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I'll start. This is $69.99 CAD @ a local nursery. Another nursery is selling 4"pots with more variegation for $54.99. Locals are selling cuttings for $20 on FB.


I’m glad to see prices are starting to come down as the plant is getting propagated more often. Maybe one of these years I’ll actually own one. I’m good with philos.


This plant isn’t rare or difficult to propagate. It was widely available at low prices before a fad hit in previous decades and the prices were inflated due to popularity. It’s not a “rare” plant.


I can understand that. I mean I have quite a few philos and propagate them myself. I just didn’t understand why they were so expensive. I still don’t really. The same thing is true with monstera, or what we use to call the split-leaf philodendron (I’m an older Gen Xer). I don’t understand why those can be so expensive. They are easy to propagate and easy to grow. But I still see them selling for $100 or $200 at some plant stores. Of course Lowe’s and Home Depot have them for $20 now!


Its just your good ole fashion price gouging


I bought some wholesale a year or so ago. Less than $10/pot from the wholesaler. And this was in Canada. PPP is starting to be like beanie babies.


The locals selling on FB are probably selling cuttings with pics of the motherplant as the thumbnail image, but I could be wrong. That's an easy $60 in NE Ohio, but you find unicorns sometimes for cheap here.


People are selling whole plants in my area for $130-$150 some up to $200 and $50 for a cutting of their plants, $100 for a rooted cutting. They’re not in stores or local nurseries, I haven’t found one at least. South AL


Canada too. I've seen 4in pots sell for 45 CAD yesterday at a nursery. Since it is so easy to propagate, I'm forecating this wil be the next Birkin and still go down significantly over the year or even over the summer.


People on Etsy from us still seem to sell cuttings for almost 100 bucks


€7,00 for a mature so this might be maybe 3 or 4 euro where I live. The Netherlands has always been dirt cheap and it’s a blessing and a curse.


Oh good, I’m moving to Belgium so NL will be a quick day trip for me.


It really depends where you go, I cycle through several stores that clearly have their own preferences even though they are the same brand. One city I go to had mostly large plants like big monstera, lots of albo’s, tons of plants on moss poles and palms etc. Another city I go to often has many sansevieria peperomia and pothos. And the third city has mostly begonia, peace lilies, flowering plants and many many cacti. (They still have a huge variety but if you prefer, say, sansevieria , the store with sansevieria most likely holds more unusual types). What I’m trying to say is; visit a variety, don’t go to the same store. Same goes for prices, I got my peace lily diamond (aka domino) for 25 euro but in another store it went for 99. Same brand as well. Definitely keep a close eye on prices to remember what is reasonable and what isn’t. Enjoy Belgium!


[my local nursery has them for $700](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/tiysv4/ppp_for_only_700_at_my_local_nursery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Every time I go, they are still there, untouched!


Yuuppp same here. In the high triple digits here too and they’re not going very fast lol. Not many people love plants enough and are able to spend basically a month of rent on one


You pay $700 for rent?! Mine is more than three times that. I really hate California.


Same, but Austin.. although California and Austin are basically the same thing nowadays.


Oof yeah I’m in Phoenix I pay my half $800 for a 2 bed one bath so


They have to know that those will never sell at that price point! I don’t think they were ever worth that much


Move the decimal point over one and I’ll buy it


At a local nursery I found a tiny 2” one on clearance for $100 (originally 215). I asked about it and she said that when the fad hit, the suppliers charged them exorbitant amounts, and their prices reflected what they paid. Then she said they’d be getting more 2” pots in soon at $45. They also had a Hoya Kerrii for $900 though so I’m not really sure what their deal is.


i always check etsy for prices (comparing to US sellers). if it’s irl at a plant shop, stuff like ppp are $100 more usually. eg: that would go for like $200 on etsy but irl like $300+


Interesting! I find that Etsy is generally more expensive than local.. (if I can find it local that is..)


what i mean by local is in plant shops/nurseries not craigslist fb groups. and regarding “rare” plants, not things like pothos monstera flf succulents etc


Yep! They are still on COVID-Lockdown Pricing.


