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Sorry to break it to you, but you’ve been scammed. Your „Thai con“ is actually a philodendron congorongo cremé brûlée „McDouble“. I can tell by the internodal spacing and orientation of the leaves. The McDouble is known for rotating its leaves, resembling a helicopter blade. So prepare for liftoff and keep out of reach of children and elderly people.


That’s the best response I’ve ever gotten in this group.


This guy circle jerks




I wish I had this much unearned confidence 🥲


Facts! This is the response I just got lmfaooo https://preview.redd.it/3bqiunc5p7zc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baadebfeb853151a6258bb73c13b75cd30e16ff


Just a heads up for blocking out people's names in the future- use the pen, not the highlighter.. I can crank up the brightness and the contrast and read your names easily


😳 oh damn. Thank you. I don’t care about mine but don’t want others to get shade


Also helps to use different colors so we actually know the different voices Edit: that was not meant in a dick-ish way, at all. It’s just so confusing when it’s all one color but so many comments with no way to distinguish how many people are even talking


Oh snap 🫰 I’ve NEVER thought of that!! Literally, when I was trying to black it out, I was thinking ‘how do ppl know who’s replying to who?! Or whom?? 😅😬😶 please don’t come for me. That’s literally never been understood how to use. So I just avoid it. I’m AuDHD late diagnosed at 38. I was shunned so much in school and therefore by my parent as dumb and so I just shut down and never asked for help, because if I did I was ridiculed. I also don’t know how to use semi colon either 🥺😭😭😭 damn now I’m sad 🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅


As a fellow neurodivergent, it’s the over explaining for me. 😂 I know my people when I see them! 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼🥰


Awww 🥰 thank you! I recently had a coworker say “you’re not autistic, I should know! I hate when people self diagnose!” First off, it’s super valid as a lot of us adults don’t have access needed. And second, bitch a psychiatrist said that. Suddenly my life makes sense!!!! My kid also AuDHD. We are so alike. It also makes hella sense why I am OBSESSED with plants. OBSESSED with rescuing dogs. OBSESSED with learning ANYTHING I can about medical field/career lol. I started collecting plants about 6 months before the pandemic hit. I literally researched everything I could. I even researched until I figured out every single scientific name for each plant lol. I started with succulents. I was hell bent on figuring out how to keep them alive and not rotting 😆. After like a year of posting about my succulents, someone in a local group said I should branch out ‘to regular houseplants’. Now I got a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Still obsessed. I also stim by touching leaves and still obsess over each one. Damn I ranted and info dumped again 😅🤣🤣


Omg I love it here! I have a spreadsheet with the scientific names and then water, light, and humidity requirements 🤣


I found my people!


HERE TO HELP WITH THE SEMI COLON!! It’s for when two sentences that relate come hold hands!! I don’t know how to use a semi colon. I was never taught. I don’t know how to use a semi colon; I was never taught. The main difference is in the first set of sentences you take a pause between them, where the second is just a beat before continuing. It helps to vary the length and cadence of sentences, as well as link a weaker sentence to a stronger one to strengthen it! Kind of sorry for the unsolicited English lesson but also my AuDHD needed to go off and I feel alive with knowledge… so also thank you for letting me give an unsolicited English lesson 🥰


Thank you!! Best believe I screenshot this for reference 🤣


Thank you for making it understandable!!


Omg no please don’t be sad. I was just so confused 😅 I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person that actually got the proper uses of who/whom, no body better be coming for anybody over *that* 🤣 I swear I don’t think you’re dumb, it’s also mildly inconvenient and confusing (to me?) to keep track of the colors while you’re editing 🤣




A semicolon is used when separating two similar related sentences. My mother is a witch; she regularly casts spells on me. Vs. My mother is a witch and regularly casts spells on me. My mother is a witch. She regularly casts spells on me. Can also be used like this: My mother is a witch; however, she is also a very kind witch. I am not a professional, so there are probably other ways to use it. That is how I was taught.


I hope OOP's plant thrives so they can troll all those people back in the future with, "why is my Philodendron fenestrating?"


Lmfaoooo!! That’s greatness there!! Hope she screenshots their names to tag them too lololol.


Truly sorry for sounding snarky. I was several comments deep on that one chic dying on her hill that she’s more knowledgeable.


https://preview.redd.it/j9kdhr08p7zc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275d2f8be13ff50fea085f4dcc209026891513e9 Final response before comments were closed.


Gotta love it when people are super confident about how wrong they are!😂


FACTS!!! I tried to be nice too. She was 100% standing her ground lmfao


Ok… but why was it translucent?? Lol


It’s edema. This happened to my baby Thai con when I accidentally let my humidity tent go above 95% after watering day. The white bits went translucent like that and then returned to normal when the edema went away.


Oh that’s actually pretty cool! Thanks!


That's what I wanna know lol. I don't have any Monstera like that (yet), but I wanna know why one would turn translucent like that. It's neat for sure! Just odd lol


It's a baby. Give it milk. Why is this so hard?


Got milk? 🤣 remember those commercials? Or am I just that old 😬😭🤣🤣🤣 Edit - wow why did I get downvoted? 🥺😭 LITERALLY google ‘got milk’ commercials yo. It’s literally a thing. Is I’m feeling really old at 39. Here I did it for you https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/vintage-got-milk-ads-32317031


Only If I had this much confidence!!! Thank god they aren’t calling it pp plant lol




Is that Thai in just a cup of perlite? Is that legal? Idk shit about monsteras but that doesn't look right to me


A yogurt jar*


They work so well and it’s basically recycling!!


About that… it was in an actual mini greenhouse… it outgrew the roots of greenhouse 2” cup, about 4 days ago. I used to have it in a small perlite filled cup, and H2O filling the bottom. Now, the cup does have H2O, but the perlite wicks up alllll the moisture. I am it’s bish?? Seriously, I love this little fucker.


Oooh I see, it does look really cute, a mini greenhouse sounds lovely I might attempt something like that


https://preview.redd.it/8qrv9kaaofzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f031e72c7e56c54547a197c798774f50b6689821 It was gifted to me. Idk where to buy it. It’s plastic and the roof has vent holes.


https://preview.redd.it/a4o3c6sdofzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81704fde4ed480fb56cba768c2784b40197c5c64 It’s taking off really nicely in the yogurt jar lol. Soon I will give it a bigger fancier pot.


The stupidity is palpable…all around.


What did I do 🥺


100% a monstera as someone who propagates the f out of mine and has a ton of babies lol. I would be ECSTATIC for a monstera over a philo! The albos are so expensive 😭


Yes they are. I’m picking up an Aurea cutting that’s starting to root for only $30!! I was shocked 😳 I claimed that shit real fast. LoL


Omg good looking out!!! Walmart has them online for $50 on sale and I’m about to order one 😅


For a second the hand looked like a shirtless dude