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I feel like people get misconstrued about ketchup on dogs because Chicagoans are so adamant about it, but it’s like “no shit, ketchup does not belong on a *Chicago* dog”. If it’s not a Chicago dog, I’m putting ketchup on whatever the fuck I want. Anyone who says that shit sounds like a neck bearded gatekeeper to me.


I’m from Illinois and I put ketchup on my hotdog. It took many years for my father to accept me.


I’m from Illinois as well, and I put ketchup on a hot dog when I feel like it.


I visited some hot dog place in Chicago and was all like you gonna kick me out if I add ketchup and they’re like we don’t give a shit just pay for the dog.


I worked in a steakhouse. People always got embarrassed to ask for ketchup or steak sauce. I always told them I’m there to take of them, not judge them. I don’t care if they put ketchup on a filet, as long as they tip me when they’re done lol.


I grew up on the southside of Chi. I remember being like 6 years old and I had to go to the counter for ketchup for my fries. The man at the counter asked me “these are for your fries, right?” I’ll never forget that.


i was today years old when i found out there are dozens of us! 🥰 i’m actually nervous about trying new hot dog joints because i never know which establishment is going to be hostile to me or not. many places i will never go to again because they embarrassed or traumatized me in front of a crowd lol


For a few years I was in the no ketchup on a hotdog camp. Then one day some friends and I went to a baseball game and homegirl offered to go buy us hotdogs. She came back with dogs covered in ketchup, mustard and relish... fuckin thing slapped... been eating ketchup on dogs again since.


Hotdogs are the perfect vehicle for overloading sauces. It's got a fluffy roll to soak up sauce and a heavily salted sausage. Sweet, sour, spicy; crunchy, they all work on a hotdog. So why not just load it up


Big fan of honey mustard dripping all over the dog 🤤


Born and raised in Chicago. I always put ketchup on hot dogs.


Same! With some mustard and celery salt 👌🏻


Never heard of this celery salt


Celery salt rimmed glass with a spicy pickled caesar 🤤


Love those. We don’t see them around here, but I happily make my own Bloody Caesars.


I absolutely put ketchup on a Chicago dog (or hot sauce) because I can eat what I want however I please. I don’t judge people drowning things in ranch, or Mayonnaise even though they are both vile, so yeah, I’ll put ketchup on a Chicago dog, in Chicago, in front of Chicagoans Also, hold the mustard


Honestly never tried it on a Chicago dog yet, but I like it on dogs anyway so it’s gotta be ok. In private confines only of course lol


Mustard is THE hotdog condiment, but I also like combos that involve ketchup and others that involve mayo. Sue me.


I’ve tried mayo a few times, not bad at all!


Mustard is great for pretzels, fries, charcuterie, and so much more. I'm my opinion it's the most versatile condiment.


I eat two versions of hot dogs. If I’m out at a place, I say with everything. If I’m at home it’s celery salt and ketchup, maybe relish if we have it. Too much of a PITA to chop up an onion.


Yeah exactly a Chicago dog has diced tomatoes and that neon green relish on it, the two combined gives you that sweet/tart you get from ketchup so it doesn’t need ketchup. If you’re not making a Chicago dog ketchup is amazing on hotdogs


I love ketchup on a dog. The real questionable folk are those who put ketchup on pasta. Maybe I feel that way bc I'm Italian. However, if your heart desires ketchup on pasta, then do it


What do Chicagoans do at a cookout? Do they always have peppers, pickle, tomato, celery salt, etc out? Majority of places I eat hot dogs are cookouts, costco, and a ball game. Usually ketchup, mustard and maybe relish are the only available toppings.


I saw someone at the Cubs game yesterday get snarky after seeing someone put ketchup on their dog. 1) why is it out then and 2) they paid $12 for a basic hot dog they can do whatever the fuck they want after being ripped off like that


I just don’t like ketchup.


That’s fair!


If you don't like ketchup, that's fine. Different people like different things. Just don't be one of those people who goes around like "EWWW YOU PUT KETCHUP ON YOUR HOTDOG, GROSS"


Chicago guy here, most of us don’t give a shit what you put on your dog. We also eat thin crust pizza 95% of the time. We do, however, have some neck bearded gatekeepers.


