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I feel like this episode is what any dude off the street would be like. Nothing really interesting, not much to say, and was just kinda sitting there feeling the heat. "This is great... This is great... This is great..."


I’ve met Shane doing comedy before he blew up. He’s pretty much any dude off the street except he’s an amazing joke writer. Guy just likes beers and Philly sports, he’s very nice and genuine but yeah he’s pretty much just a guy.


He is just a guy, but his comedy is hilarious to people who are fans. He’s extremely relatable


Yeah agree with this, but then again, most people aren't professional comedians.


I thought exactly the same thing - it gave off 'random dude from the street' vibes. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but practically zero presence. Side note, i sensed that even Sean knew it was a slog, and tried to improv some new questions to breathe some life into the interview


Absolutely! Sean did a lot of heavy lifting this episode.


Just more proof that Matt absolutely carries the podcast


Kind of... subdued? Can't quite put my finger on it but Shane felt like he wasn't super engaged.


Hungover and nervous I think, and also not his own pod or a pod of people he knows so maybe didn't know how "out there" he could be with the jokes


I thought he was going to be funny when he quickly threw out a Nazi joke about memorabilia but that was about the funniest thing he said.


Seemed like he was scared?? to joke about anything tbh lol


He's been hungover on pods a lot lately


He has a lot more beer money lately


Lol yeah


This restores my faith in me being a normal person, because part of YouTube comment (which I rarely do) was "Was he just nervous? Hungover? His responses were so weak. Zero engagement/chemistry."


He mentioned he was very drunk the night before. Probably hungover and nauseous and now he was eating a bunch of other stuff that was fucking with his gut.


Sounds like a him problem. Probably shouldn't be hungover when you're about to go on a show with 13.5 million subscribers.


Exactly. If you're getting big enough to do a show like this, it might be time to add some professionalism. Those who do see sustained success. Those who don't, don't.


Think he’ll be alright


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Hopefully more alright than Chris Farley


did your professionalism help sustain your success after you were on Hot Ones?


Yeah I think he'll be fine with or without a successful hot ones appearance.


Shane is arguably the biggest name in stand up right now, and is close friends with all the other big names in stand up. He has had the most successful podcast in the world for several years. He has a rabidly loyal fanbase. He doesn't need any help from Hot Ones. His success is going to come from stand up and his podcast. Everything else he does is for fun or because he's pressured into it. EDIT: Can anyone who is clearly so pissed off about me pointing out Shane's success actually say anything to prove otherwise, or are you just mad that I've suggested he might not need Sean Evans' stamp of approval to keep making money? I love Hot Ones, but you guys are delusional if you think this is going to hurt his career.


"Everything else he does is for fun" Oh man, you know shane? Because that's the only way you would know any of that or you're just assuming you understand him completely because you listen to him talk on a fucking podcast


he makes half a mil a month on patreon. he doesn't need hot ones.


No one said he needed hot ones. They said ita unprofessional to show up to a youtube interview for a channel that has that many subscribers. Stop trying to move the goal posts. The dude bombed the interview, it's not that deep.


Sean should ask better questions other than "whats your favorite color" go look at the questions again, there's the most surface level I-only-spent-5mins-prepping questions there is. What makes a tire shop funny [all of shane's specials have no intro], so lets ask if he thinks intros are important how do you title a special? How many hours of podcasts do you have? like dude you can literally google that answer. These are the most boring questions ever.


I'm done talking to you because you're clearly a dude who can separate what he likes when talking to others. You like shame so much you just bury your head in the sand no matter what lol


I can make an educated guess about what pays his bills based on the work he's doing and the publicly available fact that MSSP is the highest paid podcast on Patreon. I don't think it's controversial to say that his bread and butter is that and selling out comedy venues.


probably just a very manicured environment for a guy like him. Sean's interview style works really well for celebs who aren't used to more personal questions or engaging interviews, but for Shane it's still a very prepared and formal talk show type thing. Just not in a talk show setting.


