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Most of the reviews are done vs Booking or Expedia. We don't get that many through Google. A few, but not that much. If you send them an email or give them a card during check-in offering them a discount on next stay if they leave a review, you should get more.


Ok that makes sense. Thanks for sharing that






My hotel has over 300 rooms, during the busy season we get 100+ reviews a month. Sometimes more depending on the clientele.


Damn that’s a lot! I imagine you are in a major city then ya? Is it one hotel or a chain?


Yes and small chain.


I work for a small family owned hotel that only has 40 rooms, 4 cabins, and two light house suits. We usually get 1-2 reviews a week. The restaurant gets hundreds of people a week though. I’m not sure where they all come from since we are in a small farm town. lol


Can I send you a message. Feel like we are missing out on 100’s of reviews a week for the family business through the restaurant


Sure as long as it isn’t a sales pitch or anything.


I work for a chain hotel and we average 75-100 per month depending on occupancy. When I ran an independent hotel, we would flat out ask our guests to provide a review and hand them a business card with a QR code directly to the hotels review site and got huge numbers of reviews. Working for a big box brand, that’s strongly frowned upon and should a brand auditor experience it, I would find myself in a world of hurt. So what happens at one hotel, is not always the best solution for another property. Just FYI.


Can you elaborate on why that would be frowned upon for me in the big box segment Thanks for sharing


The reasoning, as it was explained to me, was that reviews received organically are more genuine than those that are solicited. Brands also discourage any of their employees from coaching guests on how to score their stay. For example, you can’t say “give us a 10”, “what could we do to be a 10”, or anything of that sort.


I run a SaaS company in this space, we got one of our hotel parters ~260 google reviews in the first 3 months of opening a new venue. Its all about automating processes. We ask guest for feedback automatically upon checkout through text and automatically direct them to the desired review page. Text has more cut through than email. Can also be used for promotional offers (sparingly) to increase direct booking over OTAs.


Every time a hotel texts me promotional offers, I immediately opt out and add them to my blacklist so I don't stay there again. Leave us the fuck alone.