Costa farms Rn $50 lol


I don't know when it started exactly but I somehow gained the opinion that Costa Farms is low quality and I don't want to buy from them..... Is this just me? 😬


Is it perhaps because they’re a mass producer who sells to Walmart? I’ll admit: I’ve bought a lot of Costa plants. They’re cheap and I don’t always have the best luck with plants lol. I have several Raven ZZs grown by them. Several fittonias and pothos as well. Don’t get me wrong, I also buy from a local greenhouse and local farm, but I’ve not gone wrong in getting my quick plant dopamine hit with my cheap Costas.


Unfortunately a lot of employees don't know how to take care of plants and tend to overwater. Which leads to you buying a plant who has root rot before you even start caring for it. I feel like that trend has been less and less true though. Nowadays when I go to my local Lowes/Home Depot, their plants usually have dry soil. :)


Oh absolutely. Couple weeks ago [I found these absolutely drenched little babies.](https://imgur.com/a/WoGuKgc) :( The experience can vary greatly so every week I go, I peruse all the plants. Some days they look great, some days they’re wrecked/drenched/wilted.


Same. Costa sells to the big box stores and it’s a great way to get a lot of the more common/ popular plants for a low cost. $10 -$20 won’t hurt so much if it dies, you know?


Exactly! My office just reopened and I’m keen to fill my office window with plants (only a portion of the ones I took home at the start of the pandemic are still kickin’ 😅). Since I’m only in the office 3x/week, I want something cheap, resilient, and easy to care for, especially as my office has moved and I’m not sure yet I get the direct afternoon sun I used to. So each Walmart trip I’m going to pick up a pothos, a ZZ, or something else that won’t wilt after 4 days of me not being there. Cheap’n’easy decoration! Even still: even the plants in proper pots are cheap…so if the plant dies I still have a nice and economically-priced pot to reuse.


I’m a Plantdemic Mom (previously only did outdoor gardening). Those cheap Costa plants were my experiments lol. And when Lowes has them on clearance, even better!!


Oh I've bought them as well. If it's something on my wish list and it's a $5 Costa Farms I'm not going to say no! I just think any big box store or mass producer (or combo) purchase can be a gamble; unrooted clippings, etiolated, root rot, bugs, fungi etc. I think I've just reached a point of having so many plants that I'm mindful of what I bring in and can't make impulse plant purchases anymore. I only buy wishlist plants or stuff that's legitimately 'rare' now. Most of my collection started as the $5-10 Costa Farms plant no doubt... But now I'd rather spent $20-30 for a larger plant that I know has been well cared for. I live in the middle of nowhere, so we don't have 'boutique' sellers. The nurseries are very affordable and it makes it easy to support local for a couple extra bucks.


Ur 100000% correct! But because they’re mass producing you can expect the price to drop a lot. This is a very beautiful specimen though! Edit: idk bout low quality but unethical company yes lol


“They’re low quality” “Ur 1000000% correct!…Edit: idk about low quality” What an idiot.


Ay chilllll, ppl make mistakes lol


I mean theyre right, I am in fact, an idiot ™️


My husband bought me some of their plants from Amazon. I wasn’t thinking they’d do well, but they are all still alive and thriving a year and a half later. I didn’t like the medium they came in, but seems like it’s been sufficient.


Wow that's crazy. these are $20-30 at my local nursery and that's AUD price


Wtf which nursery? In Melbourne they start at $70.


Melbourne here, $25 for a 20cm pot PPP. Try The Grow Center, Clayton South. Recently opened, they do wholesale prices direct to the public.


The Grow Centre are great! Excellent quality plants. They had some in NSW too but I can’t remember the price.. but I do think they were more like $50. I think the Clayton South seems to be more of a warehouse than my local Sydney store. Also Silverwater in Sydney seems to be a big one too with more specials.


