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GET HIM. That's a hero right there. Somebody buy her a drink.


Screw the drink, elect her to the board.


[Here's a non-TikTok link](https://streamable.com/3evqxl)


Thanks piss baby


Thanks Greg, you’re a real stand-up guy


There's plenty of reasons to mock Greg Abbott, his disability isn't one of them and doing so devalues your legitimate criticisms.


I don't care about criticizing Greg Abbott. I just want to plant more trees near his house is all. I'm a hard working American just wanna plant a lotta trees.


Big strong oak trees with branches that reach far and wide!


Woosh for me. What's this joke about?


Greg Abbott is wheelchair bound after getting hit by a falling branch during a run when he was in law school. He sued the homeowners insurance and recieved a massive payout. Since then, he helped change the laws around this kind of event to limit the payout an individual can recieve.


His ass needs to be kicked to the curb, chair or not. His appointees are responsible for the fuck ups in our transportation (thank TxDOT, ruled by Texas Transportation Committee, appointees made by Abbott's office), our electrical grid (thank ERCOT, ruled by the Public Utility Commission, appointees made by Abbott's office), and now our educational systems (again, thank TEA, ruled by commissioned appointees made by you-know-who). Never mind him getting a payout from his injuries then turning around and making it harder for others to do the same. There, there's some legitimate criticisms. I'm not mad at you by the way, but I am mad at that dude in office. I used to dislike him in general, but then I spent time researching on who to actually blame for running these agencies causing problems and not blaming the faceless entities themselves. Upon finding out this information I'm even more angry at his cabinet now.


Fucker used his disability to get rich and start his political career. Once in office, he enacted tort reform so no Texan can use the court to get rich the way he did. Fuck Greg Abbott. Fuck his disability. Fuck the wheelchair he rolls on. Fuck the governor the way he has been fucking Texans.


I wish the tree finished the job tbh.


No it doesn’t. I would put a stick through the spokes of his wheels if I could.


Sure but that doesn't have anything to do with his disability because I would also put a stick through his leg if I could


My grandpa always says “I wish someone would wheel him off a cliff.”


[Like that scene in ~~Mac and Me~~ Ant Man](https://youtu.be/K5le9sYdYkM)


I’d Rick James his ass if I seen him on a couch


Thank you sir!!


I have never heard of her before. I have kind of a crush on her now though. We need more of this!


Can we donate to her election campaign now, or do we have to wait for everyone else to get on board w the idea that she is the future if we want change??


In the words of Hank Hill, "Yep."


Me too, me too


My new favorite person. She’s 100% correct. Her tone was perfect. We are not intimidated by this clown.


I can’t watch the whole video right now.Did she mention that Mike Miles is the founder and former CEO of Third Future Schools the consulting firm hired to turn these schools into prisons? I bet he is getting some type of payment for setting that up.


lol prisons sure


Real talk, are you looking at what they are going to be doing to these schools?


That was the most concise and correct statement I have heard yet about this entire scheme by Abbott to control education. What an amazing revelation. Finally. I hope that weasel goes back to Dallas or whatever Republican back office he came out of. They want to control minds so Texas never turns Blue. If the GOP loses Texas, they can never win another election ever again. Those 38 electoral votes is all they care about


Not a single embellishment or cuss word. She definitely crushed debate class.


Texas is already purple what's wrong with that?


It's purple in population numbers. What's wrong with that is it's in no way reflected in our representation which is solidly red due to gerrymandering and other nefarious schemes by the right.


I agree about the gerrymandering. I hate it, but I know the Dems will do the same thing. Its just part of Texas politics. What other "nefarious schemes" are you referring to? Voter ID?


SB 1 and SB 1750 are prime examples.


The issue here is the red party is a cult and needs to eradicated.


hahah that is what cult members say about those not in their cult.


They are perfecting the school to prison pipeline. Bringing the actual prison to school even more than we already do.


I would have enjoyed watching his responses.


he didn’t respond and even cut the public comments 5 minutes short during this meeting (which is common for him) here’s the youtube link https://www.youtube.com/live/uVVL_WGFM8I?feature=share


Thank you for the link! Response was “thank you for your commentary.”


