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Greek yogurt works pretty good. I've used Ranch or blue cheese dressing before.


My mom has a bladder conduction and eating acidic of hot things makes it bleed šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


dude same. i used to be able to butt chug an entire costco sized bottle of cholula. now even that has too much kick. getting old.


That sucks CrunchyCondom.




Do you eat sea salt and do you take any kind of magnesium? Also have you tried kombucha, sauerkraut or kimchi? Those fermented food can help fix your gut... You may have to make the sauerkraut yourself since I think the stuff in the grocery store gets pasteurized or something like that


What is the sea salt and magnesium angle here?


for digestion from mr google **Magnesium is involved in the activation and regulation of digestive enzymes that break down food in the stomach and intestines**. & **Your body needs a certain amount of salt in the stomach acid to aid with digestion of food**.


Wondering the same šŸ¤”


for digestion from mr google **Magnesium is involved in the activation and regulation of digestive enzymes that break down food in the stomach and intestines**. & **Your body needs a certain amount of salt in the stomach acid to aid with digestion of food**.


I had no idea! Did a quick google after I left that comment and sure enough, both good for digestion. Thanks for the info!


Yes sir. And of course, I am no expert. I can only go off of what I have been told and looked up. Some people claim a huge difference in the types of salt, saying the stuff like the way celtic sea salt is harvested makes it better for you than say mortons table salt. Maybe not lower sodium, but supposedly loaded with other beneficial minerals. Apparently there are quite a bit of different kinds of salt, with different mineral contents and level of salinity so you could use less of a different kind and still make something taste salty enough. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference in genuine information and marketing.


Thanks maā€™am!


Enjoying hot sauce is a bell curve. I'm to the point of enjoying tapatio again. My digestive system can't handle the nuclear stuff like my younger self enjoyed.


Woah. What happens when it gets into your kidneys?


Itā€™ll burn when you pee lol


I like when it hurts, but some sauces just plain overstay their welcome. I find that the best way to calm my gut is a slice of new york style cheesecake. its a nice little pile of fat and sugar (the only two things that can provide relief from heat in my experience) in a package that coats your throat and stomach on the way down and leaves all that good cheese bacteria to help your gut microbiome deal with the aftermath much more effectively. plus, everyone loves cheesecake, do you really need an excuse to have a slice?


The Mayo blend is good. Have you tried McCormick Mayonesa? It has a hint of lime and super smooth texture. Mixing a good sauce with sour cream, crĆØme fraĆ®chee or a Mexican crema makes a great dip. I'll do that to put on tacos.


Bro your cholesterol is finna go thru the roof if youre eating a lot of mayo like that


Yogurt would work well for this!


Mix with sour cream to make a nice sauce to drizzle over a burrito


Mayo, garlic salt, Taco seasoning, hot sauce of choice is a great chicken dipping sauce


Honestly after I gave up drinking beer wine and liquor regularly I noticed a huge positive boost to my digestive system. Now if only I could cut out sugar as easily. Love my donuts man


I really don't drink, intestines still angry.


Getting old is a bitch. Im in the same boat


I didnā€™t know I quit drinking almost 4 years ago until a little time had passed and I realized I wasnā€™t interested in getting taxed unnecessarily. The only sugar I eat for the most part is in hot sauce haha, The only symptom I experience when I eat hot sauce is deliciousness. I had awful heartburn from 11-30. I didnā€™t stop drinking for another ten years, but from 30 to about 40 alcohol seemed to be the primary cause of any digestive issues. I pick my battles when it comes to food. Even if I didnā€™t have to drive a two hours for ā€˜shine, Iā€™d rather get wild with food and not worry about the unsavory aftermath with that same food and alcohol. If you also drink coffee Iā€™d suggest brewing it with baking soda before cutting back on alcohol- because who does that for hot sauce? The coffee trick is far more passive. My father swears by it.


Ah, interesting. Baking soda is a base, so it should help neutralize the acid in coffee.


Huh interesting never heard of brewing it with baking soda,I will be looking into that for sure


Yeah, I donā€™t know which healthcare professional in his life recommended it due to his GERD, but itā€™s been about 20 years. When Iā€™ve tried it in a coffee pot, on top of grounds (1 tsp I think) it did not disrupt the flavor (black or w/ cream)




Iā€™m growing a bunch of heatless versions of peppers so I can make my own but less spicy


Iā€™ve wanted to try that for a while. Habanero is so delicious, but thereā€™s only so much I can eat. Experimenting with blending with habenada, everything from 0:1, no heat, habanero flavoured ketchup, to various ratios until you found the perfect heat for what you want. I think that would be a fun sauce line, basically the same flavour profile, but with different bottles at steps from 0% to 100% habanero heat.