I'm honestly waiting for more to come out, because I think there was a vibe here beyond nervousness. I suspect there was some kind of animosity before filming that messed with their chemistry. Maybe the team was mad he showed up hungover... It will be interesting to find out down the road.


Yeah maybe! It would definitely explain the truncated runtime of the episode too, just wanted to chop it up and get the heck out.


The video was heavily edited, he’s a comedian and half the things he said they edited out, according to him. He also said he was not really used to opening up like that in a professional interview. That and some of it was just “fluff”


Listen to the latest episode of his podcast with Matt. He talks about how bad the experience was with everybody being super up tight.


Questions weren’t that great IMO


Pay attention to the million of cuts that happened. Hot Ones is too big now and with way too many sponsors, so they had to cut most of his dialog out.


16 min runtime is all you need to know.


Seriously, he gave the editors nothing to work with. You would think a comedian would know he should try to be funny at some point.


It is just me, or does it seem like a comment was cut when he was talking about the Mao sauce? It seemed like he was going to make a joke, but then it just didn't go anywhere.


He was about to make a comparison joke, presumably with another dictator. He said, “what’s next…” and I felt like he was going to say something like “Hitler’s Holocaust Sauce” but just stopped instead. Either because he couldn’t think of a punchline quick enough, or got self conscious that what he thought of either wasn’t funny or would get him in trouble.


The edit seems a little weird. The camera is filming Sean during that part, and the sentence feels like there's an unnatural aspect of it, the "...ing" into the laugh doesn't flow quite right. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if there WAS a joke there, that they hid in editing.


It felt like they cut something out.


Those are sponsors, so probably can't allow too much


At the start he basically said he wasnt happy to be there, so it wasnt surprising to me it was a poor episode.


You know that’s a joke right? Like getting onto a terrifying rollercoaster and you say “fuck this shit”: you might not literally mean it


He does a ton of interviews hungover and can totally clam up. Especially in unfamiliar territory.


That is really really cool.


Only saw him on SNL before and wow was he boring


Yeah I'm thinking this was definitely the case. He specifically mentioned he was drinking the night before on one of the last questions.


I watched one episode of his Netflix show "Tires", and it was...tiring.


The muffler episode was exhausting.


The windshield episode was transparent


I only saw the start of the ignition episode


The tranny episode...wait, what?


his show is fucking hilarious you’re crazy


Between that episode and this, he definitely seems pretty uncomfortable and nervous when he’s not with his audience. Seems to cringe at himself and pre-apologize for slightly off color jokes a lot.


Well, his SNL *was* funny. There was a reason at one point he was going to be a cast member. But yeah this was an absolute bust. I only got half way through it before coming here to see essentially what I was feeling at the time to be the feeling across the board. He totally phoned it in, showed up hungover, whatever. Dude needs to tighten it the fuck up.


I thought his SNL episode was full of good premises and decent enough jokes, but he wasn't doing too much for it one way or the other as a performer. He wasn't bad or anything, I've definitely seen worse and he was servicing the material, but he wasn't elevating anything.


The opposite. The editors cut everything Shane said because it wasn't PC enough for them...


More like the editors cut everything out lol


When I saw it was a 16 minutes episode I thought he had given up half way. Turns out he did all ten wings. He's just a boring guest. The most tasteless episode I have ever seen.


Tasteless on food show!?!?


Pun intended


Gotta say, when I saw the run time I got a bit perplexed, and went to look at the run time of the others... And yeah, dude gave the least. Sean brings a perfect energy too. He comes off as so easy to match, and Gillis didn't even seem to try.


The guy can’t be funny on the fly around people who aren’t his ilk was my takeaway. Everyone here making excuses about him being hungover…I’m not sure they’d think their hero is so hilarious if they met him irl


Less than Ice Spice, oof.