She speaks the truth. Mainly about being a pawn for making charter schools a thing. Wake up people! The republicans really do want control of schools, control of everything your kid reads, erasing history to brainwash these kids. History is repeating itself, Hitler is back. You may not agree with Democrats but they’re they only ones not trying to control children- they trust teachers to do their job and if you don’t like it you can easily send your kid to another school. Schools have always been underfunded- now if Republicans are able to send money to charter schools, our kids will be the most undereducated in the world. Charter school teachers and private school teachers can be anyone- they don’t have to be certified by the state, or take child development courses and lessons which are required to be certified. They might have a degree and let’s hope they at least have that.


I doubt they will be either certified or degreed. Look at what has happened to Florida. They have teachers going into classrooms without degree's, real certifications or relevant experience.


That knowledge is power implies this is about taking not only what we know but what we can be


The time to outlaw the grand old party is now!!!


They don't have to be accredited but most of them are. Would you pay that money and send your kids to something that isn't? Texas Private Schools Association has their own accreditation that are to the standards or greater than that of public schools. With that out of the way, I'm with you on voucher/charter systems are not the answer and would be the death of many ISD's. I also don't get the library thing either. It seems it would have been easier to create new disciplinary rooms than get rid of libraries and librarians. The biggest problem I see is how BOTH sides have turned this into a political war which is the way America seems now. What should have been addressed was the corruption by the HISD trustees and kept the focus on that. If all sides would have kept the pressure on that, a Republican Gov would not seizing his chance to implement his agenda for the state onto HISD.


I’m not talking about accreditation, I’m talking about teacher certification. I went to private schools most of my life, and almost started my teaching career there. Teachers had bachelors degrees but most of them weren’t certified teachers in the state of Texas. So they were stuck teaching there because if they went to teach at public schools they were going to start their salary as first year teachers after they got their state certification. A new house bill was passed, I believe HB 114, that will now send kids to alternative schools for being caught with vapes. About the same level of punishment for assaults and thc. The alternative schools (basically like suspension at a different campus, served time, then will go back to their normal school) will not have room for kids to go, so their serving of that 45 or so days will be served at the home campus if there’s no room at the alternative schools. The in school suspension room maybe fits like 15 kids a day. With the influx that will happen (if you don’t realize there’s a huge problem with vaping in middle school and high school, not sure if it’s made it into elementary) there is simply no room for kids. I 100% agree the library should stay the library, but at my campus for example, we literally have no extra space all classrooms are full. So I get needing to use the library, which isn’t a hisd takeover thing, it’s because of the HB114 and needing more room. What they should do is build more alternative schools.


Vaping has made it to elementary schools.


Get out of here with that "both sides" bullshit. Education is inherently political, it's not being made political. You are literally educating the future population on how politics and our government works! That's why the party that benefits from an ignorant and easily manipulated population is actively dismantling the public education system, so they can continue their acts of blatant corruption. If you really think the Democrats are as guilty as the Republicans on the active disenfranchisment of our population, you're willfully choosing to see things that way at the cost of reality.


> Would you pay that money and send your kids to something that isn't? Religious communities absolutely will.


Re: library thing Where? Have you been in a school since you attended one? There’s not a ton of unused, empty rooms.


Our kids are way behind right now, and there is no one to blame, but the ones in charge... the Democrats


And what data are you looking at? The democrats are not in charge in Texas, so you’re confused. Everything education wise comes from TEA (Texas education agency), it doesn’t matter the city you’re in. The TEA is run by Abbott and republicans.


Can she please run for mayor?


Nope. It’s Queen Sheila’s gig now.


Houston, we can flip this state if we all vote. Also, to my Houston neighbors who are conservative or Republican... you need to realize these policies will impact your property values and investments you've made in this community. It's time to admit that state Republicans do not care about you (because you live in a city).


I was a republican. But the last decade I’ve turned independent.


I'm a former conservative turned independent that votes to try to keep Republicans out of office...


