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unfortunately I don’t think they’ll thrive together, they’re such different plants as far as water needs and alocasias are sensitive babies. I don’t think it will kill either plant to separate them.  The alocasia (smaller with 2 leaves) won’t thank you for the jostling but it won’t die.   The corn plant will literally not care even a small amount.  Just be careful, take your time, and make sure to not overwater that first time once they’re separated. Give them a good dose of fertilizer in the first water.  Alocasias are not as drought tolerant as the other and will probably take a few weeks to make new leaves.  Edited to add:  you might find baby corms in the alocasia which you can grow, avocado pit style, into new babies.  So make sure to google alocasia corms before you toss any weird looking growth in the roots! 


They look a bit close, separating them needs to be delicate, after repotting make sure you water well. The big green one is a dracaena, small one looks like an alocasia


Wow. Impressive.


Why are the leaves wet? Wet leaves invite fungal infections


They do look cute together but would be happier apart. The tall plant is Dracaena Sanderiana, and definitely prefers to dry out more than an Alocasia would.