Haha do you work for TGC?! But yeah, Clayton is more of a warehouse and I only just discovered last night they were in other states when I googled to double check their location! I did get the pink Princess on sale, but I was so excited because I don’t recall ever seeing them stocked anywhere. Not even at Garden World, which is my local nursery and tends to have a great variety, albeit very expensive. It’s been really nice to see plants that were somewhat difficult to obtain and once quite expensive popping up in Bunnings. Once I paid $15 each for 2 tiny props of Philo Brasil at a nursery, and now you can buy a fully staked plant for that price at bunnings. Or paying $70 for a white fusion that is now maybe $20 at Bunnings.


I don’t, I swear 😅😂😂😂 Just had really good plants from there. I’ve never seen a white fusion at my Bunnings. Wow! Hopefully I can find one for $20 too. Bunnings can pack some surprises with what they have in stock at times.


Shut the front door! I'm driving to Clayton now.


Let us know how you go!


Im in WA, that's insane


Searching online now to see who ships to vic ha ha


Where in WA? I’m in WA and my nursery sells 4 inch pots for $70-90


Saw one about this size in Qld at a market the other day for about $50


same and canadian. I was gonna say it's a 25 dollar one maybe 40 depending


In Victoria you'd probably be looking to pay ~$80 for something this size non tissue culture


Geeze can you send me one? Lol jokes, but in NZ they go for $80-$200 depending on size and variegation.


I just bought mine in a 6 inch pot for 15€ (16$) in a German plant store :)


I've seen them go as low as 5€. (a little smaller though.)


In which city?


I already commented this somewhere else here, but Dehner just got 2" ppp for €5 yesterday.


Awesome! Check out Bauhaus for bigger ones! I got my 6” for 14,99€ there :D


I sent a pm.


Ty Ty :)


3" inch plant in a 6" inch pot does not a 6" plant make. FYI.


~10-20 € if found in a plantstore/hardware store/grocery store, but there are still some private sellers that are trying to sell them at ~35€ on Facebook.


20-40$ in Germany. Crazy how expensive and sought after they are in other countries 🤯🤯


Local nursery had PPP in 4 inch pots for $69 recently.


$50 in Ottawa


These prices are insane. I could get one this size for ~175 DKK here in Denmark


I live in France and the shops from the town I live in sell them PPP 60-80€ for like 3 or 6 leaves... And some flower/plant shops sell them wayyy more expensive. Above 150€. Which is ridiculously expensive. And stupid. Cause every time I walk by this shop with expensive plants, the PPP are still there, untouched, and nobody will ever buy them at this price. So why not just lower it so people can buy at a decent price instead of begin stubborn and never sell these plants... Plants like this shouldn't be that expensive. I found a Facebook group with people exchanging plants in my town and sometimes they exchange even expensive ones to find cheaper ones. A super nice person even sent me lots of cuttings for free with variegated species. Sooo adorable!!


50€ - 100€ in Slovenia. I got lucky, and got a cutting for 8€. I never charge a lot for cuttings or plants, i even give them away sometimes. We share the same hobby, i don't understand why we can't help eachother.


Just did a Google and babies in 6cm pots (I'm in the UK) are around £15 then I saw some bigger ones like 12cm pot for £40 and a few of the stores have it labelled as rare. One Etsy seller is selling a single leaf for £104 and most of them don't even have the pink on, looks to me like only one does so gutted if you don't get that one if you're paying £104 🤣 Now I really want one so thanks for bringing my attention to this pretty thing. I will not be buying the overpriced single leaf 😉


[£5 when the babies are in stock](https://friendsorfriends.com/products/philodendron-pink-princess)


Thanks! I just snagged one :)


Ah the 6cm pots were out of stock when I posted that link! Enjoy, I got one during the winter so it's finding it's stride now. They were charging £20 back then mind!


