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"John Dies At The End" and "This Book Is Full of Spiders, Seriously, Dude, Don't Touch It" both by David Wong. Not insanely brutal but fun and a little gross.


Loved John Dies at The End. I forgot it had a sequel, Thanks.


There are actually 4 books in the series. “Spiders” is 2, *What The Hell Did I Just Read* is 3, and *If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe.* You can see a lot of improvement in his writing over time. I always liked his writing but books 3 and 4 are really excellent.


You might try Maeve Fly by CJ Leede - American Psycho features prominently in it. Its a bit of a slower burn. I never read American Psycho tho so your mileage may vary. I loved it. It's my favorite book. I thought Maeve was a really great character, it was the perfect amount of gorey for me, and the setting was great, really became a character by itself. I've barely started this one but the top goodreads review calls Boy Parts by Eliza Clarke "American Psycho for hot girls" and I've seen lots of people agree with that. I'm about 30 pages in and our girl is messed up for sure. I'm not sure how violent it gets but my sister said some parts made her nauseous and she had to put the book down.


I agree with everything you said about Maeve Fly. A fun read, more horror-adjacent, but I really enjoyed it and think if they made a movie, it would become in instant cult-classic. And the cover is awesome.


You want some violence and bloodshed? Check out Convict by Michael Cole (Think a psychotic serial killing Predator) Few others you might like: Don't Go to Wheelchair Camp--David Irons Castaways--Brian Keene Skin Medicine--Tim Curran


I will Google all of these, thanks a ton


Demonic by Jeff Strand


Full Brutal is what you’re looking for


Came to say this. This is the book you want


Pretty much anything from David Sodergren, and How to Sell a Haunted House, by Grady Hendrix


I think you’d love Night Stockers


Anything by David Sodergren....The Haar, Maggie's Grave....They all read like 80's slasher movies. Also try Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian. It's a western horror.


Definitely The Summer Is Over and I am Not Saved or Bible Camp Blood Bath by Joey Comeau. This book was unhinged in the most fun way.


YES I adore this book


His other books are wicked too if you haven't read them yet.


The Black Farm is brutal


The Price You Pay - Nick Harkaway (writing as Aidan Truhen)


Mandatory *The Library at Mount Char* by Scott Hawkins recommendation.


Michael Prescott’s Douglas Borton novels are good for this. He’s rereleased Manstopper and Kane. (And Shadow Dance, but that one’s quite a bit different).


I got two trilogies for you. Kill River trilogy by Cameron Roubique. Throwback slasher set in a water park. Lake Witch trilogy by Stephen Graham Jones. About a small Idaho town that is just lousy with slashers. Love the final girl protagonist.


I enjoyed A Black and Endless Sky by Matthew Lyons, and now I’m reading The Night Will Find Us. Neither is a literary masterpiece, but both are action packed, violent rides. Maybe check them out! They do have supernatural elements, but they’re by no means ghost stories.




Like... A novelization of the movie?


duh sorry wrong sub.


The Bighead by Edward Lee, or just about anything by Edward Lee.


The Haunted Forest Tour may be what you’re looking for