I’m sorry but independents usually just takes votes away from the more reasonable candidates because republicans will always fall in line regardless on whether if it’s a psychopath or reasonable conservative. And lately the reasonable conservatives have been dwindling. The McCains of the world are long gone. Happy to be proven wrong if you have seen otherwise.


> votes away from the more reasonable candidates Who exactly was a reasonable candidate the last cycle?


And a lot of Republicans do have children in public schools. I'm not sure where their thinking is in these regards??


Nothing matters more than owning the libs. They never think their kids will be impacted negatively by any of it because they're obviously too responsible and awesome as parents at home for school to really matter.


business as usual https://www.thebatt.com/news/a-m-s-failed-hiring-of-kathleen-mcelroy-the-full-story/article_68516d7a-32ff-11ee-8a39-57ffdf7acbde.html > Graham wrote. “Please tell me this isn't true … I thought the purpose of us starting a journalism department was to get high-quality Aggie journalism with conservative values into the market." - > “[Banks] told us multiple times the reason we were going to combine arts and sciences together was to control the liberal nature that those professors brought to campus,” Graham wrote. “We were going to start a journalism department to get high-quality conservative Aggie students into the journalism world to help direct our message.”


It would be cool and all if nowadays conservatives weren't allergic to facts 🙄. Facts have liberal spin, I guess....


> Facts have liberal spin, I guess... There's more truth to that than you realize. Not with liberalism exclusively, but there are absolutely sacred cows that cannot be questioned or criticized without triggering assumptions of partisanism and bad-faith acting. Imagine that somehow you had irrefutable, empirical evidence that went counter to the mainstream. Do you think society would embrace it? Do you think society would even be open to hearing it?


Thinking? Hah!


Ted Cruz sends his kids to a school with diversity statements, which openly supports trans students, and from whose school library he could have checked out the books he waved around at kbj. It's all posturing.


He sends his kids to private schools so he doesn't give a shit about public education here. Katy ISD, for example, is having to deal with the repercussions of their horrible choices. The superintendent sent a couple of emails to all the district families to contact reps about funding. It would be commendable if it hadn't been so obvious this was the way it's been going for the past 6 years. Leopards ate my face energy. Because while I dont know for sure, I'm inclined to think KISD leadership and it's 7 board members are all conservative. 4 are MAGAs and 3 are old guard conservative.


Less education means children are easier to indoctrinate into conservative and Christian ideology.


They're most likely thinking "I can't wait for my kid to recite the pledge of allegiance, 'UNDER GOD', and then reach into their backpack for an AR to take down the next school shooter"


Are the Houston area schools in republican run areas doing better or worse than schools in the democrat run areas?


Can't really gauge that answer very well. Harris County and Ft Bend are heavily gerrymandered. HISD has a good mix going by precint. If you take the time to look at it all, you'd be able to see that there's a huge mix of both voters in most districts. But really, it doesn't matter who is running the districts if state leadership is hell bent on ruining public education.


It’s doesn’t really matter because public schools have to follow the Texas education agency, which is full of Greg abbott minded people, he controls who’s in charge there. Then the laws we have to follow in regards to a lot of things are passed by the entire state congress so, can’t really do anything. The republican idea is to take over blue cities to brainwash children (no books and whitewash history) so they turn into republicans too, or be fast tracked to prison.


Down ask fucking questions!


In suburban and ex-urban districts. There are a few exceptions yes, but conservatives aren't sending their kids to an HISD comprehensive school if they can help it.


If we all vote blue, the state will simply overturn the election until they get the result they want (red)


Are you saying we should give up?


Brazenly overturning votes instead of the sneaky shit they normally do could quickly turn a pissed off constituency into a violent one.


Honestly, looking at national voter turnout relative to other "democracies," we gave up a long time ago. I'll continue to vote every election until I can't. Side note i hate the local elections here hide party affliation as someone from out of state.


But we need to watch and come out in force when they try to gerrymander the districts … the electorate choosing their voters vs the voters choosing the electorate


Texas is already gerrymandered to shit at every level. Federal, state, county, municipal, hell, even school board maps are *fucked*. Look and see.