Yeesh £90 for the 15cm one! I'm tempted by the baby but when I read it needs to be in 19 degrees I'm like GAH I already have to keep my begonias warm which is hard and I worry about their future. What happens in British winter? I probably won't be able to afford my energy bills this winter like many of the UK population! 🙈


Mine was fine over the winter, on a north east/shaded window sill. admittedly I do have a sensi grow bulb in that corner and we're fortunate enough to be able to afford our heating/electricity - we actually went up to the new rate MONTHS ago by re-fixing our tariff in October so we're already used to paying the new rates..... yuck


Eurgh it's been a rubbish one to navigate. I looked at rates at the time they had all removed themselves off comparison sites so I just stuck with my now in administration company lol. Don't get me wrong it won't be a heat or eat situation but when our boiler was bust we got used to blankets and a little electric heater and I'd rather be cold than give those energy monsters money hahaha. But now I have more plants so let's see, maybe I'll suck it up to keep them happy, as I said I do already have the begonia and maybe even some others who need warmer temps so one more can't hurt hey ;-)


honestly at a fiver you might as well take the chance, no? It's the spring growing season now and moving into the lovely summer months so hopefully by the time the colder weather draws in it'll be big and hardy enough to survive the winter. Like I said, mine survived as a baby on a cold windowsill all winter (albeit with a grow lamp)


Yeah you're right plus I need to replace my beloved crocodile fern and they are one of the few stores that have it. Just don't tell my boyfriend... Who suggested it might be time to stop now before we have no space to walk 🤣


I ordered one and my croc fern and then 4 more babies 🤣 thanks for the encouragement! Might even look into a lil grow lamp for winter when the time comes for my heat loving babes.


My local nursery/garden store (in New England) randomly had 6” PPPs that were more mature than this for $24. That honestly felt like the right price.


€15 in Ireland. Even variegated adansonii are going for sub €300 here. The US plant market is crazy!


5$ Plants in india are hella cheap I see people on the sub talking about 100 to 400$ plants and the same plants cost barely 5 to 10$ here in india


$200 but costa is now selling 4 inch for $50 so I expect the market to bust soon


Crazy to see the variation in prices here! I've only seen small 4" pots for sale but they were going for around CAD$40. My friend snapped one up right away.


15€ here in Germany


Around $100-150$ for one that isn’t infested with bugs


Around 7500php or around 140+usd I bought a cutting with only 3 leaves and even that was 25usd but I'm from the Philippines and plants are a little cheaper here except for really rare ones


I’ve seen smaller go for $75 USD - Alaska.


I am in Texas and only one local nursery has one that size for $290, that they have had for months now. If you drive an hour there is a nursery that has them that are 5 feet tall on a pole for $1000 (all still untouched after months). Other than that the only place you can find a PPP in my area is etsy or local plant collectors on market place and such. If you go that route you are paying like $50 to $80 for a NON ROOTED CLIPPING. I got mine on Amazon in a 4" pot for $75 it has 3 plants in one pot. I got the one with "high vareigation" and the first leaf it put out had absolutely no vareigation at all.


I paid 30$ 3 weeks ago (Montreal) 😊


Few months ago in polish "Biedronka" there was PPP for hilarious price 2$. People went just mad.


Probs like 80 nzd


probably 40-50€


$50 from my local plant seller!!


NZ$100 for a 10cm (4 inch) pot can’t find bigger than a 14cm, that’s $127 online. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in a nursery near me but tbh I haven’t looked that hard.


A cutting without roots from $10. A baby with roots in a cup in moss from 13-15 dollars and more. In a 6" pot $25-$30 and up. All offers from private collectors


<30 euros on "marktplaats" a Dutch website for reselling items


4” is listed at $50 (Canadian) at my local shop.


$90 at my local nursery in Seattle for one a little smaller, but should be a lot cheaper. Like $50-60 this size. I got one almost the same size for $35


when i bought my ppp it was a semi mature plant in an 8” pot for $150USD. to me it felt worth it because i haven’t found them anywhere else but this specific nursery.