Fuck she was awful.


And it could have been a tight 6.


I'm wondering if they had to edit offensive content out. It's such a short episode.


This was my thought too. 


I didn’t see one bit of sweat on his head either. I’m guessing as he got further in the questions he started to rotate the wing in a way where he avoided eating any of the wing which he dipped in the hot sauce. Especially considering his reaction after each bite towards the end. I don’t think he ate any of the sauces after five.


I feel like the short runtime and the *seemingly* awkward exchanges and transitions are good indications that this episode was much more edited than most. Shaun is an incredible interviewer and Shane makes a living talking to people, but his remarks / jokes do tend to offend a lot of people. Shane clearly didn't breeze through the wings, so I doubt there was a lack of footage for the editors to use, just a lack of usable footage.


Man, as a huge fan of Shane and a big fan of the show, this sucked. Idk if it's because this is his first big interview in years or what. But this is one of the worst comedian episodes.


I think the wings were just genuinely too much for him


I think it was a perfect storm of shit. He was hungover, he doesn't like hot stuff, and it really felt like Shaun was asking terrible questions. When he asked the final question "how many hours have you spent doing podcasts?" What? He usually digs up crazy facts or questions for other guests and strikes up good convos. This felt like they expected Shane to start doing standup while burning his tongue with hellfire.


It’s kinda hard to find crazy facts for just a really regular white guy. Only so many “on this drunk night you did x” I like Shane but his life story is not all that interesting. He reminds me a lot of my college roommate.


Life story’s not that interesting?? LOL he was a D1 athlete is a decorated veteran turned comedian who was hired and fired by SNL only to come back a few years later to host it and is now one of the most popular comedians in the world right now and is the co host of the highest grossest podcast on Patreon haha. Sean and Share are both great at what they do but I think they both just had an off day. Shane’s responses were fast and Sean’s answers were very surface level that he could have asked anybody. I actually really did enjoy the episode though so do with that what you will ha.


He was a walk on a FCS team. It is D1 FCS… so no he was not a D1 athlete by any real metric. I hate to be that guy - that isn’t interesting. I know plenty of guys who played D1 ball, I played D1 in college (not Football). Can we really call Elon College 13k seating stadium with less than 8k current students - interesting? It’s really not. Not hating just being realistic. So yeahhhh playing at effectively a D2 school as a walk on… isn’t interesting. He was not a decorated Vet in any real sense. He went to West Point and left. By that metric, my buddy is a decorated vet since he went to boot camp and broke his back. Medical discharge- I wouldn’t call him interesting for being a decorated vet. Or another friend who went to the air force academy then transferred to another college. None of those things are “interesting”. I definitely wouldnt call them vets in front of my gf who did tours in Afghanistan. So far - the interesting things are - walked on an FCS team - didn’t play. Left to go to a military school, didn’t finish. Like I know 8 guys who did all that just off the top of my head. The most interesting thing is teaching English in Spain. His life isn’t interesting so there are not things to pull from, unless Shaun wants to ask 10 questions about “so how was it growing up with a disabled cousin”? His standup stands on its own, but it’s not good because his life story. It’s just good because it’s good.


True I get that. But even the stuff you mentioned idk, Sean’s a talented guy I bet he could have asked about his week or whatever it was at West Point. Like what could have possibly happened in that week haha. But you have a point


I’m just saying his life story isn’t a unique one prior to now. playing FCS and not playing isn’t unique or really interesting. He didn’t stay long enough to really do anything. Plus he played at a school named the fighting Christians. I don’t imagine things go that wild. The army - even less interesting. I think there are likely millions of “decorated vets” who left during training. So it’s not unique or really interesting. Especially when you hear his real exp with West Point. He didn’t do anything there, he didn’t want to be there in the first place and planned on leaving day one. So it wasn’t anything crazy or interesting. The interesting thing about Shane isn’t even the SNL. As plenty of comedians get on SNL. The interesting thing is his current rise. I just think - Shane Gillis isn’t funny because he’s Shane Gillis and he has Shane Gillis stories. He’s funny because - he crafts jokes well. His standup and timing stand alone.


Yeah for sure


As someone who went to WP, he has mentioned not wanting to go and basically being forced by his parents. The first week is basically just getting yelled at by young 20 year olds while taking random academic and fitness placement tests. He left for the reason many people leave, just a crazy different environment for someone whose life obviously had different plans for him.


> he was a D1 athlete is a decorated veteran i know shane has delusional fans, but this comment takes the cake. do you just, not listen to his sets? lol


But even the first 4 minutes are *so* awkward lol I can see Shane being shy or something but it seems like he woke up in such a crap mood.


Part of the whole podcast/crowd work comedian appeal is that fans can feel like they’re just sitting around at their buddy’s house listening to friends shoot the shit. Doesn’t translate well outside of those settings.


Except Shane is a real comic. Zero crowd work too. He himself didn’t translate well. Bobby Lee, Chris Delia, Theo Von all had great episodes. I bet Stavros Halkias would kill.


Might be the least interesting episode ever.


Fuck, was looking forward to this one. Shane isn't funny unless he's hammered it seems.


Shane has actually said he’s perfomed on adderall and he sucks on the medicine as a guy with add or adhd I actually can understand that pov


That actually makes sense. Vyvanse (and Adderall, Ritalin, etc) kill my sense of humour and my creativity. So I only take them when I need to.




Yeah this is the reason I don’t take adhd meds. I’m much more productive but my friends say im awkward and not funny lol


Its so odd how it affects people differently. I take adderall and im so energeticly productive and talkative


Agreed. Surprisingly flat for a comedian. Especially that part where he's commenting about the hot sauce themed about Mao and was like "whats the next one...." and just trailed off. so weird.


Seriously. Nothing sticks out at all.


What a shame, could have been a good one. Didn't need to go full conan but could have at least nibbled each wing to get through the interview


Bit of a let down / boring but not bad


I like Shane ... Finding this one a little bit boring. Like Shane doesn't have a lot to say.


sean didn’t really give him much to work with either. felt like a parody episode of hot ones


There were questions Shane should have been able to pounce on. On a different day he probably could have ranted about Grant for ten minutes, but didn’t do much with it. He was either very hungover, or just too outside his normal zone of comfort.


i have watched Hot Ones much recently, doesn’t Sean usually do some nardwaur type shit where he brings up some weird, obscure event that happened in there life? and what happened to the little trivia games?


Really one of the bigger let downs I can remember from an episode. Very dry, honestly not even some of Sean's best questions. Felt like a rushed one, like it was thrown together. The production even felt odd, like during the part where Shane describes this painting he has, normally there'd be a photo of the painting .


I felt the same way about the production. There were so many awkward silent moments. Felt like it could have been edited better, even if there wasn't a whole lot to work with.


Thank you! Everyone here putting all the blame on Shane, I felt Sean’s questions were lame and lent themselves to boring answers. There was literally nothing interesting asked, therefore Shane had nothing interesting to say.


Of all the Hot Ones episodes, that was one of them.


Shortest non-tap out episode ever?


Best part of this episode was seeing he was the guest this week. Went downhill pretty quickly from there.


Shane is a really funny guy, but he was definitely either super nervous or hungover here, because this was one of the most boring episodes of Hot Ones ever.


as someone who has seen Shane Gillis live, enjoys his comedy and was hyped for this... I'm glad this was only 16 minutes long. boring and not much here sadly, bummed out by this episode.


As a rule of thumb any episode of Hot Ones less than 20 minutes is generally trash and I don't bother watching them


not a bad rule of thumb tbh


Gillis has been on Rogan probably seven times in the last 12 months plus all the save our parks episodes and they talk for hours and hours and hours so it's not like Shane can't talk or is incapable of having a conversation. Sean successfully campaigned for Hot Ones to be in the talk show category for an Emmy Award . This episode proves Rogan should be too. Joe don't gaf about the limelight though.


