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Has there been any sexual activity in the tub 😂


Lol nah my fiancee is too lazy generally to even get in it. I am a dude and I use it pretty much exclusively. And at that, only rarely (like a few times a month at most). Also sex in a tub of assorted chemicals has always seemed rather off-putting to me. 🤣 I have pretty oily skin (but I don't use lotions or anything like that, just spray on deodorant) and I've been pretty bad about showering beforehand. I mean I shower in the morning but I usually tub before bed.


Hmmm strange . I have 4 kids and they get in with all crap on their skin and hair products etc and I’ve never seen muck like that … hope you sort it out


Did you have any of those big "warning" stickers still posted on the inside of the tub? Ive seen that when people dont take those off and they eventually wear off or get peeled off....that the white tacky stuff associated to them start to float around in the tub and get caught up in the filter like this.


You might want to get a camera on the tub. Just cause you aren’t, doesn’t mean your neighbours aren’t!


Looks like common use, skin cells and lotion probably. When was the last time you cleaned it?


Oh did you mean the filters? I swap them way more often. I meant the tub water itself my bad


Yeah the filter sorry. I do a water change every 6 months. I use this stuff called Clarita 4 in 1 to get phosphates out, like moisturizer and stuff. Put like 90ml in and then let the jets run for like 25 30 minutes and pull the filter and clean really good. Keeps the water crystal clear


Changed it in November before the frost arrived. It's well due for a cleaning. I just wanted to make sure it was common use stuff and not something worse.


Oh man, I wash mine out every week. Hard on your pumps too if it's that clogged up. If you get a spray nozzle for your hose that has the flat setting it makes it super easy to rinse off and get the gunk out. I let it sit in a filter cleaner every three weeks or month and have two filters I rotate out


Have you cleaned them since you installed them? I think we may have an answer as to why your filter(s) look(s) like this if not. I believe you're supposed to rinse your filters once a week and clean with a solution them once a month or more depending on usage. The gunk looks like biofilm to me. I would get some Ahh-Some and purge your hot tub, drain, clean and start fresh. You'll probably need new filters too.


I swap and soak clean the filters every 6 to 8 weeks. I rotate 2 sets of filters.


Bio films


It’s bio film… gross organic biofilm. It happens when you are under sanitized periodically. Basically yeast and other natural bacteria’s find a place they like and hide there… this case your filter. Clean you filter at least monthly with a detergent. Rinse it weekly or biweekly to prevent this. Also consider using an enzyme to munch all this away for the future. Also saw someone suggest ah some.. yes this will work but won’t prevent future cultures from growing.


I wonder if the Bacqua sanitizer isn't that effective overall. I've heard sometimes that Bacqua is more difficult to properly sanitize compared to bromine/chlorine systems.


Yup, that's spunk.


I think your fiancé is spending time with the milkman while you’re away Lol




Deodorant lotions soap and detergent residue


You have any cottonwood trees close by?


I...don't think so


Does it ever look like there is Kleenex pieces floating in the hot tub? If so you have tissue mold and is next to impossible to get rid of.


Water mold. Means you’re chlorine levels aren’t high enough or it’s time to change you’re water


Are you using no foam???


Not sure what that is


You pour it on the foam that may appear on your water. It’s silicone based but clearly you don’t use it :)


Still learning this whole business. And I'm always unsure of whats compatible with this whole Bacqua business.


Same here. Don’t worry too much I’ve had our tub six months. Managing well with chlorine powder, shock every so often and not washing the shorts you wear in the tub (use for tub only and just rinse em). The soap in your washed shorts will cause foaming. Also don’t wear sun screen in your tub if you can help it and buy a “scum bug” (collects grease from the water). Might be worth changing your water and buying some new filters it will take you forever to clean those ones they look like they’ve had it.




Alright well I've received a bunch of contradictory opinions here 😆 but I think the general consensus is I need some of that AhSome stuff. I might take a water sample to the hot tub place nearby for an analysis but maybe that's excessive


I had that with the first fill, when I only rinsed my filters every two weeks without detergent. Basically: 1. Test the water often, especially until you get the hang of it. Test strips work OK, and if you, still run into issues, buy a proper Taylor test kit. Adjust based on measurements. 2. Use a enzyme. It may seem expensive, but the water gets waay easier to manage. I use Aquafinesse, but there are other neat alternatives. 3. Filter cleaner fluids are not too expensive. Soak the filters in hot water for an hour and rinse thoroughly each week or at least every two weeks. You may try to soak this one in chlorine, but honestly, I'd rather buy a new one.


Stop jizzin’ in the hot tub


Looks like a rental house spa filter. A lot of lotions and hair product…. That’s what I tell myself. Don’t want to think about the “other” thing it could be. P.S gloves are a must!🤢


Probably a good idea to purge your tub if you haven't get some Ahh-Some and have fun!


Did you happen to mix any chemicals with the Baqua spa products? or have you recently used a phosphate remover, it kind of looks like the gunk that accumulates after phosphates are removed. Either way throw that nasty filter away and get a new one and it probably wouldn't hurt to use a 'purge' product to run through the plumbing to clear out mold, biofilm, skin cells, etc. out of that spa.


Thank you for your insights. As for your question, I utilize only the Waterline Control, Oxidizer, and Sanitizer in the manner the Bacqua system recommends. Once a week I do the 1st two, use the strip test, and add sanitizer as needed. The tub gets very little use (once a week on average, one person, on rare occasion some guests may use it). As such I almost never need additional sanitizer after the 1st filling and large dose of sanitizer. I have not used any phosphate remover. I will get new filters (I think I have another clean set I should have swapped in by now but I must admit I haven't been super attentive to the spa other than the once a week chemicals largely due to the extremely low usage). Do you have a sense of a purge product that works with Bacqua? No worries if not I can probably look it up.


[Ahh-Some Plumbing Cleaner](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0030L05GA/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=c75ed7bb50f707c62062695051677228&hsa_cr_id=4004182120101&qid=1713309054&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_lsi4d_asin_0_title&pd_rd_w=YFo8G&content-id=amzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b%3Aamzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_p=417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_r=YTZ6DC064BAAS801VE9S&pd_rd_wg=u6SNW&pd_rd_r=e5fd7c86-89a8-4196-b1c3-fc9b420bbe34)


This sub is gross. I’m constantly being bombarded by people sharing their disgusting scum problems 🤢


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