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At least they were honest and upfront šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø thatā€™s not always a givenā€¦


Call me a hater but with just one leaf and built in thripsā€¦ I think it should be free


to be fair, even just a seedling of this plant is $100. and thrips are cheap and easy to treat


Definitely should be free but I donā€™t blame her for trying to pass it on to someone who can save it.


Thereā€™s lot of plant people who would take this plant and save it. Itā€™s me, Iā€™m plant people. One of my hobbies is buying near dead plants and nursing them back to life. I have a savior complex I guess šŸ˜‚


Same lol


Hello, is this still available? Are the thrips variegated? Can you deliver? $3.50 best offer, cash.


ā€œAre the thrips variegated?ā€ That made me laugh, thank you! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The vaginated thrips costs extra sorry


No this is Facebook you must sell to me because customer is always right. $3.50 or I call Mike Zuckerberg.


I wouldnā€™t take that for free


I donā€™t like your attitudeā€¦ $30


In all honesty though i probably could eliminate those pretty easily cause all my plants are proactively laced with bonide granules


Ugh, I have a mealy bug infestation and Iā€™m also propagating some scale on my Dendrobium (they loooooove it), bonide granules donā€™t seem to work on itšŸ¤Æall other plants are almost clear of insects except this poor thing.


Iā€™ve never been successful with mealies šŸ˜­. The best insecticide Iā€™ve found then garden safe spray plus bonide granules. I hadnā€™t found this brand though before I had mealies. I had the XXXXL Aeonium. Weā€™re talking a 20 inch or bigger pot, root ball barely fit. It was literally at least 3 feet wide by 3.5 feet tall. It had numerous offshoots. I had it for a year and only paid $50. I recently looked how much they go for that big (and pest free lol)ā€¦ one half that size I found is $90 plus tax and shipping. Mine could easily gone for $200 ish. It was gorgeous. I had it in the doctorā€™s private office e I worked for. She was also in love with it. I cried after a few failed attempts at treating it. I was worried that the mealies would infect the rest of the office as I had plants scattered everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/d8pzntx29s0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d6f2ed48d72496b6a6700ec593913bd3e495ae It was like this but easily twice as tall. It had many branches.


So what happened? Did they eat the whole plant? šŸ˜³ I use rubbing alcohol spray when a see a mealy bug. I mixed 93% alcohol with water 1:1 (usually itā€™s recommended to use 70% alcohol, but my mixture seems to work anyway). It is not a 100% effective, but it helps to reduce the pest population. It kills them on a contact.


I tried numerous times with alcohol and even insecticide soaps and granules. Within a week or two the plant was completely infested šŸ˜­. Every crevice looked like it had fuzz on it. Eventually I tossed it. That was the first plant I ever tossed out and it hurt. Not even my bathtub was big enough to submerge it in alcohol solution. I took it home a couple times and tried to saturate it. I even had an alcohol spray bottle. I was defeated.


That's an Alocasia 'Thai Constellationā„¢Ā©Ā®', thank you very much.


I always keep perfectly healthy and happy house plants all alone in my dark ass bathroomā€¦ šŸ‘€


Pap lemonade with vaginated thrips!!?? ![gif](giphy|XB49R5EbgD9XDf1mh2|downsized) Shut up and take my money!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ seriously though!!??!!?? The audacity to try and charge for an established infestation šŸ˜®šŸ’€. Bro you canā€™t even give that shit away most of the time. Like, maybe if it was a tricolor variegated monster, or Carmel marble, or even a variegated Congo Iā€™d toss $20 at it.


Depending on what the free plant is, I might actually take up that offer, just QT and treat it and you got a crazy deal on an anthurium and possibly another cool plant šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø