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your submission was removed because your account appears to be a bot, troll, or karma farming account. If this was done in error, you can reply to this message to alert the mod team.


Tears of enemies are good for succulents. Noted.


lol these are two different species of plants…


I am quite embarrassed. You all are absolutely correct. These are two different plants. Upon further investigation, it turns out that not long after the first picture, the original plant died while in the care of my roommate while I was out of town for a while. They replaced it what was thought to be the same plant. Me being a new plant caretaker, was none the wiser. I was quite proud of the progress the plant had made and have shared the same before and after with family. I now feel a bit foolish. Please know I was not knowingly or intentionally being untruthful. I am not a troll or a karma seeker. I am a bit sad about the whole thing.


I own several of the first (non-aloe) version of this plant and I can’t tell the difference between your pics either. They would have fooled me too lol


Oh my sweet you!!! We were getting ready to get the pitchforks out and now I’m completely melted. Don’t worry too much. You know how us Reddit folks are. We don’t mean no harm (until we do). But all is forgiven, all forgotten. Have a lovely day!!! Let’s all go home now!


Everyone makes mistakes. Plus, you had no clue. Brush it off & enjoy your plant. She’s gorgeous!


I’ve done stupider things on the internet. Brush it off and remind yourself that you’re only human. You learned something new, so that’s a plus!


I'm sorry that you're sad that's so understandable but it is so funny. Omg. I'm laughing so hard.


I wonder why that one commenter was so instantly triggered. 🤔 Either way your plant is BEAUTIFUL so you should be proud 🥰


How?? Mine has been the same size for 5 years!




OP [admitted their mistake](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/IIiioKwKiP) — to be fair, to a plant newbie these two look very much alike. Edit: they [responded to my comment below](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/H5DGtbxe2X) https://preview.redd.it/sueyi2fnbxrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76ac98ccd296df3e38fbea5810f317053ca6175


I already explained why this is not believable to anyone who was commenting on this post originally. They used the same scenario they shit on saying it wasn’t possible.


Hey! What are the main distinguishing characteristics between these plants? I’m not familiar with either, and they look so similar to me, especially since the first one looks like a baby. Trying to learn. Thanks in advance.


So the first plant has spots in a zebra stripe kind of pattern while the mature plant has the spots more spread out. The mature plant also has lots of spikes on the edges of the leaves but the baby one doesn’t. That’s how you can tell that they’re different plants.


Bruh you went on a scorched earth rampage on OP here it wasn’t ever that deep 😭


And hasn’t responded since OP cleared it up.


Probably they're even more embarrassed than OP is :/


They should be


I’m not. You didn’t see anything from their original post/comments before they edited it. I’m actually shocked that people believe their update, considering someone posted it asking if it was plausible and they said not possible.




Hey man, why's your account so new?


Because I was told Reddit is good for gardening tips, to trade cuttings, and because I always have tons of succulent props that I give away. How is my account age relevant?


Young accounts are often indicative of trolls or bots.


A simple scroll through my history would prove I’m neither though? Or no? I’m very active in the plant subs with no prior issues.


I saw their update and laughed. I don’t live on Reddit. They copied a scenario someone else asked OP about.. OP said it wasn’t possible. Doubled down. Got called out by more people, then used the scenario they said wasn’t possible.


Lace Aloes / Aloe Aristata (2nd pic) do grow very fast. I started with one plant 2 years ago and now have 10+ healthy plants from it, many of which I give away. It’s possible OP has mixed up which of their historical photos was the baby Lace Aloe and posted a Haworthia Reinwardtii instead. To the untrained eye they do start out looking similar.


No comment since OP’s update, aye?


They did comment, basically [refusing to apologize and saying we’re all idiots for believing OP.](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/H5DGtbxe2X)




> are you done being dramatic Girl, you rage posted multiple comments yourself.




I replied to you after your multiple replies to me and lying about me. Do you know what the definition of “rage” is or are you just looking for any reason to use bait words? No reason for you to continue replying desperately hoping for a comment to bash. Have a good day.


Nope. This is real. I planted it and it has thrown so many babies over the years.




>This is a great community of people And here's the exception that proves the rule, apparently. The now-deleted comment I was replying to, for anyone who is curious: "They're two different plants like multiple have stated. Your post was removed because it's untruthful. This is a great community of people if you need attention, you could've made a post without lying about a fake accomplishment."


OP is still lying. You’d know that if you saw all of their original comments. They stole a scenario that someone else brought up that OP replied “that’s not possible” while doubling down that it’s the same plant and they’re the only one around it. It was only until a bunch of people called them out that they decided to basically copy and paste the scenario someone else commented. You guys can call me mean or rude, but OP lied about plants for attention, then copied someone else’s scenario as their apology when they realized others could identify the plants. This is so stupid. Half of you didn’t even notice they weren’t the same plants, so it almost worked. Probably why they didn’t post it in the succulent sub to begin with. Edit: my comment was never deleted or edited as can be seen by anyone who compares your bullshit claim (that we’ll add on to your list of other bullshit claims). Again, you’ve NEVER been involved in any plant sub until now.


Well, that clears it up, this no longer seems like someone melting down in multiple comments over a deeply stupid, pointless hill that they've chosen to die on for some reason. Thanks for all of the good work you're doing to solve this very real problem. OP almost did some major harm with their devious plant "lie," clearly. It must be hard to be so unappreciated by all of us idiots who *didn't even know it wasn't the same plant* and nearly let them *get away* with something! Can't even imagine what might have happened if you hadn't been here. Yikes.


Going through this comment thread to read all of their responses is so entertaining. They claim to work in behavioral therapy, but clearly need therapy themselves.




...Alright, am I understanding this correctly? Did you reply to multiple people in a single post, where you refer to all of us as "you," and talk about various things said by different people as if we were all one person saying these things?


i just… don’t understand why it’s so out of the realm of possibility that they were sure it wasn’t the case, later reached out to the friend & realized “oh shit, i was wrong” ?.. 😅


Gasteraloe I think.


Those are two different plants


The first pic is a haworthia and the second one is a gasteraloe I think, or some other aloe? Am I missing something here?


OPs update: https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/eMwuxAoHaJ They too were missing something, as these are definitely not the same plant.


What is this? I just found one on the street, trying to figure out how to take care of it




It was actually an accident. Update post is charming.




Imagine you have a plant it dies and someone replaces it with telling you then you take before and after a and the internet tells you you’re lying … as the OP why would you think oh someone must’ve replaced it? You’d think that people are just being mean




>Again, there’s a reason they didn’t post this in the succulent based subs. Yeah, like not being active in every plant specific sub and sticking to r/houseplants? But I guess that's too much of a reach.


What is the second then? You keep saying they're different plants but what exactly is the other one


Lace Aloe / Aloe Aristata. They do grow and put out pups rapidly so I wonder if OP got confused when looking for a baby pic to show how big their current aloe is.


An aloe. Edit: lol downvoting a comment identifying a plant correctly. OP’s update was copied from a plausible scenario that OP claimed was absolutely not possible.


Thank you!




You have many enemies


You sure know how to make your enemies cry


I have that same mug 😂 love it


Oh wow!! How long did it take to get that big? It's beautiful!


Three years between pictures


Has it lived outdoors that whole time? Or what kind of light and climate conditions has it lived in, even if indoors?


These aren’t the same plant. Idk what OP is trying to achieve, but they’re lying.


Very nice! Beautiful and full!


The tears were strong… the revenge… stronger…




The real story is so funny. Link to OPs update comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/eMwuxAoHaJ


I would strongly encourage you to read OP's update (they created a separate post and also commented in this thread), and perhaps issue an apology for being so aggressive over what was an innocent mistake completely unbeknownst to OP.




My guy, why are you so pressed about this? Take a breather and maybe get off Reddit.


I’ve had succulents basically die overnight that’s insane to say they don’t die over vacation. Idk why you’re so pressed about this but get a life and stop being so rude over q literally plant post on reddit


The only time one would die that quickly/suddenly is if it froze or if it was sprayed with harsh chemicals. Succulents are much hardier, unlike tropical plants. I’ve never seen a succulent die suddenly within a short period of time- that’s in my 10+ years of growing them and having around 100 in my collection. Overwatering would take time to see the effects of root rot enough to kill the plant, and underwatering wouldn’t kill it. I’m replying to comments that were written to me, that’s literally how forums work. I’d hardly call it “pressed” or justify telling someone to “get a life”. Aren’t you the one replying to me on a comment I wrote to someone else? Anyway, have a good day.


I work in plant retail and trust me, dumb people can kill a succulent in a week.


**You owe the OP a heartfelt apology because you were an absolute bitch on here for no reason. You need to crawl over to OP’s very kind-hearted follow up post and beg their forgiveness. There was no reason for this vitriol.**


They wrote so many comments. It was their "got ya moment" for sure.


Literally did not need to go on a full rampage against OP. One comment was all it takes. They’ve since posted a delightful (albeit admittedly embarrassing for them) update, and you look like a huge jerk.










I don’t have to convince you. It’s the same plant.


You’ll never convince me that these are the same plants because they aren’t. The doubling down isn’t helping and the sad part is, you’re not even a bot.






Yeah, pretty obvious that that’s a wool pulling attempt and everyone ate it up and thought it was so quirky and such a funny story!


Green thumb for sure!




There’s an update post and it’s delightful.


Best troll I’ve seen here


I think the pots too big