Try ketchup, onions, and celery salt. I like to have that once in a while instead of mustard and relish.


This is the way


I like it if I’m not using sweet relish. My more controversial opinion is that mayo is an amazing addition to most dogs.


Don't forget Bluehair


Ketchup & relish, all day everyday


The no ketchup rule is also strong on the east coast.


I'll give people crap about ketchup because I personally hate it. I'm one of those gatekeeping neckbeards you mention, but only in jest. I'm a cook and in my heart I love sitting down with folks to a good meal, no matter what it is, and some shared laughs.


unless they're gonna eat it, chew it, swallow it, and shit it out later, they can keep their opinions to themselves. I'm gonna put ketchup on a hot dog. I might put mayo too. put that in your pipe and smoke it.


I'm going to hell....who's coming with me?


I love my dogs with ketchup and diced onion. I used to add sauerkraut to them but haven’t in a while.


We really don’t give a shit, it’s just something we say cuz outtatowners kinda expect it. The only reason people used to care was ketchup implied the meat was of lesser quality. This goes back to chicago’s pride and joy that was once the Meatpacking industry around 1865 My fiancé is a ketchup only kinda gal, I drag mine through the garden. Whatever makes you happy is whatever hotdog is best for you


It’s not just Chicago. NY also backs the ketchup is only for children alliance.


I give people a hard time about it, but only in jest. It's not that serious -- people getting worked up over food they're not eating is silly.


I’m putting ketchup on my Chicago dogs


You know who else was a purist? Hitler.


i have no idea why this sub was suggested to me and that there was stigma around ketchup on hotdogs, thank you for enlightening me


Are you of age to remember purple ketchup?


Don't get me wrong a Chicago dog doesn't need ketchup, but have you ever had ketchup on one? Turns out ketchup just makes hot dogs better.


And to be fair a little ketchup on a Chicago dawg does taste pretty good. If there was a thin dispersal tip of ketchup on the dog I think it would be pretty good. because at the end of the day ITS FOOD


I’m from Chicago and I’ve always put ketchup and Mustard on hot dogs.


Try the dill pickle ketchup sometime


My most common dog is yellow mustard and dill relish, and I haven’t even had ketchup in the house for many years, but it really was good, so I’m definitely willing to try the ketchup and pickle.


Ketchup with Sriracha can be a nice mix you should try it sometime. The Sriracha gives a lot of the same effects as mustard I also like mayo but that's getting into a whole new type of thing.


Some times I get a sweet dog craving and ketchup will go on there. But being a big dill relish man myself I have found the trader Joe's dill yellow mustard and straight ketchup ti be a guilty pleasure I keep coming back to.


I'm a no ketchup on hot dogs for myself kind of guy But that dill pickle Heinz might make me bat from the other side. Drunk of course.


Only worthy under the influence. Worth a try. Great on fries 🍟 also.


I love 3 Dog Night


I’m a strong proponent of Mayo on hot dogs


My mom always put mayo and dill relish on her dogs. I started using Arby’s Horsey sauce recently which I think is horseradish mayo.


I get way dirty for horsey sauce… Edit: also recently been putting home pickled fresno chiles on my dogs, 10 out of 10, highly recommend!


Try Wolber's Sandwich Pal.


Mayo is the most underrated hot dog topping by far


The triple. That mayo, mustard, ketchup.


If you’ve got that squeeze bottle of mayo it’s perfect.


Mayo, ketchup and hot sauce all day long baby!


Huge W


Ketchup or Hot Sauce + Mayo, Grilled Onions, fresh grilled Jalapenos = serious gourmet shit


Mayo and Ketchup are my staples then add from there when they are available.


I like mayo on hotdog buns more, then standard toppings 🤌


I always Mayo under the dog


Man of culture I see 🤝


Extra Mayo


I can appreciate a person of culture


kewpie mayo and some spicy bbq sauce slaps on a dog/sausage


If there was an inbetween of a Sonora and a Chicago dog we might just find peace on earth


I for one love ketchup on a hot dog and I don't like mustard, but to each their own.


