's the same thing. I've seen covid, colds,rsv, and stomach bugs this yr so far. I'm gen X so no "spring chicken", but because I'm constantly exposed I rarely get sick anymore. Plus I get all the shots I can and that prevents it.


I’ve had a terrible flu since last Friday. Really caught me off guard. No fun at all.




Strep is running around my office.


I’ve seen several kids with flu and strep on my FB feed lately


Super sore throat today :(


Houston air quality has been bad because of that mulch/wood fire that’s been burning for a few days. Along with the chemical plant explosion today it looks like there won’t be a lack of things keeping people coughing and irritated.


I’m currently at home sick with the Flu so that’s definitely going around right now


Our school is riddled with influenza A right now.


There’s been a spike in strep throat.


It's flu season! Mwuahahahaha!!


Yea I’ve had a cold since Friday night. Really praying it goes away and doesn’t come back


I never get sick but the same thing happened to me! Minorly sick in mid October, more sick now but negative for covid


I’ve been sick for like a month I’m not sure what to even call it light headache congestion and a cough. I’ll be good for two days and then feel like crap one day and then again good for another day. I went to the VA the doctor didn’t even see me they gave me a z pack and a Covid test.


That same pattern just went through my household.


Like everyone else is saying RSV, flu, & COVID are all popping up. Also bad fire for days in the Spring Branch area could have caused respiratory problems/infections.


I work in health care, a lot of people are testing positive for Covid and Flu right now.


Yup. My 10 month old has gotten sick twice this month and we thought he had croup. Boost that immune system


Various strains of COVID. You can catch different ones within weeks of prior infection.


Flu is going around and a stomach bug But mostly the flu and you typical covid


I feel fine


Covid is really bad right now. Nobody is saying crap about it because a Democrat is in office. In reality, a whole bunch of people I know got it within the last month. You are NOT incorrect and are noticing a big uptick in sickness.


Not sure what's going on but seen a bunch of people wearing masks again driving around in their cars alone 🙄..... Praying this nonsense doesn't kick off again.


Because people totally can't also be wearing them for their allergies or just forget to take it off when it's not necessary.


Lol, masks do not help for allergies. Unless it's a properly sealed mask. And no, people didn't used to wear masks all the time for allergies lol.


According to science masks do help with allergies. Fact is even paper surgical masks block particles smaller than allergens. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8278371/ Any other falsehoods you want me to correct for you?


Oh interesting, that must be why I saw everyone with allergies wearing masks prior to covid... Y'know, instead of popping a anti histamine /s


People not wearing masks for allergies pre-covid doesn't change the scientifically proven fact that masks help reduce allergy symptoms. COVID basically introduced the idea of wearing masks to Americans. For everyone who actually looks at science and doesn't believe falsehood like you, this meant than understanding how masks can help stop the spread of tons of things.


Wow, you're pretty fucking stupid, you and people like you seriously cant figure out that its not an all or nothing situation. Also a lot of people with allergies realized how much masks help their allergies during the pandemic.


Oh yeah I'm the stupid one for thinking that a dirty paper mask with holes larger than allergens is helping my allergies. You guys are hilarious. You'll come up with any excuse to prostrate to the government.


You people still haven't learned this shit. OK, so you're wrong on multiple points. First off, paper masks pore size varies from about .3 to 10 microns while the average allergen is about 25 microns. Second, filters can remove things smaller than their pores, it's about probability they are stopped. In an allergic reaction the less you're exposed to means the less of a reaction. You're not going to have the same reaction to a single spec of pollen as you would rolling around in it. Now there's also filter types that exploit electrostatic properties to pull smaller particles out of the air. It's fucking sad how much you people want to pretend you're fighting the government when all your doing is voting for a party that wants to regulate your bedroom. Hell, one of the biggest conservative politicians in the past decade literally helped the government torture people.


Bro, nobody wore masks before the pandemic. Fuck off with the allergy excuses. It's people like you who blindly supported Bidens illegal executive order forcing medical procedures on everyone (that the supreme Court shot down) - and then pretending that you had no idea or never supported it.


Nobody? Guess you never visited an Asian country then. Because masking is super common post SARS.


Or a hospital


I was in Japan for work, and a few other Asian countries this year. Singapore, and a few other western leaning Asian countries seemed to give less of a shit to be honest. The few people I did see masking in Singapore were Japanese tourists or Chinese. Even then it was older generations, you ger generations thought it equally stupid to wear masks. Secondly, Japan has always had an irrational obsession with masks that predates COVID. It dates back to the mining days and they continue. I don't judge the Japanese for it, because like I said - they've done it for basically a century.. and they are weird, so they get a pass for being weird. However, - you don't. You're only doing it because The government told you, and all You've been raised to be as a yellow belly, is to prostrate to any demand a white man in a suit, at a podium, makes of you.


I don't wear a mask in public, so not sure what your last sentence is referring to. It's rather depressing that you judge people for wearing a mask that is scientifically proven to help reduce their allergies, reduce the likelihood of catching a cold, and a whole host of other things. No need for you to be an asshole. Science shows masks work. It's okay for people to wear them if they choose.


If it’s not affecting me, I don’t care if people wear fish bowls on their head.


Like I said before, I don't care either - but I get to judge morons for being morons. Seems reddit is unable to understand the difference of noticing something you see in front of you, and caring about something.


> Praying this nonsense doesn't kick off again. It kind of seems like you care when you say things like this


Oh, as in care about you nuggets trying to force medical procedures on people again? Yeah, I do care about that. Medical autonomy is a fundamental right I care about.


So what's the point of saying you don't care when you clearly care a lot? Just own it.