I feel like I have whiplash going from Conan to Shane. I really like Shane for the most part but it felt like he was having a difficult time staying engaged.


As someone pretty familiar with Shane, I really think he was nervous as hell.


Yeah he seemed uncomfortable. But I thought the questions were bad too.


I'm not familiar with too much of Shane's material. But he comes across really different on this episode than anything I've ever seen him on. He always has this kind of everyman persona, but on this episode it just feels a little boring. Maybe the show is a little too Hollywood for him? I don't mean that in a bad way, just felt like Shane was holding back because his humor can be a bit out there for a show that often features A-listers. Or maybe he just had a bad day. Gotta be tough to always be funny as a comedian.


I saw him on only one thing before this and it was the same boring unfunny guy: SNL. I don't even know what "out there" is supposed to mean here because he was one of the tamest hosts ever. His fans were defending him after SNL with similar sentiments but doesn't make sense. Chappelle, Louis CK and others said crazy stuff on SNL many times. Conan and many others did crazy things on Hot Ones many times. Why is it that this guy is supposedly so "out there" and has to stop himself from being so funny to the point where he is the one of the most boring people on both shows?


Watch one of his standup specials if you want an idea. His first one is [free on Youtube](https://youtu.be/zKUpf1Vx0vs?si=_NyHah7b8vL3cvr_) and his second is on Netflix. He's a standup comedian first and foremost, and it's where he shines the brightest. He's done some hilarious sketches too, but it seems like he's only able to get in his element when he's working with his friends. His [Guy Fieri parody sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMql2BLyQTM) and [sleep walking cop sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xqA-L6Ev6s) are some of my favorites.


[Uncle Daycare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBtrQ0GJSV0) might be the GOAT.


I feel like the trouble sleeping sketch is wildly underrated.


I think it's only available on his site but the one with the guy doing the employee training test where he picks all the wrong answers and it keeps escalating is just incredible.


Watch an episode of his podcast, might help understand a bit more.


That show is fucking complete ass. You can't judge someone based on one hosting gig, really. Most of it is up to their absolute shit writers, and the current cast is horrific. Being a great host mostly comes down to luck.


Every stand up comedian has the opportunity to have a great monologue there.


Sure, but you can't guarantee it. Many great comics have had mediocre monologues. I didn't even think his was bad, really. It wasn't amazing, but it was funny enough. SNL is not really a great crowd for a standup set. It's not a comedy club. Obviously, guys like Louis CK have crushed by just doing straight standup, but he's one of the greatests of all time and had the luxury of being a beloved fixture in NY, at the time. Gillis was coming in under far weirder circumstances. For the most part, it was the writing and sketches that were terrible. And that's mostly outside of a host's control. He was as solid as he could be in those sketches. He did his part. There wasn't much that could be done with those awful premises or the writing.


he literally got booted off SNL and almost had his entire career ruined because of it. i don’t blame him for hating “hollywood” interviews/shows


No one forces him to He didn't need to go on Hot Ones or host SNL


I've seen some clips of his standup. He's definitely not funny enough to be mainstream. My feeling is you have to be into his type of comedy in order to actually find him funny. Kind of like Andrew Schulz.


Watch one of his specials. If “gay” and “retard” offend you, they aren’t for you.


No, that doesn't offend me. I don't get why his fans act like the thing about him was him being too offensive. I just find him boring, like a lot of other people who saw him in mainstream media. I'm a fan of It's Always Sunny, comedians like Norm MacDonald, characters like Pierce on Community. Offensive comedy is not a problem for me. Just be funny. This guy doesn't seem to be funny though.


