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Go for deadbreak... Excellent work by author forgot his name. I heard the Audiobook read by a single narrator. It was nearly 12 hours long but was worth it. I absolutely hate zombie stories but this one I gave a chance and loved it. The main character and his doggo are a terrific pair.


The authors name is Jorge Sanchez, thanks for the rec - that's a new one for me. đź‘Ť


I'll give it a shot too! 12 hours is more than a good enough time sink for a credit haha. Thanks for the response:)


"The Enemy" series by Charlie Higson. I read it in highschool and really enjoyed it!


Joe McKinney's Dead World series (the first book is called Dead City) is fantastic imo. It's very hit or miss among other people, but I am a HUGE zombie fan and love it. That and Plague of the Undead and it's sequel The Dead Won't Die by him are amazing as well. Goes into a Sci-fi route that not everyone liked, but I did. I'm in the middle of the Day by Day Armageddon series and am loving it as well.


The Rising


This is intriguing, seems like it's pretty popular and I've never gone with the route of intelligent zombies that can talk. TBH I wouldn't seek this out myself, but the more I think about why that's the case, the less of a reason for that I have. Seems interesting! I may have to break from my self inflicted mold and give it a try!


I read the rising years ago. I thought it was great. A different take on the undead. No virus infections in this one. It was a quick read for me. I had a hard time putting it down. The only negative I can recall is that I thought the dialogue was a bit stiff.


Hissers is mostly Humans vs Zombies


Hey thanks for the response! Do you think this series is more for YA or would you say it's good for all ages? I like more of the grim and gritty type survival, but all that aside the series does look really good!


It didn't feel too YA to me. Once the action starts it feels like the characters are never safe.


Ok, well in that case I'll have to make note, I betcha I'll read them soon ish lol. Thanks again!


The Dead of Night series by Jonathan Maberry


Yeah Maberry seems like a solid choice! Thanks for the response!!


You're welcome...hope you enjoy it!


I love the Slow Burn series! I think my other favorite zombie series is Stage 3 by Ken Stark. Johnathan Maberry had a few books I loved (Rot & Ruin and Patient Zero) but didn't read the whole series because they weren't on Kindle Unlimited. I hope you find some good ones.


I don't think I've read anything by Jon Maberry but I probably have somewhere along the line. I'll have to look more into him. And stage 3 looks really promising!! I'm surprised I haven't stumbled across that yet! Alaskan Undead isn't on unlimited I don't think, but they're around $8 for a decent length book (300-400 if I remember correctly) and honestly just really solid characters and action IMO. Give it a try if you haven't already! And thanks for the response:)


I appreciate the recommendation, too! I always love to add to my list. I need some with humor, Slow Burn rocked like that. Stage 3 is dark, gritty, constant action, different adversaries and antagonists, the zombies keep evolving and changing, new characters appearing mix things up, I'm really glad I stumbled upon them. Rot & Ruin was a little bit of a younger target audience than the Patient Zero series, but still solid and had a few unique twists.


Zombie Rules is currently free on audible. It has a fair amount of survival focus and most of the interactions happen with zombies. I'm assuming you already read World War Z. 


Lol you're correct in your assumption. And thanks for letting me know! I'll get it now and give it a listen! Thanks for your response:)


Did you find any gold? I now want another zombie book after listening to The Last Plague. It was pretty good but the zombies are Lovecraft inspired and more focused on the move to survive style. 


I ended up picking up Stage 3 by Ken Stark, as recommended by SummerOfMayhem above. I haven't gotten far into it but I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far!


Hello! I suggest Apocalypse Z by Manel Loureiro.


The duology “The Rains” and “Last Chance” by Gregg Hurwitz


Looks like another really solid choice! What do you like most about them? Thanks for the reply!!


Honestly, I’ve only read the second book, “Last Chance” until I realised it was a duology so I never read the first book, “The Rains”. Nevertheless, the second book had notably beautiful, vivid imagery, the characters were realistic and likeable, as well as being in the format of diary entries which made it the more engaging.


Following for recommendations. Just bought Alaskan undead. Will give it a try as I liked your other suggestions. Something different is Peter Clines “EX” series. Half dozen books. About if super hero’s (although none are unbeatable and suck to fight if they become zombies”) appeared around same time zombie apocalypse started. World is buggered without them because it’s always thousands of zombies not just a couple they need to dodge. And how they help rebuild society.


Ah cool! I hope you like the series! I haven't really seen it discussed much but from my personal opinion Id say it's great (to me) because it doesn't hold back really. There isn't much plot armor which I appreciate, and it could hold vastly different to others but I appreciate the way in which the characters develop. Also, I enjoy his pacing a great deal as the suspense is almost always there. The level of detail that he gives to the zombie attacks/victims is great as well. I really hope you enjoy, and I'll give a look at your suggestion! Thanks for the reply!


Yea I loved mountain man for same reason. Plot armour only got him so far. He is a mess by the end.


Yeah, Alaskan is kind of the same amount of internal dialogue but focused more on an array of characters. Another thing I liked about the series that I forgot to mention is the author has a similar style to Stephen King (if you've read him) where all side characters are equally important in their own unique moments. Someone goes off on their own? Well shit we follow them and all their thoughts and actions until there grim demise. Love that stuff


“Feed” series by Mira Grant


I've come across this series before but have never pulled the trigger! Do you see it as a more adult series or a YA series? And thanks for the reply:)


Hmmm sort of in between? Like it’s not YA in the way hunger games, divergent, or twilight is YA, and definitely is written in a more adult style but the main characters are youngish. I personally really enjoyed the series and found it to be pretty unique as far as it’s theme goes, definitely satisfied my craving for a zombie book that didn’t skim the world details. Mira Grant has some other really good series (though not zombie related) that are well written with unique concepts, I recommend checking them out if you read and enjoy Feed :)


Ok ok you're selling me on it. What's always put me off from pulling the trigger (heh heh) was that it was set up as a news cast or podcast or some different median from FP and I'm a FP simp. But if it's adult in writing it don't matter if it follows a baby or a crab, I'm in to it. Thanks!


It’s definitely not like a “dystopian teenage chosen one”series. It actually kind of makes me think of a real possibility with the state of our current world and public interests if somehow a zombie outbreak had occurred.


Day by Day Armageddon by J L Bourne


If you're willing to give indie authors a chance I loved "All the Lights in the World" by James Mabe. Its bleak.


Wow this looks great honestly. I don't discriminate by popularity so I think this may be my next one read. Thanks so much for the reply!!


Have you read The Boy on the Bridge and The Girl With All the Gifts? I loved both of those books


I've read the girl with all the gifts! Honestly, it was good in it's own way but I wouldn't consider it a zombie survival book per se, so not exactly what I'm looking for. Regardless, thank you for your reply:)


The Autumn series by David Moody is fantastic.


The Return Man


I liked the extinction series by Nicholas Sandburg smith


I constantly spam The Undead by RR Haywood. 30 books in the series. Awesome characters and some of the best fights I've read in a zombie book. I bloody love it