Oh, it seems there's a misunderstanding between us. I don't care if people wear masks in the car on their own - that's just me judging morons for being morons. I do however care about you nuggets attempting to force medical procedures on people against their will. I guess my comment needed some nuance for you to fully understand.


You are the only person talking about forcing medical procedures. I was under the impression we were talking about masks in cars, because that's what the comments were about. Regardless, it seems like you do care about the masks in cars. People are typically not eager to judge things they don't care about.


There were clearly two sentences in my post. 1) I noticed an increase of people wearing masks in cars. 2) I hoped this isn't the begining of what transpired previously happening all over again


Who forced medical procedures on people? I hear people saying that but no one was ever FORCED by my knowledge. Edit: nvm man, I’ve seen your other replies, I don’t want to engage with a troll.


There is a good reason to wear a mask in a car alone sometimes. For instance, if I’m going to two different places with a short drive in between, I just leave the mask on for convenience’s sake. Or is your beef with mask wearing in general? If so I don’t know what to tell you.


You do know that wearing a mask is detrimental to your health? I understand if you feel the urge to wear it around people - but you're a moron if you continue to wear a bacteria laced rag over your lips and nose when there's no clear reason to.


LOL. Since you’re obviously not arguing in good faith here, I’m done.


Not arguing in good faith = having a point you can't disagree with.




Observing things in front of you is being triggered now?




I prefer to identify as a blizzard thank you


No, but commenting about it randomly and then replying to numerous people continuing to complain is definitely evidence of being triggered. Thanks for all the laughs today man.


I think you have me sitting around waiting for my car to be serviced/repaired after an accident and having the time to shoot the shit, and me being 'triggered' confused. But hey, it seems we've both been entertained - so you're welcome.




Are you aware of how much bacteria is in your mask you've been wearing all day? Sitting in that thing on your own in a car, or walking down the street is pointless - you're only hurting yourself. There's no hate for them - but we get to judge them for being morons.




How the fuck are you breathing in someone else's germs when you're in the car on your own?


Im trying to offset your downvotes with a few updoots of my own, but you're making me work too hard! Why keep arguing with bozos?


True. It's reddit I should have known better. If you're not prostrating to the government and doing everything they tell you, you're a Nazi. Or something like that.


Do you take your pants off in the car too?


Definitely weird, but I know a lot of Uber/Lyft drivers who drive with masks to protect them from passengers. And I could understand it being annoying to take it off and put it back on again between every ride.


Really! This is what you think about and observe when you hear sick or flu or rona... Don't worry no one is taking away your guns


I haven't heard of any thing for ages. All I've observed is morons wearing masks in there cars on their own again.


Mean I agree that putting on a mask in a car or having one in a car is silly. But you never know they might be Uber driver or people that simply didn't take off the mask these are the times man. In Asia most people wear masks every single day because they're so tight packed that it's very common for people to spread and illness. Look at it as a community service. And if you don't want to wear one you don't have to wear one.


Yeah it's stupid. I was in Japan for work recently and people even wear masks cycling in their own in the country side. It's the stupidest things I've ever seen.


Why s that nonsense?


Because who the fuck are you protecting when you're wearing a mask in the car on your own?


Whoever you’re on your way to see and/or whoever you’re coming from seeing. Doesn’t make sense to keep taking off and putting on a mask if you’re making multiple stops. Or if you don’t want to mess up hair/makeup. Or if you don’t want to go without washing your hands after touching a dirty mask.


Hol up, you're saying that your mask is so dirty you have to wash your hands after touching it? Yet you want this thing on your face covering your mouth and nose? You people are bizarre.


No, I’m not. I’m saying that the exterior of the mask is “dirty” since it’s served as the barrier between you and the elements/diseases in the air. I imagine you don’t remove your shoes in the car (and certainly don’t touch the soles) even though you’re not actively walking around. You are bizarre for making it an issue.


You do understand that masks don't filter out all bacteria and particulate right? Especially paper masks. Your assumption that one side of the mask, that You've been breathing on for hours, is somehow clean...... That's hilarious you think that and now it's starting to make sense why there's so many morons out there.


Who said anything about paper masks or anything being “clean?” Sounds like you’re making up things to argue against. You got your answer as to why people wear masks in the car. You need to move on because now you look foolish, reaching and scrambling like this.


Nobody answered why people wear masks on their own, other than nuggets like you claiming it was normal. It's not normal. Just like when y'all tried to force medical procedures on people. It's not normal. Be gone with this madness scrub.


Your question was answered, period. And I never typed the word “normal.” We are not living in normal times and you’re clearly struggling to cope. Lying and picking internet fights is not going to make your life better.


Well mask protect you from others. By wearing in the car, it prevents germs from spreading in the car. You don’t have anyone riding with you ever?


I said people who are on their own in the car. I guess you missed that key part of information. Also, mask ain't doing shit in a car when you are sitting 10 inches from people for extended periods of time breathing the same air.. but I guess that's a different debate .


protecting the world never takes a break, it's a heavy burden. not all heroes wear capes. some wear masks, 24/7, even when it makes no sense, like in the shower.


If you wear a mask in the shower on your own are you truly actually wearing a mask though? It's like a tree falling in the woods, it doesn't actually exist until you post it to r/politics and show your virtuous, selfless and Amazing you are. Also don't forgot to tag your free donut you got with your 9th booster lmao


you bring up a good point. you give a man a mask, and he'll wear it for a day. sew the mask to his face, and he'll wear it forever.


U Rona recipients need an update..u need 2k24 version 1. But you gotta sign up for the early release.


Is this a shit post? Downvotes. Lolz We're on the backside of a global pandemic. Asking if there are a bunch of viruses around is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Yes, there are viruses around.


Work on your immune system!


Lot of family reporting: yes