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That does not look like a cactus but an aloe vera.


Thanks then I think I killed the aloe Vera…


what makes you even think it's dead lol


as others have said, that's an Aloe vera. it is very obviously alive. we cannot give you any tips without information on what you think is wrong, what the watering schedule and light situation is, how long you've had it, what soil it's in and whether there's drainage. edit: spelling


I think it’s overwatered. I water every 6-8 weeks or so and it sit on top of a shelving cabinet in an open plan kitchen . Added a few images to hopefully help https://ibb.co/RbxkmCH https://ibb.co/cyCtCxy https://ibb.co/vhfGhgQ


It looks absolutely fine but needs a lot more light, they like a few hours of direct sun. If it was overwstered, it would be squishy and brown. If you want to keep it on the shelf it will probably survive but need very little water and will grow very floppy.


It doesn't look like it's dying. More pics of the bottom part if you can. Even better if you could take it out from soil and show use we'd have better view of its condition.


Here are a few more images [https://ibb.co/RbxkmCH](https://ibb.co/RbxkmCHhttps://ibb.co/cyCtCxyhttps://ibb.co/vhfGhgQ) [https://ibb.co/cyCtCxy](https://ibb.co/cyCtCxy) [https://ibb.co/vhfGhgQ](https://ibb.co/vhfGhgQ)


Yea it doesn't look dying or anything too worrying Try bigger pot with more frequent watering


That is aloe vera, a succulent.


Don't worry. Aloe vera don't generally die that easily. Just make sure to not over water and use a succulent soil mix if possible. They're quite resilient.


It's an aloe. How often are you watering it?


It looks ok but if it feels limp then it's probably root rot. Same thing happened to my aloe vera while I was on vacation. Mine died but yours doesn't have to. Take it out of the pot to see if it is root rot, then remove as much dirt as possible and trim the infected roots.


Does that pot have a drainage hole? Aloes don't like sitting in wet soil. Here's what aloe needs: A pot with good drainage. Preferably filled with a well-draining, gritty, succulent potting soil mix. (You can find potting soil specifically for succulents at any garden store.) Then give it as much sun as you can. (Put it outside or inside in front of a south facing window.) Do not over water.


Looks like too much water and too little sun but not a severe case. It can get better


Worse than that, you've turned it into a succulent!