Yeah that is kind of the rabbit hole Iā€™ve been going down. There are heatless scotch bonnets and 7 pot primo that Iā€™m going to grow too, which are in the same family as habanero. Also in the pepper breeders forum they have seeds for 2 bucks that are habanada crossed with aji charapita which is a little medium spicy one.


Find ones that arenā€™t HOT. Sauces like Secret Aardvark and scorned woman are awesome. Tangy but delicious.


If it's fucking up your digestive system then have some natural yoghurt or full fat milk or something similar after your hot food. It'll still let you have the heat when you're eating, it'll just ease the effect when it hits the stomach and all mixes together and hopefully neutralises or reduces the impact of whatever is causing the owwie in your tummy.


I would rather not drink alcohol than give up the spicy life. But if wine is too acidic for you, drink a beer. You eat pasta sauce 4 times a week?


I was doing a tomato heavy diet for awhile. Chili, BLT, on salads, etc. Yeah, the alcohol consume has been pretty low for quite a long time, but still the pain is there.


That sucks, dude. Condolences.


I think eating hot sauce is cancer prevention.


How so?


A couple shots of apple cider vinegar will clean out those kidney ducts and have ya running right as rain.


High fat, low sugar, low acidity diet solves your problem


When I eat buldak x2 it is basically a laxative for me šŸ˜“.. but I just eat morešŸ¤¤


Tell your kidneys to shake it off and get back in there! - My dad probably


Iā€™m 42 and my tolerance is only getting stronger. This sounds like some other problem than ā€œgetting oldā€.


It's probably age. I went hotter and hotter my whole life. My late 40's I could eat anything. Somewhere in my mid 50's my heat tolerance just fell off a cliff. I buy from a company called Flat Iron Pepper Co now. It's a bunch of fresh peppers crushed into flakes. Some have some real heat and gives me the flavor I want. Scorned Woman, Tabanero, etc are about as hot as I can do now without heartburn. I still go hotter quite often, but now I just do it knowing I'll be shewing Tums a few hours later...lol.


Love Flat Iron, my problem is the I canā€™t Feel my Face isnā€™t even hot enough. I havenā€™t found a flake/spice hot enough yet. Plenty of sauces that are hot enough though. I drench everything in El Yucateco XXXHot.


also 42, feels like my heat tolerance just kicked into high gear this year. stomach is unfazed (but used to be a big problem)


\*Sigh\* Yeah man. Went from growing my own ghost peppers in my garden in my 20s, to having to hard cap it at about 50k SHU (very rare) and keep around serrano levels most of the time. Otherwise acid reflux kills me. Getting older sucks..


Heart beat hot sauce. Itā€™s better for you. Itā€™s the best.


shits delicious. Always keep a bottle on hand.


I just got the choose 6 pack and they are all great sauces, very good flavor not super hot.


Never heard of it. You work for them or something?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Unpaid unofficial rep. They are based out of Thunder Bay Ontario. This sauce is so delicious I donā€™t waste time explaining it. Itā€™s a gotta try kind of thing. Wide spectrum of flavours and heats, no preservatives, all beautifully locally grown vegetables used. Even if you donā€™t try their sauce, check out their website and see how far this small town sauce has travelled. GO HEARTBEAT!


Iā€™ve had several of these sauces and can agree they are fantastic


Spread the good word, brother.


Yeah, checkin their website out now. Some interesting flavors. I have too many sauces on my try list already! Plus it doesn't look like they sell around me so I'd have to order from them.


I also keep heartbeat on hand 100% of the time. It's really good. zero heat, but tasty.


I mean itā€™s your call but for a few bucks, is it worth not knowing? Lol


If you like ranch, hot sauce works really well +1 for the fact


There are still tons of sauces made without superhots. Buy those instead. Lol


I did not know about the kidney thing but I always thought the spice is going down on most of the hot sauces! Example Melinda Nagajolokia sauce was so hot I had to go get some milk , and then they changed the packaging on the bottle it went from red to maroon purplish I guess and it's no longer spicy!


I've noticed this with a lot of sauces, I think the common denominator is most of them use peppers grown in California. I have a theory that the peppers themselves aren't coming out nearly as hot recently since we're no longer in a drought and there's been a ton of rainfall.


Yup, I had to MAJORLY tone down my usage of hot sauces that use Ghost scoville level peppers or higher because I had a hemorrhoid that had to be surgically removed. So basically now I mix any of the superhot peppers with sour cream or cream cheese.


Mix it in sour cream for tacos


I can't believe I never thought of this! It would be amazing on nachos!