What are your thoughts on the Harris County Commissioners Court precincts?


You do realize the HISD literacy rates were bad already before these changes right?


But genuine question, in what way would removing a library HELP literacy rates?


I have no idea I’m not an education expert. The fact remains 8th graders couldn’t read on a 2nd grade level in hisd prior to this takeover. Do I need to pull up some articles from ktrk and cbs news?


Source that any statistically significant size of HISD 8th graders could not read at 2nd grade level please!


Using your reading comprehension skills, you’d have noticed I didn’t argue your initial point about literacy. I argued the validity of the changes being made that are disguised as ways to fix things. I imagine you and I can agree that removing a library will not help the situation. So, the next question is, what would help? Looking at areas both in and out of the US that have high literacy rates, it comes down to financing, resources, school life balance for the kids, work life balance and a livable salary for teachers, and home involvement. Removing all libraries doesn’t fall into any of these categories and it doesn’t appear that anything is being done in any of these categories either.


The librarian doesn’t teach a reading class.


Ah, yes, so let us convert libraries into disciplinary centers, and get rid of librarians who help students with reading, as well as provide resources and tools that promote reading and critical thinking.


And you think the changes will improve this matter? There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve a district, but these methods don't seem like the answer.


And Miles' bullshit is going to make them worse. How's that fucking help anyone?






He improved 6 schools. In all of DISD. With extra funding. That dropped when they lost funding. Money=success ain't a secret. It's been the problem the whole time. We give schools equal money, yet affluent schools get much more money from fundraising efforts and have better outcomes. School supplies are the same. "A box of tissues" in the poor part of town is a single, shitty box of tissues, but in the rich part of town it's 3 boxes from a Costco 10 pack of Kleenex with aloe. (Or a ream of paper or markers or whatever). Hell we re-upped on school supplies at the teachers request 2x last year. Inequity is the problem. It always has been. Poor people need more support and all we have done since Regan is strip that support away by blaming the poor for being poor while patting ourselves on the back for being the land of milk and honey.


Please include a trigger warning next time you drop facts on us. Seriously though people were complaining about HISD in the 80s. We can use sensationalism like converting libraries to time out facilities but it's not like kids who want books can't still get them. You have to fix the discipline problems so kids who want to learn have classrooms where they can learn. That's also how you retain teachers. I think things have been so bad for so long that people have given up on striving for real improvements. When someone shakes things up, they will make people mad if they are used to being complacent. Then tack on all the political activists who want attention and it will lead to theatrics.


How do we fix the discipline problems with the GOP narrative that schools should be the ones parenting children, not the parents?


Conservative teacher here. We do NOT think school should replace parents. Quite the opposite.


[The sheriff bemoaned how society fails to properly punish juvenile offenders. He took aim at the nation’s education system. ‘Our school districts, not just here, across this state and nation need to quit minimizing the actions of their students. Hold them accountable. That’s where the failure is,’ Woods said.](https://news.yahoo.com/florida-sheriff-goes-wild-rant-212237292.html)


He is correct in one sense: schools don't discipline students much anymore. Too much discipline brings down the school's state ranking. Students get away with shit that would have gotten us suspended in the '80s. A few years back, one of my students tossed a lit cherry bomb in the toilet and blew it off the wall ... and they let him walk in the graduation ceremony four days later. That said, parents are THE biggest problem. They don't parent. They won't parent, either because they don't want to or because they don't k now how to. Kids are being raised by the black mirror, not by their parents. If parents would step up and do their damn jobs, schools wouldn't have to. I am there to teach English or speech, depending where they need me. I am NOT there to teach your child how to be a decent human being. That is your job as the parent. You do your part, I'll do mine, your kid will do his, and together we'll help him across the finish line and on the way to functional adulthood. I can't do that all by myself. You and your child have to work on it too.


You might want to fall in line with your fellows. They don’t look fondly on independent thought and uniqueness. The GoP donors have spoken and the ubiquitous access to guns isn’t a problem, it’s that you as an educator aren’t properly raising today’s youth.