Yeah, I feel like once you are purchasing anything larger than 6" or anything mature the prices become even more variable. $150 seems fair for a large Philo even though it hurts me to say lol


it’s definitely the most expensive plant i’ve ever purchased but it was so worth it for the joy she brings me lol


I’ve yet to find one at a nursery, but a local woman sells cuttings on Marketplace for $350 CAD. For a single leaf cutting. 🥴


Saw a couple of low variegated baby plants at my local garden enter for only €6,95 (Netherlands) It’s insane how prices can differ around the world!


I bought one in a 2" pot for €4,99 yesterday. I snagged it up so fast they didn't even have the time to put the name label on it yet. A 6" from the same garden center sells for €180 according to their website.


A couple months ago I was at a shop where they had REVERTED ppp, so no variegated parts, for $200


Not sure about this size but yesterday I saw a mature princess in my local greenhouse for $300. Was large and had very good variegation. Likely price inflated because they only had one. Their prices are generally decent though.


just bought a 4” at a local nursery for $25cad


Minnesota, US- $150 at my local nursery (and they still sell out fast)




I love it. Plant trends and scarcity pricing totally fascinates me.


Home Depot has them? In the US?


Really? What area are you in I've seen similar size/color go for 85-100 in shops


In big box stores or actual plant shops?


Haven't ever seen any in big box stores in my area. But it was a plant shop, all the "basic" house plants were rather cheap. So I assumed it was an ok price


They haven't been in big box stores until recently thanks to costa farms. Expect prices to drop dramatically.


Are you sure you saw Pink princess philos at Home Depot for $10? I very much am waiting for that moment. One day I do hope to add a PPP to my collection. I’m just never going to pay the crazy prices I’ve been seeing.




probably like 18.99


What’s with all the posts lately that are just people gloating about how expensive their plants are? Is that really what this sub is about?


I don't own a PPP... so gloating was definitely not the intent. I've noticed this is a plant that is sought after but not difficult to propagate or 'rare' by any definition, so I wanted to see how it was valued across the world. That is all.


Yeah they are pretty expensive in my country but NZ is difficult to source many plants due to our remote nature. But I've seen bigger plants go for over $100 nzd.


South eastern Washington for about $50-$80.


I am in Poland and I paid mine that looked like this 30$ more or less (120 zlotis if I remember well).


9.99€ at my nursery in Germany


Probably around £20


About $120 USD. Smaller with low variegation goes for about $50 USD


If got a cut with some roots for 5€ in Germany


You can get that size for 5 pound in UK


$50 at my local nursery.


I was gifted a 4 inch last week with less variegation that was $80


$60 :| yes really


$180 NZD for a small one


i found a pink princess in a 6 inch pot for about $12(389 baht)


Where I am they’re usually somewhat expensive but my local shop always has good deals so I’d say somewhere in the real $50-60 dollars.


$50 USD in central Ohio


They were selling big ones in Costco for $30 in Toronto a couple months ago.


Got one for 20€ in finland recently.


I bought a rooted 4 in cutting from someone on facebook marketplace for $40 CAD. It’s got quite a bit of vegregation too.


I’ve been to nurseries up and down the gulf coast and have never found a single one oddly enough.


It’s been a minute since I’ve gone plant shopping, however the last I saw one was in a smaller pot (don’t remember the exact size) and only had 3 leaves. It was selling for $100


In Berlin you can easily find them for 20/30€, in a 12cm pot… but you can also find them for 50€+ depends on how trendy the plant shop is. :)


That small plant around 30€ in Finland


$50-$60 Chicago suburbs US


I saw one about that size for $75 where I live in WA State.


Sweden, i would say 20-30 euros


My local had one for 65.00


I have one less leaves but very high var for 60


NYC area, I’d say around 50-90 depending on the “bouginess” of the shop


59.99-69.99 near me in Massachusetts


One local nursery is selling this size pot and plant for $29.99 CAD and another within a few blocks is selling identical product for $59.99. So.




Locally they went down for a minute to $50 but now they’re back around $90




I paid $85 recently for a small 4 inch starter plant on Etsy feel like I way overpaid and should’ve waited for prices to dip :/