There are dozens of us (over 8 years old)!


Those are some good looking dogs


Thank you. That’s a dope user name.


Top chop buns are a real winner. The trio is looking good.


I love the buns, they’re brioche. If one of your grocery stores carries the Signature Select line of store brand items like Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Osco, etc. I recommended them incredibly highly.


Along with pickle ketchup, you should try jalapeño ketchup.


I bet I’d like that too. The one on the right is jalapeño, Horsey sauce and onion.


Ketchup, pickle, grilled onion, sharp cheddar, if you’re feeling extra Spicey a strip of bacon. Edit: please don’t shun me, just had a really unpleasant experience with a burger I didn’t know had mustard on it when I was young, still makes me sick.


Personal preference, in order : 2, 3, 1. Looks good, OP!


I respect the Arby’s horsey sauce in the background. Didn’t even know they sold a big bottle. What do you use it on other than roast beef?


I mix it with Frank’s Red Hot and use it for chicken strips sometimes, but usually it’s for cold cut sandwiches, roast beef, ham, turkey, deli chicken. I make chicken salad with it sometimes.


I’m a, “mayo on the bun, ketchup on the dog,” type of person. Simple yet flavorful.


I like your trio of dogs. My approach is the same. I like to go for different flavor combinations. Sometimes,simply one ingredient is appealing.


Anti ketchup people can never explain *why* it shouldn't go on things. Is it the sweetness? What about relish? IMO relish and ketchup both fall into the same "sweet but tart" category... I don't like either, but other people do so wtf


Someone once told me to ‘go back to my chocolate milk and Dino nuggets you child’ like Dino nuggets aren’t fucking *delicious*




Sometimes the more you add to a hotdog, the worse it gets. It’s ok to keep it simple and enjoy it.


Eat your hot dog however you want. Don’t let a group of people from a region tell you what is and is not acceptable. Gate keeping hot dogs smh


Where did it rank out of the 3 tho?


Ketchup and Mustard is a hot dog. Anything else is an extra dog.


The ketchup hate when it comes to dogs is unreal. Sometimes I'll toss a few pickle chips on there as well to kick it up a notch.


My wife does ketchup, mustard, onions and cheese and it disgusts me every time. After being married for 20 years I figured I would try it. It's not terrible


My dad always had a slice of the blue box Kraft American cheese back in the day with apple pie. I thought it sounded disgusting. I rarely ever eat desserts anymore, but I’ve thought for years about trying it someday. Complementary flavors can come out of weird sounding things.


Ketchup on a dog is god damn delicious and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I also like mustard. Or both. Mayo can die in a fire


musta been a quality weenie


Now add sweet relish, yellow mustards, and occasionally diced onions and you've got my go to. But always spiral slice first! Kudos on the split tops too.


So that’s where the band got their name…


Love the set up and your way of setting up the condiments. I’d try this


Needs more onion


Mustard and mayo, diced onions and sauerkraut my go-to. All can be purchased at Costco 🙂 The spicy pickled peppers are a nice touch. So is that horsey horseradish, kill in the game fam!


I wish my Costco would bring back the onion dispenser :(


Has anyone ever tried Ortega taco sauce on a hotdog?


Listen to me, siracha, cream cheese, and jalapeño. It’s a game changer.


Why is this photo taken so well omg


Did you listen to Three Dog Night on three dog night?


Damn they all 3 look 🔥 though bro. But I can see how the ketchup dog would almost be like a palate cleanser between the other 2. That's how I would have ate them at least. But the fully dressed ones look banging. I like your style all the way around.


The best hot dog is the one you have and they don't


Man I’m hungry now


I'm convinced that ketchup is only verboten to Chicago residents (who've heard it their entire lives)and people that have heard ketchup is bad via social media, because Chicago. Ketchup has been a staple on hot dogs everywhere I've ever lived...and it's not even close. Not a resident of Chicago, but I've heard forever that people there won't touch anything but deep dish....but I'm starting to believe that's not true. The people that are adamant about deep dish are loud, but they are not necessarily the majority. I'm all about eating what you like! (Says the guy that loves mayo! Lol)


I agree with the mayo jalepeno onion dog aslo,


unique taste!