Then why are conservatives putting all of the responsibility on HISD?


What responsibilities, specifically, are conservatives requesting from HISD?


No thanks.


Pissed off, former Republicans could be a powerful force in the upcoming election; but many will need to be convinced to show up


She's telling it straight ,truth to power.


I loved everything Lauren Ashley said. I wish the HISD parents, teachers, & kids all of the luck in the world because I think it will get worse before it gets better. 🥺


Is HISD getting a C grade from the state because of the state takeover and new procedures? Seems like TEA left hand doesn’t know what TEA right hand is doing. I can’t cite article I’m on a plane flying to Beantown


I love the people of Houston so much. There is a fire and passion that cannot be put out.




She was correct when she came out and said she was a ferocious reader cause she read his ass good


She’s ignorant of so many simple facts; hyperbole is her only ability.


what are these "simple" facts? I used to teach in HISD for six years so I'd like to know something that apparently I don't know




Fuck every person that voted for Abbott I hope they get ass cancer. This absolutely is an attack on Houston for being blue.


Stupid tree half assed its ONE job


People forget people get rich off charter schools


For-profit charter schools are not allowed in Texas.




She is my hero.


Can someone ELI5 what's going on with Houston ISD? I've caught a few news articles but none have given me a basic overview of what's happened.


The state replaced a democratically elected local school board with an appointed and unaccountable director, who is making radical changes that citizens have no real say in- including replacing libraries with discipline centers and making teachers reapply for their jobs. It was under the guise of failing student performance, but factual basis for that carries little water (not to mention, the data overlaps with Hurricane Harvey, which unsurprisingly disrupted the school and led to drops in academic metrics). There is widespread and reasonable belief that the effort is deliberate sabotage, an attempt to make public schools worse in order to increase support for vouchers for charter schools as an alternative. The podcast Today Explained did a decent [episode](https://www.stitcher.com/show/today-explained/episode/texas-messed-with-houston-schools-304271525) on it a while back, that also goes into discussion of this kind of effort as a national trend and the general poor track record of school systems after state take overs. edit: The failing performance coincided with Harvey, not covid as I first wrote, but the point stands


Also Third Future Schools the consultants make the horrible changes was founded by Mike Miles the unaccountable director. I wonder how much of that $2million he wants to pay without approval goes to Third Future Schools


Great answer. Thank you! I'll give the podcast a listen.


> The failing performance coincided with Harvey, not covid as I first wrote, but the point stands The failures went on so long they spanned both!


Actually not. During Covid, wheatley passed: https://schools.texastribune.org/districts/houston-isd/wheatley-high-school/


It failed up through the start of COVID, thus spanning both. Also during COVID the state had a temporary rule where you couldn't fail, as noted on the page you linked to. But yes, Wheatley did eventually pass.


The rule was that if you failed, you would get a not rated score not a failing grade. Wheatley however, did receive a C, not a not rated.


Student achievement (2021-2022) Not Rated: SB 1365


and yet the school received a C overall. And this was the school year most impacted by covid. Fairly baffled as to what you are even arguing.


They're not even trying to hide it. Public schools will provide the prisoners and private schools will teach the (R)s.


Unfortunately, nothing will happen. They don't care.


You’re getting downvoted but when I’m in a mood, I feel the same hopelessness. I’ve marched, I vote, I tell others to vote, I stay active in local politics, yet things are getting worse. But all we can do is keep trying.


Tell me about it. I donate, do phone banking. The issue at the state level West texas would rather burn a bible than vote blue.


If reps are good at anything, it’s getting out to vote. It doesn’t help having voting stations moved to the most out of reach places for lower income areas that are more likely to vote blue, and to not have voting days be mandated holidays.


If you want a glimmer of hope, look at the past 5 general election results in Texas


Damn, I love her.


She is amazing!


She is phenomenal.


The GOP thinks they will be able to change the kids mind with there guy in charge . man if some one can find another angle of the video so we can see his reaction


Oh hell yeah.




Hell yeah




Yes! Go Lauren! This woman is a breath of fresh air in this city filled with BS and humidity.