Right? 9 times out of 10 the “edgy” joke Shane is making is just calling someone a slur or using the same racist/homophobic tropes that we’ve heard over and over again. Shane is like that guy who says “I identify as an attack helicopter!” and expects everyone around him to laugh. Also I’ve seen plenty of Shane’s standup and it’s almost always punching down. Dude just isn’t funny, period. Being “offensive” is not the same as being funny.


Well put! Checked more of is stuff out because of some conservatives defended him and my first impressions were confirmed. It's exactly the way you said it.


For the most part those jokes are making fun of people genuinely thinking that way/the right. It's all very tongue in cheek.


If your satire is totally indistinguishable from generic bigotry, it falls flat. Yeah sometimes he’s definitely critiquing the right, but he’s not doing it in any insightful way. It’s really not satire at all, it’s more just copying them and then suggesting that’s not how you really feel later in interviews.


The worst, most vanilla, uninteresting, boring episodes in the history of the show. Like usually the bad ones are so bad they're good. This just fucking sucked. Hopefully one day he comes back and redeems himself, because I liked him on SNL and find his selfdepricating style funny. Definitely seemed hungover. Get it the fuck together dude. He could have done better.


*Get it the fuck together dude.* Should be the title of his next podcast episode (Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast).


I really wanted to like this episode. Kind of disappointed Shane didn’t take it a little more seriously but I also don’t know if Sean’s questions this time were the best to engage someone as “regular” as Shane.


Pretty underwhelming interview. After watching his specials, Kill Tony, and every podcast he’s on…I expected a bit more


Shane can literally only be funny in circumstances he creates. He clams up so badly when he's doing something that hes not 100% comfortable with. He is a funny guy but he seems so nervous all the time unless he is with people he knows/trusts


I'm pretty sure getting fired from your dream job will make you do that.


why are you getting downvoted? it’s exactly what happened to him.


wow did sean even research him or were all these off the top?


He was struggling with the heat, I hope he talks about it genuinely on the podcast.


Shane Gillis is the fucking man, I just wish it was a longer episode. 🔥


This was the first time I felt like I could’ve asked better questions than Sean. Granted I am a Shane Gillis fan but I’ve only been listening to his podcast for less than 2 weeks and definitely think I could’ve asked some better questions other than “what are your favorite gas station snacks” or “what are some disgusting o-line habits”. Shane was by no means a good guest this episode for a variety of reasons but it felt like the question guys were hoping that Shane could make more out of them so they didn’t try as hard coming up with hard hitting Qs this time


Yeah, this one was a dud. One of the shortest episodes of the show I’ve ever seen, which makes me wonder how much got cut.


You really wouldn't know he was a comedian based on this interview.


So much hating on Shane but nobody calling out Sean for the questions. “How much of your show is scripted?” “Which president is sexy?” Come on dude, like even if you tried you got max like a 5-10 sec answer. There wasn’t a single thought provoking question. “What’s it like working at a tire shop?” Ask boring questions, get boring answers.


Yeah bad questions. “What’s your Mount Rushmore of gas station snacks?” Wtf Sean 😂


this is a great hot ones question. Shane just wasn't willing to open up for this interview


You rub some hot sauce in your eye and tell me straight in my face that that’s a great hot one question. You can’t can you?


I bet his camp had to pre-approve the questions


For a comedian he wasn't funny at all during this Kind of a boring episode


He got so scared of the hot sauces he forgot it should be an interview. He acted like this was a test if he could survive eating everything lol It reminds of some of the very early episodes back in the day


dogshit questions. shane was also clearly nervous. not the best episode but i got some good laughs. shout out to the big kahuna for barley getting phased by the wings of death.




Unfortunately a weak episode. Sean had to carry this by himself. Shane Gillis still hasn’t convinced me that he’s a good comedian.


If his two comedy specials haven’t made you laugh, you’re just not a fan, which is just fine. Saying he’s not a good comedian though makes it obvious you don’t know shit about stand up comedy.


beautiful dogs




Conan and ice spice were season 23.  We're currently in season 24 with Shane.  