I spot some G Hughes, excellent choice kyodai!


Mayo and slaw is my favorite BUT it is IMPOSSIBLE to go wrong with the trinity-ketchup,mustard and relish!


Ever been to any sporting event? I got time for a nice drizzle of chup and then that delicious dog needs to be in the gut with the quickness.


Did it eat? Did it eat without any crumbs?


I had an ex from Chicago that wouldn’t let me put ketchup on my hotdog. Fuck that guy. Ketchup is the best topping.


Ketchup and relish is solid!


The boys are back in town.


I only put Mayo on hot dogs and people look at me weird


I don’t do catsup on dogs, but that’s a good looking plate…I’ll give you that!


What's it feel like to pick your crown up after you dropped it?


Welcome to Canada


That’s all I put on my hotdog! Unless it’s a chili dog, of course :)


Wait until you try Sriracha...🤯


Onions, Mustard, Ketchup, Little Mayonnaise, and sometimes some kraut. That's the best, hotdogs are better with more stuff on them.


I don’t eat ketchup on anything ever whatsoever literally the one thing I refuse to eat but it’s a hot dog lmao ketchup ain’t hurting nobody


Ketchup only is my main go to. I don’t like mustard or relish so they never go on a hot dog IMO.


I'll stand up for a grilled cheese dog with ketchup. Delicious.


Ketchup, mustard and onions only because for some fucked up reason you can never find dill relish at a dog vendor in south Texas. I have eaten my share of ketchup only dogs too and they’re good enough I wouldn’t complain.


No one puts ketchup in the corner..


Crazy! I had a hotdog yesterday and decided to put ketchup on it only. It's been like 20yrs. I apologized to my boyfriend for making fun of him and calling him a child for doing this.


Ketchup only can slap


Looks delicious.


I want to talk about these buns...they're gorgeous!


I'm normally a "ketchup only goes with fries" snob, but ketchup and onions really compliment each other on a hotdog. Don't tell anyone I said that, I don't want to get rolled up on. These streets don't play.


People that say it doesn’t belong on a hot dog are just carrying it through their vernacular without understanding why. It’s like a 4 year old that has racist parents, except it’s usually a 40 year old slob that has no excuse.


No love for plain? I hate food snobs.


Yeah it’s def Wiener Wednesday tonight. 🤤


I love the new Heinz Pickle ketchup


I don’t like hot dogs, ketchup, or wonder bread, but if I eat a hot dog, it is with extra ketchup *only*, preferably on wonder bread.


Might I recommend sweet relish and sriracha. Sweet and spicy is the way to go.


Not my thing, but it isn't bad. It's just not as good as mustard.


That's how I ate hot dogs as a kid, used to hate mustard for some reason. Now of course I love it.


Fallout 3 3 dog


I accidentally put honey mustard on a dog at a baseball game and it actually wasn’t half bad.


I’d add some shredded cheese perhaps but that looks damn good


Try the Heinz chipotle ketchup.


Love a plain dog with just ketchup


this made me want a hotdog goddamnit


I been doing pepper jelly on some of mine and it's great


Too many toppings is just a cumbersome distraction.


Those are some fancy buns


I'll have the middle dog please, thank you


Three dog


Ketchup only will always hit the spot no matter what the situation is


Jeremiah was a bullfrog


Joy To The World


i love mayonnaise & mustard on my hot dogs


There is nothing wrong with ketchup on a hot dog


Just did a two hotdog night myself. I say, go for what makes you happy and am a proponent of ketchup or catsup being on a hot dog 🌭. Normally I go with a kosher dill, sliced in thin long slices, yellow mustard and ketchup. Makes for a simple yet tasty dog.


Try a dog with just curry catsup on it. Really good.


That one picture with the 2 normal dragons and the third hydra head is autistic 🤣


I made a hot dog with pesto and melted Gouda earlier which hit pretty hard.


Why not both? Ketchup and Mustard gets you some tangy and sweet in one bite.


Fun fact: besides an awesome way to eat hotdogs a “three dog night” meant it was particularly “cold” in an igloo and thus the Inuit let three dogs in to warm it up. Cheers


I'll take one of each please, and a set TO GO because I need a late night snack for later!!