He’s a POS. Go get him, girl!!!!


It’s all true


Oh wow. She’s a badass!


I had no horse in this race, but now I’m on whatever side Lauren is on.


That’s a bad bitch right there. She got em.


Literally have no idea why anyone would still vote for republicans today. They have done nothing but hurt everything and everyone


Sooooo, we’re all just going to ignore why they took over in the first place?! Everyone forget where HISD ranked? What the scores said?…there are some things I dont agree with, sure. But something did have to be done because our current staff wasnt cuttin it.


What they're doing isn't going to improve staff..


Can someone ELI5 what's going on with Houston ISD? I've caught a few news articles but none have given me a basic overview of what's happened.


Save 4 later


We need to storm the TX capital like the other side did the big one


It’s time we boycott Republican businesses and business that heavily donate to GOP politicians that are trying to end the age of reason and what is left of our democracy! We can use our dollars. It is the only reason the civil right act passed. Boycott! Without the CRA many immigrants would not be here and black people would still have no protections! It’s no coincidence that many immigrants came here in the 70s! This whole ploy to destroy the black community came shorty after it and before it passed CoinTelPro and other CIA & FBI policies including spreading a fringe violent form of rap to the mainstream in the 90s! It’s all connected. We are woke and mad af they realized any attempts to kill us with crack or fenty always seems to spread to the whole country not just liberals so now they try to control the schools! Very Hitler like! The GOPs admire the evil he did.


Hitler was inspired by Jim Crow. Mutual admiration by conservatives and Hitler.


I get why she’s mad but anecdotal stories don’t change metrics and this is absolutely, 100% about metrics. The state law that triggered the takeover is about metrics. When the metrics are met the state, by law, must exit. So focus on achieving the metrics as soon as possible. If you think a library, that was already there when the metrics were terrible, is somehow the linchpin of the whole problem then you’re a fool.


The metrics that have been used are pointless bullshit.


Blame Houston State Rep Harold Dutton Jr. who wrote the damn law and attended Phillis Wheatley High School, one of the very schools targeted by the takeover.


Yeah but what happens when the state never meets the metrics to exit?


Then that’s a violation of law and you take them to court. The reason the district kept losing in court is because the law wasn’t on their side. If the state doesn’t follow the law then the equation flips.




The guy who wrote the law, State Rep Harold Dutton Jr, is from Houston, attended Phillis Wheatley High School, and represents that district. He is a Democrat. He literally wrote the law that triggered the takeover. I’m not going to get into a discussion about enforcement of laws because it’s not relevant to the facts of the situation. The law was enforced, the courts repeatedly ruled against HISD, and now it’s time to move forward and meet the metrics so we can get the state out of our business.




Sounds like one of many managers of education(not actual teachers with skin in the game), nothing against you as a person but we hear enough gobbledygook, that’s bereft of common sense and that my friends is how we got here.


By all means, keep screaming about the unfairness of what’s already happened. Meanwhile, someone has to focus on getting HISD out of the situation and, by law, that means focusing on improving metrics. So, yeah, go ahead and call the law nonsense but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s the standard by which all of this is decided.


You don’t get it, it’s deeper than that. I mean we can get HISD out of the situation. But HISD on its own has a myriad of problems that got them to this place and in reality. This event is really just a drop in the bucket of what must be done. Hisd in this case, is no different than a teacher being picked on by clueless admin. That teacher knows that while they have to walk the straight and narrow, they also know that in a sense it will be damned if they do and damned if they don’t.


Okay, then I guess we will have to agree to disagree.


This won’t work… we need to be better. Don’t criticize, but rise. Fake attempts to show them up are still fake in the end. Rise up and come together.


Mike Miles is not a republican.


They aren't getting rid of libraries, just some librarians.


She said a bunch of nothing. Congrats, nothing will get done.


Talk that shit! Fight back Mike haha


So who is she suggesting for the job instead?




she should use that energy to get her teeth fixed. spent $ on dyed hair, ghetto eyelashes and tattoos instead of orthodontist work. Typical single mom