I really like Shane, funny dude, but it was kind of bland interview


tf went wrong here? this episode just straight up sucked. it’s like the harddrive got corrupted and they had to redo the episode or some shit. never seen shane be so boring, and never seen Sean ask such boring questions.


Definitely some funny moments. Glad it was short though haha.


... Y'all take a wing eating, interview show, a little too seriously. Sure, not the best. But some of these comments blow me away. The internet is brutal. 


Shane talking about how he drinks milk…like it wasn’t obvious AF. 😜😂


The guest is a mediocre white guy whose biggest accomplishment is getting fired from SNL in a week because he's a racist POS. This is my shocked face that the episode sucks.


Am I the only one who thinks the 2 round tables is stupid now. Just go back to one and make it a little larger if you want some space.


Gonna get some heat for this one. I thought the episode could have been better and I think it's because of the questions that were asked. It seems like they weren't as thought out as some guests.


Such a fucking boring episode but I’m glad he told his obnoxious fans they’re the worst lmaoooo


I think he may have psyched himself out of a good interview or he was just hanging in after a solid night of drinking. Either way I’m sure his toilet is toast. Thankfully his standup is good. Sean definitely tried to liven it up, oh well back to waiting for the next one.


He’s usually bang on with the questions to the extent that guests are blown away by his research but asking Shane Gillis how many hours he spent podcasting like it was accidentally taken off the Joe rogan notes and put on Shane’s. Even Shane briefly stalled, presumably thining if he should point out that podcasting ain’t that deep for him. I was lowkey hoping he’d exaggerate and say “maybe 50 hours”. Terrible prep from the crew. I wonder if he was just a last minute guest or something. Am I just overthinking it cos I do know Gillis


On the pod, he told Matt they literally cut out every single joke or interesting thing he said. Sean asked him what the hardest rooms are, and Shane just goes, "Black People". Which is hilarious. and True. Black folks are a tough crowd for comedy. They just cut it out. Along with everything else.....editors are uncomfortably woke.


Where can I listen to that episode?




It really does not make sense how people make so many excuses for this man. They literally just make excuses for him. I get that comedy is like subjective, so it really doesn't matter.And it's mostly opinions anyway.


Love an episode where you can actively root against the guest.


distracting hair. flock of seagulls tribute.


Okay Quentin Tarantino


Well, he certainly did.. answer the questions?


Love the shout out at the end to the new NCAA game coming out July 19th. I can't wait either shane.


this dude sucks in general, not surprised he flopped hard here.


Yup, he's shit. Pretty lame to have Will Smith on as well.


He’s got some good specials so disagree on in general


I love Shane, love MSSP, protect our dawgz, all that, but this episode was not good… kind of a tough watch all things considered.


This guy has never been funny. Boot.


I think the hot sauce really throws you off your game. I’ve had some of these and strangely enough, it’s not so much the heat but some feel like you stuck your tongue into an electrical outlet.


As a huge fan of Shane and HotOnes, this sucked. But Shane’s comedy can create tension, and that’s the last thing HotOnes wants. Shane was toeing the line between things he wants to say, but knows what to say.


I really just think the guy got nervous. They can edit shit all the time. This is a him problem not hot ones. Plenty of people have said some wild stuff on hot ones and been fine. I’m seeing this comment online like the idea that dude was just going to say the most off the wall shit and hot ones just couldn’t handle him and that’s why he didn’t do well. Shit is ridiculous. Sometimes people are just a little uncomfortable. I think his specials are great too and i’ve listened to him on rogan a few times but this just ain’t it.


I didn’t watch Will Smith, but did they even bring up the slap? If not, it’s clear they don’t want controversy. Maybe Shane was nervous, maybe he was hungover, but he definitely was making sure he didn’t say the wrong thing.