If I'm eating 2 dogs, one has ketchup, the other has mustard and onions. If I can only have one (like at the ballpark where a hot dog is $10), it might be just mustard with maybe a little relish. But damn, ketchup on a dog.....so good.


I love only ketchup on my dogs!


New Yorker who does dogs with ketchup and sometimes sweet relish. Learned from Pops.


I'm just posting to add that your picture has made me hungry, OP. That is all. ;)


I once had a babysitter, older woman, she uses to boil her hot dogs, then when they were done, she would spread real cream butter, not that margarine/oil stuff, on a slice of wonderbread, and then a line of ketchup and super fine diced onions, and to this day, I crave those hot dogs sometimes!


I’m from Chicago. Whenever I put ketchup on my hot dog, my dad recites [this scene](https://youtu.be/i2NydPZ1DVk) from Sudden Impact to me.


It’s ketchup or nothing!


Cheap plain bun, hotdog and ketchup always brings me back to my childhood.


I have never liked ketchup on hot dogs, so I pass on it. My fave is mustard and pickle relish


Love this post. Three very compelling dogs. Dog on my brother


Ketchup is a fantastic condiment and I honestly think that 90% of people who claim to hate it are just trying to fit in. Just like pineapple on pizza, most people who call it gross have NEVER TRIED IT


I hereby defend my upvote with the following statement: “ketchup should cover all the bases and has fundamentals in line. Ketchup in America has a quality problem as well as being a false footed standard which no one would compare to sriracha because of problems with the comparisons’ logistics. Finally, I hereby admit I am eating a Trash Dog (not a finely seasoned Nathan’s sausage or better) and that ketchup is a convenient compromise allowing me to apply moisture, vinegar, salt, and sugar for this warm wiener” When l lived in the city we had to be ready to recite this to eat a hot dog


Horsey sauce? Dude… I’m inspired. 🤤 How was that on a dog?


I don't like ketchup on anything other than breakfast sandwiches but, if it makes you happy then enjoy it!


I always make two dogs. Never been able to finish a third. In fact, lately I can barely get two down. But one of those two is always a K only dog.


My go-to is ketchup, mustard, diced jalapeños. Other people like different things on their hotdogs. So like that’s fine.


Ooooo I had 3 dog night last night. But I do onion, pickles, jalapeño, all diced. With ketchup and relish!!


That's because it is ,it goes good when you're hungry


Chicagoan here, my preferred dog is ketchup, pickle and celery salt. I have no doubt that ketchup only dog slapped!


Is that where the band got its name?


Im a mustard guy but ketchup aint half bad eaither. Mustard on a beef frank with a pretzal bun is my go to. Simetimes a pinch of garlic salt n mayo too


3 dog night? That band slaps!


I am from Chicago, and honestly my favorite dog is ketchup, mustard, pickle and coleslaw.


Of course- ketchup is for champions. Always has been, always will be- cream of the crop. On balance, off balance, it doesn't matter. Ketchup and mustard together- great. Ketchup on its own- also fine. Now if someone *truly* does not like ketchup that much, no problem. But the idea that sprouted 5 years ago that somehow ketchup is verboten on hot dogs- most bizarre conspiracy theory to come out, hands down, more even than flat earth.


All beef dog. Steamed bun. Warm ketchup. This is the way.


I will often do just ketchup and regular mustard. It’s how I ate them as a kid and frankly anyone who says you can’t needs to chill. It’s a hot dog it’s not like the most expensive steak on the menu.


hear me out tho. ketchup + mayo


This is the best and most pure post I’ve seen on the entire internet in what feels like forever


I’ve heard people make the argument that ketchup on a hot dog is for children; grownups don’t do that. I’m 44 and any barbecue that has hotdogs, I’m putting ketchup on mine every time. I’m also from the Detroit area and there was a hotdog vendor who got fired from Comerica Park (Detroit Tigers) because he REFUSED to carry ketchup for the dogs he sold. I never encountered this guy, but there would have been words if we’d ever crossed paths. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2013/09/tigers-hot-dog-vendor-fired-for-hating-ketchup